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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Awesome. More of the desire being revealed. So then what’s a dream which allows for the dreams, and what are those dreams? A chief desire which allows the sub desires. Messing around wasting dream. But now we’re encroaching on that psychological monster (time, age, etc). Simpler and most effective just to manifest the desire first. Imagining.
  2. The Egyptian Air Force. Yes but experientially the running thrill would be more perception & sensation based. What’s the chief desire? Keep messing around and you’ll end up like this guy…
  3. That there are buildings is a belief, psychological as it were. So a monster taller than buildings would be too. I assure you I’m very good at helping and if you’d like to experience a psychological monster convincingly taller than buildings I can definitely help. I can assist in making it seem real. Indistinguishably real. You’ll fully believe you’re being chased by a monster bigger than buildings. Well yeah man. Let’s not dilly dally, let’s cut right to the chief desire.
  4. That’s presumed, this is actually still the dream, and there aren’t things in a dream. What about joining the EAF?
  5. Check Uber. How much would the 515 km ride be? No of course not. I am pro-your-desires.
  6. @Isagi Yoichi Drive wise how far is Ukraine and Israel?
  7. Honestly trying to get on the same page here I swear… the scene desired is being chased by a monster? Feelings like horror and being terrified? I can help with the monster. Would you like a psychological monster or a monster of perception and sensation? Or will only the trifecta do?
  8. Break the cycle (shame-cocaine-shame-cocaine) by micro-dosing mushrooms.
  9. How did you get things into a dream? And how did you get inside of the dream such that you were a perceiver perceiving the things?
  10. @Isagi Yoichi So the desire is to be in a state of excitement? And to literally be running from a monster?
  11. @Isagi Yoichi Can you describe the state you were in, and the crazy shit / stuff?
  12. @Isagi Yoichi A specific state? Or the crazy shit in your dream specifically?
  13. What if there aren’t states? Were you still in one? Likewise of course, sleep. What do you want to manifest?
  14. Here we are smack dab in the middle between conversations of world events, emptying, well being & conscious creating, laughing at it all / getting the joke, consideration for career paths, entrepreneurship, etc and………… the path, celebrating & sharing and nonduality / self-recognition. Still believing in separation? Believing you are the body? A person among people? Feeling the guidance? Listening? Don’t you see why you, being reality, break your heart? It’s to open it. To flood the mind with yourself. To dispel these beliefs. To bring suffering to an end. Do you believe the timing is off? Do you believe the heartbreak is something else? Reflective of a self of thoughts which is never actually present? Do you believe that you, Source, are limited? Not intelligent enough to manifest, to be the partner, the significant other you desire? This isn’t convincing enough? Still believing love is finite & coming from other? Keep it simple. Great, or not great.
  15. You love, and reality is. “Fear” & the belief in death tell you so.
  16. The thoughts are ‘saying’… suffering is pain. Suffering is of discordant thoughts. Can’t be pointed to. Pain is of sensation, bodily & localized. Can be pointed to. The thought(s) are really about suffering being pain. Re-contextualization is emotional denial & suppression. The new context, emperor’s new clothes, is so an emotion isn’t felt. An ‘explaining away’. As you’re experiencing, it doesn’t actually work & something’s quite ‘off’. The re-contextualization of the emotion suppressed, in addition to pain, is “karmic content”. This is conditioning re-contextualized as karma. This is not karma, this is conditioning. De-contextualization is a dispelling of a concept / conceptualization / conceptualizing, and acknowledging & allowing emotion to be felt. Actions & behaviors change accordingly, and karma is then actually experienced. Re-contextualizing is denial of emotion(s). Denial of the emotion felt & denial that the suppressed emotion is influencing behaviors & actions. Note of course the willingly paying for the consensual service, and the hindsight re-contextualization of ‘money she took from you’. Yoga means unity. Stopping the yoga is perpetuating the suppression of emotion, by believing / upholding conjecture (conceptualizations & re-contextualizations). The relative, karmic repetition, sticky thought, welded, my consciousness, I can remember, past life, karmic memory, transcendental states, destroying thoughts, karmic thought, my life and (I) understand. These are all concepts, re-contextualizations. Aversion from acknowleding & feeling (an) emotion. Inferiority, shit, humiliation, shame & embarrassment are also all concepts (re-contextualizations) in aversion from emotion. Rumination as in incessant ‘thinking’ is emotional suppression. A smokescreen of thought activity, new concepts, new re-contextualizations, new interpretations & explanations… mental busywork if you will. Two ways of pointing to what is one & the same.
  17. Panpsychism & solipsism framed as enlightenment are potentially isolating.
  18. Well done brother. ♥️
  19. Slippery slope, group think / normalizing projection of lack. There’s another forum built on that already, isn’t it so? Like a Slip & Slide made of olive oil.
  20. That rad is already the case.
  21. Maybe the paradigms of life as a game / playing mind games doesn’t jive well with relationships.
  22. Yes, you got it. The nature of Being, and that Being is being This. No reason. Whatever works best really.
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