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4 hours ago, Eternal said:

Has anyone ever died? or will anyone ever die ?


There are thoughts about others that have died and people dying but they are just thoughts.. right? 

Real question is has ever anyone born?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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6 minutes ago, James123 said:

Real question is has ever anyone born?

Drops mic*

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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When body identification drops It becomes clear you have never moved, lived, or will die, you have no qualities whatsoever. That's what unconditional refers to 🙂 .


Make no mistake, the body is aging and will "die".

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, the system made me said:


We don't go anywhere when we die, and you actually can interact with people who aren't physically focused here anymore, except they aren't really people that's sort of a really fun and spooky façade, really they are your guidance. Like in the movie Crimson Peak, or many stories like it, the ghosts are guidance, but at first it seems they are the source of horror and fear, no, fear itself is guidance. 


34 minutes ago, the system made me said:

 That's what I project onto you and @Mandy. I feel angry with you and Mandy a lot. I feel so worthless and stupid. I feel like I can't say the right sort of things. I feel like I'm always wrong or coming up short. When I don't feel like that, my boundaries aren't great and it opens this door to love or openness but I don't want to go there. I don't understand it. I don't understand how to operate in a world where I am not averse to people or on guard?

If we tell you how amazing and wonderful you are for getting it right, it's actually a diminishment of you. Can you see that? If you are believing that you are conditional you're always waiting for others to appreciate you before you'll appreciate yourself. I read and really liked a lot of what you wrote and thought about complimenting here, but I didn't I can't even tell you why I didn't. So it's incredibly interesting and beyond perfect that we're talking about this now. You didn't attract the compliments cause you thought you need them, but you did attract something much better. Sometimes what we want the most is glossed over by what we think we need. What we think we need boils down to reasons we believe we can't have what we truly want, which is to know ourselves as unconditional. I have several invasive plants in my backyard and I can go out with my loppers and quickly get rid of them, but in a week they'll be back. Gotta go for the roots. Gotta know the unconditional, not manipulate for compliments. It's nice to hear that you're brilliant once in a while from someone, that's ok. But it's better to know the unconditional. That's what you're doing here and it's gonna be so much better than any compliment or A+ anyone can give you. My appreciation IS yours. I can seemingly focus it toward you, but "we is" really the Source. 

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@the system made me


40 minutes ago, the system made me said:

Do you hate me? Do you dislike me? Do you find me insufferable? That's what I project onto you and @Mandy.

The recognition of projection is the recognition the emotions experienced aren’t about other people, but are the vibrational variance between thought and feeling.


Nonduality means not two. Nonduality and duality, or nonduality and oneness would be two, and therein not nonduality. 

Nonduality isn’t a philosophy or a concept.


Another way to point is unconditional. 

If anger and or hatred were experienced, discord would be experienced - the discord of conditions. 

If it’s believed the anger and or hatred are coming from someone else (as compared to guidance for thoughts which is directly felt) suffering would be experienced. 

When expressed, it’s clear in hindsight the emotions were how the thoughts felt - not what anyone else might be thinking, nor even what anyone else says. 

The clarity doesn’t have to be in hindsight. Acknowledging emotions is the way. 


40 minutes ago, the system made me said:

I feel angry with you and Mandy a lot.

For the individual / separate self / ego there are two, and therein there is an experience of an I which hates, dislikes and is angry. 


There’s an altogether different experience which is always available. 

There is an experience of emotions; hatred, and anger. (As compared to hate and angry). 


The relief and liberation lies in continuing to express without believing the projection(s). Expressing just for the sake of expression / emptying / liberating of the hatred & anger.


Resisting expression is neither right or wrong, nor good or bad - you’re already free.

Yet it does seem same interpretations = same emotions = same projections = same suffering. 

Expression is the way and is an allowing not a doing. 


40 minutes ago, the system made me said:

I feel so worthless and stupid. I feel like I can't say the right sort of things. I feel like I'm always wrong or coming up short. When I don't feel like that, my boundaries aren't great and it opens this door to love or openness but I don't want to go there. I don't understand it. I don't understand how to operate in a world where I am not averse to people or on guard?

The illusory individual is ‘the knower’. The knower knows what Self feels like. Therefore the knower (which already knows) has no use for stuff like the emotional scale and expression. Why would the knower utilize any such tools? The knower already knows. 


The knower knows Self feels worthless and stupid. The knower knows there is right & wrong, good & bad, shortage, boundaries. The knower knows love is elsewhere (there). The illusory knower is also the illusory understander. The understander understands that there is an it which could be understood, and knows and understands that the knower / understander doesn’t know /understand it. The knower knows there is a world & people, the understander understands there is a world & people, and knows & understands that the knower / understander can’t. So the knower / understander has no use whatsoever in acknowledging and expressing emotions. It can’t possibly amount to anything, because everything is already known and understood. 


Understanding is under standing.

Not in a body, not mine, not in a brain. Under standing. Pertains to that which is being, appearing and not appearance.  


Knowing is noing. 

When it is known that is a cup, a wall, etc… that knowing is noing - as in no that is not me.




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