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Pardon my profane title (its just to attract attention )

..I'm really really serious about this .. I'm so sexually suppressed..I just want to have sex by any means possible..I don't care if I have to pay for a prostitute for a one night deal .even though  it goes against my moral compass. Still ..it's hard to even find prostitutes in my country or girls who are willing to sleep with you for money . But what should I do?  I'm kinda bored of porn and masturbation. It doesn't "do it " for me anymore .I want to try the real thing .the problem is that it's possible the only way I can have sex is by getting married. And that won't happen until I finish university and find a job and stablize for few years (find a house, become financially independent of my parents etc ).  And so that is gonna take few years to come. Does that mean I have to wait for fucking years before I can have sex? I just hate it .

Dno really just venting here .

Any advice or clarity appreciated. 

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Can you get married while staying with your parents? 


Sometimes I think that I need to have certain things before finding my life partner, but I think it'd be more fun to get those certain things with my life partner, we are partners after all. 


Im looking for her now. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Someone here I trust youll figure something out, what country are you living in if you dont mind me asking?

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Thoughts attract thoughts in kind. Think that it is possible. Ask friends, school acquaintances, coworkers, etc who aren’t married & have had sex how they went about it. When you change the lens to it is possible stuff pops up. Unexpected stuff like Salaam Swipe, just as an arbitrary example. Relax, attract, allow & be getting ready for it to come. Needing is the opposite vibe. It’s the ‘I can’t have it’ vibe, and the experience keeps being ‘I can’t have it’.  Focus on appreciation & relationship. 

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16 hours ago, Phil said:

Thoughts attract thoughts in kind. Think that it is possible. Ask friends, school acquaintances, coworkers, etc who aren’t married & have had sex how they went about it. When you change the lens to it is possible stuff pops up. Unexpected stuff like Salaam Swipe, just as an arbitrary example. Relax, attract, allow & be getting ready for it to come. Needing is the opposite vibe. It’s the ‘I can’t have it’ vibe, and the experience keeps being ‘I can’t have it’.  Focus on appreciation & relationship. 

You know a lot about the law of attraction. I first (when I was first introduced to it)thought it is pseudoscience and wishful thinking but I realized that indeed what I think about a lot ,tends to appear in my life as if out of nowhere. 

Can you teach me how to attract hot women into my life using loA?

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@Someone here 


Science (generally speaking) is the study & investigation of reality upon the assumption reality isn’t me, or, is a separate thing. Not all scientists, etc, etc. Just generally. 


Loa is more & more acute awareness of the vibration that I am putting out, and noticing as you said, the correlation between (so to speak) inner & outer world, or, that indeed you are creating your reality. That is an absolutely literal statement, and is not meant as a philosophy or ‘way of thinking’. Fundamentally, it’s putting how you feel first in the recognition (which dawns upon one more & more as one does so) that feeling is ‘source’, is being, and is being all ‘things’ & experiences which are desired. 


‘Pseudoscience’ in regard to loa is a holding on to science, and more intimately, to a false importance of thoughts / ‘being right’. Loa is a letting go of an importance of thought in terms of facts or‘being right’, and recognizing the significance of thoughts as to how thoughts feel, and putting feeling, which can not be measured scientifically in any way, first. 

58 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Can you teach me how to attract hot women into my life using loA?

I can’t teach you per se, but I can make suggestions and you can check out what’s suggested in direct experience for validity. Not trying to be semantical, but it’s kind of an important distinction. I’m not a teacher. I’m in the same boat you’re in. God-Love is the only teacher. Also, therein, inseparable, Life is the only teacher. 


Loa & attracting woman wise, first, empty your cup. Let the whole category and any thoughts about it go completely. You don’t want to start from -3, you want to start from 0, from a clean slate. Most ideal would be a few days have passed and there hasn’t been a thought about women. It’s likely that in that intention, you’ll realize you’ll either suffer, wrestling with the thoughts that do come up, not letting them go… or you’ll take a curious interest in perception & sensation Now. This brings clairty to thoughts which are about a separate self, which is always and only in a past or future, and never present ‘in’ ‘the’ Now. 


