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Robed Mystic

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Everything posted by Robed Mystic

  1. Exactly!! You get it!! This is it in a nutshell!! Look behind the words for what it's pointing to and then the word that describes it really doesn't matter. I don't know if you realize it or not but this is the "Leo" trap or at least one aspect of it that I was eluding to earlier.
  2. You gotta remember Love is Absolute. Love encompasses a self, a no self, the avoidance of Truth, that there is no Truth and nothing to avoid, and also that there is Truth that the ego avoids. It is all. It is One
  3. Precisely. And this is what you need right now. You need to grow and those teachings were not going to help you in your current stage of life. Love you too.
  4. Yes what you said a about terms and terminology is dead on. For example - if I use the word infinity - people call it Leoism. But you have to ask yourself why? Do we call the word God Judaism? Why recreate the wheel or create a new word when the word is what it defines? We could - but why? To prevent someone from thinking it was parroting? Who cares? If you care then you miss what is being pointed to
  5. True that man. But you were very fucked up from what you were shown on psychedelics. You did not want to face these Truths and you were not ready for them. You know I love you bro - you are the man. And in fact I'm sure I will talk to you later in person since its been a while! Didn't mean anything by that other than these Truths or facets of Truth are very threatening to our existence and for good reason
  6. Right because they were taken out of context and out of order far before you had the foundations or even the life experience. This again is why psychedelics can shatter one's life if they aren't ready. If you have been listening to spiritual teachings at age 16 then take DMT you may be shown something you were not prepared for.
  7. I'm not superior nor would I ever claim to be man. I'm sorry if you took it that way. The difference between Darth Sidious and myself is I I am conscious of Oneness. Does my ego act out? Sure all of ours do. But if you realize it you can rise above that and find selflessness. I don't claim to be superior to you. I never did.
  8. Josh - come on man I've brought you back from the abyss becaise you took the stuff as a belief and you weren't ready for everything. You were a Connor Murphy basically. So you can be vindictive towards Actualized or you can realize that you got too deep into spirituality too fast. And that is why I don't personally throw all this stuff at you. It's too much for you and you are no where near ready. That's also why it is better to take all of the deeper material and shield it from young impressionable eyes - like yourself. And that is being done as we speak. At the same time you also have to man up.
  9. The real question is - why is your ego triggered by this? What if this is fact. Again - I do not say an awakened person is better than another. That is your projection. It is a fact that you can awaken to God. Whether you have or not does not make you better or special.
  10. Why do you assume it's brainwashing? What if that's your ego and what we are pointing to is Truth? No one ever said that. More assumptions and projections. Your right I'm just a dude. I don't hold the Truth the Truth holds me.
  11. Better not be bud! Or I will hit you with my staff!! 😀
  12. No no...stop deflecting. If you wish to have a conversation let's have it. You think im.avoiding responsibility for being blunt about these teachings. Why? Do you think I and Actualized have harmed people in certain ways by laying it all out for them? We have given plenty of disclaimers not to take this stuff as a belief. So why do you think I should take responsibility for something here as if I've damaged someone or done someone damage? If you don't like the teachings turn it off. Stop taking the victim mentality that someone needs to be responsibile for you taking this as a belief. Or if not you, someone else. You see where i was going with the earlier statement about responsibility being your own?
  13. But will they be ready for them? That's when you get a Cpnnor Murphy. I am not personally a fan of unearned wisdom.
  14. Leo was shown the same Truths I speak of via psychedelics. He realized God. As I have. So at this point it is realized that anyone who had ever influenced you was yourself. This is a very profound realization. So there is no avoiding responsibility. All responsibility is ultimately yours but you have given it away.
  15. That could possibly be your bias - and this is just my style. I'm blunt.
  16. Yes, everyone's style is different but this doesn't make them smarter or better. Some are blunt, some play word games, some want you to figure it out for yourself. Well any good teacher would and this is regardless of whether they are blunt or ambiguous. But either way we need the shoulders of Giants. We have all climbed up on them All of us. No exceptions. This includes all your past and current teachers. And I'm sure you know why that is.
  17. Isn't that yet another assumption? Boy..the assumptions around here are absolutely insane 😀 Why does there have to be a reason I came here? Is that not yet another assumption? By the way - much respect for you too. And much love ❤️ Oh, and I don't need anyone's permission to be here. Just my own - and I've granted it! 😀
  18. Indeed. I could have clarified and said it this way Truth is not from Leo. Leo is from Truth. And thanks. Truth is prior to what is being labeled here as Leoism. This is the ego's way of bastardizing Truth to keep God from awakening- as this will be the demise of the ego. When one realizes Truth for themselves directly - they realize this because they have transcended all teachers and realized God. From the vantage point of the unawakened - they are unable to tell what is true until they discover it, and they then may attack a particular teacher rather than staying open minded and exploring all possibilities if their desire for Truth is strong. Again this is the ego's way of being close minded and that is to keep it alive. To @Joseph Maynor so they may say one is parroting or defending another - but what they don't realize is that they may be conscious of something you are not yet aware of, and are pointing to it. Which is what @Ges was saying in his last post. There may be something flying over your head that if you are too distracted with criticism you may miss.
  19. I really wouldn't look at it so black and white - or that you are at a higher stage if you don't talk about your awakenings. I was merely explaining how tbis was not an ideology for me. I dont talk very much avout them, but at the same time there is nothing wrong with it, nor is it at a "lower stage" to do so. Awakenings to God are miraculous things. Basically, as I mentioned before, there really isn't a right or wrong here. Talking about higher stages and how you can advance to this or that stage is also ego.. it's all very relative, of course. Ones actions one day to the nexr can change - so you shouldn't let them define you. If you let those things define you, you will probably just cause yourself a lot of suffering.
  20. @Joseph Maynor I can't speak for Leo. for me, i completely stumbled onto spirituality one day in 2018 with no previous beliefs or ideology. I was raised a Jew, but you could say I was athiest as I really just believed religion was good for giving people something to believe in. Then I listened to some of the teachings while doing meditation and self inquiry and that's when I had my awakenings. It was within a few weeks of meditation. I then had a further awakening about a month or two afterwards. So I wasn't like Leo in which I had been doing spirituality for years or had some ideology built up in my head.
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