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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Expression is emptying, relieving oneself of the discord of discordant beliefs. Expression is not a ‘working your way up’ anything or to anything. Contentment, emotions, are not things. It’s not a getting somewhere or an achieving of anything, it’s a letting go of what’s already held, same as hand to stove.
  2. That’d be two arms, same person. Or two arms, two people, one Being. It’s not correct (which originally meant aligned), it’s ignorance, and ignorance is inevitable because you’re truly infinite innocence. Ignorance, overlooking your own inherent infinitude & unconditionality… while inevitable… is entirely dispelable. Yet, is dispelable in accordance with ‘listening’ to feeling, not thoughts, beliefs & interpretations which feel discordant. This is what’s referred to as Enlightenment, and it’s realistic & entirely possible. It’d be helpful to a separate self, a… part. You are already whole, and are experiencing discordant thoughts, beliefs & interpretations. If that interpretation about parts and fragments resonated, the question wouldn’t even arise. Ego loves to be the helper, the solution, the one who knows and can help… others… with their parts and psyche. Parts & psyche are thoughts, potentially… believed. Beliefs. If & when you care about how you feel, more than being right… discordant beliefs are inspected, questioned & dispelled. Seen clearly to never have been true and to always have felt discordant because they weren’t true. Theories like that are great for expression & creativity. Strings Of Energy could be a great book or movie. Lot’s of drama, war, turmoil and maybe a resolving ending. The person is never around. That you’re a person and there are other people is a belief. The Ignorance. Anger is felt. “I’m angry” is a belief and isn’t true. What’s ignored is emotions, yet there’s no one ignoring and no one ignored. Ignorance & emotions aren’t things. These are beliefs about there being two of you. Confusion which is dispelled by acknowleding emotions. Emotions aren’t things - aren’t yours. That belief feels isolating, selfish & disconnective. It’s not about expressing emotions differently. It’s about beginning to express emotions at all. You haven’t yet, it’ll be a first, a starting anew. It’s enough to simply acknowledge the emotions you’re already experiencing. There doesn’t need to be a “new way” or “alternative way”. That’s how sneaky thought & aversion from acknowledging emotions is. Without meditation, there may be ten, fifty, a hundred more rationalizations & justifications believed. With meditation, maybe one or two before those thoughts are noticed to be, thoughts.
  3. @Reena … contentment much more so. Contentment is already actual of you. You’re inherently peaceful. positivity, enthusiasm, passion, joy, appreciation, empowered, freedom & love much more so. The emotions lower on the scale are how thoughts feel. Boredom is without those thoughts, but still with judgment ever so slightly. Contentment is without judgement. Like ‘this isn’t good enough’ / ‘I’m not good enough’ / ‘I have to have x, y or z’. With non-meditation, non-mindfulness, non-presence, which is the reinforcing of beliefs & suppression of emotions… it doesn’t seem so. It doesn’t seem like contentment is obscurred by beliefs and suffering is how the beliefs feel. It doesn’t seem so due to self referential beliefs, like “I am bipolar” and or “I am borderline”, or any other discordant Self disparaging thought, belief or interpretation. Uprooting the beliefs (non-suffering) doesn’t mean momentum isn’t already underway, and so doesn’t mean stopping nay medications etc. It’s a changing of momentum that leads to no longer wanting, desiring, needing medications etc. It’s exactly the same as holding one’s hand on a hot stove and asking “what will bring comfort?” while taking pain killers. In taking your hand off the stove it’s noticed comfort was always the default, pain is how it feels to hold your hand to a hot stove. Same for thoughts, beliefs, interpretations & suffering. With meditation, mindfulness & presence… stubborness / being right / arrogance (thoughts) are just less and less convincing, until momentum wise, discordant thoughts just don’t appear and the truth / true nature is unfettered.
  4. Ever notice not everyone believes the same as what everyone else believes? How do you know you’re right / those thoughts are true?
  5. The fact that you are referencing suffering reveals suffering is experiential. The fact that you are referencing hatred reveals hatred is experiential. The fact ‘these’ are experiential reveals you aren’t suffering, hated or hating… you’re experiencing as it were, suffering & hatred. “Hate myself” is the presumption hate is not an emotion, and there are two of you; one which could hate the other. Hurt (suffering) points to how the thoughts, beliefs, interpretations feel presently, including the thought, belief, interpretation that feeling could be or will be in a future. Hatred is expression / expressed. You are expressing hatred. Expressing anger feels slightly better. Discouragement even more so. Blame even more so…
  6. @Reena What was said was said based on suffering, alignment & the truth - how it feels. If AI is clarifying, definitly employ AI, but also notice the context of everything said was changed, to be about understanding & meaning, rather than what you actually want.
