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I Think I Realized Why There was Resentment for Women

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I think I cracked the code. 


I realized as a man, women are our sharpening stones. 


If we wanna attract good women, we must be good men. 


I felt anger at this because I wanted to be lazy with my thinking and how I feel, and expect a girl to come into my life. 


I think this is important for any man with resentment or rejections from/towards women to read. 


If you want the Girl(s) of your dreams, you gotta become the Man of your dreams. (Vibrationally) Be the Man now! 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Just my two cents, if it doesn't resonate no problem 🙂...



There isn't really men and women. This is not a creation of God, but samsara. Ego's making. Men & women is like a metaphor for separation. The other sex and what seems to be an endless longing of intimacy is a trick of the ego, to keep you chasing unity in separation, and happiness where there is none.


I mean think about it. You seem to be born in a male or a female body. And it seems like you're pretty much eternally separated from the other sex. What follows is this natural feeling of pain, of separation, because it's nonsense. And a natural longing to unity, which is most sensible. So we keep chasing it, chasing intimacy, trying to control and own the other sex. Think of how much focus, time and energy goes to this. It's nuts. And even when you get it, the sex and intimacy, it'll really just leaves you wanting more. And the chase for nothing continues.


Even the fact that it has all to do with bodies. A body is a very poor instrument for intimacy when you think about it. What a cruel joke, an instrument subject to time, location, aging, sickness and death.


There is no true peace and happiness to be found in separate men & women and their intimacy. It's a scam.


20 hours ago, Orb said:

I realized as a man, women are our sharpening stones. 


Then stuff like this easily follows. Trying to make sense of nonsense. Trying to reason the unreasonable.


You don't need sharpening. The idea that you are somehow incomplete or imperfect is just another thought of separation.


Are you saying God created imperfect creation, and then placed a "sharpening stone", to make his creation perfect? Rather than just creating perfection to begin with? 🤔


Reminds me of the time of the year, easter. Christians all around the world celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus, who "died for our sins". Sounds like Good News at first, but there's a catch. It still implies there is in fact, sin, and a need for sacrifice and death. Jesus may carry the cross for you, but remember, sin, need and requirement is very real nonetheless! That's why the story is so important!


So really easter and the so-called "Good News" are just news of separation, need, requirement, sacrifice and death. Just some shiny Jesus decorations on top of it.


20 hours ago, Orb said:

If you want the Girl(s) of your dreams, you gotta become the Man of your dreams. (Vibrationally) Be the Man now! 


God needs no sticks and carrots. God just be's perfection.


The Illusion of Need: "God has an agenda."


You don't need to do anything for Love. That's what Love means! But the ego sure wants you to keep chasing it's version of "love".


If it resonates, check out ACIM.


"You dream of a desert, where mirages are your rulers and tormentors, yet these images come from you.

Father did not make the desert, and your home is still with Him.


To return, forgive your brother, for only then do you forgive yourself."


- Jesus, maybe.


Edited by Blessed2


There must be an effortless way.

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15 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Then stuff like this easily follows. Trying to make sense of nonsense. Trying to reason the unreasonable.


You don't need sharpening. The idea that you are somehow incomplete or imperfect is just another thought of separation.


Are you saying God created imperfect creation, and then placed a "sharpening stone", to make his creation perfect? Rather than just creating perfection to begin with? 🤔

Have you ever had a girlfriend? Courtship never ends, it's not just like you get a girlfriend and then sit on the couch for the rest of your life. This is what's meant when I said that they are our sharpening stones. You can't slack when it comes to women. If you want a beautiful girlfriend who's confident and cool and healthy and fit, you must be a vibrational match to that. 


I just want a girlfriend in the same way that I want a thriving and successful business, it's just part of creation.


I liked what you said in the beginning about there not being man or woman. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Blessed2 Also, the desires and inspiration is part of Creation and will never end. 


The thought momentum can slow down and for some even come to a complete stop but there will always be inspiration to help others, start a relationship/family, start a career, you know...all the human stuff. Wanting a girlfriend isn't bad or mistaken, it's for creation, its aligned. 


