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Everything posted by BlendingInfinite

  1. Can we stop this Leo-Shit? He is just one YouTuber, who is not special in any way and tells bullshit or self-explainatory things all the time.
  2. I can only underline that. In the beginning, I always changed the approach because situations looked dicey. But then I always got through in the end anyway. Because I couldn't finish anything, I had no successes. Now things are unfolding, as I stick to two approaches at the same time. It is better if you create couple of hundreds of business plan and execute the top 3 simulatenously. Then see what works best and focus on that. However, the most unrisky and effective method is to buy a business using bank loans.
  3. He runs the forum for seo reasons. It is the same with him double posting his YouTube videos. @Philthat is why yoiu shouldnt run the forum on a subdomain. Make it a slug meaning with a slash. So there will be more visitors.
  4. You forgot scientology. I went there to test it out one time. It was a similar feeling as actualized.
  5. I use Muse since some time now and find it great. Because of the biofeedback, it is easier to recognize distractions. Moreover, there are additional guided meditations and one can meditate on ones own heartbeat, posture etc. It also tracks the effects of breathing. https://choosemuse.com/muse-2/
  6. Even though it uses terminology like "motivation", this could be a helpful source https://www.lifehack.org/
  7. Generally, I don't like the idea of obligation. But for me time-management is fun, as I like organization. So currently, my process is like the following using Pareto principle coupled with Parkinsons law (got it from "The Four Hour Work Week") Pareto is the typical 80/20 rule e.g., but could also be like 95/5 etc. Parkinsons law states that you take as long for a task as you believe it would take e.g. if someone put a gun onto your head, you would completed the task much faster so imagine someone puts a gun on your head, everytime you want to complete a task in high speed : D sounds more like obligation xD However, I think it is more about "positive stress", which is basically focus without distraction, combined with a strong desire to achieve a task - which could be counterproductive. So my personal conclusion is to take the focus, without distraction and combine it with inspiration and enthusiasm. The order is as follows Pareto Principle - for task selection Parkinsons Law - for task execution note on my side: the Pareto principle is basically other than most often stated. Many people - like Tim Ferriss - did not understand it correctly or communicated it other than it actually is - for whatever reason. However, I still writing about the "traditional" Pareto principle bullet journal https://bulletjournal.com/ What methods do you like to use and/or do you have something to add?
  8. Today I was in a book store and got some ideas. E.g. buy a jigsaw with an image, which inspires you. Now you "put the pieces together" until what inspires you becomes reality. It's a bit like the dream board: first you have the idea to buy the puzzle, then it became reality as you have the puzzle and subsequently everything arranges itself until it becomes reality - first nothing was there, now it is there or was created. Or make a vision board and create your own jigsaw out of it (e.g. use https://www.createjigsawpuzzles.com/). Another thing that I think makes a big difference - at least for me - is buying a notepad that is a little bigger than the usual ones and has pages with dots instead of lines or squares. It also has a picture on the front that makes you feel good every time you look at it. So before you open your notepad, you already feel better - that's the part that makes most of the difference. Then you can write everything down. Multi-column notes or you can draw something on it, etc. This is what I have bought e.g.
  9. https://www.affluent.co/academy Just found this one. Seems to be the no. 1 course about building an online marketing agency. There are possibilities to get this for free. However, you have to discover that by yourself.
  10. Phil, could you compose a book list of books that gave most value to you and your clients? I am sure, many people are interested in that.
  11. I like his information, too. His books and philosophy are inspiring. However, many things are common sense.
  12. Rupert Spira said deep sleep is awareness without content. But I didn't got the insight.
  13. Neil Patel is of course the no. 1 guy in online marketing. He consulted Google, Facebook and more and his own keyword/SEO search engine, where he aims to compete with Ahrefs etc. https://www.youtube.com/c/NeilPatel
  14. I am a professionell engineer and tell you you don’t have to code. Only for SaaS. For websites use webflow. For funnels use clickbank. And other no coding platforms.
  15. Yes, belittling is not ok. If you can explain exactly, why I did this - please do it. But until then, it looks for me more like you interpreting my text in a certain way which isn't in alignment with objective reality. Criticism is always appropriate and to talk things more beautiful than they really are, is neither in my interest nor in the interest of others.
  16. Expressing has nothing to do with repressing. And it is also no projection. If you say something public or not does not Make much difference in emotions. I also like his old stuff.
  17. Leo is someone who hadn't success in the academic teaching area and now he wants to live this out in spirituality. Which of course doesn't work in the same or similar way. Moreover, he is someone who wants to be the best at a thing out of minority complex and ego and thus he made himself delude in a self-madeup spiritual philosophy and wants to convince other people, that it is not a philosophy so it is easier to believe for himself. He said he wanted to drop the "criticism" bomb at philosophy as he was on college. That didn't work, now he want to drop the "psychedelic" bomb not noticing that people doing 5-MEO since centuries before. He himself always says deluding oneself is a good strategy to become successful. This is of course not the case and he himself is the best example with decreasing business and audience. Now he is developing a psychosis. Congratulations. If you read the books on his list and other stuff too, you notice that above 95% is copied by other people. What he says often times 1:1. And if he adds his own thoughts or insights, it is often times not consistent. You notice that watching the TOE episodes e.g. and also watching his channel, which has nothing new on content since over 2 years. And then someone real like Phil comes along and of course this means beef 😄
  18. And I thought man have to compare themselves all the time.
  19. If a generator would be there, then it would produce power 😛
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