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Caring What People Think


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6 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I'm supposed to be highly conscious? What makes you think that? 

Just from taking a look at your writing. It doesn't take too much of savvy to spot a well put up mind .but I'm starting to suspect it because you can't get that we are all one ..ya know ..there Is no separation and the rest of the story bla bla 

7 minutes ago, Mandy said:

So how does this apply to other people thinking? 

You care about what people think because you are not conscious that they are fucking YOU.

I've repeated it enough times now . But you are not taking it seriously. So whatever...


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3 minutes ago, Marcel said:

Great Topic.


My philosophy on it is.


I am interested in what people think about me. Whether positive or negative doesn’t even matter to me. But I do want to know if possible and am grateful for every opportunity.


It can give me a lot of insight to read or hear about what someone is saying about me. To me, everything, and it doesn’t matter what it is, I truly don’t mind if someone is tearing me down or is inspired by me or whatever it may be, is useful.


It’s all a giant case study to me. Helping me to further my own understanding and possibly leading me to have insights I wouldn’t have otherwise had. It’s all fine to me.







Beautiful hun. I really appreciate your perspective. ❤️

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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4 minutes ago, Mandy said:

She wants pizza for breakfast, and I don't want to get her pizza for breakfast. So it seems there's a difference. 

She wants pizza is happening inside your consciousness. This comment is happening inside your consciousness.  It's you .separation is illusory. 

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Just from taking a look at your writing. It doesn't take too much of savvy to spot a well put up mind .but I'm starting to suspect it because you can't get that we are all one ..ya know ..there Is no separation and the rest of the story bla bla 



But if consciousness is not mistaking oneself/others for body minds, how does the qualities of a mind have anything to do with it? And how can there be anything that I'm supposed to be? Supposed to know, supposed to believe, supposed to say? 

4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You care about what people think because you are not conscious that they are fucking YOU.

I've repeated it enough times now . But you are not taking it seriously. So whatever...

Is "so whatever" caring or not caring? 

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3 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Someone here  It seems like you're equating consciousness with intelligence. In order for consciousness the be the same thing as intelligence, there must be separate, conditional body minds. 

Yes consciousness is intelligence. But it really depends . I don't mean your IQ or how many brain cells are in there ..more like your wakefulness. How spiritually awake you are .What is stupidity? Unconsciousness or fragmentation. To be at the peak of consciousness or intelligence you must realize there is literally no others 

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@Someone here

8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Yes consciousness is intelligence. But it really depends . I don't mean your IQ or how many brain cells are in there ..more like your wakefulness. How spiritually awake you are .What is stupidity? Unconsciousness or fragmentation. To be at the peak of consciousness or intelligence you must realize there is literally no others 

Hmm. So consciousness is conditional then? And of and pertaining to a person? Am I the one realizing there are no others?

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"Spiritually awake", "highly conscious" etc. are the same as "not caring what others think".


It's the self-improvement paradigm. Trying to become something.


I have never seen trying to become better work out personally. Seems to always be just a hamster wheel.


And it's the same with "accepting" and "surrendering".





I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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We're all over the place . I feel like we've deviated from the main point .my point is that caring about what others think of us stems from not knowing that others are our very self ..in the most literal sense . The thing that's looking through our eyes is the same. That means I'm literally..physically ..you .so it's stupid to be ashamed of looking dumb or whatever in front of others because you are not aware that they are you .which can only be grasped by awakening. 

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10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

We're all over the place . I feel like we've deviated from the main point .my point is that caring about what others think of us stems from not knowing that others are our very self ..in the most literal sense . The thing that's looking through our eyes is the same. That means I'm literally..physically ..you .so it's stupid to be ashamed of looking dumb or whatever in front of others because you are not aware that they are you .which can only be grasped by awakening. 

What does the most literal sense feel like? If it's stupid to be ashamed, isn't being ashamed something to be ashamed of itself, or some sort of proof that you haven't awakened as you describe? And isn't awakening as the way you describe none other than worthiness being bestowed upon a person somehow?  Wouldn't it be worth feeling bad that I don't have such a great thing? You use the word grasp, like its attained or understood. How will I know that I've attainted it? 

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40 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

"Spiritually awake", "highly conscious" etc. are the same as "not caring what others think".


It's the self-improvement paradigm. Trying to become something.


I have never seen trying to become better work out personally. Seems to always be just a hamster wheel.


And it's the same with "accepting" and "surrendering".





You have no idea what awakening is.  

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