There are many people who've realized their true nature who have families with lots of kids, and there are some who don't. 

Edited by Orb
Changed up the words a bit

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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17 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Reminds me of the time of the year, easter. Christians all around the world celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus, who "died for our sins". Sounds like Good News at first, but there's a catch. It still implies there is in fact, sin, and a need for sacrifice and death. Jesus may carry the cross for you, but remember, sin, need and requirement is very real nonetheless! That's why the story is so important!

Imagine that happening today. Right now. Imagine the world watching this unfold on the news live.

Deeply imagine this. Imagine it actually happening right in front of you right now. 


𝄆 Hoisted to cross, already wearing a crown of thorns.

”There is no sin, you are all absolutely innocent”.

Nail pounded into left hand. 

“There is no need, This is God’s unconditional being, we are God’s children.” 

Nail pounded into right hand.

”You are loved beyond measure. You are literally love, loved into existence. Existence is love.”

Nail pounded into feet. 

Agonizing, excruciating pain. Death is surely near. 

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

And God does what God does, arises, fills, extinguishes the agony.

”Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. 


Imagine three straight days of this live on tv. 

Just literally hanging there.

No one helps. No one lifts a finger. 


Then turn the screen off and have a look around. 

This is what ‘arisen’ looks like. 

This is without sin. 

This is without need. 𝄇


A very wise man once said something along the lines of the ego being a mental contract equivalent to that which can not believe the Good news. 


“Nothing’s happening”.

No one:






I want the best of both worlds, and honey I know what it's worth.
If we could have the best of both worlds, we'd have heaven right here on earth.”


“Tell me why… why can’t this be love?”


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5 hours ago, Phil said:

“Nothing’s happening”.

No one:



Hahahaha, Jesus' life in a nutshell.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

Imagine that happening today. Right now. Imagine the world watching this unfold on the news live.

Deeply imagine this. Imagine it actually happening right in front of you right now. 


𝄆 Hoisted to cross, already wearing a crown of thorns.

”There is no sin, you are all absolutely innocent”.

Nail pounded into left hand. 

“There is no need, This is God’s unconditional being, we are God’s children.” 

Nail pounded into right hand.

”You are loved beyond measure. You are literally love, loved into existence. Existence is love.”

Nail pounded into feet. 

Agonizing, excruciating pain. Death is surely near. 

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

And God does what God does, arises, fills, extinguishes the agony.

”Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. 


Imagine three straight days of this live on tv. 

Just literally hanging there.

No one helps. No one lifts a finger. 


Then turn the screen off and have a look around. 

This is what ‘arisen’ looks like. 

This is without sin. 

This is without need. 𝄇


A very wise man once said something along the lines of the ego being a mental contract equivalent to that which can not believe the Good news. 


“Nothing’s happening”.

No one:






I want the best of both worlds, and honey I know what it's worth.
If we could have the best of both worlds, we'd have heaven right here on earth.”


“Tell me why… why can’t this be love?”



That's beautiful 🥰 Thank you


I've had a cool easter. Yesterday something really weird happened. I was contemplating the very stuff you quoted about my post. And in that recognition of total innocence and sinlessness it's like the entire crucifixion never even happened. In the dropping of a thought of separation, there never even was samsara. Very mindfuck. It's not like samsara disappears or something. The never was samsara.


"There is no end to what never began."



There must be an effortless way.

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8 hours ago, Orb said:

Have you ever had a girlfriend?


Yeah as we speak 😁


8 hours ago, Orb said:

You can't slack when it comes to women.


This is your interpretation / belief about women and relationships. For me that just sounds like a very discordant belief. Wouldn't swallow it.


8 hours ago, Orb said:

Wanting a girlfriend isn't bad or mistaken, it's for creation, its aligned. 


I'm not saying it's bad or mistaken either. Just pointing out lasting happiness and peace isn't found from any experience or thing.


Totally nothing wrong with desire or wanting or dreaming! It's not like one needs to stop seeking / having relationships or sex or family life. More like simply acknowledging lasting peace isn't found in passing things. "Seek ye first the Kingdom." Human intimacy is perhaps like a shadow of God's unity.


There must be an effortless way.

