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Enlightenment Genetics


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1 hour ago, DMT Elf said:

I couldn’t see that.

Do you admit that you deliberately made a couple blunders to keep it interesting?

These are your own insecurities coming to the surface.   I'm starting to see how your mind works and it's disturbing.  You give up on yourself long before the flag should be waved.  

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On 4/5/2023 at 12:32 PM, Robed Mystic said:

This was well before Leo has the same realization.   I cam find the video where he talks about just having it and it is far after the date of this conversation. 


That is as misleading as misleading gets. Not what you said, but the reply to it. What you said was spot on. 

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6 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

He was way behind me.  Still is.

No, this part… “experiencing yourself through all possible angles so you can know who you are”. 

The corruption is, =, the purporting… and taught - it’s indoctrination / inculcation.


It’s why you, infinite consciousness, believe there are separate selves which know more or less about infinite consciousness (are ahead of or behind each other). 


Consciousness is never actually an object of experience. A lot of suppression & psychedelics just makes it seem like some thing is known by a knower. 


Put another way, he’s you, deceiving you, creating rumination which essentially robs you, infinite consciousness, of the intrinsic freedom, happiness &  joy of (“your own”) being & creating. The hamster wheel is like a Trojan horse. 


So to speak, it’s literally why you’re here (participating on this forum) and why you don’t see, why you’re here. 


It’s also why you’re always saying his metaphysical explanations are so good, correct (accurate). They aren’t, they’re corrupt as the purporting & deception, but you overlook that in that you now believe it. (The pm exchange points directly to the time frame this occurred in the message, on the forum and in the videos). It’s just a shame to see that you (so to speak!) ‘had it’, clarity, at one point.. and then were mislead so deeply (so to speak). More so, that you continue to support & share the misinformation & rhetoric. 


Genetics is just one of many ‘cover ups’ of the deception. ‘Mind games’. 


With love brother, and not meant prescriptively, but to de-condition… get a month away solo in nature. 

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

No, this part… “experiencing yourself through all possible angles so you can know who you are”. 

The corruption is, =, the purporting… and taught - it’s indoctrination / inculcation.


It’s why you, infinite consciousness, believe there are separate selves which know more or less about infinite consciousness (are ahead of or behind each other). 


Consciousness is never actually an object of experience. A lot of suppression & psychedelics just makes it seem like some thing is known by a knower. 


Put another way, he’s you, deceiving you, creating rumination which essentially robs you, infinite consciousness, of the intrinsic freedom, happiness &  joy of (“your own”) being & creating. The hamster wheel is like a Trojan horse. 


So to speak, it’s literally why you’re here (participating on this forum) and why you don’t see, why you’re here. 


It’s also why you’re always saying his metaphysical explanations are so good, correct (accurate). They aren’t, they’re corrupt as the purporting & deception, but you overlook that in that you now believe it. (The pm exchange points directly to the time frame this occurred in the message, on the forum and in the videos). It’s just a shame to see that you (so to speak!) ‘had it’, clarity, at one point.. and then were mislead so deeply (so to speak). More so, that you continue to support & share the misinformation & rhetoric. 


Genetics is just one of many ‘cover ups’ of the deception. ‘Mind games’. 


With love brother, and not meant prescriptively, but to de-condition… get a month away solo in nature. 

My good friend, and I do hope you hold me in the same regard (I respect what you are doing, and I love you) I surely do not believe there are separate selves.  I just prefer not to walk in oneness unless I am in a oneness state of consciousness.    You are correct that he is me deceiving me, but I choose to separate him and me, so that there can appear to be a him and me.  Because when it appears so, it is so.  When I go into the dream, my friend, I go all in.   That's the playing I mentioned.   It's a grand play.   When I want to walk in nature solo, I surely will.   After all, contrary to appearances, i am already solo.

Edited by Robed Mystic
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16 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

My good friend, and I do hope you hold me in the same regard (I respect what you are doing, and I love you) I surely do not believe there are separate selves.  I just prefer not to walk in oneness unless I am in a oneness state of consciousness. 

