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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. I'm a really bad sleeper, I've tried all kinds of things for it, but nothing seems to make a huge difference. Aside from somehow fixing this problem, how can you deal with just the feeling of being tired a lot of the time?
  2. Fame is a relatively new concept in human history, and fame as it is today is completely unprecedented, and also probably won't be a thing forever, and we'll probably all be a lot better off when it isn't. It's basically a collective mental illness. Warhols prediction about 15 minutes of fame for everyone is basically coming true, and once it does it will make the concept irrelevant.
  3. This world is full of corpses. I have a weird amount of cremated ashes in this house.
  4. If you can't find meaning in every life, you won't find meaning in any life.
  5. I was trying to think of the easiest way into the "discovery" via a simple and understandable, sort of undeniable statement. The most effective meme.
  6. So put another way, Anything that can be observed can't be the observer. As an invitation to investigate where the "real observer" is, to eventually conclude there cant actually be one.
  7. Fine I guess, we got free shit for a while and never got caught. This was, like 20 years ago
  8. @Mandy so it's always business, never personal. I used to have a scam with my friend to take advantage of that Walmart policy lol
  9. Can all that be extrapolated from the original statement though? If the observer can't observe itself, what is "it"? Taken from the base assumption maybe that you are the person/body/mind that is observed, how can it be being observed if you are it? And if that's not what you are, what can you be? Just an observation with no observer, a subject with no object etc.
  10. The actual observer cannot observe itself. This is most efficient distillation I can think of. Does this effectively sum it up?
  11. My cat is really trying to get me to take him seriously, but all he can say is "meow", and it's impossible to take "meow" seriously, regardless of whatever inflection he can manage to say it in. Kind of like an ego yowling "me, me....ow"
  12. I belong to the church of Santa.
  13. Why does the saying "its not personal, its just business" exist in a way that we all recognize it? As if any and all deception doesn't apply or shouldn't "hurt" when its done in the name of business, but as soon as it isn't, a line is crossed. As if business dealings weren't between "people" ultimately. Like "business" is some invulnerable entity to itself which doesn't touch the lives of the people whom the business consists of. It's very weird to me, but seems like it's a given among people. Like the boss of my last job took me aside on my 35th birthday to teach me how to do online investing (as if he paid me sufficiently to have anything left over to invest) and explain explained how you could choose "ethical" investments only, ie not investing in things like tobacco, or anything that goes against your personal values. He told me he completely ignored that part though lol, but still considered himself a liberal and a "good person". Idk. I don't lock shit personally, not my house or my car, and I've never had anything stolen. I'm not sure if what I said adds up or is coherent, I'm pretty tired rn.
  14. You walk up to the guy and grab his crotch, then say "oh sorry I thought you were my dad" Awkwardness and assault. (Don't do this)
  15. What makes you think it's not that? Or just an updated allegory of the same drama since gildamesh or whoever?
  16. Then the only "problem" I guess is the thought that it doesn't jive, because everything's jiving with what is anyway, it can't not. I'm not sure, but maybe just the thought that it's off is what's uncomfortable.
  17. Willy Mother F’ing Wonka, Just seeing if that's still a thing
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