Any thoughts that come up which feel discordant about the category - don’t entertain them and continue to feed them attention via believing something is wrong and  needs to be solved, fixed, figured out, etc, just notice them, acknowledge them, and because and only because they are discordant, willingly let them go. Bring a more aligned thought to mind. That could be a thought about you, or about anything, or an aligned thought about how you indeed are already attracting the woman you desire to attract.


Don’t hold any expectations that this is going to ‘work’, instead enjoy the ‘work’ itself. It needs to reward, prize or outcome… enjoy the great feeling of playing the game if you will, of bringing more & more aligned thoughts to mind. Then you are feeling better & better, and it that feeling which attracts. 


Expression, such as with using an expression journal is very key, because the universe so to speak doesn’t hear what you think, nor what you believe, nor what you say - it hears what you actually mean. Expressive journaling is a great and easy way to clear out what you think & say, uncovering what you really mean. Don’t think about doing or not doing expressive journaling. Just allow it. Notice thought about it ‘get in the way’, and ‘get out of your own way’, by just allowing it. Let thought about ‘doing’ be rightfully seen as ‘taking credit’, and allow those thoughts to come and go. The one who takes credit is not the one who attracts, that’s the ‘one’ who gets in the way, and that ‘one’ is only thoughts. 


Write what you want on your dreamboard, and be transparent & honest about it. Write what you really mean. If all you really want is sex, write sex. If what you really want is a relationship, write relationship.  After writing what you sincerely want on your dream board, if any thoughts arise that would categorically be the doubting that you can have what you are wanting, let those thoughts go and bring the opposite thoughts to mind. Actually imagine the already having of what you are wanting, fantasize about it, feel how great it feels that you have what you want.


If that is emotionally challenging, don’t go to thinking that is a problem or that there is anything wrong, go to the scale, to doubt or whichever emotion it seems like you are experiencing, and simply express that you are experiencing that emotion, and express anything which arises therein, and then do the same for each emotion all the way up the rest of the scale. Don’t skip over any, and don’t stop until you ‘get to the top’. 


Anytime a thought pops up about a specific about what you want, write that specific on the dreamboard right underneath where you wrote what you want. That might be ‘blonde’ or ‘brunette’, funny, adventurous, etc… anything… just - what you want. 

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

@Someone here 


Science (generally speaking) is the study & investigation of reality upon the assumption reality isn’t me, or, is a separate thing. Not all scientists, etc, etc. Just generally. 


Loa is more & more acute awareness of the vibration that I am putting out, and noticing as you said, the correlation between (so to speak) inner & outer world, or, that indeed you are creating your reality. That is an absolutely literal statement, and is not meant as a philosophy or ‘way of thinking’. Fundamentally, it’s putting how you feel first in the recognition (which dawns upon one more & more as one does so) that feeling is ‘source’, is being, and is being all ‘things’ & experiences which are desired. 


‘Pseudoscience’ in regard to loa is a holding on to science, and more intimately, to a false importance of thoughts / ‘being right’. Loa is a letting go of an importance of thought in terms of facts or‘being right’, and recognizing the significance of thoughts as to how thoughts feel, and putting feeling, which can not be measured scientifically in any way, first. 

I can’t teach you per se, but I can make suggestions and you can check out what’s suggested in direct experience for validity. Not trying to be semantical, but it’s kind of an important distinction. I’m not a teacher. I’m in the same boat you’re in. God-Love is the only teacher. Also, therein, inseparable, Life is the only teacher. 


Loa & attracting woman wise, first, empty your cup. Let the whole category and any thoughts about it go completely. You don’t want to start from -3, you want to start from 0, from a clean slate. Most ideal would be a few days have passed and there hasn’t been a thought about women. It’s likely that in that intention, you’ll realize you’ll either suffer, wrestling with the thoughts that do come up, not letting them go… or you’ll take a curious interest in perception & sensation Now. This brings clairty to thoughts which are about a separate self, which is always and only in a past or future, and never present ‘in’ ‘the’ Now. 


