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1 minute ago, Mandy said:

Maybe "What I believe needs to happen for me to be happy in the future"

That's perfect.  You took it right from my mouth . I do actually invision myself travelling through the US ..but also European cities like London and Paris . 

There is no question about it that these countries have a better life than third world countries like India.  And in all domains . 

So yeah I'm bitter and anguished that I'm stuck in a shitty society. I do want to move to a first world country.  And that's definitely can make me happier than I'm right now.  So I don't see anything wrong with your statement. 

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@Someone hereThe housing market absolutely sucks for buyers, no one can find affordable homes, prices are inflated, a modest house is 350,000. Yet I know someone who just got a great home for $20,000. There are only particular circumstances, never generalizations. What a shame it would be to "buy" a generalization for "everyone" and never see the opportunities there for you. Some of the very best opportunities are exactly where people say there are none because no one is even bothering to see them right in front of their noses. 


Really deserves its own thread though. 

 Youtube Channel  

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5 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Someone hereThe housing market absolutely sucks for buyers, no one can find affordable homes, prices are inflated, a modest house is 350,000. Yet I know someone who just got a great home for $20,000. There are only particular circumstances, never generalizations. What a shame it would be the "buy" a generalization for "everyone" and never see the opportunities there for you. Some of the very best opportunities are exactly where people say there are none because no one is even bothering to see them right in front of their noses. 


Really deserves its own thread though. 

I'm aware of that . Not a fool to go there with empty wallet.  

I need to make some money first .

 I know There is no quick and easy way. I must man up and get a better salary job and work my way up. The people  who just want shortcuts or want to chest the system always stay poor and never make it. It’s only a few that actually get away with it and many of those people end up in jail 🤣


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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Phil said:

Good is nondual. But the knower knows otherwise. The knower even knows about where the knower hasn’t even been.

People go from the US to India spiritually, seeking Happiness. 


That's understandable .many Western people seeking  modern versions of Hindu traditions (like Vedanta) and seek spirituality are at a vulnerable and low point in their lives.. and scammers(Indian gurus )take advantage of that.

Edited by Someone here
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53 minutes ago, Phil said:

People go from the US to India spiritually, seeking Happiness. 


Just riffing off this comment here.  I don’t know how one can study this stuff and not want to go to India at least once for at least a couple of weeks.  It will blow your mind if you are from the US. 

💬 🗯️🤍

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Joseph Maynor and what about wild homeless dogs fucking each others on the streets of Delhi? 


That's what will blow your mind.  I'll put it this way.  Every extreme of Absolute Infinity on display (display of every nuance of reality).  I don't think I really grokked the Indian Spiritual systems until I saw where they originated.  For example I totally understand the Story of the Buddha and why that happened in India.  I can just see him leaving his palace and walking around -- the furniture was rearranged in his head for sure and a seed was planted.  It makes total sense.  Samsara makes sense.  I loved it in India and I will go back too.  Very spiritual place too.  I visited some Hindu temples that were amazing,  Just walking around while making sure I was safe was the most fun.  I've never experienced anything like it.  I wasn't the same person when I left.  I imagine for an Indian to come to the US would be just as much of a trip.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Joseph Maynor oh you've been to India before?  I believe when you filmed an interview with that "UNspirituality " guy who makes videos to debunk Leo and people from his ilk ...


Yeah.  You remembered that.  I thought it was a fair and insightful video made when I was in India.  I was reviewing all my spiritual beliefs when I was in India almost like everything was rewound and then someone hit fast-forward.  That was my first experience ever being in a YouTube video a week shy of 5 years ago from today.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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Yes. Reality is always extreme. Like is it phoning the charge or charging the phone? 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

That's understandable .many Western people seeking  modern versions of Hindu traditions (like Vedanta) and seek spirituality are at a vulnerable and low point in their lives.. and scammers(Indian gurus )take advantage of that.

People: The problem is I’m at a low point in my life. It feels terrible.

Guru: It feels terrible because it’s not true. 

People: Idiot scammer.


Realty’s so funny.  

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Creating a forum about Truth / spirituality / nonduality, ostracizing & excommunicating “users” for sharing the Message, dismissing loa as spiritual mumbo jumbo, manipulatively & deceptively conceptualizing conditioning as karma…. and the forum having a corrupted database is just too much. 

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