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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Sometimes an interpretation feels discordant but the emotion felt, the guidance, the opportunity to align the interpretation is overlooked. Acknowleding and expressing the emotions allows the interpretation to change in that it’s aligned with feeling, with emotion, with the guidance - with what you actually want. Sometimes self referential thoughts, thoughts about a self in time, are overlooked. Emotion on the other hand is presently-experienced-only. So acknowledging & expressing emotions is inherently grounding and mindfulness as well. There’s much truth in the old saying, ‘no self, no problem’. When one is “lost in thoughts” (sep self referential thoughts), there tends to be a problem mindset. By acknowledging emotions, grounding / mindfulness / presence… problem mindset is dispelled and solution mindset is uncovered. The top of the scale, love, joy, etc, is you. Lower on the scale is the discord of some interpretations. Expression in this way is like emptying of any discord of thoughts, and thus unfettering or uncovering yourself. This stands to clarify seeking, or, the belief that the feeling-better sought could come from someone, something or some future experience… when in fact the greatest-feeling if you will, is what some thoughts obscure & are discordant to. Emotions are related to preferences (wants, desires, goals, what’s written on the dreamboard) as well. Some thoughts resonate with what you want to create & experience and some don’t. Emotion clarifies why some thoughts resonate in this way and some don’t more deeply & clearly than logic & reason, as the alignment felt is the actual manifesting of the preferences, ‘in the flesh’, if you will. Using the scale is akin to ‘plugging the vacuum in’. Plugged in, consciously creating is not only acknowledged, but is enjoyment and change happens / preferences manifest. Sometimes referred to as communion, this is like ‘you’ getting on board with You, or more specifically… aligning thought with feeling / alignment of interpretations with feeling. Behaviors & actions aligned with preferences (what you want to create & experience) naturally unfold as thought is aligned with feeling / emotions are acknowledged and expressed. Put another way, your goals, aspirations, actions and behaviors all align or harmonize (consciously creating / creating as the creator). Step one is create a dreamboard. As far as what to say, it’s enough to say ‘I am feeling or experiencing the emotion ____________’. This is the acknowledgment of the guidance. This is a shift of focus, from self referential thoughts / discordant interpretations and ‘problem mindset’… to Source if you will, the guidance, alignment… allowing solutions to arise. For example, one might be experiencing the thoughts “I’m scared” and “I’m insecure”, and feeling the discord of the thoughts, yet not noticing there isn’t the second self implied by the thoughts, and the emotions which are actually felt aren’t acknowledged. There is the Self which is being & feeling the thoughts, and the discord & alignment of thoughts therein. There isn’t the sep self thoughts are about. As focus shifts to acknowledging emotions (in this example), fear & insecurity are acknowledged to be felt / experienced. Acknowledgment of the emotions fear & insecurity is acknowledgment of the guidance, which the thought / interpretation feels ‘off’ / discordant with / to. A ‘problem mindset’ of some sort is noticed to be baked into or inherent in the (discordant) interpretation. In allowing the next emotion on the scale (jealousy in this example) to be expressed, the interpretation already begins to change, in the ‘direction’ or orientation of, alignment. Again, in this example, the alignment felt is the letting go of (no longer focusing on) the discordant self referential thought(s)… and an acknowledgment (jealousy) of preferences - of what you want, from what you’ve experienced. Little by little, up the scale, feeling, focus and thoughts / interpretations are aligned. This is preferences (what’s wanted, goals, desires, etc) - manifesting. With the dreamboard, clarify what you truly want in various areas of your life, such as career, hobbies, relationships & health. Imagine what’s wanted (preferences) already being actual / already being the case, and allow the feeling of the reality of this already being the case (already manifesting). That might bring up conditioning (the separate self of thought), like ‘aren’t I just imagining though?’, ‘don’t I have to still do a ton of work?’, ‘but it’s not the case and could only be the case in the future’ etc. Refer back to the scale if so, and consider the grounding, presence, mindfulness inherent in emotions & thoughts being experienced presently only. (Put in inversely, there is no actual experience of a separate self or future… so alignment of thought with feeling is alignment with reality as reality actually is). This inherently feels wonderful because reality is, that reality feels wonderful. Use the board to reveal all ‘big goals’ are really little steps, by writing what’s wanted to the right and allowing the smallest of steps to fill in to the left. The steps, seen visually, will naturally prioritize. Feel free to take a picture of the board to have as reference, and to erase and re-write steps in order of priority. If at a loss overall, consider referencing Maslow’s pyramid. If at a loss for ‘missing steps’, reference google, GPT and those with experience in the endeavors you’re interested in. Freely modify what’s on the board at any point as preferences can change and new insights & information come about. The board typically stars with a general idea & vision of what’s wanted, and becomes not only more specific but may also reveal what’s more deeply wanted / even more aligned & inspiring. It’s perfectly fine to ditch what doesn’t serve or align with your highest vision or aspirations (preferences). Place the board & the scale in a prominent, seen daily location. Re-align & retool the board as you go. Celebrate the smallest of victories & enjoy the synchronicity of the communion / unfolding. To expedite alignment, use affirmations.
  2. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9
  3. Yes. Very wise & quite intuitive. Without avoidance the amazing thing is how you feel is, Good. The ‘a void ance’ must make it seem as if there’s a whole lot of good & bad.
  4. Like a mirage. Actually, pretty much the same as a mirage.
  5. @Robed Mystic That’s pretty unusual. Have you emailed him or anything just to make sure he’s alright?
  6. Yes. Very much so. Acknowledging the emotion dispels the concepts about emotion, like shame. It’s also very connective.
