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Alcohol makes me feel depressed

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As the title says: Alcohol almost always puts me in a sort of depressed state the day after. Yesterday i had 3 beers, wasn't drunk obviously and came home and drank lots of water and took good care of myself, still felt it a little bit in the morning. But that is not the problem. Why can't i be happy even though i feel a little hungover? Many people i know have no problem with that whatsoever and just don't care that much. I feel very fragile if nothing more than a few beers can put me down. 

Is it my beliefs about alcohol being bad? 

And i am not asking for advice to stop drinking even though thats obviously best, i do it sometimes but i don't want to stay away from it completely at this point.

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How were you feeling before and during the drinking? 


Alcohol is a preservative, it's a way of keeping things from spoiling, it used to be very important before refrigeration and indoor plumbing. It's not conducive to the flow of life force in your body, it stops, slows, depresses, dehydrates. Especially if you reach for it when you're already feeling off, it's going to delay any real vibrational emotional improvement, slow the flow of energy until the effects wear off. 


11 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

I feel very fragile if nothing more than a few beers can put me down. 

Just because people consider it normal doesn't mean that it's desirable for you and your body at this time. You want to be sensitive to the way things affect you, just not obsessive or too rigid about it. 

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2 minutes ago, DMT Elf said:

Fuck alcohol. Just smoke weed. 

I find alcohol is more fun in large social gatherings, weed is more fun with a small amount of good friends. But I know it's different for everyone, I find it insane that some people get high asf and go to large social gatherings with no issues. I'd be freaking out lol

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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6 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

As the title says: Alcohol almost always puts me in a sort of depressed state the day after. Yesterday i had 3 beers, wasn't drunk obviously and came home and drank lots of water and took good care of myself, still felt it a little bit in the morning. But that is not the problem. Why can't i be happy even though i feel a little hungover? Many people i know have no problem with that whatsoever and just don't care that much. I feel very fragile if nothing more than a few beers can put me down. 

Is it my beliefs about alcohol being bad? 

And i am not asking for advice to stop drinking even though thats obviously best, i do it sometimes but i don't want to stay away from it completely at this point.

It’s the belief in states. “Alcohol puts me in a”. 

No it doesn’t. 

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4 minutes ago, DMT Elf said:

It’s been a year and a half and I still feel no desire to drink. 

I quit for about 3 years, and I never felt a desire to drink.  But eventually I realized that drinking wasn't the problem I had to begin with, because the problem I was hoping to solve didn't go away. But I'm not an alcoholic, I get that people are.

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12 hours ago, Mandy said:

How were you feeling before and during the drinking? 


Anxious, fluctuating up and down. It was a group of new people or people i don't see often. Lots of things happening "inside". Judgements, insecurity, unpleasant thoughts, also some good moments. Overall was pretty good. Still thinking through most sentences i say before i say them and holding myself back, which is unpleasant. Afraid to appear stupid or awkvard, or to be disliked. 


I surely use it as a means to feeling more at ease, otherwise i wouldn't do it. I also don't like the judgements of not drinking sometimes. I feel like i need something in situations like that to find the right energy. A beer in my hand just makes it easier even though its an escape. 


The ideal would be to be completely at ease without it, enjoying just conversating without fear.. how though. 

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8 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I definitely have a nuanced and complicated perspective regarding drugs that I'm more comfortable talking about in person to be honest. 

Thanks for your reply. If you mean experimenting with your substances, i did that as well. I prefer ketamine if i go clubbing. no hangover and way better for the purpose i want, dancing, enjoying music etc. But that doesn't work in a setting like the described one. sometimes i will run into situations where i want to drink to enjoy the company.. most people around me don't do anything without alcohol involved.


6 hours ago, DMT Elf said:

Fuck alcohol. Just smoke weed. 

I don't enjoy like so much currently. Whenever i'm high i don't really enjoy it, and i don't get anything done when i do. If i try to make music while high i get nothing done. Social situations is a no-no also most of the time. You are right on the fuck alcohol part though


6 hours ago, Phil said:

It’s the belief in states. “Alcohol puts me in a”. 

No it doesn’t.

