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Why is Breathing so important?


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"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Oh god...😅

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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2 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

because it puts you in the actuality of reality?

It's so central to everything. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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There is nothing for infinite being to be inside of, and infinite being isn’t a thing (which would be inside of anything).

There’s also no form, and so no restriction, limitation or assertion upon; infinite being. 


So (the infinite) One appears as two, making it seem to itself, that it’s a thing (human), inside of some bigger thing (universe). 

The inside / outside is the in-breath / out-breath… infinite being making it seem like it’s a thing inside of a bigger thing. 


Thus the breath is referred to as “the breath of life”, and ‘used’ for grounding & clearing the mind. 


Unless of course thoughts about the breath / breathing are believed, as in, important. 

‘Important’ denotes “to me”, which means you’re doing (Being) an amazing job of making it seem like you’re a thing inside of a bigger thing. 

Sheer perfection. 



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On 3/27/2024 at 4:06 PM, Phil said:

There is nothing for infinite being to be inside of, and infinite being isn’t a thing (which would be inside of anything).

There’s also no form, and so no restriction, limitation or assertion upon; infinite being. 


So (the infinite) One appears as two, making it seem to itself, that it’s a thing (human), inside of some bigger thing (universe). 

The inside / outside is the in-breath / out-breath… infinite being making it seem like it’s a thing inside of a bigger thing. 


Thus the breath is referred to as “the breath of life”, and ‘used’ for grounding & clearing the mind. 


Unless of course thoughts about the breath / breathing are believed, as in, important. 

‘Important’ denotes “to me”, which means you’re doing (Being) an amazing job of making it seem like you’re a thing inside of a bigger thing. 

Sheer perfection. 




When death happens there is no more breath, what happens then? How infinite would be able to experience itself as something finite?

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2 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


When death happens there is no more breath, what happens then? How infinite would be able to experience itself as something finite?

Death is never actually directly experienced, just the idea of it.  Actually death would require there being something other than the present moment, nothing happens in the past or future.

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18 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

When death happens there is no more breath, what happens then?

Time, life, something happening, breath / breathing are presumptions. 


18 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

How infinite would be able to experience itself as something finite?

Overlooking that it is itself. 

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

Time, life, something happening, breath / breathing are presumptions. 


Is there anything which is not a presumption? 


Contemplating anything there must be a difference between the things you contemplate, otherwise what is the point? What is "honesty", What is "The body". There is a directly different experience of the mentioned things? So in that sense they must exist

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37 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Is there anything which is not a presumption? 

I can only image how nondualist it might sound, but that there is anything is a presumption. 


37 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:


Contemplating anything there must be a difference between the things you contemplate, otherwise what is the point?

Contemplate what a thing is made of, what it really is. 


37 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

What is "honesty", What is "The body".

Honesty doesn’t seem to typically be thought of as a thing or object. Seems much along the lines of alignment. it’s The Truth which is unfettered after all. 

The body does seem to typically be thought of as an object and identified with. Worth contemplating what reality of the body really is. 


37 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

There is a directly different experience of the mentioned things? So in that sense they must exist

Could question what it means for something to exist. 

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8 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

Death is never actually directly experienced, just the idea of it.  Actually death would require there being something other than the present moment, nothing happens in the past or future.


8 hours ago, Phil said:

Time, life, something happening, breath / breathing are presumptions. 


Overlooking that it is itself. 


You guys are right, but you have to give a break in the sense that we act on presumptions all the time. If a presumption does not have a certain % of truth value attached to it, we just don´t jumping off the balcony? Anyways the belief that I will die or I will hurt my body is a presumption.


Literally the thing that was giving me most peace of mind to fight suffering is the 'fact' that I (as a separate self) will going to die. If you guys rob me of that 'fact' im dont know what im going to do lmao.


As my guru said, if you were inmortal how would I ever get you to meditate. (laughs).


No, but really, I absolutely can open myself to the possibility that infinity continues, other dreams, etc. whatever. But please please at least god end my fantasy of a separate self because 'I' suffer too much with my bs. 


