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9 minutes ago, Phil said:


Critique of the post wise, it’s solipsistic, conjecture, revolves around the separate self of thoughts & what it knows / knowing. Self Inquiry isn’t about being ‘the learner’ or ‘achiever’ or ‘knower’ etc, Self Inquiry is what is the feeling of being me.  


Advice wise, immediately discontinue usage of spiritual content of the teacher-student, higher lower subject-object, obtaining, becoming enlightened, levels, “I have what you need”, etc framings so you, awareness, are no longer undermining / obscuring yourself with beliefs. If it resonates, and or if it is convoluted yet suspected that it never resonated in the first place. 


Adopt the practice & employ the methods. 


Begin to rely on the inner, real, not of this world guidance in terms of aligning thought with feeling. What can’t be outsourced or delegated, can’t be outsourced or delegated. What is is, what is. No more denial. In that manor, stop pretending to the contrary & enjoy what naturally unfolds in your life as it were. The contrary is continuing on with what ‘isn’t working’, isn’t it so? 5 years  you said, yeah?


Notice momentum, appreciate momentum, change the orientation. 

It's difficult to understand but thanks .

I have few questions:

1-why is solipsism bad or demonized ? Just because the post is solipsistic does not automatically means its obsolete or wrong . 

2-what makes you sure it's conjecture? I just did an analysis of how your direct experience works every single day at the very least without splitting hairs about words like "you " and "your " awareness which you guys on this forum seem to be very sensitive to for some reason .

3- I want to understand this point once and for all : what the hell is the relationship between how a perspective feels and its truth value ? If you get cancer then that's the truth regardless of how paniful and depressing .

 Another point (feel free to comment on or leave it .. its a bit off topic ).

i tend to talk to" myself "all day long more or less in a narrative way conversing with myself I guess. I'm never really sure what the hell is responding back to me. Is there different selves inside me ? 
I can not really turn my brain off. It's a computer that keep processing  shit all day long. And meditation seems boring to me .

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28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's difficult to understand but thanks .

Appreciating the questions in that case, thanks.


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I have few questions:

1-why is solipsism bad or demonized ? Just because the post is solipsistic does not automatically means it’s obsolete or wrong . 

How would I know, as solipsism isn’t bad or demonized “in this experience” if you will. It’s just based on a separate self, the knower, inherently dualistic, thought based, conceptual, separative & isolating.  


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

2-what makes you sure it's conjecture? I just did an analysis of how your direct experience works every single day at the very least without splitting hairs about words like "you " and "your " awareness which you guys on this forum seem to be very sensitive to for some reason .

Conjecture as in was heard then believed and is now said. It’s not about words or anyone else whatsoever. That’s deflection, or, rejection of the message, of what’s actually being said. It’s about thought attachment. Today I ran 5 miles again and now I’m going to do a whole bunch of stuff and talk to people. See? Just words apparently. So much conceptualizing may not be the new preferred orientation. New orientation: No more teachers. 


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

3- I want to understand this point once and for all : what the hell is the relationship between how a perspective feels and its truth value ?

Meaning, purpose, value & worth are concepts, conceptualizations of This, of Self, the very Self seeking, the very Self sought. Same for absolute & relative truth (personal belief) of the separate self of thoughts. Drop all such content as again this is an undermining of yourself/Self/Awareness. Receiving vs manipulation essentially. New orientation; receiving. 


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If you get cancer then that's the truth regardless of how paniful and depressing .

Cancer is a thought, a concept. Truth is unthinkable. Notice the “If you”. Some so called spiritual teachings are ‘one set of rules for me another set of you’ and that habit (deflection & projection) seems to have been picked up. There is no you. New orientation, non-you-ness. Phil’s had cancer twice, neither experience was painful nor depressing. It’s the interpretations that are felt. New orientation: Acknowledging emotions as conceptualizations are discarded, revealing interpretations are felt. 


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

 Another point (feel free to comment on or leave it .. its a bit off topic ).

i tend to talk to" myself "all day long more or less in a narrative way conversing with myself I guess. I'm never really sure what the hell is responding back to me. Is there different selves inside me ? 

No, that’s an experience of thoughts appearing within you, about a multiplicity of selves. New orientation; noticing an experiencing of thoughts appearing. 


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I can not really turn my brain off.

