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  1. I am gonna make it short without long talk. You all as individuals got 2 things ( yes, thoughts Phil, leave it be ) going on. You have a boundary preserving mechanism and a boundary expanding one. Those 2 must not contradict eachother, but they can if certain subdivisions of belief collections, under you as whole, are not ok with one expanding. If the necessary expansions aren't made in a time, your actions resulting will lead to an unbalancing support cause of unfairness and suffering. Ethics is not an identity game to ruin your fun, it is your internal measure and process of how in alignement with Good your belief prioritasation is. In other words, if you are able to reflect and expand your belief system at a given time towards one which is more encompassing with regards to harmony without cognitive pain or despite cognitive pain. Is how well your ethics are, or how ethical you are. In other words, how well you are able to prioritize expand your belief system towards a less selfish one from a more selfish one. Good day
  2. Absolutely all the time. In my way of looking at it. If its nit coming intuitevely, let it rest and return when it does automatically. Not by planning.
  3. That is under the assumption the social system will stay the same as if AI were human . Look a bit further ahead.
  4. Some men need experience with women as a form or exploration. It's like going on an adventure. Very few in my way of looking at it. Those are authentic in it, you can see it in them. Others want to burry their pain or try to be something they are not, too many in my way of looking at it. Sometimes People just come together in different constelations because of a free way of relating to one another. Some people can intuite what it does to someone subconsciously when men have sex randomly.
  5. Here is my 2 cents and I think you will agree. There is female and male in the following sense: Ontologically speaking there are 2 aspects to reality, Receptivity amd Radiance. Meaning: Once there is Radiance there has to be Receptivity as a result of the existence of Radiance. And the other way around. This is because reality is actually one thing these 2 aspects cannot be seperate. You colapse one, you colapse the other. If the sun is a manifestation of Radiance, the space around is a manifestation of Receptivity. Every human is composed within its individual personality of these 2 aspects of course relative to other humans and the environment. Meaning you have a personality makeup that has some receptive parts towards someone elses personality makeup and so on. Overal, in general females are just as a whole seen as more receptive than men, thence there is this duality between female amd male. However, some man, because of culture and what not, have started to either deny and scorn over their receptive parts which is what other women remind them of so they project. The other part is, some men cannot find an oulet for their radiance part in another woman, so they scorn over them.
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