One of the last fears I have is that if reincarnation is real I will reincarnate with the same energetic painful karma. Like all my hope is that this life is the last life I experience the karmic suffering, my hope was that when this body-mind dies all this attachments and kind of thoughts are completely done for eternity. That´s why in a sense im doing this work, I don´t want any being or any future-me-reincarnation to experience what I have experienced in sense of suffering this lifetime. 

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14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

You guys are right, but you have to give a break in the sense that we act on presumptions all the time.

There isn’t any experience of we act on presumption so that which there isn’t can’t be addressed. 

If your experience is that you are acting on presumption that can be addressed. 


14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

If a presumption does not have a certain % of truth value attached to it, we just don´t jumping off the balcony? Anyways the belief that I will die or I will hurt my body is a presumption.

No idea what truth value is or means and how this concept relates to jumping of a balcony. 


If you’re inclined to harm address that directly , maturely & responsibly. Do not entertain or employ spiritual bypassing. 


14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Literally the thing that was giving me most peace of mind to fight suffering

Where are these notions like “percentage of truth value” and “fighting suffering” even coming from? 

Fighting suffering is adding resistance, and is suppressing. That is the nature of suffering, that is not a proper or fruitful way to address suffering. 


14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

is the 'fact' that I (as a separate self) will going to die. If you guys rob me of that 'fact' im dont know what im going to do lmao.

This is a complete misunderstanding, twisting & contorting of what’s being shared here. Not meant like ‘and you’re at fault’ or like there’s anything wrong at all, but only to communicate as clearly as possible. 


The separate self is of thoughts.


How is daily morning meditation & expression such as with a journal going? 


Acknowledging emotions? 


What is the difference between thinking about reality and or spirituality, conceptualizing, listening to self proclaimed ‘teachers’….

and implementing these suggestions…?  What differences or distinctions come to mind? 



14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


As my guru said, if you were inmortal how would I ever get you to meditate. (laughs).


No, but really, I absolutely can open myself to the possibility that infinity continues, other dreams, etc. whatever. But please please at least god end my fantasy of a separate self because 'I' suffer too much with my bs. 

Address these matters properly. 


Suffering is the discord of some thoughts. 


Emotion is guidance therein. 


All ‘infinity continues’, ‘infinite numbers’, ‘infinity goes on forever’, ‘infinite infinities’, etc, etc, etc - is utter nonsense. Rumination which is discordant, and is suffering and is indicative of suppression & spiritual bypassing. 


14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

One of the last fears I have is that if reincarnation is real I will reincarnate with the same energetic painful karma.

Fear isn’t fears. 

Fear is an emotion. 

Emotion is guidance for thoughts. 

The discord is how that thought or interpretation feels, and is not a possession or some thing that is yours. 

The interpretation can be aligned, and the discord (suffering) naturally subsides. 


Overall what stands to be most clarifying & relieving is direct experience rather than spiritual concepts. 


Conditioning seems to be very confused & suppressed with spiritual concepts like reincarnation and energetic painful karma. 


Experience fundementally is that of awareness aware of thoughts, perception (seeing & hearing etc), sensation & emotions. ‘Work’ with the simple ordinary elements of direct experience. 


14 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Like all my hope is that this life is the last life I experience the karmic suffering, my hope was that when this body-mind dies all this attachments and kind of thoughts are completely done for eternity. That´s why in a sense im doing this work, I don´t want any being or any future-me-reincarnation to experience what I have experienced in sense of suffering this lifetime. 

None of this is actually transpiring in direct experience, other than as, thoughts. Again, it all seems indicative of conjecture, which is indicative of suppression and twisting, contorting & spiritual bypassing. 

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

There isn’t any experience of we act on presumption so that which there isn’t can’t be addressed. 

If your experience is that you are acting on presumption that can be addressed. 



As always with that twisted curled up language that is great to feel like you are saying something super complex and profound but nobody understand: Great tricks of manipulation. 




No idea what truth value is or means and how this concept relates to jumping of a balcony. 


Is very simple. As I said, if you guys invalidate the question of death by saying is an "assumption", then I am saying, jumping off a balcony is fine because death is 'an assumption'.


So what is it? Is it an assumption or is it more like a fact? 




