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Everything posted by Jane

  1. @Blessed2 Another good post, well said. šŸ‘ There's no such thing as Nonduality because Nonduality is not a thing. A face without a face. A mystery even to itself.
  2. This all very well and good, very poetic. But no one wrote this. No one is reading this. No one buys this or rejects this. No one knows what they are talking about, and No one says I know what you are talking about. Reality is Nothing, at most itā€™s completely Nihilistic by itā€™s very nature. Nothing it is and cannot be proven by anyone because there is no one to prove nothing. Nothing exists, literally absolutely nothing. Everything is simply the imaginings of imagination. Everything is dead, because everything is nothing.
  3. Yes, you are right, they are both identical. This is heartbreakingly beautiful, it takes my breath away. ā¤ļøšŸ‘ Thank you, I really needed to hear that today. šŸ™‚
  4. Thanks James. Thatā€™s brilliant advice. Truly appreciated. šŸ‘ Iā€™ve taken the decision to end our relationship. I donā€™t even want to be platonic friends with him because I know that will hurt not being able to be intimate with him. The only solution for me is to be alone and cut off all intimate attachments and ties with him. I canā€™t deal with all the hurting. Iā€™ve already explained all this to him that I canā€™t be with him anymore, and left it with I LOVE YOU Is that bloody selfish of me or what?
  5. Serious question because I donā€™t think we can. Itā€™s never going to be the same. As the wise sage said : No one can survive their own awakening. In other words: No one in their right mind would want this. And yet it can be both uphoric and terrifying at the same time. The old wise saying: Before and After enlightenment ..chop wood and carry water doesnā€™t seem to apply to me anywayā€¦ life is attachment and suffering no matter what you do. For example: If attachment is suffering then are we to stop wanting children, we cannot say we are not attached to them. Also, having children, isnā€™t that just inviting more suffering into the world? Is there any escape from attachment and suffering? I donā€™t think there is, to be honest.
  6. Then again, Love means never having to say your sorry. According to UG Krishnamurtiā€¦Love is a filthy word, it implies two. I am beginning to wonder if unconditional reciprocal love between two partners is even possible on earth. Itā€™s as though once the honeymoon period is over, when we come back down to earth, back to realityā€¦thatā€™s when love starts to hurt like hell. Hell is other people as they say. What if the truth for Enlightened people is more shocking than they ever realised. The realisation that you are all alone in the world and that there is simple no one else who can give love to you, nor is there anyone else you can give love to. Thats the stark realisation Iā€™ve reached anyway. And Iā€™m perfectly at peace with that. In fact itā€™s the peace that passes all understanding as the great wise sages have said. āœŒ peace out!
  7. I understand; but why do intimate relationships with others ā€¦hurt so muchā€¦for me they do anyway. Itā€™s like as soon as I tell my partner of 18 months some random spontaneous things ..like I want to do something that doesnā€™t include him, namely, I want to be alone for awhileā€¦.he responds by saying to me ( ā€œdonā€™t feel bad about it, I was expecting it, I hope everything works out for youā€ ) And then when I try to explain to him about why I donā€™t want to visit him anymore at the moment but would dearly love to keep open a line of communication between us ā€¦but then after a day or two, I then change my mind and send a text to him ā€¦that asks, do you still want me to visit you? )ā€¦ā€¦his reply asks, ā€œ whatā€™s changedā€ ? and when I try to explain to him by answering his questionā€¦ā€¦it hurts me, why, because he suddenly says to me, ā€œletā€™s just leave it there for now.ā€ Itā€™s like he shuts off as if he is trying to protect himself. In the moment I didnā€™t want to leave it there, I wanted to be totally transparent and talk about my real and true feelings ā€¦.not just leave it there, like he wanted to do. Should I have just said ok letā€™s leave it there, when all I wanted to do was talk? Its like he is not feeling secure with me because I keep changing my mind about whether or not I want to be alone, or be in a relationship with him, itā€™s as though he canā€™t handle me changing my mind sometimes about what I want. Itā€™s as though he expects me to be more solid and certain about us as a couple, as though he doesnā€™t want to be put in a situation where heā€™s not sure about what Iā€™m going to want to do next. IDK, I just feel confused in relationship with him, I am crazy about him, and the sexual chemistry between us is electrifyingā€¦but all I want to be, is free to be myself. But relationships tend to make me feel shackled even though I adore him ā€¦I canā€™t seem to feel relaxed with him. I recently said I wanted to shave all my hair off and be bald like a Buddha, and he responded withā€¦.ā€ I wonā€™t like thatā€ ā€¦.so again I just donā€™t feel free to be myself. I just donā€™t know how to be in relationships because Iā€™m always feeling like I can never truly be myself with people. Itā€™s like I have to play a kind of role that is expected of me before theyā€™ll be accepting of me. And sometimes I just donā€™t think itā€™s worth the effort or bother, and thatā€™s why I get the urges to be alone. I would appreciate anyone reading this ā€¦to offer some adviceā€¦. Thanks. But itā€™s ok if you donā€™t want to say anything . Iā€™ll understand.
  8. Byeee for now James James, you have said some amazing stuff . Much resonance here. Thanks. You can rest now. Goodnight.
  9. Thank you thatā€™s exactly what we have to do. Iā€™m capable of that kind of love. But can we expect other people to love us unconditionally?
  10. Thanks for the conversation. I understand you now. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with me on this.
  11. James. Are you saying that wanting love from another person is attachment and therefore is our suffering? If yes, then is it better to avoid loving intimate relationships with other people, else we suffer because we have formed an aattachment to them?
  12. I donā€™t know what you are talking about but I know exactly what you are talking about šŸ˜‰
  13. Do you want attachment love? Would that be love wanting itself, love loving itself? Wouldnā€™t it be when you are making love to someone else, wouldnā€™t that just be love making love to itself? Attaching to itself? of course this can only be known within the illusory dream of separation where the experience of separation longs to come together again? To become one again?
  14. If thereā€™s just love then thereā€™s no opposite. Love has no opposite. Oneness has no argument with itself. This is already effortless boundless unconditional freedom.
  15. So do you mean it takes a though to let go of a thought ? It takes an attachment to detach from an attachment?
  16. Letā€™s talk about ā€œattachmentā€ Would you who is writing on this forum about letting go of attachments. Iā€™m just curious now, would you let go of your attachment to your love interest- your lover?
  17. Nothing is everything, already complete and whole, not needing or wanting or expecting anything, itā€™s already everything, literally everything. Theres nothing everything can attach to, to make it anymore whole. There is nothing to let go of, you are already the absolute, already unconditional freedom and love. You cannot know the beloved because you are the beloved. Thereā€™s only the beloved.
  18. But then if thereā€™s only the love that is nothing ā€¦ then itā€™s just love letting go of love. Can love let go of love?
  19. Feelings/Emotions arise unexpectedly. You canā€™t control how or what you feel in the moment which is always free to be.
  20. What about attachment to your love interest- your lover. Would you let go of him/her?
  21. You donā€™t have to let go or surrender anything. Just meet yourself where you are. If tears,despair,depression or heartbreak comes to visitā€¦LET THEM If joy, estacy, happiness, laughter comes to visitā€¦LET THEM Its all you. Let life break you, or make you, and just feel how that feels. Itā€™s not like you can free yourself of yourselfā€¦ you canā€™t do that.
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