So the depressed feeling is just focusing on unwanted?

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On 3/24/2023 at 12:20 PM, WhiteOwl said:

As the title says: Alcohol almost always puts me in a sort of depressed state the day after. Yesterday i had 3 beers, wasn't drunk obviously and came home and drank lots of water and took good care of myself, still felt it a little bit in the morning. But that is not the problem. Why can't i be happy even though i feel a little hungover? Many people i know have no problem with that whatsoever and just don't care that much. I feel very fragile if nothing more than a few beers can put me down. 

Is it my beliefs about alcohol being bad? 

And i am not asking for advice to stop drinking even though thats obviously best, i do it sometimes but i don't want to stay away from it completely at this point.

As others have said, you probably make it worse than it is by you telling yourself all of that.


Having said that, alcohol is literally a depressor. So you shouldn't be surprised that it gives you this effects.


Honestly alcohol the worst drug in the universe, just do other thing. (Or better don't do anything)

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14 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

So the depressed feeling is just focusing on unwanted?

It’s more of an altogether different framing. The body is pure infinite intelligence. The thoughts, or brain, is like two marbles that occasionally bump into each other and it seemed like something happened. The body is ‘saying’ - I’m not down with this, with this character, with who we’re being here, and I gotta rest & recoup for a bit now cause this shit just ain’t my nature. Put another way, the body does not need ‘your’ (marbles) story. There is no ‘depressed feeling’. Feeling is synonymous with divinity, God, love. God-love is not depressed. God-love is “the body”. The marbles bump into eachother and come up with “states”, and just like that self is conceptualized and the marbles are running the show. The true nature isn’t fragile, but it’s subtle, sensitive beyond belief, and unconditionally allowing. God-love is absolutely free. The hand can always be put on the stove, but the true nature never changes. The burn will always be felt. Alignment is apparently optional, therein, suffering as well. 


Birds don’t have the marbles. So they just chirp, quite happily. They don’t know where they’re headed. They fly south, they fly north, and they chirp all along the way. They have song. You have the marbles. Where are you headed? Do you have song? Guidance? 

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The original meaning of the word depression was to describe angles in astronomy, 

depression (n.)

c. 1400 as a term in astronomy, "angular distance of a star below the horizon," from Old French depression (14c.), https://www.etymonline.com/word/depression

I think it's the most BEAUTIFUL example of going back to the original meaning, and seeing how a word has changed in its direct (literally pointing) meaning over time. It points to that you're at some perspective or vantage point that you can't see the light. I was contemplating this the other day and as I walked into the house, and I found my dog standing on the freaking kitchen table just so he could see out the window to the road completely. 😆The synchronicity of it was pretty awesome though.

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On 3/25/2023 at 3:15 PM, Phil said:

The body is ‘saying’ - I’m not down with this, with this character, with who we’re being here, and I gotta rest & recoup for a bit now cause this shit just ain’t my nature.

Right. Thank you.🙌


On 3/25/2023 at 3:15 PM, Phil said:

Where are you headed? Do you have song? Guidance? 

I think so, most of the time. Hard to stay with good feelings for long, i am often close to finding great momentum and then some period of discord.

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This might sound ‘corrective’, not meant that way, just thought I’d share it…

Good feeling is like helium. Its nature is to rise or fill any & all unobscured space (or people) in which it is allowed. The allowed part is because it’s unconditional. So momentum is really a clearing the way, a letting go. We’re balloons basically. So try letting something go momentum wise, rather than trying to stay with it. See how you feel. 



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5 minutes ago, Phil said:


This might sound ‘corrective’, not meant that way, just thought I’d share it…

Good feeling is like helium. Its nature is to rise or fill any & all unobscured space (or people) in which it is allowed. The allowed part is because it’s unconditional. So momentum is really a clearing the way, a letting go. We’re balloons basically. So try letting something go momentum wise, rather than trying to stay with it. See how you feel. 



Don't find it corrective. Good analogy, its easy to understand. I try pretty much all the time though. The addiction to thoughts is heavy though, or my mind is sneaky.  Thank you, this week will be a game-changer of letting go 🙂 

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