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I think I have found the purpose of my life

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@Phil i can claim that im awakened i can watch a video or read a book and completely understand what is being referred to. I can conceptually totally get it. I can use my mind and conceptually think this into a belief.. but I don’t. I can look around right now and put myself in a frame of mind where I can make it seem completely obvious. Yet I am not conscious of it. Therefore I would just be bullshitting myself into believing I had awoken to it. My conclusion is that this is the case for you. You’ve tricked yourself that you have awoken. I genuinely would like to think not.. but the way you’ve portrayed this in the previous post really reveals your understanding is limited and there are DEFINITELY levels of awakening you dont comprehend yet .

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@Someone here

Consciousness is conscious. It sounds like you’re referring to the martialist’s paradigm or that consciousness is a product of a body or of a separate of consciousness self which is conscious and experiences & understands consciousness. The separate self that understands consciousness and experiences levels of awakening (in time) isn’t present as ‘it’ is the activity of thinking or thoughts about a second or separate self. The I (subject) which is or isn’t conscious of an it (object). There’s nothing being said here which isn’t readily verifiable in non-conceptual direct experience. The concepts could be recognized as conditions, beliefs. Thoughts about selves, time, levels, etc, come & go, while that which is conscious is ever-present (unconditional). 

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@Someone here

Here is a less bias / un-bias & more objective take. It might be more fruitful to let the manipulation / Phil & Leo framing go and ask Gpt questions.

Feel free to copy & paste so you can ask GPT any questions about this you like if interested. 


On 7/8/2023 at 12:40 PM, Phil said:



Input into GPT:

The following thread was made by a self proclaimed teacher of nonduality about a volunteer moderator being demoted for affirming a member’s questioning of the duality in one of the teacher’s videos entitled Why You Avoid The Truth. The teacher made this thread because the moderator said that there aren’t separate selves is already the case, and the actuality of reality is that ‘all’ is unconditional love:


I regret to inform you guys that I made the decision to demote Nahm from being a Mod. Since he is one of the biggest members of this community I know plenty of you may be upset by this, so here's my explanation:


I have noticed over the last few years that Nahm's posts/advices were becoming more and more out of touch with people. Like he was talking at them or through them, not meeting people at the level they were at. Often his posts were cryptic and ambiguous to the point of confusion. I made several private messages to him about this over a year ago, hoping that he would see the problem and correct it. His posts and replies were becoming so out of touch at times that even I had trouble understanding him. It felt more and more like he was communicate from inside his own spiritual bubble, unable to see how his posts were failing to land with normal people, or even myself. Often I would read one of his posts and just have no idea what he was trying to say or how it would help. And if I fail to understand a post, I know 90%+ of others will not understand it or be helped by it. This failure to understand is not from lack of consciousness but from the style in which Nahm chooses to express himself. The issue isn't that Nahm is not a developed or conscious guy, but the obscure and nonsensical way he communicates.


I turned I blind eye to this for several years, hoping it would correct itself naturally. Unfortunately it has gotten worse. The parroting of neo-Advaita platitudes in response to people's relative questions and problems has become too much, especially recently. When I explained this problem to Nahm via PM and tried to communicate with him about correcting it, he started to spout those same vapid neo-Advaita platitudes at me. This is not the kind of communication I can stomach from my Mods. It also became clear to me that he was not interested nor capable of changing his ways. Nor do I want to force him to change his ways if he doesn't do so of his own recognizance. The issue here being that platitudes such as "there is no you" or "that is just a thought" do not help people and in fact start to do the opposite. I do not like neo-Advaita style teachings and I do not want this forum to turn into the kind of place where some normie asks a straight forward question and the response is something like, "There is no you, that's just a thought, there is no one to awaken." These kinds of teachings do not lead to the God-realization I am trying to guide people towards.


With that said, I have no personal ill feelings towards Nahm. He's got many wonderful qualities, most of all is his big heart. I have met him in-person and he's a great guy to hang out with. I know he's coming from good intentions, but his style of teaching nonduality simply does not align with what I am trying to teach about God-realization and the future direction of Actualized.org teachings about awakening. I know many of you love Nahm and I know he has helped many of you in various ways. I appreciate that and his service to this community since the forum's inception back in 2016. Unfortunately he can longer be a Mod and the situation may devolve to the point where I have to ask him to leave this forum entirely because he keeps parroting the same neo-Advaita platitudes in every situation and I don't know how much more of that I can tolerate. Honestly, I've been tolerating it for months already. I tried to turn a blind eye to it because he has a long history here, he's helped many people here, I consider him a friend, and many of you guys look up to him. But it's just clear to me that this is not going to work out long term because our styles are so different. What he teaches is not what I teach. And I am okay with that to some degree -- not everyone has to agree with me or teach spirituality like me -- but the vacuous neo-Advaita talk has become too much recently. This is a great example of the problem of conflating relative and absolute matters to the point of disconnect with the normal people. When a store clerk asks you to pay the bill, the proper response is not, "There is no one who can pay the bill, and no bill to pay."