If you’re inclined to harm address that directly , maturely & responsibly. Do not entertain or employ spiritual bypassing. 


Not at all, I was just using an example to let you see guys how the way you are employing language is not that accurately.


The fact that you know want to gaslight me by saying that is 'spiritual bypassing' is a cheap shot by your part. Gurus love to instantly make the pupil feel inferior or that is not doing things right, the moment the guru is challenged by what is saying. 


1 hour ago, Phil said:

Where are these notions like “percentage of truth value” and “fighting suffering” even coming from? 

Again, making me feel like 'I´m dumb' by saying this things. 

1 hour ago, Phil said:

Fighting suffering is adding resistance, and is suppressing. That is the nature of suffering, that is not a proper or fruitful way to address suffering. 


1 hour ago, Phil said:

How is daily morning meditation & expression such as with a journal going? 


Acknowledging emotions? 

Is impossible to acknowledge emotions, they can only be utterly destroyed. 

1 hour ago, Phil said:


What is the difference between thinking about reality and or spirituality, conceptualizing, listening to self proclaimed ‘teachers’….

and implementing these suggestions…?  What differences or distinctions come to mind? 

Again you are trying to make yourself like you are in a throne of truth and im doing bad things...so tiring. Yeah im so conceptualising dude, ive only done hundreds if not a thousand hours of spiritual practice last 2 years. But you know more than me always. Ok...

1 hour ago, Phil said:





Experience fundementally is that of awareness aware of thoughts, perception (seeing & hearing etc), sensation & emotions. ‘Work’ with the simple ordinary elements of direct experience. 


None of this is actually transpiring in direct experience, other than as, thoughts. Again, it all seems indicative of conjecture, which is indicative of suppression and twisting, contorting & spiritual bypassing. 




Address these matters properly. 

Another cheap shot.



All ‘infinity continues’, ‘infinite numbers’, ‘infinity goes on forever’, ‘infinite infinities’, etc, etc, etc - is utter nonsense.

Lol. And you are a 'Guru' that approaches about love. But again saying that what I write is 'utter nonsense'. Yeah dude, you are so 'above me', and im 'dumb'. Sure, dude. Sure. 



Rumination which is discordant, and is suffering and is indicative of suppression & spiritual bypassing. 

You love to throw those words always to gaslight the alumni on why they are not 'getting it'. Great manipulation techniques.



Conditioning seems to be very confused & suppressed with spiritual concepts like reincarnation and energetic painful karma. 

Sure, because you know all the things on the universe... you say what spiritual concepts and right and what are not...you have a massive ego of knowledge, you feel so above us is concerning what you are doing. 



Again, it all seems indicative of conjecture, which is indicative of suppression and twisting, contorting & spiritual bypassing. 


Is incredible the level of mental manipulation and gaslighting you use. Thank god you showed it to me so clearly and intensely with this last post so I can truly stop coming to this forum for advice.


The moment people ask something that goes against your narrative you harshly gaslight and manipulate with those words as suppression and spiritual bypassing to null the person and make them feel dumb and wrong. 


Is not cool what you are doing. But whatever. Keep feeling like you know everything about life and know more than everybody else. 

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3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

As always with that twisted curled up language that is great to feel like you are saying something super complex and profound but nobody understand: Great tricks of manipulation. 

The direct experience of ‘we act’ is only of the thought. If believed, a presumption.


Investigation of direct experience dispels assumptions / beliefs and the discord of.

What’s true remains. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Is very simple. As I said, if you guys invalidate the question of death by saying is an "assumption", then I am saying, jumping off a balcony is fine because death is 'an assumption'.


So what is it? Is it an assumption or is it more like a fact? 

Questioning direct experience is not an invalidation of any question, anything or anyone.

Question what facts really are, and an assumption will be dispelled.

There is no reason to entirely rule out common sense, intelligence & well-being. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Not at all, I was just using an example to let you see guys how the way you are employing language is not that accurately.


The fact that you know want to gaslight me by saying that is 'spiritual bypassing' is a cheap shot by your part. Gurus love to instantly make the pupil feel inferior or that is not doing things right, the moment the guru is challenged by what is saying. 

