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Recognizing Illusions As Illusions


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There is a great book called Communion with God  which is a part of the Conversations with God - series by Neale Donald Walsch. Very much recommend reading the book.


The book outlines ten fundamental illusions that basically make up the experience we call "life in a world".


I'll share them in this thread so that we can more easily spot whenever we encounter these illusions and rather than holding ourselves imprisoned by them, we can see them as illusions rather than the true state of affairs.



The Ten Illusions:


1. Need Exists

2. Failure Exists

3. Disunity Exists

4. Insufficiency Exists

5. Requirement Exists

6. Judgement Exists

7. Condemnation Exists

8. Conditionality Exists

9. Superiority Exists

10. Ignorance Exists


There are many more illusions (beliefs), but these are the most fundamental ones that are passed down generation to generation and make up the limiting cultural & individual stories we keep telling each other. Essentially, these are the fundamental building blocks of the nonsensical stories we think of as life and a world.


Here is the collective conditioning & grand narrative we pass through generations, in light of the ten illusions:


1. God has an agenda. (Need Exists)


2. The outcome of life is in doubt. (Failure Exists)


3. We are separate from God and each other. (Disunity Exists)


4. There is not enough. (Insufficiency Exists)


5. There is something you have to do. (Requirement Exists)


6. If you do not do it, you will be punished. (Judgement Exists)


7. The punishment is everlasting damnation. (Condemnation Exists)


8. Love is, therefore, conditional. (Conditionality Exists)


9. Knowing and meeting the conditions render you superior. (Superiority Exists)


10. You do not know that these are illusions. (Ignorance Exists)


(Notice the illusions build each on top of the previous one. Rather than acknowledging the nonsensical nature of our illusion, we double down, try to uphold it with a new illusion. Like paying a loan with interest with a new, even bigger loan.)


This simplified example uses theist language. However, the cultural story and conditioning is essentially the same regardless whether there is religious belief. The structure remains the same. You may contemplate for example, what form the first illusion, "God has an agenda", might take in a secular culture.



Now that the fundamental illusions are laid bare, your part is to contemplate what form each illusion might take in your life. What illusions do you buy? What stories do you tell yourself about life and the world? For what sort of narrative do you wake up to each morning? What illusions and in what form do you pass to your children or friends?


Then take a look around you and see what sort of narratives lurk in your family and society. What illusions is the government buying? What illusions were you taught in school? What illusions are the ads, media, experts, scholars and politicians trying to sell you?


Which illusions play out in your beliefs and experience regarding money, relationships, sex, success and even spirituality?



The next step is to see the illusions as illusions:


How could God, nondual, the infinite and unconditional, have any need whatsoever?


How could this God's alleged need be unmet?


How could God be somewhere else?


How could there be insufficiency in God's Kingdom?


...And so on. Contemplate on each illusion: how could this be the case in God's Kingdom? 


Could it be that if I see a world of need, doubt, separation, lack, requirement, judgement, condemnation, conditionality, superiority or ignorance, I do not see the Real World?



Always remember:


There is no need in God's Kingdom.


Nothing makes God unhappy.


God's Kingdom is where I am.



Whenever you encounter any of the ten illusions in any form, simply notice "this is one of those illusions!" and look past it, into your unlimited nature that you know and feel to be your true heritage.


Start today. Seize the day. 😌 And read the book!

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

There is a great book called Communion with God  which is a part of the Conversations with God - series by Neale Donald Walsch. Very much recommend reading the book.


The book outlines ten fundamental illusions that basically make up the experience we call "life in a world".


I'll share them in this thread so that we can more easily spot whenever we encounter these illusions and rather than holding ourselves imprisoned by them, we can see them as illusions rather than the true state of affairs.



The Ten Illusions:


1. Need Exists

2. Failure Exists

3. Disunity Exists

4. Insufficiency Exists

5. Requirement Exists

6. Judgement Exists

7. Condemnation Exists

8. Conditionality Exists

9. Superiority Exists

10. Ignorance Exists


There are many more illusions (beliefs), but these are the most fundamental ones that are passed down generation to generation and make up the limiting cultural & individual stories we keep telling each other. Essentially, these are the fundamental building blocks of the nonsensical stories we think of as life and a world.


Here is the collective conditioning & grand narrative we pass through generations, in light of the ten illusions:


1. God has an agenda. (Need Exists)


2. The outcome of life is in doubt. (Failure Exists)


3. We are separate from God and each other. (Disunity Exists)


4. There is not enough. (Insufficiency Exists)


5. There is something you have to do. (Requirement Exists)


6. If you do not do it, you will be punished. (Judgement Exists)


7. The punishment is everlasting damnation. (Condemnation Exists)


8. Love is, therefore, conditional. (Conditionality Exists)


9. Knowing and meeting the conditions render you superior. (Superiority Exists)


10. You do not know that these are illusions. (Ignorance Exists)


(Notice the illusions build each on top of the previous one. Rather than acknowledging the nonsensical nature of our illusion, we double down, try to uphold it with a new illusion. Like paying a loan with interest with a new, even bigger loan.)


