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Everything posted by Celestial

  1. This has peaked my interest. I find myself very socially anxious in certain situations. Will try out these exercises. Thank you for this post.
  2. Sick of trying to be a certain way in society. Worried about managing relationships, not saying the wrong thing. Trying to avoid getting embarrassed. I want to start utilising expression way more.
  3. I can hold onto anger or I can write down my thoughts and release the tension. There's no time to think when you write whatever comes to mind in quick succession.
  4. To myself: There's only one moment at a time. Just be present to it. Act in the most natural way, without doubt. If you fuck up, enjoy the fuck up and relish the experience of fucking up. Instead of getting embarrassed, try and see the comedy of viewing getting embarrassed as a serious thing. Is my face blushing? Big woop.
  5. Im sort of in the flow now so ill keep writing. Universe: please deliver me peace and true happiness. Please deliver me authenticity and direction. Please deliver me whatever I need to experience. I want to help people in the future. I want to a force of good in the world.
  6. I've thought about just openly telling everyone in my life that I've seen a UFO and it felt like it was supposed to happen. Because it's the truth. I wonder what everyone would think, i'd probably get a talking to at work. I'm sure one day I'll be more open about it. It would be interesting to see people's reactions.
  7. Sometimes it feels like everything i say is not authentic. Sort of bullshitting to myself and people around me. Like how whenever someone says "hey how are ya", I always say "good". Even if I'm not "good". I could be feeling like shit and ill always say "good".
  8. Why the fuck is alcohol so accepted and psychedelics are so taboo. How did that happen. Why is suppression so rampant, why am I still suppressing. Feeling frustration.
  9. Why can't the ET's just come down and announce themselves to everyone? Probably because humans would start WW3. Wonder how long capitalism will last.
  10. @Phil I've got no reply. 😶‍🌫️🫠
  11. @Phil 🤔 I'm missing what you're trying to say.
  12. @Phil Identity feels so solid and full of resistance. I can sit and let go for 10 minutes, feel the peace of the quietness. But the mind is so quick to revert back to doing its thing.
  13. Still not sure what Love is. Is it because crying is non-resistance?
  14. Experienced some anger today while driving. Worrying and judging what other drivers are doing. But then I realised that I created those scenarios out of thought. Pretty much fighting with myself. I have noticed recently how much I'm suffering and I sort of can't hide from it anymore because I'm more aware of it. Sometimes it seems like everyone else is doin fine and I'm the only one with these internal battles. Writing this now I'm realising that everything I'm writing is just thoughts. Realised that I probably have trauma that has never been worked through and that could be colouring my thoughts. I do notice sometimes that I create drama for no reason, almost like its some sort of hobby. Music is always a haven. My views on psychedelics have changed considerably. Used to believe that they were the way to "God realisation" and that meditation wasn't as powerful. Now it seems like meditation, somatic work etc is the way.
  15. I just found out about TRE, it seems very promising for anyone who's experienced any sort of trauma which I think is everyone. More info at: https://osteopathyforall.co.uk/toolkits/mindbody-toolkit/trauma-release-exercises/#:~:text=TRE® or Trauma and,can bring up added stress. Exercise instructions:
  16. How do you become completely comfortable and at ease in all social situations? Not appearing comfortable or acting comfortable but actually being completely comfortable as if you were by yourself. How do you follow your deepest desires at all times?
  17. I'm interested in why? Also, why does crying feel so good?
  18. @Mandy I think you might have hit the nail on the head. I haven't done much expression. But when I do it feels good. Do you see meditation and expression as symbiotic?
  19. @Blessed2 Even with the resistance, I still desire to meditate. Honestly probably because I assumed meditation was EXTREMELY important so I made it out to be this military sort of training that needs to get done everyday. Pretty sure I've thought all of these. I think that'd be fruitful for me. Thank you
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