Same rhetoric / conjecture. “States of consciousness”.

The “one” that is believed to be preferring to be or not to be “in” oneness, is the separate self of thoughts. 


There is no separate self, and therein there is no separate self which could be in (or not in) ‘states of consciousness’. 


It’s really the same thing as already shared. The “knower” and or “understander” of infinite consciousness is the ‘separate self’ of thought / belief, or, thoughts believed. 


“Your state”, “states of consciousness”, “levels of consciousness”, are the smokescreen rhetoric of separate selves which become enlightened, etc. 


16 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

  You are correct that he is me deceiving me, but I choose to separate him and me, so that there can appear to be and him and me. 

You are free to believe there is a chooser, which chooses to separate infinite indivisible consciousness into separate selves. What’s being pointed out is that the entirety of this is believed, and is false, and is deception yet to be ‘seen’ due to the nature of conjecture & indoctrination. 


If you’re simply not interested, I respect that. Simply say “not interested”. It’s not like participation here is mandatory obviously. 


16 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Because when it appears so, it is so. 

No. Hence, appearance. This is the indoctrination, the conjecture. “Teachings of infinite consciousness” which are actually the illusory perspective of an ego, or, separate self. 


16 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

When I go into the dream, my friend, I go all in.   

This is ignorance.

You do not “go into your dream” any more than you could go into states of yourself (infinite consciousness). 


16 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

That's the playing I mentioned.   It's a grand play.   When I want to walk in nature solo, I surely will.   After all, contrary to appearances, am I already solo.

You are only deceiving yourself (so to speak!). 


It is precisely because the deception you (so to speak) are experiencing is neither welcomed nor offered here. 

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

Same rhetoric / conjecture. “States of consciousness”.

The “one” that is believed to be preferring to be or not to be “in” oneness, is the separate self of thoughts. 



There are states of consciousness.   You should know better than to teach otherwise.   This is a disservice to any that follow you.    I did not say there was a separate self that could be in a different state of consciousness...I said that Consciousness can shift states and it can make it appear that there is one who has consciousness (the materialist paradigm).  But in actuality, it is consciousness that is behind it all.     Perhaps look in the mirror or step outside of your glass house when throwing stones about rhetoric.   Perhaps it's you spitting such.


5 minutes ago, Phil said:



You are free to believe there is a chooser, which chooses to separate infinite indivisible consciousness into separate selves. What’s being pointed out is that the entirety of this is believed, and is false, and is deception yet to be ‘seen’ due to the nature of conjecture & indoctrination. 



Again a misunderstanding of what is being said 


7 minutes ago, Phil said:





No. Hence, appearance. This is the indoctrination, the conjecture. “Teachings of infinite consciousness” which are actually the illusory perspective of an ego, or, separate self. 


This is ignorance.

You do not “go into your dream” any more than you could go into states of yourself (infinite consciousness). 


You are only deceiving yourself (so to speak!). 


Again - please understand that there need not be a you involved at all.  What you miss is that God can feel, think, just as it can taste and smell.   It can masquerade as a separate finite self.  But it can then awaken to its true nature.  When it does, it can play the game again.   When I say I'm loving the dream, I am God living the dream through finite eyes.  I am Consciousness experiencing itself through finite form.  Zoom your lens out a bit.   

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21 minutes ago, Phil said:



It is precisely because the deception you (so to speak) are experiencing is neither welcomed nor offered here. 

Perhaps you feel threatened by my presence here.  The metaphysical work put out on Actualized is not corrupt - nothing is corrupt.  But perhaps look to what is being taught in University if you want to talk about corruption.  If I'm not welcomed here, then show me out.  Otherwise, I would implore you, as the so called leader of this forum, to walk with open ears and open eyes.

Edited by Robed Mystic
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22 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

There are states of consciousness.   You should know better than to teach otherwise.

