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Heroic doses of psychedelics.


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What’s the highest dose y’all have taken and is there a point where it’s too much? In college I took 5 and 7 grams of shrooms semi regularly. Strongest trip I ever had on mushrooms or acid was one where I was on 2 tabs of acid and I when I closed my eyes I could see the most colorful and beautiful visuals. And my friend played his Tibetan singing bowl and my spine and brainstorm started to vibrate with the bowl.

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14 hours ago, Kevin said:

What’s the highest dose y’all have taken and is there a point where it’s too much? In college I took 5 and 7 grams of shrooms semi regularly. Strongest trip I ever had on mushrooms or acid was one where I was on 2 tabs of acid and I when I closed my eyes I could see the most colorful and beautiful visuals. And my friend played his Tibetan singing bowl and my spine and brainstorm started to vibrate with the bowl.

I took 10 gr dried shrooms with lemon take. My DNA has changed. Believe me. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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28 minutes ago, James123 said:

How was your trip?

I think due to potency my strongest mushroom trip was 5 grams. Not the 7 g one.


the 5 g one is hard to explain but I basically forgot what directions were. Like up, down, left, right, etc and I was just melting on the floor. I sobered ip slightly and decided I should drive home. I could figure out how to drive though and my friend who came outside to check on me immediately took my keys lol.how was your 10 gram trip.

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16 hours ago, Kevin said:

I think due to potency my strongest mushroom trip was 5 grams. Not the 7 g one.


the 5 g one is hard to explain but I basically forgot what directions were. Like up, down, left, right, etc and I was just melting on the floor. I sobered ip slightly and decided I should drive home. I could figure out how to drive though and my friend who came outside to check on me immediately took my keys lol.how was your 10 gram trip.



I went beyond the big bang. Lol. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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I took about 5g bit by bit. Basically 1g, check how it feels, then another etc.


Experienced a breakthrough, and after that quite literally just descended into madness and delusions. 😂 Took an ambulance ride to a hospital. Then spiraled down into psychosis and spent some time in psych ward and took antipyschotics. Then slowly started to unravel and maybe in a year started to feel better.


Might actually be one of the best things that ever happened to me.


🍄: "Hello there!" *smashes your head into pieces with a sledgehammer*


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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I watched a guy take some shrooms once. Then we went skiing. 


He described the experience as the trees bubbling out from the world toward him. Same with signs - the words would bubble out and come at him. It seemed he was used to going at trees and signs. 



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