Any thoughts that come up which feel discordant about the category - don’t entertain them and continue to feed them attention via believing something is wrong and  needs to be solved, fixed, figured out, etc, just notice them, acknowledge them, and because and only because they are discordant, willingly let them go. Bring a more aligned thought to mind. That could be a thought about you, or about anything, or an aligned thought about how you indeed are already attracting the woman you desire to attract.


Don’t hold any expectations that this is going to ‘work’, instead enjoy the ‘work’ itself. It needs to reward, prize or outcome… enjoy the great feeling of playing the game if you will, of bringing more & more aligned thoughts to mind. Then you are feeling better & better, and it that feeling which attracts. 


Expression, such as with using an expression journal is very key, because the universe so to speak doesn’t hear what you think, nor what you believe, nor what you say - it hears what you actually mean. Expressive journaling is a great and easy way to clear out what you think & say, uncovering what you really mean. Don’t think about doing or not doing expressive journaling. Just allow it. Notice thought about it ‘get in the way’, and ‘get out of your own way’, by just allowing it. Let thought about ‘doing’ be rightfully seen as ‘taking credit’, and allow those thoughts to come and go. The one who takes credit is not the one who attracts, that’s the ‘one’ who gets in the way, and that ‘one’ is only thoughts. 


Write what you want on your dreamboard, and be transparent & honest about it. Write what you really mean. If all you really want is sex, write sex. If what you really want is a relationship, write relationship.  After writing what you sincerely want on your dream board, if any thoughts arise that would categorically be the doubting that you can have what you are wanting, let those thoughts go and bring the opposite thoughts to mind. Actually imagine the already having of what you are wanting, fantasize about it, feel how great it feels that you have what you want.


If that is emotionally challenging, don’t go to thinking that is a problem or that there is anything wrong, go to the scale, to doubt or whichever emotion it seems like you are experiencing, and simply express that you are experiencing that emotion, and express anything which arises therein, and then do the same for each emotion all the way up the rest of the scale. Don’t skip over any, and don’t stop until you ‘get to the top’. 


Anytime a thought pops up about a specific about what you want, write that specific on the dreamboard right underneath where you wrote what you want. That might be ‘blonde’ or ‘brunette’, funny, adventurous, etc… anything… just - what you want. 

Great stuff. Thanks for that . 

I  just have one question..and that is how exactly do we transition from "on paper " to "in the flesh "? You know what I mean?  Let's say I wrote everything down .all the details. Yeah I want sex with a beautiful girl .and her body type is yada yada .and her eyes color is yada yada and her personality is so on and so forth etc ....


How then is that supposed to be actualized in my life ? I can't just write it down and wish for it to magically happen like the universe will grant me a wish or something lol.

What's the action steps ? What to do after I write it in the dreamboard?  How do i approach? What do I say ? What are the strategies of dating ? Should I look into dating apps online or should I go out and approach girls in public (in malls and such because there's no night clubs nearby)?

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:


What do I do next? 


I thought that this was the first step. 

On 8/8/2022 at 1:04 PM, Phil said:

Loa & attracting woman wise, first, empty your cup. Let the whole category and any thoughts about it go completely. You don’t want to start from -3, you want to start from 0, from a clean slate. Most ideal would be a few days have passed and there hasn’t been a thought about women. It’s likely that in that intention, you’ll realize you’ll either suffer, wrestling with the thoughts that do come up, not letting them go… or you’ll take a curious interest in perception & sensation Now. This brings clairty to thoughts which are about a separate self, which is always and only in a past or future, and never present ‘in’ ‘the’ Now. 