There is no knower. The knower is the (thoughts) separate self. 

A belief, identity. 

There’s no “shoulds”. 


22 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

   This is a disservice to any that follow you.

Read the guidelines. There is not the actualized.org deceptive paradigm of leader & followers, students and teacher (of infinite consciousness) here. Because of The Truth, that consciousness is infinite / there already are not separate selves. 


Which have you been believing you are here, a teacher or a follower?


22 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

    I did not say there was a separate self that could be in a different state of consciousness...I said that Consciousness can shift states and it can make it appear that there is one who has consciousness (the materialist paradigm). 

It’s not appearance, it’s an illusion of believing thoughts. This distinction is readily available in direct experience. (And maybe some meditation and or a long break from the rhetoric). 


22 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

But in actuality, it is consciousness that is behind it all. Perhaps look in the mirror or step outside of your glass house when throwing stones about rhetoric.   Perhaps it's you spitting such.

It’s self-evident. 


22 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Again a misunderstanding of what is being said 


Again - please understand that there need not be a you involved at all.  What you miss is that God can feel, think, just as it can taste and smell.

This is egocentric solipsism. It’s a pillar of the overall deception. 


22 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

   It can masquerade as a separate finite self.  But it can then awaken to its true nature.  When it does, it can play the game again.   When I say I'm loving the dream, I am God living the dream through finite eyes.  I am Consciousness experiencing itself through finite form.  Zoom your lens out a bit.   

Consciousness is infinite, and is never not infinite, and is never an object of consciousness (experienced).

Consciousness never experiences, knows, or understands itself.

The ‘games’ being played are egocentric, and with yourself (so to speak!). 



Consciousness wise, this is what delusion, or corruption, or blasphemy  is. 

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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

There is no knower. The knower is the (thoughts) separate self. 

A belief, identity. 



Exactly where did I say there was a knower?  The term knower has clearly been injected into this dialogue, and not by me.


13 minutes ago, Phil said:



Read the guidelines. There is not the actualized.org deceptive paradigm of leader & followers, students and teachers here. 

Because of The Truth, that consciousness is infinite / there already are not separate selves. 



That may be the guidelines - but there are those that join your zoom calls and ask you questions.  Your answers might be formulating certain beliefs in their mind.  Your answers may be shaping their mind.  Be mindful of that.  For if you answer wrong, you could also be leadng them down a path of deception, where you yourself do not see that you are deceived.   This is a danger for which you have little respect for, and frankly, it's alarming.  Most of these minds are young and quite impressionable. 

13 minutes ago, Phil said:



This is egocentric solipsism. It’s a pillar of the overall deception. 


Consciousness is infinite, and is never an objected of consciousness. Consciousness never experienced, knows, or understands itself. 

You are using words such as solipsism, which you have heard used on Actualized.  I am simply saying that God is this, now, (actuality) and nothing more.  Nothing outside.   This is not egocentric anything.   

And as far as understanding, you miss the greatest miracle of Infinity. To limit itself and then discover itself through grasping itself.    

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6 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

That may be the guidelines - but there are those that join your zoom calls and ask you questions.  Your answers might be formulating certain beliefs in their mind.  Your answers may be shaping their mind.  Be mindful of that.  For if you answer wrong, you could also be leadng them down a path of deception, where you yourself do not see that you are deceived.   This is a danger for which you have little respect for, and frankly, it's alarming.  Most of these minds are young and quite impressionable. 


Typical manipulation, trying to instill doubt in people. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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10 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Exactly where did I say there was a knower?  The term knower has clearly been injected into this dialogue, and not by me.

35 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

There are states of consciousness.   You should know better than to teach otherwise.

The subtle elusive non-existent “knower” is the knower of states of infinite consciousness. 

(Infinite ‘means’ no finite.)