This simplified example uses theist language. However, the cultural story and conditioning is essentially the same regardless whether there is religious belief. The structure remains the same. You may contemplate for example, what form the first illusion, "God has an agenda", might take in a secular culture.



Now that the fundamental illusions are laid bare, your part is to contemplate what form each illusion might take in your life. What illusions do you buy? What stories do you tell yourself about life and the world? For what sort of narrative do you wake up to each morning? What illusions and in what form do you pass to your children or friends?


Then take a look around you and see what sort of narratives lurk in your family and society. What illusions is the government buying? What illusions were you taught in school? What illusions are the ads, media, experts, scholars and politicians trying to sell you?


Which illusions play out in your beliefs and experience regarding money, relationships, sex, success and even spirituality?



The next step is to see the illusions as illusions:


How could God, nondual, the infinite and unconditional, have any need whatsoever?


How could this God's alleged need be unmet?


How could God be somewhere else?


How could there be insufficiency in God's Kingdom?


...And so on. Contemplate on each illusion: how could this be the case in God's Kingdom? 


Could it be that if I see a world of need, doubt, separation, lack, requirement, judgement, condemnation, conditionality, superiority or ignorance, I do not see the Real World?



Always remember:


There is no need in God's Kingdom.


Nothing makes God unhappy.


God's Kingdom is where I am.



Whenever you encounter any of the ten illusions in any form, simply notice "this is one of those illusions!" and look past it, into your unlimited nature that you know and feel to be your true heritage.


Start today. Seize the day. 😌 And read the book!

Illusions are verbal constructs people imagine possible within socially creating civilization beyond time mutually evolving forward as genetically centered "being" physiclaly eternally separated while occupying space specifically ancestrally alive now.


Need to rule, want to be incharge of outcomes, won't tolerate anyone unwilling to sacrifice biological time for relative time logistics making reality the government of mind over matter social environments defining people in whos who categories of which group are the chosen results leading a specific type cast population that inherits governing outcomes forward now.


Elected or taking charge of dreams made real for hundreds of generation gaps historiclaly arrived remaining five occupying space now. 


Intellect is induced navigating life cradle to grave, instincts are inherited within an ever changing population occupying space when specifically alive.


content is beyond context, matter produces a brain, mind is being obedient to power of suggestion, civil is a behavioral pattern same as civic minded social order.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely, how? Why is it never resolved?  Not God or Country created verbal communication between evolving ancestors never the same people each additional generation gap lived native to this atmosphere.  When everything one believes is protected by obedience to power of suggestion, why would anyone want to understand more than people believe possible when faced with insubordination, treason, blasphemy thinking of themselves beyond type cast social order?



Beyond social order is natural timing to being alive in series parallel genetic results currently occupying the moment here.  Universal constant, no exceptions genetically and no exemptions because of ideology.


Life is what is evolving here now down to weather patterns and social whether or not patterns. No two raindrops are the same in the same storm, no two homo sapien generation gaps are the same species inception to extinction.


Evolving is a process, evolution is a topic of debating possibilities it isn't what it was or is.


Reasonable doubt established for hundreds of generation gaps evolved native to this atmosphere.  Promise of better tomorrows are intellectual pathways to governing outcomes never exceeding the moment here.


Actuality of Being alive navigating spontaneous time, simultaneously here.  Cycles of living in plain sight. Honesty matters.

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I'm noticing some illusions (discordant beliefs) today.


"I need to have a job to make money, and I need to have money to live." (Need exists)


"I should go to a school and finish studies so that I could have a job. None of the studies are what I'd like to do though, and I just don't think this is going to work out for me." (Requirement exists, Insufficiency exists, Failure exists)

"I don't have enough money right now. I should do something so that I'll make my life work." (Insufficiency exists, Requirement exists, Conditionality exists)


"What I'd like to do/have is my own little business of Reiki and sharing insights, but I don't think I'm enlightened enough to actually have something to offer, or mature and old enough for anyone to take me seriously. I couldn't have customers and make money that way." (Insufficiency exists, Requirement exists, Conditionality exists, Superiority/Inferiority exists, Ignorance exists)


"It's hard to see see through these illusions and align. It's hard to make my life work and feel better." (Disunity exists, Ignorance exists, Failure exists)



I do not ask to change the situations in my life, because they are mere illusions. I ask simply to see in the light of truth. Let all I am be illuminated with emptiness-light-unconditionality. Thank you.


I am emptiness-light-unconditionality.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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