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If you look through a magnifying lens, it seems like there is magnification.

We might say there’s an experience of magnification. 

Does the magnification have a source, or are you looking through a magnifying lens?

Is magnification a thing, an experience, or of the lens?

Is a separate source looking through the lens?

As the lens is no longer looked through, was there ever actually magnification?


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15 minutes ago, Phil said:

Does the magnification have a source, or are you looking through a magnifying lens?

Doesn't have a source i guess.


16 minutes ago, Phil said:

Is magnification a thing, an experience, or of the lens?

Both an experience and of the lens i would say


33 minutes ago, Phil said:

Is a separate source looking through the lens?

Seems like it but i guess thats a belief

33 minutes ago, Phil said:

As the lens is no longer looked through, was there ever actually magnification?

I mean yes

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Frequency was put in quotations, possibly implying there is no actuality of frequency, and that might be where the insight lies. Thoughts aren’t separate things, but are frequency, vibration. A vibration can tune, such as from the audible note A, to another note, like when tuning a guitar or piano string. Vibration can not however ‘jump’ from A to G, without the tuning from A to G, just like with a string. This is why conceptualization ends with M, or String Theory, or other similar theories about separation. 


So if discordant undesirable thoughts are experienced, do like you would with a guitar which is out of tune. No judgment of the guitar or strings, there’s nothing wrong with either. There’s standard E tuning, drop D tuning, open tuning, etc. Its preference. Judgement would be believing thoughts as things, and inherently awareness of thoughts as a separate thing, a separate self. This would only be more discordant. Instead, tune up with a little bit better feeling thought, and then a little bit better feeling thought and so on, such as with the emotional scale.


And remember, there is no separation between the frequency of thoughts, and the frequency of whatever thoughts are about. Hence, law of attraction & creating your reality. 


Better yet - there is no need for any remembering, as the emotional guidance is ever-present and baked in. One will never be without. 

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Nobody knows what the source of thoughts is.  We can make up/create stories or narratives about it of course which 99.99% of people do.  But then we're just using thought, the very thing we're trying to get to the source of.  

I think most people think not knowing is a kind of error.  That we should be able to know everything.  To admit that nobody knows is a kind of ridiculous thing for most people to consider.  But does anyone really know where thoughts come from?  Most people would say they come from me.  But what's me?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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On 12/22/2023 at 8:29 AM, WhiteOwl said:

Thoughts seems to attract other thoughts on the same "frequency". Law of attraction kind of. I've heard many times that all thoughts has a source. Do all thoughts have a separate source, and what is meant by "source"? Some belief you see reality through is attracting the thoughts that you experience?

Origin of arrival = source.

What divides the source of "time?".


Individual details to total sum of results occupying space at the same time takes a lot of navigating from personal point of view adapting in series parallel displacement as part of the whole processing outcomes changing forms shaped occupying space here individually to include everything universally present.


Comparing parts of the whole process against each other segregates details into intellectual categories put into language arts, different vocabularies developing between separate ancestral lineages geographically existing in space as ancestrally present. The ideas that become traditional thoughts carry over between each generation gaps living currently here creating history governing current evolving to design a better tomorrow than genetics sustains numbers arriving next or not.


the source of thoughts within this species historically arriving into current events practiced since recodiging history of human behavior was intellectually started academically, artistically, economically, politically, spiritually, socially practiced ancestrally for hundreds of generations changing population in every lineages left to the numbers here now.


Thoughts are recycled ideas between ancestors in each ancestry conserving their rational time behavior directing outcomes of each next generation replacing previous generation gaps population is alway new people added one ata  time left adapting as displaced performing the ideas that create mayhem, madness, misery between people repeating social customs performed every generation sustaining a specific pattern of behavior(typecast and stereotype) not the same thing as genetic time since conceived.


Source of anything existed described into the evolving process that doesn't leave results duplicated twice, evolving at the same time, at any time one detail is adapting as anything of substance displaced universally occupying its personal/individual time now.


Universal balancing happens without intellectual design. Tomorrows are designed to control outcomes of arriving changes limited to series parallel time adapting as displaced changing forms shaped individually here now.


Thoughts are repeated ideas shared between lifetimes living together at the same time evolving works same way regardless which generation gap each one is inhabiting space as now.


Question is, where one fits in ancestral changes left alive now.  1 of 16 great great grandparents, 1 of 8 great grandparents, 1 of 4 grandparents, 1 of 2 parenting, last arriving generation relative to just arrived, son, daughter, cousin, nephew, niece to mom, dad, aunt, uncle, 2nd cousins.


The separation of relative time and actual time alive since conceived to replace one's genetic compounded chromosomes that keeps each ancestor unique when alive, now.


The evidence is used against individuals in a court of law. Yet reasonable doubt governs people every rotation of the planet todate.  Why?


Means, motives, methods, opportunity for individual power, wealth, fame, protecting humanity between mayhem, madness, misery placed upon

anyone resisting to compromise with promises of better tomorrows, today regardless the alternate reality present.


The source of human behavior globally executed in every society yesterday and today.


I have discussed nonduality, consciousness, awakening, enlightenment, self-recognition at actuality of being only one ancestor occupying time equally inhabiting space now since conceived to replace my previous DNA donating ancestry last one died over 18 years ago, intellectual relative time.

Edited by solereproduction
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On 12/22/2023 at 8:29 AM, WhiteOwl said:

Thoughts seems to attract other thoughts on the same "frequency". Law of attraction kind of. I've heard many times that all thoughts has a source. Do all thoughts have a separate source, and what is meant by "source"? Some belief you see reality through is attracting the thoughts that you experience?

The source of thought is the substance it's made of. I would search for that. Feel into the arising thoughts and feel into what they are made of. If youre interested of course 🙂 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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I think the best thing I can come up with is reality. Reality is a source of thoughts. The reality you have been marinated in will decide how it shapes your brain. Your childhood, your circumstances, your memories your worldview, your individual perspectives etc. They will collectively define the thought culture in your brain. They are your fertilizer and seed. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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On 12/22/2023 at 4:29 PM, WhiteOwl said:

Thoughts seems to attract other thoughts on the same "frequency". Law of attraction kind of. I've heard many times that all thoughts has a source. Do all thoughts have a separate source, and what is meant by "source"? Some belief you see reality through is attracting the thoughts that you experience?

When you focus your thoughts during the meditation, can you find or seem there? Where does it comes from? It seems appears and disappears within nothing. And when you go more deeper, you will find the secret.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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