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What are the Pillars of Success?

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For those who've experienced the classic financial/career success (Financial Independence, Satisfaction from your work, a Sense of "Direction" with your career), what would you say are the fundamental pillars/attitudes/principles for success?

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I want to receive some advice from those who've walked the path. 


When we understand the root principles/attitudes to life, things become easier imo.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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“You like yourself more when you’re industrious”. 

@Joseph Maynor

I love that quote. 



On 7/12/2022 at 2:55 PM, Orb said:

For those who've experienced the classic financial/career success (Financial Independence, Satisfaction from your work, a Sense of "Direction" with your career), what would you say are the fundamental pillars/attitudes/principles for success?

Just some things that come to mind… 


Use a dreamboard to see / put what you want - before focusing on / planning what you’re going to set out to do, and or how you’re going to go about it. 

I’d use the emotional scale everyday, to ‘get out of one’s own way’. 


- In large part, don’t reinvent the wheel… read books & watch videos from the best. See You at the Top Z. Z. (on the recommendation list) comes to mind. 

- Know your strengths & weaknesses. 

- Meet with people who’ve done what you’re setting out to do, in person whenever possible.  Prepare questions… what worked best, what they’d do differently, what they do that excels them that they see others aren’t doing, what the biggest / most difficult challenges were, etc. 

- Think long term, scalable, replace yourself / keep your expansion going / create opportunities for others simultaneously and be engaged & mindful of their expansion. 


Financial Independence

- Write out & know your budget / bills. Accurate information is more certainty & better planning… not taking the time to do this increases worry, anxiety, etc. Take as much guesswork out as possible. 

- Invest (IRA etc) & start young. Use online compounding interest calculators etc / learn / understand. 

- Don’t put this out of sight when it comes to the life partner / s.o. you pick. Doesn’t mean they have to already be mindful, but talk about this early on, make it known it’s important to you.  That person is your partner. Work out aversion and fears together in this regard. This contributes to creating a deeper relationship as well.


Sense of Direction

- Full circle back to the dreamboard. See the life you want to live & experience, and how your work & finances support it. Those are the pillars, and that is success. 

Satisfaction from you work

- Jobs are for money & security, careers are for advancement, a calling / your dream is for the experience in & of itself. There is a season for everything. 

- Take the time to contemplate & see the significance of what you’re doing and how many people are connected & effected.  

- Exercise & meditate every morning before working and before voluntary thinking (if you will). 

- Appreciate everything. It’s free energy. 

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@Phil this is gold! Will be reading it over a few times to absorb more nuggets of wisdom.



Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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30 minutes ago, Phil said:


“You like yourself more when you’re industrious”. 

@Joseph Maynor

I love that quote. 


@Phil it was said in such a smooth way! 


I can picture this quote appearing in the beginning of a video as white letters on a black screen, slowly fading in and out 😂.


I would agree, my interpretation of the quote is that the greatest thing is that feeling of engagement!


No longer feeling like the clueless guy in the group while all the other people in the group are chatting, but actually being engaged!


Taking that approach to life is what it's all about imo.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I had a situation where my finances supported everything, but then something unexpected and unpredictable happened that suddenly changed the situation. And to say that I attracted it on is also a bit difficult, because I felt good all the time.


This creates the feeling that you don't really have free will, because situations can come from the outside that simply destroy everything. Even if you didn't thought in a way that attracts this situations. And often times the environment does not want that you elevate yourself in a way which could make them jealous. This is somehow triggering to people and then they start fighting you - even if you did not speak one word to them and did not do anything which affects them in any way.


The only thing which really affects success is extracting rules, principles and habits from direct life experience and stick to them no matter what. This seems way more easy than it actually is.


@PhilWhat are your thoughts on this?

Edited by BlendingInfinite

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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In addition, situations often happen in which you are forced to defend yourself verbally. So with arguments that are logically closed, e.g.

If you don't do that, then someone can, for example, badmouth your work or spread things about you that aren't true. Then you have to stand up and correct that. But then that creates resistance again, so you get even more of it...

What can you do there please? It's as if the environment forces you to behave in a certain way and thus align your life with the environment. How can you create independently?



You can derive it from simple logic

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There’s a lot that if interested you could question if it’s true. Stuff like the environment wanting, people being triggered & jealous when someone doesn’t say anything, that thought attracts situations, that one is forced to defend oneself verbally, that there are arguments that are logically closed, that you have to correct others, that the environment forces. Creating independently might look like inspecting those beliefs. Maybe what’s found is that you already are. None of it is really thread- relative either. If interested maybe get to the heart of it, and make a thread about that. 

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6 hours ago, Phil said:


There’s a lot that if interested you could question if it’s true. Stuff like the environment wanting, people being triggered & jealous when someone doesn’t say anything, that thought attracts situations, that one is forced to defend oneself verbally, that there are arguments that are logically closed, that you have to correct others, that the environment forces. Creating independently might look like inspecting those beliefs. Maybe what’s found is that you already are. None of it is really thread- relative either. If interested maybe get to the heart of it, and make a thread about that. 

It is thread related because it was about pillars success.


How you feel about thoughts depends on you. People feel different about them. Sure, you just can't argue about your work e.g.but the conseuences would be hard in most cases depending on the profession. 


What I said wasn’t of your view on Reality. However, it isnt humble to obviously believe yozr view is always correct. 


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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On 7/12/2022 at 2:55 PM, Orb said:

For those who've experienced the classic financial/career success (Financial Independence, Satisfaction from your work, a Sense of "Direction" with your career), what would you say are the fundamental pillars/attitudes/principles for success?


What pillar, attitude, or principle of success are you contributing to the thread?

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9 hours ago, Phil said:


What pillar, attitude, or principle of success are you contributing to the thread?

It is kind of silly to now justify myself. However, I do it.


It were questions about your arguments to how success works. And in addition what I have experienced in this regards and what I have found out.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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