Any thoughts that come up which feel discordant about the category - don’t entertain them and continue to feed them attention via believing something is wrong and  needs to be solved, fixed, figured out, etc, just notice them, acknowledge them, and because and only because they are discordant, willingly let them go. Bring a more aligned thought to mind. That could be a thought about you, or about anything, or an aligned thought about how you indeed are already attracting the woman you desire to attract.


Don’t hold any expectations that this is going to ‘work’, instead enjoy the ‘work’ itself. It needs to reward, prize or outcome… enjoy the great feeling of playing the game if you will, of bringing more & more aligned thoughts to mind. Then you are feeling better & better, and it that feeling which attracts. 


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@Mandy he told me to write whatever I want exactly on the dreamboard. And then letting go of any limiting beliefs ,resistance, or thoughts that suggest that I can't do it . That was the first step .and I believe I have done it .now what's the next step? I need to grap my balls like a fucking man and go approach/tallk to girls, don't I? 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

And then letting go of any limiting beliefs ,resistance, or thoughts that suggest that I can't do it


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I need to grap my balls like a fucking man and go approach/tallk to girls, don't I? 

The universe isn’t responding to what you say, but what you mean. What do you really mean there?

It kind of sounds like you mean you aren’t already a man, and aren’t already attracting. It sounds like what’s meant but not said, is basically should’s and supposed to’s, followed by (no offense I hope, tryna help here) asking if you should or if that’s what you’re supposed to do… but even more so… if that’s what you need to do. 


There’s nothing at all ‘wrong’ with taking action, but what is the vibration first? What is the chief intention? Is it fun, enjoying yourself, meeting someone you enjoy being with, have chemistry with, want to spend more time with? 


Do you think women are desiring someone who needs them… more than someone who wants them? 

Do you want to be with someone who needs you, someone who is needy… or someone who is not needy, and want you?

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14 hours ago, Phil said:

The universe isn’t responding to what you say, but what you mean. What do you really mean there?

It kind of sounds like you mean you aren’t already a man, and aren’t already attracting. It sounds like what’s meant but not said, is basically should’s and supposed to’s, followed by (no offense I hope, tryna help here) asking if you should or if that’s what you’re supposed to do… but even more so… if that’s what you need to do. 

Yeah but that's the reality of the matter .I'm single. So I don't have women sleeping with me every night. So I'm not attracting women. And yes I do feel needy and desparate. And it kinda shows in my behaviour when I'm trying to approach. That I'm an amature boy (rather than a real confident man) who's crying for the goodies (desparate for women to sleep with me ).

14 hours ago, Phil said:

There’s nothing at all ‘wrong’ with taking action, but what is the vibration first? What is the chief intention? Is it fun, enjoying yourself, meeting someone you enjoy being with, have chemistry with, want to spend more time with

If I'm being brutally honest ..the intention is to have sex .as its clear from the title of this thread .I just want pussy (sorry if I'm using vulgar/dirty  language and you dislike it on your forum ,please let me know ).

14 hours ago, Phil said:

Do you think women are desiring someone who needs them… more than someone who wants them? 

Do you want to be with someone who needs you, someone who is needy… or someone who is not needy, and want you

I myself am the needy one .I know it kinda emasculates me but it is what it is 

I think women love to have guys wanting them but not  to the point of kissing their feet (being needy ,I mean ).so my desparate and needy vibe is a complete turn-off for most women and I know It. But how do I change it ? I haven't slept with a single women my entire life.and I'm approaching my 30s. A lot of my online friends have had sex .so I think I need it because I'm not getting it .and it's a basic biological need that is not satisfied within me . I turn to pornography and masturbation and I fool myself into thinking that I'm actually having a sex life .but of course it's a facade .it's a fake 


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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yeah but that's the reality of the matter .I'm single. So I don't have women sleeping with me every night. So I'm not attracting women. And yes I do feel needy and desparate. And it kinda shows in my behaviour when I'm trying to approach. That I'm an amature boy (rather than a real confident man) who's crying for the goodies (desparate for women to sleep with me ).