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1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

This is your interpretation / belief about women and relationships. For me that just sounds like a very discordant belief. Wouldn't swallow it.


I know the wording I used may not resonate, but what's implied is a very positive thing. It's all aligned: getting stronger, healing, letting go of discordant thoughts, conscious creation. This attracts a partner who is on a similar wavelength. That's what I mean by you can't slack, in the same way that if you slack in life you attract that kinda attitude from people. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Totally nothing wrong with desire or wanting or dreaming! It's not like one needs to stop seeking / having relationships or sex or family life. More like simply acknowledging lasting peace isn't found in passing things. "Seek ye first the Kingdom." Human intimacy is perhaps like a shadow of God's unity.

But I never said that lasting peace is found in passing things. I just want a girlfriend lol.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 4/7/2023 at 2:10 AM, Orb said:

I think I cracked the code. 


I realized as a man, women are our sharpening stones. 


If we wanna attract good women, we must be good men. 


I felt anger at this because I wanted to be lazy with my thinking and how I feel, and expect a girl to come into my life. 


I think this is important for any man with resentment or rejections from/towards women to read. 


If you want the Girl(s) of your dreams, you gotta become the Man of your dreams. (Vibrationally) Be the Man now! 

Dude, don´t judge yourself. 


I´ve seen really star-women with such assholes that you woudln´t believe. I don't think your theory is right LoL. But yeah, I guess you are right about the vibrations. 


Also, don't be so judgmental about men with resentment towards women. I´ve met plenty of women with extreme anger and resentment towards men. No one here is a saint. 

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11 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Dude, don´t judge yourself. 

Oh no it's all good, I'm not judging myself rn. 


12 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

I´ve seen really star-women with such assholes that you woudln´t believe. I don't think your theory is right LoL. But yeah, I guess you are right about the vibrations. 

That can happen, and it's perfect, they attracted each other. 


13 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

Also, don't be so judgmental about men with resentment towards women. I´ve met plenty of women with extreme anger and resentment towards men. No one here is a saint. 

Oh no not at all man. The words may sound harsh but I understand that resentment. I made a thread about it actually. 


But we gotta come to terms with what's true right now right? 


So for example right now: the way I'm operating in life is not leading to attracting the girl of my dreams, so clearly it's linked to the way I'm living my life. 


There's always a solution bro, you can go chat with girls, try online dating, make friends, visit places. 


Can it feel scary? Hell yeah, but that makes us stronger in the long run and its that experience that leads to attracting thr woman you want in your life. 


It's the truth isn't it? It's in our hands. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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7 hours ago, Orb said:

So for example right now: the way I'm operating in life is not leading to attracting the girl of my dreams, so clearly it's linked to the way I'm living my life. 


There's always a solution bro, you can go chat with girls, try online dating, make friends, visit places. 


Can it feel scary? Hell yeah, but that makes us stronger in the long run and its that experience that leads to attracting thr woman you want in your life. 


It's the truth isn't it? It's in our hands. 

Speak about you, I don't have any issue with girls.


And you neither btw. Unless you constantly create it. 😇 Careful with Bondage Karma, it's a bitch. 

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@ConsciousDreamer666 I wasn't actually referring to you, it was just an example of a person in that situation. Stuffs going well for me too. I'm actually talking to a girl rn.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 4/9/2023 at 1:06 AM, Orb said:

I know the wording I used may not resonate, but what's implied is a very positive thing. It's all aligned: getting stronger, healing, letting go of discordant thoughts, conscious creation. This attracts a partner who is on a similar wavelength. That's what I mean by you can't slack, in the same way that if you slack in life you attract that kinda attitude from people. 


Great if it feels aligned for you! Good to hear. Something just feels off to me. Might just be my interpretation of what you wrote.


Somehow brings in mind Jordan Peterson lol. This super heavy set of beliefs and assumptions. Like literally heavy, as if life was this thing you must carry on your shoulders for whatever nonsensical reason. Like "being a man" means an endless fighting, hardship, "must get it done, must be stronger" etc. It feels deeply discordant and just smells super fishy in general. Like a model of an ideal "true masculine man". Smells quite naive, self-deceptive and childish really. Dysfunctional. Ehen a whiff of it smells like a burnout and exhaustion for me. 


