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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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@Phil And I am not trying to point fingers at you Phil or be disrespectful. God Phil I love you to fucking death you'll always be 1 to me. I have seen 100s! if not thousands of people be effected negatively from his behavior and it's sad because it's all avoidable. Leo hasn't changed and probably won't ever change. He's not waking up having a revelation that we did is wrong or sleezy. He encourages his negative behavior thinking it's ok. 

I agree with you Phil I totally need to drop this but I personally feel hurt as fuck from that guy. 

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26 minutes ago, Iesu said:

True but I am doing the best I've ever been and keep getting better.

That is great to hear! 

26 minutes ago, Iesu said:

But people have hurt they want to express.

For sure. Perfectly understandable and also within the guidelines. 

26 minutes ago, Iesu said:

I can't count how many times leo has gas lighten me or other people. Watching and reading Leos stuff made me feel like I was going insane and he literally reinforces it and then CONTRADICTS it. He literally has said it feels like you're going insane then smacks people for being "egoic".

The relevance, is suffering, vs liberation of suffering. Isn’t it so? 

There’s some suffering in the experience of the discord of hypocrisy, I agree. I’ve stubbed that toe too. There was a sting, yes, but there was & is, no suffering. 

47 minutes ago, Phil said:


I implore you and anyone else with the same sentiment to either let it go, for good… or… go actually spend some time with him… and then if you still want, think about him, judge him, etc, etc. But at least directly experience so to speak, what y’all are even talking about. 


I hope the distinction is seen here, in this thread, going forward, between discussing separate selves… vs…  teachings, misinformation, manipulation, misguidance, conjecture, dogma, and the like. 



17 minutes ago, Iesu said:

@Phil And I am not trying to point fingers at you Phil or be disrespectful. God Phil I love you to fucking death you'll always be 1 to me. I have seen 100s! if not thousands of people be effected negatively from his behavior and it's sad because it's all avoidable. Leo hasn't changed and probably won't ever change. He's not waking up having a revelation that we did is wrong or sleezy. He encourages his negative behavior thinking it's ok. 

I agree with you Phil I totally need to drop this but I personally feel hurt as fuck from that guy. 

🙂 I love you too, and I appreciate the kind words, I don’t think you’re being disrespectful to me at all, I’m nothing.  I suggest the upmost respect for your own well being & alignment. The goodness ain’t comin from me sneaky pants. 

Maybe Leo’s changed, maybe he hasn’t, maybe he will, maybe he won’t, maybe he should or needs to, maybe he shouldn’t and doesn’t need to. 


Cessation. Truth. The end of suffering. 

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1 hour ago, Phil said:


Likewise sir, you have so so much to learn, as in yet to see. No one on this thread said they hate Leo. What is the source of that hate?

Sire, you have clearly not been paying attention, it seems.  People here are calling him a "sexist pig", "narcissist", "scammer", etc.  And it's all very one-sided.

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1 hour ago, Iesu said:

"become" god lmfao. Bro this is clearly trolling and you don't know what you're talking about. His point is that "you" don't have one.  

Might I ask who exactly "becomes" god? 

Come to the realization of God is what I meant.

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12 minutes ago, Phil said:

That is great to hear! 

For sure. Perfectly understandable and also within the guidelines. 

The relevance, is suffering, vs liberation of suffering. Isn’t it so? 

There’s some suffering in the experience of the discord of hypocrisy, I agree. I’ve stubbed that toe too. There was a sting, yes, but there was & is, no suffering. 



🙂 I love you too, and I appreciate the kind words, I don’t think you’re being disrespectful to me at all, I’m nothing.  I suggest the upmost respect for your own well being & alignment. The goodness ain’t comin from me sneaky pants. 

Maybe Leo’s changed, maybe he hasn’t, maybe he will, maybe he won’t, maybe he should or needs to, maybe he shouldn’t and doesn’t need to. 


Cessation. Truth. The end of suffering. 

cessation 🤤 Phil the Hustler 


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10 minutes ago, God said:

Sire, you have clearly not been paying attention, it seems.  People here are calling him a "sexist pig", "narcissist", "scammer", etc.  

Unfortunately, yes that is also the case, and this is me trying to ‘reel it in’ a bit. 


What you said was people are hating Leo. No one said that. Hate is an emotion. It isn’t ‘in the world’, it’s projection, or nonexistent. Obviously as God you are already aware of this. Maybe as God, you are also inclined to the ‘reeling it in’ orientation. Seems as if you would be, or are perhaps deluded. 