  7. I experience overwhelment sometimes yes.
  8. Read this to her and said I’d reply whatever she says. She said ‘he’s just still asleep & bitter and so he projects that onto awakening’.
  9. In the tortoise & the hair sense, it might be clarifying to say there was just meditation, clean diet & exercise. There wasn’t anyone listened to conceptualizing, and there wasn’t any expectation.
  10. That would be on behalf of a self which isn’t present. That’s the answer, not a non-answer. This is apparent. I’m appearing. The sep self that has breakthroughs, awakenings, etc, is actually thoughts. The self of those thoughts isn’t present because it’s illusory, or, of thoughts.
  11. 🙏🏼♥️ There’s truly no one to disagree or disagree with. Disagreement is just one interpretation. It’s a tortoise & the hair situation meditation wise.
  12. There isn’t a separate self. A doer. There isn’t separation or finite. Whatever a doer might be said to be doing. Being is being This. Being is not a doer.
  13. Focus can be on preferences. No need for thoughts about a separate / second self in time. Simple. Will isn’t of perception or sensation. It is a concept. That’s as practical as is possible, and isn’t a ditching of anything. ‘You are’… __________ is meaning. (Thoughts). There is no “knowing they’re in it”. That would be a discordant belief. What Is is already What Is. Suffering is of discordant beliefs to the contrary, apparently mistaken as known based on meaning. There isn’t something else for infinite to become. Infinite can’t become anything because infinite is, infinite. More “meaning”. Still (unnoticed apparently) on behalf of a separate self. You’re creating.
  14. Consciously creating is This, consciousness, love, what’s already the case (not a bigger picture). Free will is This appearing as a dualistic conceptualization about This on behalf of a conceptual self of thoughts which This is appearing as. There would seem to be the one which knows there is meaning, what “nobody doing anything” means, and that there is an individual / human character, which is not in control & powerless. Happiness isn’t doing or knowing. Happiness is appearing as thoughts about a second self, a doer / knower for which there is meaning. And teachers. Consciousness is conscious of the thought; meaning, yet is not conscious of any meaning in perception or sensation. Meaning, purpose, value & worth are part & parcel of separation… of there being a separate self which isn’t infinite consciousness… and knows this about infinite consciousness. This, without conceptualization. 🌞 👓 Presumed. There just isn’t a you / separate selves. All there really is unconditional love. The comments about how or what a Phil is are nothing more than the holding up of spiritual ego as a mystic or whatever. There is no self which can dream & have a dreamboard. Direct experience though, non-conceptually.
  15. There might be an apparent experience of misunderstanding or lost, yet there’s no you / other which is misunderstanding or lost. Appearance. Inclusive of the apparent thoughts that there’s a you being asked what appearance is. Limitation isn’t found in perception or sensation. It’s a thought, a presumption about perception & sensation. The belief is dispelled by inspecting direct experience. Same for that belief, which is on behalf of “the knower”, the sep self of thoughts which is separate of consciousness and knows about consciousness. Again the separate self of thoughts (a self which isn’t, or is separate of, ‘the house’). Self is appearing as thought & perception, not finite separate selves & things. It only seems so in believing thoughts define perception. The lack projected is on behalf of a nonexistent self. Same as saying a unicorn can’t lift a house because a unicorn is limited consciousness. Infinite doesn’t have something because infinite is, infinite. “Your state of consciousness” is not on behalf of consciousness. It’s on behalf of a sep self of thoughts. Again, anthropomorphization. Figment: A thing that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their imagination. Rhetoric: Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content. The you of your house, your imagination, their imagination, etc is again the sep self of thoughts.
  16. Appears. Doing, doer, is again thoughts on behalf of a separate self. (Anthropomorphization). Thinker is a presumed separate self which thinks. Thinker & thinks are experienced as apparent thoughts, not separate entities. Appearing isn’t limiting. Appearing is appearing. Limit is the apparent thought, limit. It’s on behalf of a separate self which knows about consciousness. That there is an “it” which “limits itself”. It’s not possible for infinite to limit, due to… the inherent infinitude. There isn’t infinite consciousness and a you which see’s it. There are apparent thoughts that there is, apparently. Everything is the thought, everything. ‘All the finite things’. Before ‘it could be’, is the presumption there is a separate self, a knower, which knows there is, everything. Consciousness is infinite being. There isn’t a second being, a finite being, which infinite being could “incarnate into”. “Every angle” is an overlooking of direct experience, of one perspective. An assumption there are “other angles” which “God must be exploring”. Consciousness is infinite, appearing as the thought or concept “point of view of someone else”.
  17. Consciousness appears yet doesn’t become a who or a you. “It’s infinity” is being said on behalf of the separate self of thoughts for whom there is other, you or AI.
  18. The you which could be missing the I am is the separate self of thoughts. Misidentified as a separate self it’s presumed there are other separate selves which lack is projected onto as in you are missing x, y or z. Again, spirituality which revolves around the separate self of thoughts.
  19. That I am is one sphere is a self referential thought, as if the I am were known, on behalf of a knower. The assumption is that “I am separate”, and “there are other separate selves”, and “you”, a separate self, have put “it” (the I am which is not me) “into the duality pool”, which is actually two spheres.
  20. The I am is one, infinite, not two... appearing as two (spheres), or amness being is isness.
  21. ♥️ Ask & It Is Given by Esther Hicks. Using the emotional scale clarifies there isn’t a separate self which feels overwhelmed, but rather the emotion overwhelment is felt. Same for fear & pessimism.
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