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  1. @Phil OK thanks. And sorry for this weird topic πŸ˜‚
  2. @Joseph Maynor well that doesn't apply in my case . I was in constant 24/7 pain in my Lungs and coughing that I literally had no other choice but to stop . My brother is an example of what you described . He is a smoker as well ..he literally throws up after every meal because the fucking nicotine and other toxic substances in the cigarettes have affected his digestive system. It was enough for me to know that its gonna happen to ME. Its not just science fiction. Like I can actually get cancer and die . This is a serious possibility .
  3. OK thanks Few points I need clarification on... please:what do you mean that the dreamboard is not for achieving but for Emptying out what's wanted in the board ? Do you mean it's OK to write something that you know is just not possible to happen just to feel the relief of getting it out of your subconscious mind and actually sending that "signal " into the universe and then "believing " that the universe is good enough to grant your wish ? So when i write something on the board I .. First should find a proper reason behind the goal and that reason will gradually convert into what I want to attain into a β€œneed” to get that goal attained? How to convert what I "want" to what i "need "...? Simply how to raise the chances of getting mu goal attained? Or is that going about it in the wrong way ?I should write it and let it go and see what happens?
  4. Yes I have. Didn't smoke since the beginning of the year .
  5. @Blessed2 the only way to quit cigarettes is to scare the living shit out of yourself by reading how negative it is for your health. Do you want lungs cancer ? Fucking no obviously. You better believe that it's gonna happen to you if you don't quit .
  6. That there are some things that seem impossible to achieve. So I don't believe In actually achieving them so I don't write them on the board . How to deal with this ?
  7. @Phil please answer me this question after reflecting on it slowly without dismissing it or rotating around it with loa and Abraham Hicks jargon lol.. It is suggested that we should write whatever we want on the dreamboard..no matter how little or big it is .. okay.. So it seems impossible for me to land on the moon in this lifetime.. it seems impossible that I'm gonna have sex with Lexi Belle (a pornstar that i like ).. it seems impossible that I will become a multi billionaire in this lifetime..etc I did actually write these things on my board ..but I have erased them now because I know they are not possible. I can't be in my full mind and believe that I can achieve literally anything. There is just not enough time or resources to do that .
  8. First of all never harm your body or try to commit suicide...its gonna create negative karma and you will reincarnate into a world filled with even more suffering . Meditation. Breathing. Some time with your family or friends. Anything that can get you out of this depressed mood . Also try to understand that this is a temporary low .life has highs and lows. Both are temporary. You will make it to the other side .Trust that the universe is your friend not your enemy.
  9. Yes with the example of awareness being aware of knowing and not knowing it is valid ..but it doesn't follow to say analogously that clarity appears as confusing. These two are opposites. Unless you are speaking about an absolute Clarity or some bs like that .
  10. @Phil thanks πŸ™πŸ™‚ What does this mean?
  11. Clarity is just a thought ? Then what's the whole point behind this website? Isn't it Clarity? Via meditation right? I will start a daily meditation practice and a journal about it soon here as @Mandy suggested. Any other suggestions? Happiness.
  12. @Mandy btw what are you reading recently (if any )?
  13. Fun stuff no doubt about it . Great thanks .
  14. What is clarity? How to have more clarity in life ? What is confusion? Why is this world so confused and confusing ?there are literally thousands of different religious sects ..philosophical schools ..opinions ..teachers..spiritual traditions..books to read which claim to offer guidance etc This is an important aspect In my life right now that I want to flesh out .
  15. Just "THIS ". Can't be described . Or..nothing .
  16. Nothing . And btw there is really nothing aware of your experience. Its one unified field of isness.
  17. @Phil OK man thanks for all that . Didn't intend to offend you or write off whatever you have to say. And I appreciate your efforts and insights despite my somewhat childish replies.... It's just not clicking with me . But I will try something different to get us back on track .. A question : when you hear about the Israeli-Palestinian war In the news...is that evil ?or is it included in nondual candy mandy goody goody unconditional love soup ?
  18. Well..let's agree to disagree then. How on earth do you understand the word " unconditional "for instance without understanding the opposite of it "conditional "? How do you make sense of anything without its opposite ? When you think about the world "condition "...do you understand what that word mean ? Lol . You are totally delusional here . Nonduality is bs . How many testicles do you have between your legs ? Hehe But jokes aside .. Nonduality is relative..there is no two AND there is two at the same time . Im honestly sick and tired of explaining this to you . For the 100000 times..."You " exist and not exist simultaneously. Depending on the definition of what exactly we mean by the word "you ". OK whatever.
  19. @noomii what's an example of a belief and an example of something which is not a belief?
  20. @Joseph Maynor what is this "Divine " things you keep talking about?
  21. The second one is correct. Calling it "subjective" already downgrades the integrity of the point to a mere opinion or thoughts in a thinking mind . Do you understand that a dream is simultaneously real and illusory? Nonduality means there are no boundaries or twoness or otherness in existence..but if you look at existence you will find that it APPEARS finite ..Separate..divided etc. So Nonduality is true when you are in an enlightened state when you inspect and see clearly without filtering reality through the mind ...but that's just when you are meditating or doing psychedelics or experiencing Samadhi/ ego death experience. Meaning it's not the default. And in any case I don't see the direct relationship between these definitions and what I'm asking . So you have to break it down to me .
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