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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

There are other more productive facets of this forum y’all. 🙂

Productive as in, contributes to bringing an end to suffering and simultaneously consciously creating the change you actually desire in your life. 

This is one example…



Let's hope

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@Phil call me out if I'm being authoritarian, but would this be the right time to lock this post?


Seems like what started off as healthy expression has morphed into thought loops about Leo (that asshole 😤🤣). 


I love you Leo, you asshole, you're awesome! 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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2 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Phil call me out if I'm being authoritarian, but would this be the right time to lock this post?


Seems like what started off as healthy expression has morphed into thought loops about Leo (that asshole 😤🤣). 


I love you Leo, you asshole, you're awesome! 

Great question imo. If it seems to in any way actually result in any kind of harm, I think yes. 

Otherwise, I think closing threads cause they get crazy is sort of like quitting therapy after one or two visits. (Not to at all actually equate this forum to therapy.) More of a, never quit before the breakthrough outlook. 

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@Phil thanks for the feedback! 🙏


Fuck it, we're all in this hurricane together! 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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My stance: 

  • The person causing mischief on Leo's forum is just a troll, like a legitimate troll.  I would ignore it...  the forum over there has a lot of trolls.  To the people over there, that user is a troll don't feed him he's just trying to cause conflict, rumour, division, etc - we can co-exist peacefully.
  • People can choose both forums, it doesn't have to be one or the other.  We are the same, we don't need to have factions between the two groups.  At the very least, there shouldn't be animosity.  
  • Leo isn't exempt from critique.  You have to critique people in positions of power and influence especially
  • Leo, work on your approach with women, especially how you communicate.  That's your "Fe" aka "extroverted feeling", and it needs improvement.  I don't say that to judge, just as an observation.  I would seriously consider professionalizing your approach on your forum.  I have to work on my Fe, too, it's a part of life to have to learn to polish your approach.  You're a perfectionist so you should already know this, that your approach with the forum has gone down a little, but you always needed some improvement with that.  As a woman, I didn't always feel comfortable there.
  • There is a collective ego that developed there that needs to be popped.  I would suggest working on yourselves without any forums for a few weeks and then come back and "look" and you will see how forums can influence your moods, your development, and much, much more.  I go back now and I can see the ego there - it's hard to see when you're in it.  Try taking a break for a little while just for the sake of seeing it, and then start again.  That's my advice...


My personal opinion is that we should move on from this thread and focus on other aspects of the site.
Y'all can do what you want, but that's what I'm going to do because I came here to move on from Actualized, and just focus on personal improvement, and finding truth/God.  Peace!



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19 hours ago, Whimsical said:

I just crept on over to view said thread and saw Gesundheit @Gesslagging this forum to members on the other forum. Lol what’s that about?  You were also complaining here no?  Or was that just you testing the waters hehe 😌

People complain. That's how it is.

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3 hours ago, Annie said:


Leo, work on your approach with women, especially how you communicate.  That's your "Fe" aka "extroverted feeling", and it needs improvement.  I don't say that to judge, just as an observation.  I would seriously consider professionalizing your approach on your forum.  I have to work on my Fe, too, it's a part of life to have to learn to polish your approach.  You're a perfectionist so you should already know this, that your approach with the forum has gone down a little, but you always needed some improvement with that.  As a woman, I didn't always feel comfortable there.

Finally, someone speaking my language!

Poor INTPs.  Leo's Fe is his trickster function, so it's a blindspot for him.  I think this is actually what that Joseph guy was talking about yesterday, unknowingly.  I do feel Leo's lack of Fe but, as I appreciate his Ti, I don't really care.  I don't need Leo for emotional support.  I just like talking to him Ti-to-Ti.


But I guess it's not surprising that some Fe doms would be upset by him and complain🤷‍♂️

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27 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

@Space4This of course. the point was that he was here complaining about the other forum.  Then he was on the other forum commenting about us, complaining about this forum.  
was just amusing to see the too faced-ness in action. Maybe was a deliberate move to stir things up. 

I saw that,couldn't beleive my eyes.Let him to test the waters.

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And be sure to watch Leo's video on devilry.  Many people, especially those religious, tend to have childish/naiive ideas about the topic.


You become a devil when you demonize / consider evil anything that's a threat to your ego.  If you were 100% selfless, evil could not even exist, from your perspective.  It's only when you are fearful and have something to defend that you can see anything as "evil".  And through this act of demonization, you become the devil yourself.

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