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Everything posted by BlendingInfinite

  1. It is kind of silly to now justify myself. However, I do it. It were questions about your arguments to how success works. And in addition what I have experienced in this regards and what I have found out.
  2. Like I could say inspect the belief that it is good to invest in a retirement account.
  3. Like everything you write is potentiality a belief to inspect. And nobody knows how certain believes affect the reality of people, because everybody feels different about them.
  4. It is thread related because it was about pillars success. How you feel about thoughts depends on you. People feel different about them. Sure, you just can't argue about your work e.g.but the conseuences would be hard in most cases depending on the profession. What I said wasn’t of your view on Reality. However, it isnt humble to obviously believe yozr view is always correct.
  5. This is the first time I draw a whole face. And I usually don't draw at all in general. It just took me 10-15 minutes and I only watched a video regarding the ear. That is why I appreciate this - it feels like a good success to me.
  6. @Phil In addition, situations often happen in which you are forced to defend yourself verbally. So with arguments that are logically closed, e.g. If you don't do that, then someone can, for example, badmouth your work or spread things about you that aren't true. Then you have to stand up and correct that. But then that creates resistance again, so you get even more of it... What can you do there please? It's as if the environment forces you to behave in a certain way and thus align your life with the environment. How can you create independently?
  7. I had a situation where my finances supported everything, but then something unexpected and unpredictable happened that suddenly changed the situation. And to say that I attracted it on is also a bit difficult, because I felt good all the time. This creates the feeling that you don't really have free will, because situations can come from the outside that simply destroy everything. Even if you didn't thought in a way that attracts this situations. And often times the environment does not want that you elevate yourself in a way which could make them jealous. This is somehow triggering to people and then they start fighting you - even if you did not speak one word to them and did not do anything which affects them in any way. The only thing which really affects success is extracting rules, principles and habits from direct life experience and stick to them no matter what. This seems way more easy than it actually is. @PhilWhat are your thoughts on this?
  8. People always see wrong strength and weaknesses in myself e.g. So an additional point would be to only trust yourself about things which have to do with you like personality, strengths and weaknesses etc.
  9. The guy at the beginning of the video on the right.
  10. @FaithYou can just be humble one time and just say nothing. But I guess you cannot manage it. I asked you before to do that. Multiple times. For me it is hard to discussing stuff with people, who weren't blessed by the god of wisdom or intelligence. It is one weakness of mine. Normally, one just has to stay friendly. But it is easier said than to be done.
  11. Like this feeling of an annoying person who doesn't want to stop and talks bs all day long.
  12. You don't trigger me. It is really just annoying. Maybe triggering in a way you feel if an old lady in a bus doesn't stop talking to you even though you ignore her.
  13. I think women should only be able to have abortions if they can prove that they were raped and are under 18 or something like that. But these are all unlikely borderline cases.
  14. It is as fucked up as to say women should be allowed to abort children. I compare different sources, sometimes the right is right.
  15. @Faith It's just annoying because you're constantly saying stupid things that are too short and one always have to correct it. As if you think you are smarter than you actually are and want to be right. I'm only interested in expressing things that are true and understandable. Not any impulsive quick and naive statements. And if you are, then you are annoyed by people who have no idea what they are talking about and act immodestly. If you think you are right, then please explain it with arguments and conclusions and not some unsubstantiated opinions thrown into the room.
  16. And I told you before multiple times - stop writing me. It is annoying to me and feels like I have to communicate with a brickstone or something like that.
  17. You suffer from the negative Dunning-Kruger effect. Take a look at this, maybe you'll learn something.
  18. This is another proof to me, that this is the case. You cannot say someone is not bright because he once briefly got something wrong. Such statements are not bright. Because the core statement or conclusion is correct. But if someone makes logical conclusions that are not true, then that is not bright - obviously. However, you may don't get it.
  19. That's why I meant that you don't have to have sex with 100 men or live polygamously. Since a steady partner is obviously more willing to have a vasectomy. That was obvious from the context. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alimony '.. In most jurisdictions, it is distinct from child support, where, after divorce, one parent is required to contribute to the support of their children by paying money to the child's other parent or guardian..' - Yes I somehow thought about marriage and got that wrong. Just typed it while walking and didn't thought much about the terminology. However, you knew what I meant anyways, so it was more like unnecessary know-it-all attitude from your side.
  20. Also, of course, it's not equal if men can't abort the children. There are a lot of women out there who deliberately use their pregnancy as a means of pressure or control and to get alimony.
  21. The discussion has been going on for a long time and there are hardly any new arguments to be made. I don't care if you don't agree with it. Many don't, but many people aren't very bright either. But many people also agree. Satanists use abortions for sacrifices.
  22. Moreover, vasectomy is much more safe. You don't have to fuck around with 100 guys. Doesn't make sense either, as polygamy is not an effective long-term strategy. Ravens e.g. to plan years ahead and may more intelligent than humans in at least that matter. They live in monogamy. As you don't have to look constantly for new partners etc.
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