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I agree with @fopylo, this forum is more than enough in terms of having a well functioning community. 


If we used a discord it would just be like an overwhelming groupchat that keeps your phone buzzing. Eventually people would stop using it anyway imo. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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6 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

As I said, we don't know, if the amount of data would be meaningful. If 10 people reply, the poll had little information to gather from. And you had already 3 on your side.

No shit man.


Do you even know what you're talking about man?

I'm laughing reading how you jump into conclusions and calling me names for that 😂

Talking and thinking badly about me only affects your experience

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52 minutes ago, fopylo said:


No shit man.


Do you even know what you're talking about man?

I'm laughing reading how you jump into conclusions and calling me names for that 😂

Talking and thinking badly about me only affects your experience

I never called you names. You don't know anything about my experience.  My conclusions are logically induced. Your's are not - obviously.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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4 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

My conclusions are logically induced

"logically"😂 You must be really well read then

4 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

Your's are not - obviously.

I didn't make any conclusions - obviously haha

4 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

Nobody here has something against you.

Who are we talking about?

4 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

Everything is alright.

haha you are indeed correct


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9 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

@FaithStop writing me. I am sorry for you feeling disliked by the slightest bit. I don't care much about you, it is just not that bright what you are posting.

Look, my post about my discord experience wasn't even "to" you. It was to the forum, then I quoted you afterward on the post and suggested perhaps you just "let it go", my...what did you call it, "false cognition", but that was apparently not going to happen and actually triggered you. 


I don't write to you,  unless you first tag or quote me, as you did in this thread. Yes, I know I wasn't supposed to see the hidden post you tagged me in also, but I did, because of my forum access.


You said already (in that hidden post) that I "don't appear to be that bright", etc. And, now you say, "it is just not that bright what you are posting".


...so, then don't worry about what I have to say about discord or anything for that matter. You shouldn't care.


7 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

@fopyloPlease don't feel offended that easy. Nobody here has something against you. Everything is alright.

Hmm, you say on the other post, "is because you act from a place of lowest instincts".  Yet, no offense is supposed to be taken? 😂






You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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1 minute ago, fopylo said:

@BlendingInfinite Ain't we enjoying it here?

You have to know the point when it is time to not continue a conversation. Because, it doesn't lead anywhere. If we have a conversation, it should be about something meaningful with arguments, that can be understood and are not emotionally driven.


However, I think you will learn this with time.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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36 minutes ago, BlendingInfinite said:
38 minutes ago, fopylo said:

Ain't we enjoying it here?

You have to know the point when it is time to not continue a conversation. Because, it doesn't lead anywhere. If we have a conversation, it should be about something meaningful with arguments, that can be understood and are not emotionally driven.

But ain't we though? Aren't you enjoying it? Come on man, don't lie haha

36 minutes ago, BlendingInfinite said:

However, I think you will learn this with time.

You surely know a lot


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