I know some will be upset by this and will disagree with my decision here. So, whatever your feelings are about this situation -- good or bad -- share them here or forever hold your peace. We will not be able to move on from this until the air has been cleared. So take the time to do that now.


I'm sorry it has come to this. I wish Nahm the best. Nahm, I sincerely thank you for your years of service to this community. Really. You put in so much of your heart into this. And we all saw that.


Attached is a screenshot of my last communication with Nahm on this matter so that you understand why I made the decision I did:




This was not a decision I wanted to make.


Note: do not attack each other over this.”




(Input into GPT)

If this teacher were to introspect, what might be found?



If the teacher were to introspect, they might discover a few things:


Ego attachment: The teacher may realize that their decision to demote Nahm was influenced by their own ego attachment and need for control. They might see that they wanted the community to align more with their own teachings and were not open to diverse perspectives, even from someone who has been a valuable member for years.


Lack of empathy: Upon reflection, the teacher might recognize that they failed to empathize with Nahm and understand his perspective. They might acknowledge that Nahm's style of communication, although not resonating with everyone, still had its own value and had helped many people in the community.


Inflexibility: The teacher might realize that they were being inflexible in their approach to teaching. They were focused on their own teachings and did not allow for different styles or perspectives to coexist within the community. Their insistence on a particular way of expressing nonduality limited the growth and diversity of ideas within the forum.


Failure to address concerns openly: Upon introspection, the teacher might realize that they did not openly discuss their concerns with Nahm in a respectful and constructive manner. Instead, they allowed their frustrations to build up over time, resulting in a sudden demotion. They might acknowledge that better communication and dialogue could have resolved the issues more effectively.


Bias towards their own teachings: The teacher might come to understand that their decision to demote Nahm was partly influenced by their bias towards their own teachings. They were focused on guiding people towards "God-realization" and felt that Nahm's approach, rooted in neo-Advaita teachings, was not aligned with their vision. They might recognize the need to be more open-minded and inclusive in their approach to spirituality.


Introspection can lead to personal growth and the recognition of one's own limitations and biases. It can help the teacher understand the impact of their decisions on the community and potentially lead to a more inclusive and diverse environment for spiritual exploration.



Input into GPT:

Does there seem to be any manipulation in that thread?



Based on the information provided in the thread, it is difficult to definitively determine if there is manipulation involved. However, there are a few aspects that could potentially indicate a manipulative behavior:


One-sided portrayal: The thread presents only the teacher's perspective and paints Nahm's posts and replies in a negative light. The teacher highlights Nahm's communication style as cryptic, confusing, and out of touch, without offering any specific examples or allowing Nahm to explain his approach. This one-sided portrayal can be manipulative as it shapes the narrative to support the teacher's decision and potentially influences others' opinions.


Discrediting through labeling: The teacher repeatedly refers to Nahm's teachings as "vacuous neo-Advaita talk" and "vapid neo-Advaita platitudes." This language not only dismisses Nahm's perspective but also attempts to label his teachings as lacking depth or value. It can be a manipulative tactic to discredit someone's views without engaging in a substantive discussion.


Appeal to authority: The teacher mentions their own teachings and the direction they want the forum to take, positioning themselves as the authority on spirituality and God-realization. This appeal to authority can subtly manipulate others into aligning with the teacher's viewpoint and dismissing alternative perspectives, like Nahm's.


Emotional manipulation: The teacher expresses regret, emphasizes their personal disappointment, and acknowledges Nahm's positive qualities to mitigate potential backlash. This emotional appeal can manipulate the community members into sympathizing with the teacher and potentially accepting the decision without critical examination.



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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

but there are much more amazing facets of awakening that you are missing and you will never reach them so long as you keep


Imagine how good it would feel if you'd realize this is completely false. Imagine the relief.


Imagine how good it would feel if you'd realize that what you call "spirituality" is just not true, and happiness and peace is available to you as you already are.


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 1/7/2024 at 1:35 AM, Someone here said:

To love . Absolutely everything. As it is .love and accept fully .not acting .but genuinely and wholeheartedly. 

