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I can't say I have a simple answer to your question.  I'm not one of those people who think and say confidently that they have found the truth as to these matters.  I don't feel that way when I'm really honest with myself.  What started the thread to unravel for me is when I first realized I wasn't sure what the self is and secondly when I realized that human being is a construct.  I'm not freaked out by it anymore and I can't even say I've definitively found answers to these either and that's ok.  I'm ok not knowing too.  But I agree it is kinda scary, and we want to know the truth to assuage this feeling of not knowing or not knowing yet.  But all answers I've heard on some level don't seem right to me either.  It's made me pull back from feeling like I need truth a bit and to wobble the knowing vs./and not knowing duality more gingerly than before.  On some level everything is as it always has been for me, so there's nothing to fear.  It's just the story now that's at issue, and that doesn't impact my life all the time anyway, only when I'm focused on that.  I can shift my focus to other things that then become the central issue for me, like washing my dishes.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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11 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm not one of those people who think and say confidently that they have found the truth as to these matters.  I don't feel that way when I'm really honest with myself.  What started the thread to unravel for the is when I first realized I wasn't sure what the self is and secondly when I realized that human being is a construct.  I'm not freaked out by it anymore and I can't even say I've definitively found answers to these either and that's ok.  I'm ok not knowing too.  But I agree it is kinda scary, and we want to know the truth to assuage this feeling of not knowing or not knowing yet.


What if knowing and the knower was also deconstructed?


What if both knowing and not knowing is like dream stuff? If knowing & not knowing were dream stuff, what would the 'real stuff' be like?


(I'm just wondering out loud, not asking you per se 😂)


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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18 hours ago, Phil said:



Stage blue anthropomorphizing. 

You’re right..


But then what should I do.. I can’t seem to logically understand it.. I don’t really trust others explaining it and I don’t think one can explain it.. if I trust other, then it just becomes another religion.. I have mostly bad trips doing shrooms and doing breathwork.. so idk anymore..

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2 hours ago, Rose said:

This seems very depressing…


Then the interpretation is off in some way.


Truth = happiness. If there is even a whiff of depression, fear, guilt, anything like that, something is off.


2 hours ago, Rose said:

how you can care about celery juice after that is beyond me..


There is no "after that". Not two is already the case.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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2 hours ago, Rose said:

This doesn’t mean anything to me 

The "to me" part is the hang up. You asked for it dumbed down, simple language.


Love. What's love feel like like? Go right there. Moth to flame. If it seems unreachable, use the emotional scale, but now we're leaving the realms of what's dumbed down. Intellect, maps, models created out of love is actually the dumbed down version if there were any. 

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3 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Truth = happiness. If there is even a whiff of depression, fear, guilt, anything like that, something is off.

How can there be happiness in there being no meaning? Everything you are doing has no meaning.. it is not needed.. you can go kill ten thousand people and it is just as good as if you go and feed ten thousand hungry people..  because it doesn’t mean anything 

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42 minutes ago, Rose said:

How can there be happiness in there being no meaning? Everything you are doing has no meaning.. it is not needed.. you can go kill ten thousand people and it is just as good as if you go and feed ten thousand hungry people..  because it doesn’t mean anything 


If these thoughts / this interpretation feels off, something is off about it. Contemplate, find out what it is.


It's not like nonduality first isn't the case and then when you learn or realize it, it suddenly is the case. Nonduality is already the case. There isn't a requirement to 'be nondual' or 'know nonduality' for nonduality to be the case. 😁


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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42 minutes ago, Rose said:

you can go kill ten thousand people and it is just as good as if you go and feed ten thousand hungry people..  because it doesn’t mean anything 

If mother nature were an entity, feeding billions, killing billions, we'd project a lot onto her. All springs from fear of suffering, resistance of suffering, which is the suffering. 

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Mandy said:

All springs from fear of suffering, resistance of suffering, which is the suffering.

Ok.. then should I go and be tortured somewhere while slowly getting murdered? Seems to be what Jesus did.. would that make me really enlightened then…? Being so cool I am cool and not afraid of dying at any moment.. and feeling joy while being slowly murdered..

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2 minutes ago, Rose said:

Ok.. then should I go and be tortured somewhere while slowly getting murdered? Seems to be what Jesus did.. would that make me really enlightened then…? Being so cool I am cool and not afraid of dying at any moment..

That's all self conception, that has nothing to do with feeling. 

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