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What is Feeling Good?


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I think going into this question would be very clarifying for everyone on this forum. I often see people speaking about the importance of feeling good, but let's question what that Good is. 


Is feeling good a pleasurable experience?


Is feeling good simply the absence of resistance/discord?


Is it another way to refer to unfettered experience? 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Putting feeling first means no longer believing thoughts but listening to feeling, actually feeling. It's not important per se, it's just the actuality. 


Just like the proper grammar is "feel bad" not "feel badly" because feeling badly would mean you had 10 pairs of gloves on your hands or you were numb and not feeling anything. 


So start with feeling goodly, not feels good. Seems to lead to feeling good though. 🤷‍♀️

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23 hours ago, ThePoint said:

Feeling Good is Equanimity, also the only yardstick you can measure your progress with


On 7/4/2024 at 12:15 PM, Mandy said:

Putting feeling first means no longer believing thoughts but listening to feeling, actually feeling. It's not important per se, it's just the actuality. 


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On 7/4/2024 at 7:15 PM, Mandy said:

Putting feeling first means no longer believing thoughts but listening to feeling, actually feeling. It's not important per se, it's just the actuality. 


Just like the proper grammar is "feel bad" not "feel badly" because feeling badly would mean you had 10 pairs of gloves on your hands or you were numb and not feeling anything. 


So start with feeling goodly, not feels good. Seems to lead to feeling good though. 🤷‍♀️

I'm seeing something here. Thank you 💜

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On 7/4/2024 at 6:15 PM, Mandy said:

Putting feeling first means no longer believing thoughts but listening to feeling, actually feeling. It's not important per se, it's just the actuality. 


why does it seem like that is tough work. Because of "discord" in the vibration? Feeling seems like effort relative to focusing on thoughts. Maybe that changes with practice

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1 minute ago, WhiteOwl said:

why does it seem like that is tough work. Because of "discord" in the vibration? Feeling seems like effort relative to focusing on thoughts. Maybe that changes with practice

The reactions are so automatic. We've spent years seeing thoughts as real. It's easy to believe them. But it can also be easy to see through them.

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12 minutes ago, grace said:

The reactions are so automatic. We've spent years seeing thoughts as real. It's easy to believe them. But it can also be easy to see through them.

Yes. But also in the sense that focusing on feeling/emotions is uncomfortable. Thats worth going into though haha. Since its kind of the truth and right here

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2 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Yes. But also in the sense that focusing on feeling/emotions is uncomfortable. Thats worth going into though haha. Since its kind of the truth and right here

It can also be relieving. Sometimes in the middle of a panic attack i've shifted from focusing on thought to feeling and just felt the pressure on my chest, the hotness running in flashes, the surges of energy. And if i don't filter them through thought they aren't all that terrible. Just some physical sensations in the body. In my mind it can be "oh my god this is terrible i can't handle this, this can't be happening, what if i stop being able to breathe" and in the body it's energy flowing, pressure etc. 

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43 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

why does it seem like that is tough work. Because of "discord" in the vibration? Feeling seems like effort relative to focusing on thoughts. Maybe that changes with practice

How does the thought that it seems like tough work feel? 


Thoughts have momentum, if you're hand has been tensed on the steering wheel for 20 minutes in busy traffic, noticing and relaxing it seem to be an effort but really is not, it's a relaxation of an effort that's been going on so long it just seems like "what is". 

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