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Stage green victimhood

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I just realized one interesting thing about stage green. Very often stage green is when people start going to therapy and getting in touch with their feelings, inner wounds, traumas etc.


What then makes stage green so sensitive to other people’s wounds - gay person’s issues, poc issues, women’s issues etc., is being connected by that trauma, that victimhood. They are feeling oppressed in some way, and so they feel connected to the other oppressed people.


When you start going to therapy, there is usually a process of you recognizing how you’ve been a victim and then oftentimes you dwell in that period for a duration of time.  You get stuck in the victim-persecutor-saviour game. Someone has to be the demon, and someone has to be the saviour in that game, and there’s lots of victims, lots of judgment too.


I don’t see stage green outside of the victim-persecutor-saviour triangle. 



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3 hours ago, Phil said:

Green is also behind much charity & community involvement, participating in the best togetherness has to offer before going deeper within (yellow). 

That is the “saviour” in the triangle. It keeps living for someone else instead of focusing on its own life. 

The point I am trying to make, is that green usually feels victimized by someone (parents, government, society, schooling), while also being the persecutor of someone (the right, the government, the racists, the system), and acting as a saviour to someone else to feel good about itself and due to their own trauma.

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43 minutes ago, Phil said:


Green might not see or think in terms of the triangle. From orange’s perspective green might seem to be inward oriented or about identity(s). Whereas from green’s perspective there’s less thought given to self or identity altogether, and it’s more about the connectivity, experiencing & feeling. 

No one consciously sees or thinks in terms of triangle. I am talking about Karpman’s triangle here 




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46 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Green sometimes tries to exclude bad from the world without realizing that you get more of and fan the fires of what you push against. 

Green hasn’t accepted the world for it is. I do think it’s because of the strong victim mentality. 

Kind of like when you had an abusive childhood, and then in your adulthood you spend a lot of time soaking in the anger at your parents “how could they be like that”, “what kind of parent does that to a child”, “they are the reason I am so f*cked up”. When this anger doesn’t get you anywhere, you’re living in a delusional world where things “should’ve been different” and not accepting things how they are and dealing with the actual reality.

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This is a great website about the spiral stages: https://spiraldynamicsintegral.nl/en/


There's a good catalogue of the essence and nasics of each value system. And there's also a great section of "prejudice", which outlines how each stage might experience the other stages.




There must be an effortless way.

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5 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

This is a great website about the spiral stages: https://spiraldynamicsintegral.nl/en/


There's a good catalogue of the essence and nasics of each value system. And there's also a great section of "prejudice", which outlines how each stage might experience the other stages.



Why do you keep assuming I don’t understand spiral dynamics or that you know better? 

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@Rose the tier 1 colors all operate under the belief that everyone must share the same values. Due to this belief inherent in tier 1 individuals, the tier1 colors are always in conflict with each other. Tier 2 is not concerned with everyone operating under the same values.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

@Rose I thought he was just sharing some resources. 

He did that in the last thread too, where he stated I misunderstand red. I just wonder why one would assume the other party doesn’t have the knowledge vs trying to understand what they are trying to say


I’m trying to get into the nuance of things, he’s giving me definitions

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On 3/13/2023 at 1:34 PM, Rose said:

No one consciously sees or thinks in terms of triangle. I am talking about Karpman’s triangle here 




Orange might see it that way and green might no longer see it that way. Similarly, in a dot connecting if you will, orange might see through a lens of others are critical, while green might no longer see it that way, and in hindsight realize they were being / seeing through a lens of critical.

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