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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. Kind of the scarcity mindset which keeps repelling abundance. It's not just semantic language it's actually the way it works. Nonduality, energy, attraction, doesn't only apply to certain things, it's the essential way of things. Money is just an idea afterall, and ideas flow easily toward that which attracts them. Momentum seems to keep things stagnant or flowing, it's just inertia, habit, grooves worn in over time.
  2. Abundance is attracted in general, and money is included in that.
  3. nostalgia for things that kill you
  4. Also, I guess you'd be down to wear the "special underwear" celebrate all the holidays, observe all their restrictions, live your whole life as one of them, deal with the very possible inherited trauma such a restrictive upbringing often gives one, etc.?
  5. You know "condone" means "are in favor of"?
  6. You'd be doing the exact same thing as a pua by going to a church you don't belong to strictly with a sexual motive.
  7. Ah. Like a predator would. Gotcha.
  8. Why? Do you know the history of how it got started? Do you agree with their teachings? Or you just want "untainted" women?
  9. I knew I would open the Tao teh ching to exactly the right passage for this point, and I did,
  10. You can expend energy and movement exercising, which is conducive to health etc., or you could expend even more energy flailing around or getting into fights in a way that is conducive to pain and fatigue, which pays no dividends. You can follow a thought like a dog chasing a squirel and the next thing you know you're lost miles away from anywhere you want to be, or you can observe the thought but not chase it wildly and save yourself a lot of trouble. Work, movement, industiousness, on their own don't inherently lead toward anything at all.
  11. Doing is a tricky concept. You can "do" a lot and get nothing "done" or do a little and get a lot done. Doing in itself isn't inherently productive. Movement begets change, but change isn't always in favor of "more", it can be equally destructive as constructive.
  12. Maybe, but I sort of doubt it. If our natural state is abundance, it would seem doing less is more, same with the state of the planet.
  13. Which attracts more real abundance? Expanding consciousness( ie meditating) or working 18 hour shifts in a coal mine in the name of "industry"?
  14. You don't have to "do" much at all to attract abundance. Yes, I'm still figuring out how the fuck to do this, but the answer isn't be more industrious. In fact, "industry" itself is destroying ours and our planets natural abundance.
  15. Does industrious equal more money? The obvious answer is a resounding "no", I'm sorry. The two are pretty sadly unrelated. Do you know anyone who's done fuck all and has more than someone who works their ass off? If you don't, you need to get out more. It's a nice bedtime story, but it's not true.
  16. I'm already broke lol. It's not that interesting it's just true, industrious does not equate to having more money. You don't need to kick a rock very far to find a million examples of this.
  17. Lol, like to think that all you want. That's the lie of capitalism. Anyway, nothing really "gets done". Who was more industrious, slaves or their owner? Who actually built this country and who gets the credit for it, and who holds the legacy and wealth that is the result of the actual getting done of the things?
  18. I'm not so sure. Aren't the 1% pretty fucking non-industrious compared to the people who work for them getting paid in dirt?
  19. Consciousness is the container and the contents, and there is absolutely nobody to "get it" or "not get it".
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