Not meaning to start any argument here, I know many people like JP and it's totally fine. Just expressing whatever discord this thread seems to uncover for me. 🤔


There must be an effortless way.

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8 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Somehow brings in mind Jordan Peterson lol. This super heavy set of beliefs and assumptions. Like literally heavy, as if life was this thing you must carry on your shoulders for whatever nonsensical reason. Like "being a man" means an endless fighting, hardship, "must get it done, must be stronger" etc. It feels deeply discordant and just smells super fishy in general. Like a model of an ideal "true masculine man". Smells quite naive, self-deceptive and childish really. Dysfunctional. Ehen a whiff of it smells like a burnout and exhaustion for me. 


Not meaning to start any argument here, I know many people like JP and it's totally fine. Just expressing whatever discord this thread seems to uncover for me. 🤔


I hear you, that doesn't resonate much with me either. 


My OP was more simple though, essentially saying, if you want a good woman (Good meaning: is aligned) then you must be a good man. 


It may have been triggering because I used the word man and woman maybe? Although I don't take those words seriously.


Okay, a better way of saying it is, if you want to attract a certain kind of someone, you must be a vibrational match to them.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Here is my 2 cents and I think you will agree.


There is female and male in the following sense:

 Ontologically speaking there are 2 aspects to reality, Receptivity amd Radiance.


Once there is Radiance there has to be Receptivity as a result of the existence of Radiance.  And the other way around. This is because reality is actually one thing these 2 aspects cannot be seperate. You colapse one, you colapse the other.

If the sun is a manifestation of Radiance, the space around is a manifestation of Receptivity.


Every human is composed within its individual personality of these 2 aspects of course relative to other humans and the environment.

Meaning  you have a personality makeup that has some receptive parts towards someone elses personality makeup and so on.

Overal, in general females are just as a whole seen as more receptive than men, thence there is this duality between female amd male.


However, some man, because of culture and what not, have started to either deny and scorn over their receptive parts which is what other women remind them of so they project.

The other part is, some men cannot find an oulet for their radiance part in another woman,  so they scorn over them. 


Edited by Lehrling
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On 4/11/2023 at 9:36 AM, Lehrling said:

Here is my 2 cents and I think you will agree.


There is female and male in the following sense:

 Ontologically speaking there are 2 aspects to reality, Receptivity amd Radiance.


Once there is Radiance there has to be Receptivity as a result of the existence of Radiance.  And the other way around. This is because reality is actually one thing these 2 aspects cannot be seperate. You colapse one, you colapse the other.

If the sun is a manifestation of Radiance, the space around is a manifestation of Receptivity.


Every human is composed within its individual personality of these 2 aspects of course relative to other humans and the environment.

Meaning  you have a personality makeup that has some receptive parts towards someone elses personality makeup and so on.

Overal, in general females are just as a whole seen as more receptive than men, thence there is this duality between female amd male.


However, some man, because of culture and what not, have started to either deny and scorn over their receptive parts which is what other women remind them of so they project.

The other part is, some men cannot find an oulet for their radiance part in another woman,  so they scorn over them. 


@Lehrling Interesting. I'd truly appreciate if you make a topic about this in more detail. 

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On 4/7/2023 at 2:10 AM, Orb said:

I think I cracked the code. 


I realized as a man, women are our sharpening stones. 


If we wanna attract good women, we must be good men. 


I felt anger at this because I wanted to be lazy with my thinking and how I feel, and expect a girl to come into my life. 


I think this is important for any man with resentment or rejections from/towards women to read. 


If you want the Girl(s) of your dreams, you gotta become the Man of your dreams. (Vibrationally) Be the Man now! 



Good realisation. That is so, so key.


They want the best for you 🙏


Sometimes, the best for you is to reject you, because you're not being honest with yourself and playing a fake role, so you have a creepy vibe.

Sometimes, the best for you is to break up with you, because you're stuck in a rut and you need a shock to your system to motivate you to reach the next level.


It's all FOR you💚

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