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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. I can't think of anything good to think about.
  2. Stumble out of bed and I go into the bathroom...stayin in the bathroom never gone leave it... fuck you world I'm hiding in the bathroom.... la la la la la can't hear you...
  3. I've reached stage pumpkin spice.
  4. I'm going for a scientologist gal myself.
  5. I've reached stage fuzzy navel, it's even higher than technicolor sepia.
  6. I've reached stage technicolor sepia. It's almost definitely the highest stage there is.
  7. Don't need to lol, can't actually 🤣
  8. A distinct feeling of unease comes when seeing pictures of my high school friends kids on Instagram....i think it has more to do with so called mortality beginning to loom than the fact that their kids look creepy, but I'm not sure.
  9. Definitely thought about this one, I didn't write here because it's not really a Trojan horse in that it's explicitly about it, but yeah, I like that one.
  10. Oh, so you get to the point where you are able to compassionately tell comforting untruths to those who "can't handle the 'absolute' truth"? Like the government lying to its citizens so as "not to cause a panic"? Relative and absolute aren't separate things. The ends don't justify the means, the ends are the means, the medium is the message. You are not further along any path than anybody.
  11. Try reading my response before going back to edit. I'm answering these very questions for you.
  12. Yeah, I have a weird hang up about that(lying in order to have sex). Sex, not so much, I enjoy it pretty regularly.
  13. How what's not funny? Movies that normalize man-babies lying their asses off to have sex? I mean, there's jokes in it that make me laugh yeah... Or the meme being funny? I do think it's funny because it couldn't be more spot on. I was just commenting on that part of culture that the movie was born out of.
  14. Not a Mormon one, but yeah, growing up
  15. Oh yes, the innocent days with light hearted comedies about having sex under false pretense...sigh
  16. @Joseph Maynor it's all there in the Tao teh ching, give it another read.
  17. Kind of the scarcity mindset which keeps repelling abundance. It's not just semantic language it's actually the way it works. Nonduality, energy, attraction, doesn't only apply to certain things, it's the essential way of things. Money is just an idea afterall, and ideas flow easily toward that which attracts them. Momentum seems to keep things stagnant or flowing, it's just inertia, habit, grooves worn in over time.
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