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@Phil what does it mean that reality is infinite?  What exactly is infinity? And what are the implications of reality being infinite? What I mean by this is if it means the universe Is infinitely big and stretched out infinitely in all directions and dimensions..or that there are infinite number of universes with infinite number of creatures etc ?

Thank you .

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Just my two cents...


Similarly as 'Non-duality' does not mean that there are a number of separate things that are one,


'infinity' does not mean something made of infinite number of finite parts.



Just as non-duality is the only reality,


infinity is the only reality.


There is no finite parts. Only infinity.



There must be an effortless way.

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5 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Just my two cents...


Similarly as 'Non-duality' does not mean that there are a number of separate things that are one,


'infinity' does not mean something made of infinite number of finite parts.



Just as non-duality is the only reality,


infinity is the only reality.


There is no finite parts. Only infinity.


So infinity doesn't mean it's an endless amount of  separate things ..but then what it is?  We all studied in math classes that infinity in any equation is a dead end . Even to mathematicians its still a mystery.  

Can you give me a definite explanation of what infinity is? 

Thanks .

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Infinity means not finite. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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16 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil what does it mean that reality is infinite?

Reality as in universe / experience is an infinite being appearing as two spheres.

So reality in that sense is not infinite, but rather, is apparent, and that which is appearing is infinite being. 


Infinite being = The Truth = meaning (purpose, value, worth, lack, shortage, knowing, knowledge, understanding, etc) is / are appearance.

As in apparent thoughts / thoughts which are apparent and are appearing as the lens-sphere. 


So whatever is known, understood, believed, purposeful, valuable, etc, is actually the overlooking of The Truth, which is infinite being.

And the term “infinite being” doesn’t define or point to anything at all, as the term is already the appearance of infinite being, being pointed to by, infinite being. 

16 hours ago, Someone here said:

  What exactly is infinity?

Unconditional, ineffable & undefinable; not two.

The instant any thing whatsoever seems to be known or understood, infinite being is believing, and ‘veiled’ as it were, of itself by itself. 

16 hours ago, Someone here said:

And what are the implications of reality being infinite?

Implications are appearance of infinite being. 

16 hours ago, Someone here said:

What I mean by this is if it means the universe Is infinitely big and stretched out infinitely in all directions and dimensions..or that there are infinite number of universes with infinite number of creatures etc ?

Thank you .

“Meaning” is the thought “meaning”.

Infinite being isn’t “infinitely big”, nor in all directions and dimensions, nor are there “infinite numbers”, universes, etc. 

These are all thoughts. 

Comprehension is apparent - appearance of infinite being. If thoughts are believed, comprehension is assumed, never actual. The actuality would be ignorance, or, the overlooking via believing. 

Infinite being is appearing as “thoughts”. 

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7 hours ago, Phil said:

Reality as in universe / experience is an infinite being appearing as two spheres.

So reality in that sense is not infinite, but rather, is apparent, and that which is appearing is infinite being. 


What do you mean it's 'apparent '? 

What difference is between simply saying 'infinite 'or 'infinity'and calling it 'infinite being '?  Help me to understand. I  assure you I'm not gonna endlessly pointlessly debate you..but aren't that distinction just semantic? 

7 hours ago, Phil said:

Infinite being = The Truth = meaning (purpose, value, worth, lack, shortage, knowing, knowledge, understanding, etc) is / are appearance.

As in apparent thoughts / thoughts which are apparent and are appearing as the lens-sphere. 

Yes so infinite being appeared as everything we call creation . Again the same question..what nuances are there in calling it 'appearance ' rather than calling it just  being creation .not appearing as creation. Because the latter sounds indirect. And reality seems to be direct manifestation. There is no mechanism behind the scenes that makes it 'appear '. It's as if you claim that it's another thing that appears as X. So it seems like twoness or duality. 

7 hours ago, Phil said:

And the term “infinite being” doesn’t define or point to anything at all, as the term is already the appearance of infinite being, being pointed to by, infinite being

Got you .

7 hours ago, Phil said:

Unconditional, ineffable & undefinable; not two.

The instant any thing whatsoever seems to be known or understood, infinite being is believing, and ‘veiled’ as it were, of itself by itself. 

Agree .

7 hours ago, Phil said:

Implications are appearance of infinite being

I meant the ramifications. If reality is infinite..then what follows that in terms of what we know about the universe? 

7 hours ago, Phil said:

Meaning” is the thought “meaning”.

Infinite being isn’t “infinitely big”, nor in all directions and dimensions, nor are there “infinite numbers”, universes, etc. 

These are all thoughts. 

Comprehension is apparent - appearance of infinite being. If thoughts are believed, comprehension is assumed, never actual. The actuality would be ignorance, or, the overlooking via believing. 

Infinite being is appearing as “thoughts”. 

I don't agree .again calling something a thought is very difficult to click with me . So perhaps consider doing a different pointing.  I get the sense that you can call everything a thought .

Let me ask you few questions that I hope might clarify the confusion (from my part):

1-what is a thought? 

2-what is not a thought? 

3-what is the difference between thoughts and perceptions? 

4-how to differentiate the two? 


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On 5/11/2023 at 8:07 AM, Someone here said:

@Phil what does it mean that reality is infinite?  What exactly is infinity? And what are the implications of reality being infinite? What I mean by this is if it means the universe Is infinitely big and stretched out infinitely in all directions and dimensions..or that there are infinite number of universes with infinite number of creatures etc ?

Thank you .

Both and None.

Infinity ~

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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14 hours ago, Someone here said:

What do you mean it's 'apparent '? 

Reality as in universe, is infinite being appearing as, or, infinite being… being. 

14 hours ago, Someone here said:

What difference is between simply saying 'infinite 'or 'infinity'and calling it 'infinite being '?  Help me to understand. I  assure you I'm not gonna endlessly pointlessly debate you..but aren't that distinction just semantic? 

There is no “it” to call anything. Infinite means no finite. Not two. 

14 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yes so infinite being appeared as everything we call creation .

Not appeared

Is appearing, Is being.  

14 hours ago, Someone here said:

Again the same question..what nuances are there in calling it 'appearance ' rather than calling it just  being creation .not appearing as creation. Because the latter sounds indirect. And reality seems to be direct manifestation. There is no mechanism behind the scenes that makes it 'appear '. It's as if you claim that it's another thing that appears as X. So it seems like twoness or duality. 

There’s no “it” & there’s no “you”. 

Infinite = no finite. 

14 hours ago, Someone here said:

I meant the ramifications. If reality is infinite..then what follows that in terms of what we know about the universe? 

Knowing is apparent. 
“We know” is as directly experienced, the thought; “we know”. 

21 hours ago, Phil said:

The instant any thing whatsoever seems to be known or understood, infinite being is believing, and ‘veiled’ as it were, of itself by itself. 


14 hours ago, Someone here said:

I don't agree .again calling something a thought is very difficult to click with me . So perhaps consider doing a different pointing.  I get the sense that you can call everything a thought .

Let me ask you few questions that I hope might clarify the confusion (from my part):

1-what is a thought? 

2-what is not a thought? 

3-what is the difference between thoughts and perceptions? 

4-how to differentiate the two? 


 Infinite being appears as thoughts by being the lens-sphere. 

The sphere makes it seem like there is finite, like a magnifying glass makes it seem like there is magnification. 




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