You’re attracting women… and there are thoughts that you aren’t.  Needy & desperate are thoughts. How do those thoughts feel? Discordant or aligned? 

Thinking that you’re an immature boy and not a confident man is prior to the behavior, and influences the behaviors, and that is the ‘vibe’ they experience. 


10 hours ago, Someone here said:

If I'm being brutally honest ..the intention is to have sex .as its clear from the title of this thread .I just want pussy (sorry if I'm using vulgar/dirty  language and you dislike it on your forum ,please let me know ).

How you use the word is a reflection of your inner word, and shapes your experience of reality.  I’m married, so how you come across here to me would be least concerning. If you think how you speak is vulgar, change how you speak. See what affect this has on attracting.  

10 hours ago, Someone here said:

I myself am the needy one .I know it kinda emasculates me but it is what it is 

What it is, in direct plain experience, is a thought. Since you’re aware of the thought(s), that can not be you. 

10 hours ago, Someone here said:

I think women love to have guys wanting them but not  to the point of kissing their feet (being needy ,I mean ).so my desparate and needy vibe is a complete turn-off for most women and I know It. But how do I change it ?

Wanting isn’t in levels or degrees, such that it turns into or becomes needing.  Wanting, or, preference arises naturally. Needing in terms of relationships & objects, and or objectifying women (speaking of them as genitalia) is ego.

Change it by slowing down a bit & giving more consideration to how you talk.  

Meditate every morning as it helps the slowing down. 

Use an expression journal for anything difficult that arises in meditation, to empty it out. 

Keep asking lots of questions, and keep making them more & more relevant to what you want. 

Use Byron Katies worksheets to do the turn around work on the discordant thoughts you believe / beliefs about yourself. 

Notice whenever happiness is present (felt), it is always the very same happiness. This helps detach the beliefs that happiness, which is what you actually desire, is coming from relationships or objects. 

10 hours ago, Someone here said:

I haven't slept with a single women my entire life.and I'm approaching my 30s. A lot of my online friends have had sex .so I think I need it because I'm not getting it .and it's a basic biological need that is not satisfied within me . I turn to pornography and masturbation and I fool myself into thinking that I'm actually having a sex life .but of course it's a facade .it's a fake 


You’re not getting millions of things right now, but you don’t believe you need them. 

The universe hears what you mean. When you need something, the universe gives you more of you need it. 

other people aren’t a supplement for doing the ‘work’. Every couple discovers this. No one wants to be responsible for how you feel… they already have themself to address. 


If you are 30 and have not had sex, and you are alive & breathing, then it can not be said in truth that sex is a need. Some people are born without genitalia, and some are happy. 


If you can fool yourself into believing that… fool yourself into believing you don’t need anything or anyone to be happy and confident. Feel the alignment of having fooled yourself, and know the truth of it by the feeling. 


Meditation also ‘loosens up’ black & white thinking, revealing the obviousness of ‘both’. 

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On 8/8/2022 at 1:04 PM, Phil said:

@Someone here 


Science (generally speaking) is the study & investigation of reality upon the assumption reality isn’t me, or, is a separate thing. Not all scientists, etc, etc. Just generally. 


Loa is more & more acute awareness of the vibration that I am putting out, and noticing as you said, the correlation between (so to speak) inner & outer world, or, that indeed you are creating your reality. That is an absolutely literal statement, and is not meant as a philosophy or ‘way of thinking’. Fundamentally, it’s putting how you feel first in the recognition (which dawns upon one more & more as one does so) that feeling is ‘source’, is being, and is being all ‘things’ & experiences which are desired. 


‘Pseudoscience’ in regard to loa is a holding on to science, and more intimately, to a false importance of thoughts / ‘being right’. Loa is a letting go of an importance of thought in terms of facts or‘being right’, and recognizing the significance of thoughts as to how thoughts feel, and putting feeling, which can not be measured scientifically in any way, first. 

