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It's not about understanding, knowing the truth, realizing god, awakening, accessing higher states or stages, integration, balancing, healing traumas, teaching, learning, developing, achieving higher consciousness, not being deluded, gaining wisdom.


All of that (and much more) is aversion from feeling. It's taking conceptual steps "back" from the actuality of feeling.



What it's really about is HAPPINESS.


Yes, happiness. What you want most. What you want most.



Write what you want on the dreamboard.


Feel the (sometimes) gut-wrenching and heartbreaking discord, guidance of emotions.


Acknowledge suffering.


Open your window and shout to the world "YES, I AM FEELING LIKE SHIT! OH MY GOD I AM FEELING LIKE ABSOLUTE SHIT!"


Then close the window in front of the stunned faces of the people walking by and adopt a daily meditation practice.


Express, journal what you are feelingNot about philosophy, the rumination of all that stuff I mentioned earlier. Express emotions.


Now we're talking.









I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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22 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I don't think you know what happiness is.  The fact that you put it in all caps and insist on it just means that you're screaming for it.  You're trying to make it true.  Happiness doesn't work like that.  We're talking about deep happiness not simple, trivial happiness.  I'm not trying to be rude just honest.  Happiness is tricky!  Everybody on the path knows that happiness is a tricky thing.  It took you a while for you to get an awareness of what unconditional happiness is, if you ever even get to this point on your path, which I think most do on some level.

You are not more advanced than anybody.  You are not further on a path than anybody.  You are not ahead of anybody or have anything anyone else doesn't.  Stop this bullshit. 

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


It's a feeling I get from interacting with him for a long time on here.  You're entitled to your own opinion and I defend you to be able to express it.  I'm just sharing my own insights.  And you're doing that.  And he's doing that.  We're all of a piece in that sense.  No need to get overly reactive or personal here.

What you shared is not an insight.  It's purely written to imply your superiority.  Which is a  completely futile thing to do.  

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Just now, Joseph Maynor said:


This community is filled with higher-conscious people including yourself if you haven't noticed that yet.  

No.  That's exactly what it's not about.  Not about higher consciousness vs.  lower.  That would be a duality.  Not about levels of superiority, exactly the opposite.  Not teacher/student.  You are not better than anyone in any way at all.  And you never will be either. 

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"Happiness" is imo the simplest, most simple and straight-forward term to point to feeling, what is wanted, what is good, what you feel as the emotional guidance / the splinter in your mind all day every day. It's supposed to be something that a kid would understand immediately.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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20 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

"Happiness" is imo the simplest, most simple and straight-forward term to point to feeling, what is wanted, what is good, what you feel as the emotional guidance / the splinter in your mind all day every day. It's supposed to be something that a kid would understand immediately.


I think happiness is when you feel in line with how you want things to be in your life and how you feel about yourself. You'll be generally happy if your expectations meet the outcome. Although there are ways to be happy even when your best outcomes are not achieved but that needs a bit of skill work.

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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