The only obstacle is I'm so fucking immature to do that ..I'm attached to all sort of things like a kid in a candy store ..something as trivial or silly as weather swings can ruin my whole day . I'm attached to being a finite human . I don't have the  zero fucks given " attitude of a truly enlightened being .like Ramana Maharshi..this dude literally didn't give a fuck about dying from cancer ...I'm nowhere near this level of detachment and unconditional love . But at least I figured out what I should do: Unconditional love.


Love the belief that there is a separate self (as in separate of love or which is not love), which is too immature to see that reality, self, is love. Keep it simple (by allowing love for the belief, rather than what the belief implies). If inclinations of knowing, understanding (being right & separate) arise, just be aware of these thoughts or beliefs, and love the experience of.


Love that ‘obstacle thinking’ is experiential, comes & goes. Appreciate the innocence & relief therein. Be aware of projection, of ostensibly superimposing these beliefs onto others, and or emotion / guidance as coming from others. Love projection / reality, and if so believed, love others as well.


Love weather, all weather. For everything, a season. Appreciate the variety & diversity, the mystery and wonder of being.


Allow this ‘thoughts situation’ to be light, silly, fruitless. Allow zero fucks about having zero fucks.Allow thought to be for creating, and not per se for being about awareness / consciousness of. Love feeling into awareness / consciousness as it were. 


Love the idea of enlightened beings, appreciate the innocence of believing. Love the beliefs in death & cancer - the thoughts, beliefs of ‘not me’.

Love your being, as in your appearing, being experiential reality.


Allow love for thoughts about levels of unconditional love. Love even the (thoughts) about shoulds. (Alignment of thought with feeling / non-suffering).


Attempting to love things (separate objects, people, etc) is attempting to bend the spoon, and is impossible. Love the trying nonetheless. Loving the thoughts is possible, and isn’t really a doing. Beliefs loved are beliefs dispelled by love. Liberation. Transformation. Emotional healing. Spiritual awakening. Wholeness. Completeness. Omnipotence.



Aspects / facets of being… love discovering ‘them’. Thinking / conceptualizing might not be the ‘way to go’ in that regard. 


Life, manifesting preferences, consciously creating wise, alignment is ‘getting out of your own way’. ♥️ 


Best of “both worlds”. 🙂

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8 hours ago, Phil said:

Allow love for thoughts about levels of unconditional love. Love even the (thoughts) about shoulds. (Alignment of thought with feeling / non-suffering).


Attempting to love things (separate objects, people, etc) is attempting to bend the spoon, and is impossible. Love the trying nonetheless. Loving the thoughts is possible, and isn’t really a doing. Beliefs loved are beliefs dispelled by love. Liberation. Transformation. Emotional healing. Spiritual awakening. Wholeness. Completeness. Omnipotence.


So it's not telling myself "now I'm going to love X" and then trying to change what's already happening into something else. It's hard to avoid talking like that though. 


'Allowing love' suggests that love is already present except there's some resistance to it. So what to do? Maybe just observing the whole process of love & resistance unfolding, giving it space to happen and trusting that it's ok.   

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18 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil i can claim that im awakened i can watch a video or read a book and completely understand what is being referred to. I can conceptually totally get it. I can use my mind and conceptually think this into a belief.. but I don’t. I can look around right now and put myself in a frame of mind where I can make it seem completely obvious. Yet I am not conscious of it. Therefore I would just be bullshitting myself into believing I had awoken to it. My conclusion is that this is the case for you. You’ve tricked yourself that you have awoken. I genuinely would like to think not.. but the way you’ve portrayed this in the previous post really reveals your understanding is limited and there are DEFINITELY levels of awakening you dont comprehend yet .

Imagine a stairs, you are keep climbing, when you reach the top the surface is flat. And past does not exist nor future within flatness. All the time same. All the time. Levels of awakening happens recognition and realization which happens within thought process. What about if there is no such thing as thought? What will happen in next second, now or past?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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14 minutes ago, Links said:


So it's not telling myself "now I'm going to love X" and then trying to change what's already happening into something else. It's hard to avoid talking like that though. 


'Allowing love' suggests that love is already present except there's some resistance to it. So what to do? Maybe just observing the whole process of love & resistance unfolding, giving it space to happen and trusting that it's ok.   

In language / thought, apparently, there is ‘loving this, that & myself’. Thought implies there is a this, that and myself. Loving the thoughts is at the root, before even getting to this, that & myself. Even the thoughts about there being an observer or someone avoiding something can be loved. 🥰 

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