I can’t teach you per se, but I can make suggestions and you can check out what’s suggested in direct experience for validity. Not trying to be semantical, but it’s kind of an important distinction. I’m not a teacher. I’m in the same boat you’re in. God-Love is the only teacher. Also, therein, inseparable, Life is the only teacher. 


Loa & attracting woman wise, first, empty your cup. Let the whole category and any thoughts about it go completely. You don’t want to start from -3, you want to start from 0, from a clean slate. Most ideal would be a few days have passed and there hasn’t been a thought about women. It’s likely that in that intention, you’ll realize you’ll either suffer, wrestling with the thoughts that do come up, not letting them go… or you’ll take a curious interest in perception & sensation Now. This brings clairty to thoughts which are about a separate self, which is always and only in a past or future, and never present ‘in’ ‘the’ Now. 


Any thoughts that come up which feel discordant about the category - don’t entertain them and continue to feed them attention via believing something is wrong and  needs to be solved, fixed, figured out, etc, just notice them, acknowledge them, and because and only because they are discordant, willingly let them go. Bring a more aligned thought to mind. That could be a thought about you, or about anything, or an aligned thought about how you indeed are already attracting the woman you desire to attract.


Don’t hold any expectations that this is going to ‘work’, instead enjoy the ‘work’ itself. It needs to reward, prize or outcome… enjoy the great feeling of playing the game if you will, of bringing more & more aligned thoughts to mind. Then you are feeling better & better, and it that feeling which attracts. 


Expression, such as with using an expression journal is very key, because the universe so to speak doesn’t hear what you think, nor what you believe, nor what you say - it hears what you actually mean. Expressive journaling is a great and easy way to clear out what you think & say, uncovering what you really mean. Don’t think about doing or not doing expressive journaling. Just allow it. Notice thought about it ‘get in the way’, and ‘get out of your own way’, by just allowing it. Let thought about ‘doing’ be rightfully seen as ‘taking credit’, and allow those thoughts to come and go. The one who takes credit is not the one who attracts, that’s the ‘one’ who gets in the way, and that ‘one’ is only thoughts. 


Write what you want on your dreamboard, and be transparent & honest about it. Write what you really mean. If all you really want is sex, write sex. If what you really want is a relationship, write relationship.  After writing what you sincerely want on your dream board, if any thoughts arise that would categorically be the doubting that you can have what you are wanting, let those thoughts go and bring the opposite thoughts to mind. Actually imagine the already having of what you are wanting, fantasize about it, feel how great it feels that you have what you want.


If that is emotionally challenging, don’t go to thinking that is a problem or that there is anything wrong, go to the scale, to doubt or whichever emotion it seems like you are experiencing, and simply express that you are experiencing that emotion, and express anything which arises therein, and then do the same for each emotion all the way up the rest of the scale. Don’t skip over any, and don’t stop until you ‘get to the top’. 


Anytime a thought pops up about a specific about what you want, write that specific on the dreamboard right underneath where you wrote what you want. That might be ‘blonde’ or ‘brunette’, funny, adventurous, etc… anything… just - what you want. 

To be honest, I've come to the conclusion that this fluffy spiritual LOA shit is just pure wishful thinking for weak lazy people who are in denial about reality. I mean all this nonsense has caused me more suffering than any kind of liberation or happiness because of the load of false hope, fantasies, and idealizations that things are "just gonna happen". 


At this point, I think I'll just return to the default model of life and reality. You know: things are completely out of my control, life is a brute force process that requires immense will and hard work, survival is brutal and real, some people have it better than others, etc. etc. At least I'll save myself the suffering of feeling absolutely dumb, defeated, lied to, and humiliated when months and years go by and I can't manifest simple fucking shit like a fucking tennis ball or receiving a text message from someone I know. 


I've been at it for at least 3 years now with very little results. Absolutely nothing I imagined to be true in my mind has come to pass in my reality. At the most, I experienced events and circumstances that appear to be related to my desire, but never the actual thing. FUCK this stupid immature fucking horseshit denialist ideology. I give up. 


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