There’s none of that here. It’s entirely (discordant) conjecture


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Again, making me feel like 'I´m dumb' by saying this things. 

Asking what “percentage of truth value” and “fighting suffering” are doesn’t imply anyone is anything at all. 

It’s the thought ‘I’m dumb’ which is felt & discordant. It seems there are a lot of concepts covering this simple readily accessible truth. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Again you are trying to make yourself like you are in a throne of truth and im doing bad things...so tiring. Yeah im so conceptualising dude, ive only done hundreds if not a thousand hours of spiritual practice last 2 years. But you know more than me always. Ok...

(“What is the difference between thinking about reality and or spirituality, conceptualizing, listening to self proclaimed ‘teachers’….

and implementing these suggestions…?  What differences or distinctions come to mind? “)


Those are clarifying questions which can be interpreted and internalized that way, but those aspects are not inherent in or implied by the questions. 


Being present and aware (of thoughts about a separate self in time) is not a knowing of anything or a being anyone in any way. It’s being aware, unfettered of conditioning & conjecture. Non-conceptualizing. Non-aversion. Non-bypassing. (Non-suffering). 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Another cheap shot.

Properly as in alignment. Expressing. Feeling emotions. Dispelling discordant limiting beliefs.

3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Lol. And you are a 'Guru' that approaches about love. But again saying that what I write is 'utter nonsense'. Yeah dude, you are so 'above me', and im 'dumb'. Sure, dude. Sure. 

“What you write is utter nonsense” is not what was said. 


“All ‘infinity continues’, ‘infinite numbers’, ‘infinity goes on forever’, ‘infinite infinities’, etc, etc, etc - is utter nonsense.”

… is what was said.  It’s all self-conceptualization.


Infinite being, which those concepts are about, is present & aware of, those concepts.


There’s no guru (or separate self at all) here. 


What’s being said is apparently being discordantly re-interpreted & internalized, and there is much deflection & projection. This is all suppression of emotion / now acknowledging emotions, which is largely (and literally) what’s being said in the first place. 


That there are separate selves above and below each other is conjecture. 


Oddly, suffering sometimes seems to be vehemently defended. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

You love to throw those words always to gaslight the alumni on why they are not 'getting it'. Great manipulation techniques

Rumination which is discordant, and is suffering and is indicative of suppression & spiritual bypassing. The point isn’t manipulation of anyone. The point is liberation. 

Emotional suppression keeps rumination going / rumination is an attempt to find feeling in thought(s). 


What’s being said is not anything about alumni or anyone not getting anything. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Sure, because you know all the things on the universe... you say what spiritual concepts and right and what are not...you have a massive ego of knowledge, you feel so above us is concerning what you are doing. 

Infinite means no finite. There is no thing (finite) for infinite being to know. 


What’s being said is not that some spiritual concepts are right and some are not. What’s being said is simply that concepts are, concepts. Like ‘massive ego of knowledge’, or that ‘above us’ is how being feels, or that there is a ‘doer doing’.


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Is incredible the level of mental manipulation and gaslighting you use. Thank god you showed it to me so clearly and intensely with this last post so I can truly stop coming to this forum for advice.

There is nothing manipulative or gaslighting being said here. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


The moment people ask something that goes against your narrative you harshly gaslight and manipulate with those words as suppression and spiritual bypassing to null the person and make them feel dumb and wrong. 

What’s narrative is being referred to? 


Nothing being said here is encouraging of mistaking the thoughts stupid, dumb and wrong for feeling. What’s being said is largely about feeling the thoughts / acknowledging this is already the case (emotions)… and aligning & consciously creating therein. Usually it seems, much deflection, projection & justifying and rationalizing of discordant interpretations & suffering occurs first. As what’s being said is there aren’t separate selves, the vast majority of the rationalizing centers around… there being separate selves. This is because this is a forum about self-realization & awakening, and the truth is ‘all’ there actually is, is (unconditional) love. 


3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:


Is not cool what you are doing. But whatever. Keep feeling like you know everything about life and know more than everybody else. 

Not a word of anything such as that is being said here. It’s entirely deflection & projection of the very (higher lower selves) conjecture referred to. 

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