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The Vibration Paradigm


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The materialist paradigm is the idea that for example, emotion joy is due to certain molecules acting in the brain.


But when I experience joy, I do not actually experience any molecules.


There is also the idea that sensations, like pain, is due to nerves sending electric signals to the brain.


But if I hit my finger with a hammer, I do not actually experience electrons in nerves.



Similarly, the vibration paradigm says that the emotion joy, or sensation pain, is vibration.


But when I experience joy or pain, I do not actually experience vibration.


Or if I smell roses, I do not experience vibration.



Why is the vibrational paradigm so popular? Is it really the case, or kinda just a pointer, one step on a ladder kind of a deal?

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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20 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Why is the vibrational paradigm so popular? Is it really the case, or kinda just a pointer, one step on a ladder kind of a deal?


Vibration is a good pointer for Raw Direct experience, essentially what is not thought. Essentially, it's also what OM points to.


Quick correction: Vibration appears as thought, but isn't what the thought implies it to be. 


Holy shit, the above statement is like a snake eating it's own tail. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Materialism: That person makes me feel bad because they are bad. That color appears red because it is red. The apple is red.


When I realize that it's not how things are, but vibration, I realize that it's about perception.

"When light hits the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye), special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain. Then the brain turns the signals into the images you see."

 https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/healthy-vision/how-eyes-work#:~:text=When light hits the retina,into the images you see. 


Of course, that's an explanation assuming that materialism is true, but it very much points back to awareness, which is only now, and the power of letting discordant thought go and truly seeing, not thinking. Emotion is your vibration, so instead of believing the thing is bad because it makes me feel bad, I let go of all that and take responsibility for my own current vibration/emotion. 

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8 hours ago, Mandy said:

Materialism: That person makes me feel bad because they are bad. That color appears red because it is red. The apple is red.


This is not what I meant by materialism.


Materialism is the idea that there is something working "behind" apparent direct experience or actuality, in this case matter.


8 hours ago, Mandy said:

"When light hits the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye), special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain. Then the brain turns the signals into the images you see."


For example, none of this is actual direct experience. You do  or experience photons hitting a retina and special light-sensitive photoreceptors etc. These are thoughts, assumptions that there is something going on behind the scenes of the actuality of form, colour etc.


8 hours ago, Mandy said:

Emotion is your vibration


There is no actual vibration directly experienced in emotion. It is an additional thought.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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14 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

The materialist paradigm is the idea that for example, emotion joy is due to certain molecules acting in the brain.


But when I experience joy, I do not actually experience any molecules.


There is also the idea that sensations, like pain, is due to nerves sending electric signals to the brain.


But if I hit my finger with a hammer, I do not actually experience electrons in nerves.



Similarly, the vibration paradigm says that the emotion joy, or sensation pain, is vibration.


But when I experience joy or pain, I do not actually experience vibration.


Or if I smell roses, I do not experience vibration.



Why is the vibrational paradigm so popular? Is it really the case, or kinda just a pointer, one step on a ladder kind of a deal?

Your rhetorical question 1.  People want to believe there is more to life than balancing act to adapting in the moment equally occupying space.  this simple.

2. Your metaphor of a ladder, is just intellectual projection of platitudes outside balancing here now. Ladder is just a portable staircase to go up a level or down a level when facing an intellectual wall or a cliff. 


Spiritualism vs materialism is intellect vs instincts.  Intellect is induced by instinctive navigating life during the time being alive navigating space as one of a kind, that "I am only me" situation. That scenario isn't ego, arrogance, pride, greed, envy, or anything else but recognition of being alive in one's own time sharing space here. Those concepts come when thinking of oneself more than just equally evolving forward now and rank one can achieve more than ancestral displacement to numbers present.


Instincts act and react to adapting here now, so to separate past, present, next while eternally separated ancestrally here now, choice arrives to continue doing what got one here or change patterns of behavior that created unnecessary conflicts between Naturally adapting to time sharing space equally alive.


The concept of ruling tomorrows when life naturally exists living mutually adapting to space currently evolving into a new total sum constantly for the cycle of ancestry one is since conceived into sharing eternity now.


Hard to accept with the history one was educated since birth last 400 generations changing population left evolving forward now arriving one at a time entering eternal separation as a great great grandchild replacing their own previous 4 generations gaps pf specific 30 lifetimes and possibilities of becoming 1 of 16 great great grandparents 4 generations ahead.


One step at a time, correct?

Adapting here now right?

Never more than a person sharing space since conceived?  Equality arrived before equity became more important as faith, hope, charity promising better tomorrows personally gaining power, wealth, fame leading people into eternal conflicts between intellect choices and instinctive actions and reactions to power of suggesting life isn't limited to just ada[pting to the moment here.


History in scripture defined the current events induced by rule of law ordering ancestries to recite social consensus rather than adapt to this ever changing total sum situation.


To dream of life being more than adapting to space, then making dreams come true to context and promises made changes tomorrow with promises kept is what corrupted this species from the rest of the food chain native to this atmosphere and universe [perpetually balancing outcomes now suppressing one's own sense of proportionately here.


pride and envy

love and hate

inferiority and superiority

gender bias when it takes one of each to reproduce one of each each generation gap population is never same forms shaped here now.


