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Everything posted by Phil

  1. The frustration, impatience & pessimism are how the thoughts about a separate self feel.
  2. @Reena Ok. I just asked if you had tried, that’s all.
  3. @Jonas Long Then the term ‘something that projects’ would be better. This is projection, just not by or onto something else.
  4. @Jonas Long This is projection like a movie. But not like a movie in the sense there’s something or someone projecting and something or someone projected upon.
  5. @Jonas Long Looking / seeing is projection.
  6. @Jonas Long Just by being this / projecting.
  7. @Jonas Long Meaning is apparent context, if at all. If believed, illusory.
  8. @Jonas Long Separation is an apparent context.
  9. @Mandy Holy nailed it. ‘All the king’s horses & all the king’s men’ are essentially the emperor's new clothes.
  10. Might seem very ‘broken record’, but have you tried acknowleding the emotions felt (prior to concepts about the emotions felt)? Like blame as an example. The belief blame is not an emotion / is not felt, can manifest as rumination, or endless mental attempts to ‘solve the problem’, which can be conceptualizes as a lack of focus or something about me. Emotional guidance isn’t a problem, and there is no lack of focus, thus the cyclical logic / belief loop(s) / rumination of attempting to make a discordant belief or beliefs “fit”.
  11. Integration is like an attempt to make a whole pizza whole, by putting imagined separate pieces of pizza together. Or like trying to reassemble a shattered mirror, believing one will then see one’s reflection. By completely ignoring emotions and instead believing thoughts / ‘being right’, there seems to be separation / separate things / parts of oneself, which could be integrated resulting in wholeness, completeness, satisfaction or Truth. One can also acknowledge all the labels believed about oneself (already) as they arise and are felt (already), and question & dispel discordant beliefs uncovering the Truth seemingly obscured by, beliefs. Beliefs like I’m an RTGH, or I’m an Aquarius male with impatience issues, or ‘the knower’ which ‘knows there are parts of you’.
  12. @Orbran ‘…But adopting it would require significant changes on my part’. There’s no suggestion of adopting anything. Not sure how many ways ‘nothing’s required’ can be said. That “it” referred to, which fatigues, seems like a waste of energy which could be eliminated… isn’t perspective / point of view, it’s interpretation, which is discordant (as you say…tiresome, draining, etc). Interpretation arises or appears in & of perspective / point of view, including the (discordant) interpretation ‘my perspective’ or ‘my point of view’. I’m not sure how a non individual self could be focused on, let alone how that seems to be suggested, or how that is like ‘spending it’ on an organized religion which largely seem to center around the belief in a God & adherence to beliefs / dogma / conjecture. If a non individual self could be focused on, it’d be focused on by an individual self, and the existence of said individual self by default of existing, would make the non individual self, an individual self. I’m also at an utter loss for who would be separate of This, which could invest or not, in This. There seems to be a lot of discordant presumptions & circular logic, yet no interest in liberation or what’s actually, true.
  13. That isn’t my perspective btw. I’m not suggesting any understanding. Or anything incompatible with alignment for that matter.
  14. Totally. Mindfulness, alignment and being where you’re at. ‘Highest wisdom’. The content doesn’t really matter as much. ♥️
  15. @Orbran Just as far as committment, becoming, expectations, a change required of someone etc… these are all contingent on there being the self these are about. I would also question the notion ‘one is expected to eventually realize that there is nothing to be sought and that the seeker themselves is part of the illusion‘. Sounds like one big bummer. For what it’s worth & so to speak, about 99% of information regarding awakening / enlightenment is misinformation / misunderstanding.
  16. Thoughts like committed, required & becoming are about a self, yes? A self which is commits, is required and or becomes. Where is the self these thoughts are about?
  17. @Orbran Still. Lol. Becoming is on behalf of a self of thoughts in time, which isn’t actually present & therein there is no suggestion.
  18. If you’re appearing in anything, you’re appearing as that which you seem to be in. 🙂
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