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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Phil Ok....that's a lot to read. I didn't mean to put your fingers to work with so much text. Chill out . You dont comprehend how deep the rabbit hole goes . There is a lot of stuff that you are not conscious of . Are you even conscious of shemale alien cartoon wolf transparent rat ? if no ..then you have no idea what consciousness is 😜
  2. This is not to throw a wrench and get hate whistles ..but Leo indeed is more awake than any human on the planet today . Just watch his videos and see for yourself. It's incredible how straightforward and simple he answers all existential questions.
  3. @Alexander I know .its just not respectful to state it explictly .please delete your comment.
  4. Yeah yeah yeah... I feel for you ..you have been disillusioned ny how leo is such a sneaky asshole and to this day you still cant comprehend his assholery . Rejection is one of the worst human experiences a person can have. Ultimately..people are socialized and conditioned to use specific mechanisms to get what they want.leo is no different. He gave you gentle warnings but you continued your neo-Advaitan virusing of the forum ..kept posting against leo and tried to appear as more awake than him..so that mechanism doesn’t work on you ..he became silent and avoidant. But eventually even that was handwoven by you . So ..no other choice but to kick you out of his place.
  5. @Joseph Maynor but you still visit there right? You talked about Razard8R's post yesterday. And before that you posted something from his blog . Not that there is anything wrong with that per se . But if you are banned from there you should know by now that leo has little tolerance for those who gaslight him about his awakenings . Like Phil when he got banned for calling solipsism a belief. Because to him it isn't. If I was banned from his forum ..then I would be like okay .he kicked my ass outta there ..such a asshole..I should forget about him completely and move on with my life without wasting my time dwelling in the past .which is something that cannot be changed.
  6. This forum is obsessed with that forum lol. Get Leo and actualized out of your head already. Its something from the past. Stop visiting that forum .to Mandy and Phil I'm speaking. Joseph as well.
  7. @Phil Leo's bald head is much more awake than your neo-Advaitan bald head 😛
  8. No it's just that there are more people there . More active as a result and wider perspectives are being shared .
  9. @Phil alright i guess we've hit a dead end . You make up your mind on whats true and whats horseshit and the same for me . I have nothing more to say . Its not my thread anyways but our beloved Alexander's thread . I'm signing off . Have a nice day /evening yall🙏
  10. It's not a belief. It's something you can become directly conscious of without a shred of a doubt . Of course. Because thoughts suggest existence. You can stop thoughts (not easily done though) but you cannot stop existence from existing.
  11. OK got it . Appreciate your time and effort to guide me and lead me to a better modality of existence. All nice &well. Thanks however ..I MUST explain something..what I'm saying isn't exclusively based on Leo Gura's solipsism video (I'm not aware if you've listened to it or not ). When it first got released..Leo took it down because he said most people aren't ready to hear this truth . But unfortunately or fortunately other youtube channels have uploaded it . So I listened to it .and it convinced me . But now ..im not convinced of solipsism because of that video ..but because of hours on end of contemplation . Which is not theoretical armchair philosophizing or mental masturbation. So let me explain: The world appears as a bunch of different separate physical objects . Human bodies are separate from each other. So when I say that "im the only thing that exists " I obviously don't mean my physical body..because obviously the physical body that I'm appearing as is NOT the only object in existence . So..I'm not defining "I" as the physical body ...no no no...I'm defining " I" as THIS. The entire sphere of experience is I. And that experience which is happening right now is obviously the only thing that exists .because there isnt little anything else in direct experience. Check that this is true ! Anything other than what's occurring now in direct experience is thoughts/imagination/fantasy etc . So only you exist..but how did you come to being ? either you created yourself..or you exist but are uncreated. Can you remember creating yourself? (No.) If you exist but are uncreated.. then aren’t you God? Imo this is as best as I can explain.
  12. Question: when you say life is a dream are you speaking literally or figuratively/metaphorically? Because do you notice that everything is itself and not some other thing ? A=A. What you described about the origin of my life or universe seems a bit off ..3 years old infants don't have idea who they are or what the world is ..but they Learn all that by society..parents ..and more importantly their own experiences and exploration of the world. Also ..elaborate more on how this "dream of separation " is the cause of suffering...my mom could die and I will experience suffering that has nothing to do with thoughts ..or separation ..or fabricated illusory identity . Why? Do you arrive that there exists a country called Japan by senses or by thought ? No sir . I'm trying to understand. What is shared in this forum is considered mad talk to ordinary people.
  13. @Blessed2 what exactly is meant by the no separate self stuff ? Don't you exist ? Genuinely trying to get it .
  14. @Orb A=A .law of identity. A thing is itseif . A thought Is just a thought . @Phil look Phil ..i don't buy this whole no separate self stuff with a spec of dust .it's complete and utter nonsense. I exist. Absolutely. Totally. In fact....I am the only thing that exists . And the sun exists. Period .this is not negotiable. Wake up from your nonduality fantasy.
  15. A thought. Lmfao. This is pointless. You are totally deluded.
  16. Do thoughts exist ? Yes . What is Truth ? That which exists. Therefore Truth can take a form a thought. This is obvious as the sun in the afternoon.
  17. Because it pushes the button of dopamine in your chimp brain . That's all.
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