10 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

That may be the guidelines - but there are those that join your zoom calls and ask you questions.  Your answers might be formulating certain beliefs in their mind.  Your answers may be shaping their mind.  Be mindful of that.  For if you answer wrong, you could also be leafing them down a path of deception, where you yourself do not see that you are deceived.   This is a danger for which you have little respect for, and frankly, it's alarming.  Most of these minds are young and quite impressionable. 

The entire site, forum and videos (please stop and actually check) are de-conditioning & inspection of What (already) Is, not adding beliefs & concepts about becoming, attaining, achieving levels, having higher understanding, etc. Through the ‘rose colored glasses’ of said deception the entirety of this is actually missed. 


With respect to the group calls, as was explained to you directly on the one call you attended… please attend a call without teaching, without talking, then, you will see what’s transpiring on the call. Also, you are welcomed on the calls, but with, as you say young impressionable mind attending, refrain from smoking cigars during the calls. Thanks. 

10 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

You are using words such as solipsism, which you have heard uses on Actualized.  I am simply saying that God is this, now, (actuality) and nothing more.  Nothing outside.   This is not egocentric anything.   

Solipsism was in high school & college, among similar ism’s (theories, doctrines) like Catholicism & Mormonism. 


10 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

And as far as understanding, you miss the greatest miracle of Infinity. To limit itself and then discover itself through grasping itself.    

There isn’t that you. That’s what’s being said. 



You’re staring to come around though, which is nice to see, and again, is WHY YOU’RE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE AND WHY YOU’RE REPLYING. 



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11 minutes ago, Orb said:


Typical manipulation, trying to instill doubt in people. 

All I will say is keep the mind open.  In the end it is spiritual practice that will answer all questions.   Take in what is said,, but then discover what is true.  The last thing I would ever do is instill doubt.   But doubt in some cases is healthy.  One should doubt ALL things until certainty has manifested.  Otherwise, everything is doubt.  And certainty is not manifested via concept.  It is manifested at the level of Being ... all words should be taken with a grain of salt..all words should be questioned and not taken as belief.   If you aren't doing that, then you are not keeping the door open to Absolute Certainty.  And Absolute Certainity is Enlightenment. 

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34 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Perhaps you feel threatened by my presence here.  The metaphysical work put out on Actualized is not corrupt - nothing is corrupt.  But perhaps look to what is being taught in University if you want to talk about corruption.  If I'm not welcomed here, then show me out.  Otherwise, I would implore you, as the so called leader of this forum, to walk with open ears and open eyes.

The rhetoric is so entrenched that even after clicking on acknowledgement of the guidelines, and being outright told numerous times there is no leader & followers, teacher & students paradigm here… you’re still assuming & projecting (the actualized.org deceptive paradigm) that there is. 🤦🏼 

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2 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

The last thing I would ever do is instill doubt.   But doubt in some cases is healthy.  One should doubt ALL things until certainty has manifested.  Otherwise, everything is doubt. 


😂 come on man...

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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27 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

That may be the guidelines - but there are those that join your zoom calls and ask you questions.  Your answers might be formulating certain beliefs in their mind.  Your answers may be shaping their mind.  Be mindful of that.  For if you answer wrong, you could also be leadng them down a path of deception, where you yourself do not see that you are deceived.   This is a danger for which you have little respect for, and frankly, it's alarming.  Most of these minds are young and quite impressionable. 

Without deception & manipulation this doesn’t occur. That’s what you’re missing. It’s so simple, infinite consciousness is infinite, infinite means no finite. 

There isn’t this “problem”, because there is no purporting. 

In projecting one forum onto another, you still aren’t seeing this. So for you, this seems like a potential ‘danger’. 

But remember, where does the notion about ‘the potential dangers of awakening’ come from? 

The ‘radical implications of oneness’, etc. 

All purporting. 


Certainly not unconditional love, Self. 

Only from misinformation, and in reaction, damage control to, purporting. 


Love isn’t dangerous! Love is Love. 





Try less talking and more using the tools. It might be found & clarifying that the doubt is felt directly because you’re creating ‘it’. 

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