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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Yes and in that case we are incompatible. Because I was willing to have a conversation about these topics. She was so certain she was right that she couldn’t actually talk to me about it.
  2. Also some more background. Before she sent me that text I was really excited to see her since I’d planned a trip to go see her. I was tired of thinking of her 24/7 and I really wanted to get high. I went and bought some Coke because I never had a problem with it. The crack was the problem. Anyway I get halfway through the baggy and my nose was destroyed. I didn’t want to snort anymore but I wanted to keep doing it. so I decided to turn the rest of it into crack then I’d be done. So after a few hours of smoking crack I was close running out and I was gonna be done. But then I checked my phone and a few hours ago she’d texted me that message and immediately I said fuck it and went and bought so much more and I’ve been doing that and then Xanax at night to sleep. Today is my first day sober again and I’m gonna keep it that way. But I feel awful today.
  3. I’m so lost man I can’t see how the opposite is true. Can you spell it out for me?
  4. If you’re asking if I go around yelling about circumcision then no I don’t. She asked me about it because I’m uncircumcised. I’m honestly really confused about if there is a point you’re trying to get at.
  5. What comes to mind is that is being a people pleaser and inauthentic. And the only reason the trump thing came up was because she asked me. I don’t go around wearing Trump hats yelling about MAGA. it sounds like what’s being said is have no opinions at all.
  6. I’m so lost. I was answering the phone. I don’t think she was. I wasn’t living with anger. I felt like being with her I’d have to deal with her holding stupid resentments for Trump etc. but I was willing to live with that cuz I’m a big softie and I just wanted. Relationship
  7. The girl just sent me this. “hey, i’m not sure really how to say this but here it goes. i met someone else and i think it might turn into something. i don’t think it’s fair to waste your time or lead you on when i know I’m not in a place to have a relationship with you. I’m not sure if you can cancel your flight or if you still want to come out to see your family but i don’t think we should see each other. i’m really sorry“ I’m very upset disappointed and angry.
  8. Is this a true story? Like did that actually happen to you?
  9. I’m actually pretty hopeful he gets elected.
  10. I would say the same thing about anti trumpers. Realize the media could make you believe anything. And they are. And it’s apparent just hearing your opinion about Trump. The media has worked wonders on you. Your in a cult and I don’t have the time to reprogram you.
  11. Cool no worries. Just inquire as to whether your hatred for Trump is because of who he is or is it because of a coordinated media attack on his character.
  12. I’d like to know the greater context for this conversation. It doesn’t seem like he’s advocating for banning makeup in the work place. He’s simply saying that wearing makeup is done for sexual reasons. I know he’s not advocating for banning makeup. JP is all about less government interfering in our lives.
  13. Honestly I don’t know about much else. I used to think I wanted a woman who is agreeable and doesn’t argue with me and who’s outgoing and super positive. This girl isn’t those things but I really like her. So I realize the characteristics of who I’m with don’t matter so much. It’s more about the shared love and connection.
  14. We are all entitled to being into whatever we’re into. What I’m saying is I want a relationship where me and her are priorities. Like she’s excited to see me whenever she sees me. I don’t want a relationship where we just settle and get bored because we’d rather not be alone.
  15. Yeah I’m expecting that too. Like after the relationship has been going for awhile and the honeymoon phase wears off, things will get deeper and better.
  16. Yeah I mean I’m looking for that for like the first 6 months. I know the honeymoon period does off after some time.
  17. I’m looking for a relationship with a girl who’s crazy about me and who I’m crazy about.
  18. lol maybe😂. I will say her coming into my life is really driving home the point of not caring what people think. Also a huge exercise in patience lol.
  19. lol I didn’t catch that typo. The answer is sometimes yes I am nothing. Also yes definitely some beliefs. It’s actually weird cuz on paper I should probably just stop talking to her. But after I talked with her last night she texted me and wanted to see when I could visit her again so we set something up. I think we both really like each other but it’s difficult.
  20. Thanking that I’m stubborn? Probably. How to move forward?
  21. I really don’t think I’m being stubborn. I haven’t tried to push any views on her at all. Maybe she needs more time for her stubbornness to dissipate. I guess I am stubborn about the circumcision thing. But I think it’s child abuse. That would be fun. I don’t think she’d do that though. I guess what’s bothering me is that there’s all these good things happening and we’re both having a great time me then this one little thing is ruining it because she can’t look past it. It seems to me like a toxic mental position to be holding. I don’t want to ruin a good thing because someone has beliefs I think are crazy.
  22. So we talked and apparently she’s pretty hung up on our differing views on Trump and circumcision😂. It seems like she really likes me but she’s very stubborn on these things. She asked me if I would still talk to her even if she didn’t want a relationship. I said probably not. I made it clear I was looking for a relationship and that I’m pretty over casual sex type situations. She said she’d think about it but I’m not banking on it. It’s weird because she kept saying she really liked hanging out with me but and it’s a shame these are points of contention. I’m not sure what she wants. I think she should just let it go. Also I don’t like that I like her as much as I do. She’s probably not good for me but idk. I just get attached quickly sometimes.
  23. Basically just taking forever to text back. We agreed to FaceTime today around 1:30, I called her and she didn’t pick up. She didn’t text anything either. And that kind of pissed me off. My friends who I’m not fucking are more easy to get a hold of than her. We live in different states. She lives in my hometown. She did mention before it might be tough to keep things going because of the distance but last time I saw her was great so I assumed that would continue.
  24. So this girl I’ve been seeing is being cold over text. I’m assuming the things probably over but mainly I’m making this post because whenever a girl I like starts to act cold towards me it’s a really sad experience. I wish I weren’t so sensitive about it. I’ve only been seeing her for 3-4 weeks but it makes me really sad that she doesn’t seem interested anymore. And I get angry because I think she should be acting different. It’s a huge source of stress and I want to resolve this because if you take her out of the equation, I’ll be going through the same thing with another girl. And I have gone through this same emotional rollercoaster my entire life with other girls. Same shit different toilet.
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