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Someone here

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On 8/27/2022 at 10:37 PM, Phil said:

@Someone here

Sounds like a good idea. Might condense some sections too. Sometimes it seems like there’s already too many. 




From the perspective of a seeker, "Path" and "Nonduality" could be one sub.


Also Carreer, Relationships, Family and Conscious Creating could be made into one 'general life stuff' sub.


Well-Being is good as it's own.


And "Emtying" is really good as it's own. Love it.


Politics, society and general philosophy & ethics could be a fine addition for this forum. 😊

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@Phil @Blessed2


To further tweak stuff:


On 9/18/2022 at 12:52 PM, Blessed2 said:

Also Carreer, Relationships, Family and Conscious Creating could be made into one 'general life stuff' sub.


I like this idea, what do you guys think of calling this section "Creation & Co-Creation", has more of a LoA vibe to it, fits the aesthetic of the forum.


And in the little letters under the section title you can further specify what is in that particular section (Dating, Family, Career, Relationships, etc.)


I like all the other section ideas as well.

Edited by Orb

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@Blessed2 @Phil

On 9/18/2022 at 7:52 PM, Blessed2 said:

From the perspective of a seeker, "Path" and "Nonduality" could be one sub.


Also Carreer, Relationships, Family and Conscious Creating could be made into one 'general life stuff' sub.

I actually think it's good that they are separated.

The way I see it is that "The Path" is really talking about your journey, the journey of understanding and living the great life. Lots of relatable questions there, sometimes day to day questions.

"Nonduality" is good for discussing more (spiritual) experiences you've had, and questions about 'deep' spirituality in a kinda philosophic manner.


I don't think there's much to explain why separate "Career" from family and relationships.. I believe it's ideal to have a family and friendship topic, as those are the people we engage with most of our lives. The Dating and relationships are a bit different than family and friendships because we're talking about different sets of issues that arise - many people struggle with this romantic aspect, and it's a more "going for it" style. Although I wouldn't really mind the both to be condensed.


But yeah, honestly I haven't really understood what was the idea behind creating the Conscious Creating section... I mean, you've got The Path, Celebrating and Sharing...

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