  7. Wrong is a judgmental thought in that usage, about a third self. The first is you, awareness, the seond is a knower, and the third would be the one which is or isn’t doing something wrong. It’s confusion, obscuring perfect clarity. What’s suggested is being aware of thoughts about a separate self, and acknowledging emotions. The reaction is defensive, as if there is someone possibly doing something wrong, and is about anything other than what’s suggested. Meditation slows that down so it’s more readily & easily seen. It’s a rejection of the truth, yet there’s no one rejecting just like there isn’t anyone doing anything wrong. Hurtful, harmful, of ignorance yes, but wrong, no. It’s humbling & lberating to notice there is no second self, no knower which knows there is good & bad, good & bad people, or right & wrong.
  8. Thought is exceedingly tricky. The thought that questioning a thought is difficult, feels discordant, because it’s effortless. Meditation slows down the believing of thoughts. Lots of space. new & more aligned interpretations naturally arise. Yep. ♥️
  9. The self that thought claims is bipolar can’t be found because it doesn’t exist. Bipolarity is more of a spectrum, discord & alignement, consciousness & discordant thoughts, namely identity related. At the rate we’re going there will soon be 8 billion specifically defined disorders, one for every ego, created through the veil of another ego (so to speak). Suppression, judgement & objectifying all around, heavon on earth.
  10. Amen to that. ✊🏼 Minus the authority duality. Negative is a belief, as is that thoughts are yours. Disparaging self referential thoughts are met with the guidance of despair. Question the reality of the self thoughts like these are about, just for how it feels, not solve anything, figure anything out or fix anything or anyone. Just for how it feels. Receive the guidance, humbling as it may be it’s liberation of suffering. ♥️ Careful with rationalizing suffering, it’s always a table for one. 🫤 Powerlessness is an emotion. You’re fine & there aren’t things. The expectation someone / people change, feeling will be in a future, things or everything will or needs to be ok for you to feel ok… can never be met, because they’re based on beliefs (thoughts). Belief loops. The truth is you’re perfectly fine already and will always be ok. Experience is just complete chaos and anarchy. But you’re Good. Be sure to look for the Good and okness in the right “place”, as in you, not “things”. You’re eternal, take all the time you want to. 🙂 As far as starving emotionally, emotions are already felt, you just learned to conceptualize in aversion (conditioning).
  11. Take pause and notice some thoughts are about a self which isn’t actually present, so there is clarity rather than confusion. Instead of an additional belief or judgement (negativity), notice discord is felt (suffering). The belief in negativity won’t resonate with the truth / positivity. Daily meditation makes this really easy. Slows down thoughts / time and reactivity to thoughts just fizzles out and response / conscious creating happens. The (directly experienced) belief in negativity & judgement is what’s felt. Doesn’t resonate with positivity & unconditionality. To change the behavior, acknowledge the emotions felt, rather than believing thoughts about a separate self. Like anger is experienced rather than I’m angry. That’s about a separate self of thoughts. Frustration / irritation / impatience (emotions) is how that thought about a sep self feels. Acknowledging the separate self of thoughts & emotions changes the beliefs (alignment). ♥️ The desired changes in your life naturally follow. Discouragement is felt. Guidance for thoughts. Align the thoughts with feeling. Don’t hold out for feeling to align with beliefs & judgments (thoughts). Stubborness is an adding of resistance to suffering. Let mom feel her thoughts. She has a Source, she doesn’t need your help. That’s her business. 🙂 As the sep self of thoughts is noticed and emotions are acknowledged & felt, beliefs are dispelled and the guidance of unworthiness is no longer felt. Beliefs are inherently discordant because the Truth is inherently wonderful. The Truth is unconditional, all-allowing, and so thoughts about spirits are allowed, yet like all beliefs, feel discordant with Truth. Prior to noticing the sep self of thoughts & acknowledging emotions it seems like there is a separate self which is or isn’t in control, or isn’t controlling enough. It simultaneously seems like there is a world which is separate, potentially fearsome or even threatening. As the sep self of thoughts is noticed & emotions are acknowledged beliefs just fizzle out and don’t arise anymore. Life is inevitably a miraculous celebration of Truth. Like how a toothache you had years ago just doesn’t cross your mind at all after it’s properly addressed. There’s always also just isolating yourself, suppressing, projecting & denying suffering & rejection of the truth but I definitly don’t recomend any of that based on how it feels.
  12. Discord & alignment wise interpretation is everything.
  13. @Rose An apparent thing is apparently divisible. Is the universe a thing? How do you divide yourself?
  14. What about meaning? Meaning could seem to be coming from people (moons) or some a secondary source (the sun). What’s the actuality though, the direct experience?
  15. @judy What are the sun’s perspective and moon’s perspective in your perspective?
  16. @Rose If there is one who thinks & a universe, how is the universe whole?
  17. @judy How could you be 100% certain there is no sun’s perspective or moon’s perspective in accordance with what is, with direct experience?
  18. @judy Is there such a thing as the perspective of the moon, or of the sun?
  19. @judy If I believed I was a moon, I would also believe light is coming from the sun, because from the moon’s perspective that is the case. Make sense?
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