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Everything posted by Jane

  1. @Phil “interpretationless” L🤣L
  2. Human is a concept known, which implies a knower, and this knower / known expression is dualistic, so yes I agree no concept known is known by the concept known as “human” I understand that my delivery can be a bit clumsy when attempting to put what I want to say into words. I agree with the rest of your post as well, nicely put. 👍Thanks for your feedback.
  3. Thank you. I enjoyed reading that. Well put. 👍 —————- True truth is neither subjective or objective; it is Absolute. As Aristotle's most well-known definition of truth is in the Metaphysics. “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”.
  4. And is why…as you said; “The ultimate love has to sacrifice/veil itself. “ Yes, agreed. I really understand that. Thanks for putting it like that, nicely said. 🙏 ❤️
  5. Jane

    Aha ❤️

    Yeah! 👍🫠 Gotta love that one 🙂
  6. Death is never life’s experience anyway. Life is the only experience that can be known. So that might be what Jesus meant by “eternal life” In finite being entities are only a temporal appearances, of what is always and ever the experiencing of this infinite one for eternity. This is simply realised; because you are this. You are the knowing that cannot be known. What thought believes death to be , is not what death is, because death is never an experience, so nothing can be said about it, or known. Death is simply a human concept, and if that means anything at all, it means the cessation of the separate self, the ( I ) or ( me ) thought. When there is no “thought” of “me” there’s simply just life living itself, all alone, all one, neither alive or dead, and yet seemingly both simultaneously.
  7. Unconditional love simply implies the unconditional immediate acceptance of everything, unfiltered, as it is, was, and ever will be. And that is already the case. There is no room for any “ought” or “should” There is only the Beloved. This - Unconditional love.
  8. I’m not really sure I know what I’m saying tbh. I just make it up as I go along. They’re simply words appearing out the ethers. I’m thinking maybe there’s no sacrifice because there’s no one here. Just apparitions, images of the imageless and unwritten words….cliches and endless platitudes. Mentation appearing as sound, heard as words. NEVER mind, for those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind. 🤫
  9. @Blessed2 Thank you for taking the time to respond. I have read through all of it, and have to say, agree with you, and that you have made some very insightful points that have helped me understand more about the act of suicide. A subject that I have always been fascinated about, but not in a morbid way, rather, in an introspective way. So there is no sacrifice, and the Jesus death was not a sacrifice, rather, it was more of an ego death? Which is the entrance into Nonduality…. Perhaps?
  10. A work in progress; always under construction. Thanks Robed Mystic 🙏
  11. Probably, I’m not really certain about what’s normal when it comes to human activity. There’s just what’s happening to no one. So even misidentification and misunderstanding is what’s happening. And sometimes these energies do have a habit of getting in the way of what is ultimately the true clarity of being. Appreciate the feedback Phil.
  12. Jane

    Aha ❤️

    @Orb Wonderful OP 🫶 Thanks for that. The only way out of our suffering feelings is to go through them, to let them. Allow them without resistance or interference by trying to get rid of them. Then just watch them all pass away, as they do and will, every feeling does.
  13. Very well said. I totally 💯agree Mandy, thanks for your reply. 🙏🫶
  14. I know what it’s like to feel suicidal. I also know intuitively that suicide is not the answer to ending one’s existence in an ugly world. Why, because our suffering is when we try to interfere with the natural flow of what is simply life living itself all alone, all one. And that no one who knows they are alive can escape because this is already the ultimate unknowing. And so we are already dead anyway. I’ve realised that I can’t change what is by wanting it to be any different than what it is. I have no control or power to interfere with it. To want it to be any different. As the saying goes…”the cactus 🌵 on its own intends no harm” I also came to realise that we are not who we think we are. We are seemingly in the world, but not of the world. So there’s no escape any which way we look at this. We are never free because we have never been shackled. What is there to lose anyway? Nothing.
  15. @Phil Too funny Phil. 👏🫶 Thanks for the funny. 🙏
  16. 😂 that’s cute. It’s like when free falling through the infinite vastness of empty space, we must not forget to remember to let go of the air while falling. And also not forget there’s nowhere to land, or to cling to. And that homelessness is our only home. 🫠
  17. I’ve often wondered why some people in the world feel suicidal even when they don’t actually act on it. Are people who feel suicidal whether they act on it or not; are they just experimenting with a form of Emptying albeit a radical extreme form of Emptying. Do some people just realise the purpose of the game of life is to end the game? Maybe because they’ve glimpsed the true emptiness of it all? Sorry for the sensitive subject topic, but it’s never my intention to be insensitive.
  18. Yes 👍 Standing very still and quiet on the platform (metaphor for the screen of conscious awareness ) just allowing the trains ( metaphor for thoughts) to just come and go as they please. We can see how it takes no effort to not get on board the train of thoughts that deplete energy. It’s seen that given no attention; thoughts simply leave, because no energy has been given to them, so they have no power or real existence that can override who we truly are. Who we truly are is that which is aware of thought, and that remains always, completely unaffected and unchanged by all the locomotion passing through like dreams as though nothing ever happened. Creation is “frozen thought”in time and space appearing as things, which have no consciousness. So in reality, we are just watching ourselves as though we are in a movie or dream. That’s the only place the “me/ I thought” can exist, as a mirage, appearing real.
  19. The only relationship that has ever worked out for me personally is the one I have with myself. 🫠 We can never truly know another, we can only know ourself, and in that solitude lies the pure contentment of real bliss and harmony. ''Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.'' Rumi Are we willing to meet each other in our solitude? and know that although appearing separate we are in fact one? Rarely does this happen in relationships, and so far, this kind of relationship with another, has never been my experience, and is why I have chosen to be alone with only me, myself and I 💖 The only real and true love. As for others, they are quite welcome to hang around me if they are looking for company, this I do not mind, as long as they respect my love for solitude. 😁
  20. Beautiful! 💔 That which appears 'broken' is never broken, and can never be broken.
  21. Here are 2 good examples of a paradox. (there never was paradox) (the lies that tell the truth)
  22. I’ve never been a member of Leo’s forum, although I’ve been a regular lurker reading there. I have viewed a significant amount of his YouTube videos though. Maybe the forum is down for maintenance… And maybe the absence of videos is because he’s simply run out of things to talk about. But yeah, who knows what’s happening. I hope he’s ok.
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