Everyone debates duality, but they only discuss two sided issues one talking point of everything equally timed apart spontaneously here simultaneously never the same again.


Reality corrupts by dismissing the basics of evolving forward now self contained here to one's own time adapting as currently performing a reality into fruition forward. All societies believe they are the ones to inherit the earth because every generation gap picked a side ignoring life doesn't exceed evolving as alive in plain sight.


Simplicity of compounding results as the exponential whole is equal to all its existential parts.  Really isn't supernatural, just natural universal order of things timed apart now.  Self evident kinetics vs nobody knows beliefs as each reproduction adapts to never same details again. Eternity never stops eternally changing total sum left alive now, right.


Doesn't change from inception to extinction if first ancestors or last arrivals. Reproductions gain numbers reproducing more lifetimes than die. 

Not every reproduction becomes 1 of 2 parents.

Not every parent becomes a 1 of 4 grandparents.

Not every grandparent reaches 1 of 8 great grandparents.

Not every great grandparent reaches 1 of 16 great great grandparents of a great great grandchild replacing 93.75% their one of a kind DNA compounded results.


the last 6.25% is divided between inception and generation gaps 6th since inception until point of extinction of the species and all its ancestral lineages of race, creed, color, national origin, gendered reproductions, regardless ideology promising better tomorrows for complete obedience to maybes.


Evolving is self evident experience conceived to dead and decomposed.  This simple but reasonable doubt and power of suggestion corrupts absolutely.


Just my observations being alive stuck in my own skin never same results twice combined to where I exist now.  At the mercy of deniers.


Hell of a vibration paradigm, isn't it?





Edited by solereproduction
add context to clarify life's specificity to evolving forward now.
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2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


This is not what I meant by materialism.


Materialism is the idea that there is something working "behind" apparent direct experience or actuality, in this case matter.



For example, none of this is actual direct experience. You do  or experience photons hitting a retina and special light-sensitive photoreceptors etc. These are thoughts, assumptions that there is something going on behind the scenes of the actuality of form, colour etc.



There is no actual vibration directly experienced in emotion. It is an additional thought.

Of course that's true, but considering things as vibration and therefore never static has profound ramifications for feeling the liberation of it. It's examining the current interpretation/perception, examining the lens itself,  rather than just taking things how they are already understood. 

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1 minute ago, Mandy said:

Of course that's true, but considering things as vibration and therefore never static has profound ramifications for feeling the liberation of it. It's examining the current interpretation/perception, examining the lens itself,  rather than just taking things how they are already understood. 


So it is a step on a ladder so to speak.


That's what I was asking.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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3 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

So it is a step on a ladder so to speak.


That's what I was asking.

Not really, it may appear like there are several steps to breaking out of a jail cell, but the walls are illusory and never at any point became real or had the power to confine. Going through the first five steps of breaking through illusory prison walls does not make the walls real, nor does it make the person who still believes himself trapped in the jail cell more free or higher in evolution than the one that hasn't even bothered to attempt freeing himself. Because the separate selves ARE the walls. 

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38 minutes ago, Phil said:

That’s also vibration. 


But it isn't vibration! It's the colour white. Vibration is an additional thought. Not actuality of the white.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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the pull of opposite polarities and the push of same polarities are vibrations also.  Light waves come from same polarities pushing apart manifesting 7 primary color refractions of starlight on planets, electrical currents exist in 6 varieties that create violent reactions when shorting out.  


So without periodic elements to vibrate, there is no light, or electrical currents to flow and conduct energy. Without life there are no witnesses.


The whole is equal to total sum of its ever changing parts present never same forms twice. Perpetual motion with specific limitations self evidently present now as evolving here.


Kinetic specific gravity and thermodynamic principles without principals of doubt.

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51 minutes ago, Phil said:

Thoughts are vibrational appearance. The color white is a thought. 




That makes a little bit more sense.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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A fun experiment is to explore each of the senses and recognize the essential "hum" or frequency in all of them.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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4 hours ago, Phil said:

The contraction and expansion (peaks and troughs) is prevalent throughout experience, as experience is vibration. 

When identity (belief / separation) is mixed in, the waves are personalized as things one has, or doesn’t, or is experiencing, or isn’t. 

When you going to express what one is and isn't rather than has or doesn't have.  Reproductions have time to evolve when occupying space mutually timed part here since conceived, born, adapting as displaced, where each has the natural opportunity to balance with the natural order evolving does to all things universally present.


Balance works, tipping the scales disrupts mutually occupying the moment here.  Karma, Butterfly Effect, Action equal to reaction, inverting conversions sharing time occupying space in sequence of cycles remaining changing total sum forward now.


Past is the mirror of evolving forward one at a time when each departs separately.  As random as intellectually defined it is in specific order of outcomes here.  


When identifying all things equally here, every individual part is part of the same whole processing going on native to this atmosphere. Everyone has a point of origin separate from everything else sharing space currently.  


Frequencies and oscillations of all cycles acting and reacting to one another. There are your vibrations echoing of each other mutually evolving in series parallel space occupying the moment here.


Relative time compares cycles in the whole, against the whole itself.  There are no ideologies invented to put it all back together after hundreds of generations leaving things open ended.



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