That’s thoughts. Deflection & projection can apparently even be to a brain. The habit is ‘in there very deep’ so to speak. 

28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's a computer that keep processing  shit all day long.

Thoughts don’t have to be believed. Present, ‘all day long’ is a thought, isn't it?

28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And meditation seems boring to me .

That’s not boredom, that’s pessimism. 

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49 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I agree with the first statement. But I don't understand the second one .

The first statement implies there’s an outside of knowing awareness. 


The second implies….While knowing awareness is directly known, the idea of anything outside or beyond this direct knowing can never be known without making it also known. So I’m kind of saying the same as you, there is nothing outside of one’s awareness that can be known, and so to even make such an assumption as ( outside of my awareness ) would be analogous to trying to get beyond the horizon in order to glimpse the other side, when there is no such place as the other side of the horizon. 


It could even be known that “Not-Knowing” is the only knowing there is, in that even “knowing”  is “not -known”how or why it is known, just that it is.



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18 hours ago, Someone here said:

I mean look at it really ..wide your gaze and look around you ..this stuff that you perceive is obviously being experienced by you ..its happening within awareness..within your awareness. 

Close your eyes ..everything disappeared. Open them  again ..they  reapear .etc 

Go to sleep..the  whole universe goes poof and collapse as if it never even existed for at least 8 hours (but from your POV it was a blink of an eye .)

I mean how the hell am I wrong here ?

You guys dream every single night ..you experience a fantastic array of various colorful dreams similar if not identical to the waking state ...yet once you wake up everything in the dream is revealed to be a creation of your own mind/awareness/subconscious mind etc or however the fuck you wanna think about it .

spirituality is precisely trascending all of those limitations/biological perceptions you are talking about.


Realising what you are talking about is relative. What you are is absolute. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Jane said:

Nothing can be known to exist outside of knowing awareness, because everything is known, except not-knowing.


Correct.  The Self (a.k.a the Witness) = The Eternal Dharma.  That's why the Self is Omniscient.  The Self is "known" or realized via Being the Self, which is what You are.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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17 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:


Correct.  The Self (a.k.a the Witness) = The Eternal Dharma.  That's why the Self is Omniscient.  The Self is "known" or realized via Being the Self, which is what You are.


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Posted (edited)

Awareness can be seated in the mind and It can be seated in the body.  But is there a way for Awareness to be seated in Itself?  If that happens, what happens to the mind and what happens to the body?  Body also includes anything external (the external world).  Mind also includes everything internal (the internal world).  This is what I think solipsism is training-wheels to point to, but it's a half-measure.  What is Awareness seated in Itself?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Joseph Maynor Doesn't when indicate a condition, a time? 


Yes, because basically this is the movie I'm Watching.  I'm seated in the movie to a certain degree as Awareness.  The movie has space and time, cause and effect, pleasures and pains, deluded people, wise people, minds, bodies, forms of mind, forms of body, etc.  But the Witness is immutable and formless.  I've become one of those people that I used to laugh at a few years ago lol.  It's a trip though when you experience "yourself" getting kind of blown-out and re-seated into Awareness Itself as Itself.  It's a change.  When I'm walking around I don't feel the same as I did before.  It could very well be that this language has brainwashed me and it will break down soon, which I expect because you stop reinforcing the narrative.  But its not all narrative though, there's a change in experience and identity that for lack of a better word I can "feel" (maybe "notice" is a better word).

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:


Yes, because basically this is the movie I'm Watching.  I'm seated in the movie to a certain degree as Awareness.  The movie has space and time, cause and effect, pleasures and pains, deluded people, wise people, minds, bodies, forms of mind, forms of body, etc.  But the Witness is immutable and formless.  I've become one of those people that I used to laugh at a few years ago lol.  It's a trip though when you experience "yourself" getting kind of blown-out and re-seated into Awareness Itself as Itself.  It's a change.  When I'm walking around I don't feel the same as I did before.  It could very well be that this language has brainwashed me and it will break down soon, which I expect because you stop reinforcing the narrative.  But its not all narrative though, there's a change in experience and identity that for lack of a better word I can "feel" (maybe "notice" is a better word).

The duality would be that there's someone that's just a witness, and that there's another God or author of the narrative or script out there, unseen. The you that creates your reality. Exactly because there is no narrative it is creative license, liberation, freedom, pure potential. Sit back and enjoy, lean in and create. 

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