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Robed Mystic

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Posts posted by Robed Mystic

  1. 3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    This might be tempting to think at first, but Advaita Vedanta and Ramana Maharshi aren't solipsism.  Teachings/dp/0140190627

    If other is you then what does that equate to?  If self and other are one then what does this equate to?  You want to continue to create duality - but realize that ultimately if all is One that means that in a higher state of Consciousness you can realize that there is no difference between anything.   This is awakening.   And that is what all the ancient sages eluded to.  It is what Buddhism eluded to - and it is what Ramana Maharshi eluded to.  It is Absolute Oneness.   The notion of realty being a dream is actual - not concept.   

  2. 10 hours ago, Jane said:

    I know what it’s like to feel suicidal. 
    I also know intuitively that suicide is not the answer to ending one’s existence in an ugly world. Why, because our suffering is when we try to interfere with the natural flow of what is simply life living itself all alone, all one. And that no one who knows they are alive can escape because this is already the ultimate unknowing. 
    And  so we are already dead anyway.


    I’ve realised that I can’t change what is by wanting it to be any different than what it is.  I have no control or power to interfere with it. To want it to be any different. As the saying goes…”the cactus 🌵 on its own intends no harm”

    I also came to realise that we are not who we think we are. We are seemingly in the world, but not of the world.  So there’s no escape any which way we look at this. We are never free because we have never been shackled.


    What is there to lose anyway? Nothing. 

    You are far wiser than you know.

  3. 3 hours ago, Orb said:

    It occurred to me that Unconditional Love IS what is feeling everything. 


    A useful inquiry is "whatis feeling me?", and actually feeling into This. 


    Why does it feel so good when there's pleasurable sensations? Because you (infinite love) willingly feel the pleasure, and thus your FEELING nature is unveiled.  


    Why's it feel so bad when there's unpleasant sensations? Because you (infinite love) have innocently forgotten that you are FEELING itself, and there's a resistance that arises, it's almost like trying to do the opposite of FEELING, but feeling doesn't actually have an opposite, so you suffer because there's an attempt to do something impossible. 


    Feeling is Feeling You. 


  4. 9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    The best thing he could do is delete that Forum.  It's a waste of his time at this point.

    It's the entire website that is down.  I wasn't that close to him where I had his direct contact. I know Phil hung out with him a few times.  I don't have his direct email I only interacted with him via the forum.  I'm just concerned that's all.  After what happened with Soohei you just never know.  I trust it's nothing. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Someone here said:

    He has enough money from Patreon donations so he decided to take a stroll down the beach and vacation his ass out .

    There's obviously a lack of concern.   Otherwise he would have made an attempt to let people know what was going on.  I don't know if solipsism corrupted his brain or psychedelics did.   But i deem the latter, because he was no fool....And while solipsism is ultimately true in the Absolute sense - that should be reason to care even more about "other".

  6. 7 hours ago, Someone here said:

    Haha seriously..you showing an inkle of concern about Leo after his betrayal of you which was really sad is a sign of how God like you are . Even when interacting with you on the forum ..you are patient..you try as you can to address al the questions etc..and even when someone shows slight disrespect you warn them gently and I can go on ..


    Phil has a heart ? ❤️ no way 😳

  7. 9 hours ago, Phil said:

    @Robed Mystic

    Oh yeah. Still though, with income being contingent on keeping your life purpose going, it’s highly unlikely it’s anything but a technical issue already being resolved. All the more reason not to fret. 

    I guess if you run a server out of your basement and it dies you're screwed.   Pretty sure he hosted it himself. Not too smart for running a business.  But whatever. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Seemed to me that he got bored with spirituality like he got it all figured out.  Some things just have an expiration date.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he just got sick of it just like with making videos.  He needs a new project that he can be passionate about again.  

    That's true but he had people taking his life purpose course.  There was a whole personal development side.  I don't want to rush to assumptions...guess we will see..

    @Jonas Long it's no skin off my back - it wasn't about Leo it was just a nice place to talk about this kind of stuff.  I told him I thought his best material on metaphysics was behind him as far the videos.   If you disagree with that you're entitled to your opinion.   And we still have this place.  I bought the forum software over the weekend but honestly I don't have much time to even invest in it or set it up right now - work is crazy.    So I guess we have this place left 😀  

  9. 1 minute ago, Phil said:


    It's still down - with no communication from Leo at all - i think its a week now.

    HIs blog is tied to the website/forum so unless he putx out a video no one knows what is going on.  And all videos stopped months ago.

    I hope all is well with him, that's all i can say.  It could be nothing, but i've never seen it offline for this long, its usually just a few hours.

    I can't imagine he had a complete disaster and failure of the hard drives - its possible though - i'm not sure what type of redundancy he had and I don't think he hosted it in the cloud.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    It can help to get at what the opposite of thought is which is silence where the mind is just gone.

    Have you meditated lately?  You can't stop thoughts from happening  

  11. 8 minutes ago, Jane said:

    There’s actually no such thing as thoughts, they simply don’t exist.

    Well..they exist but what do they exist as..nothing..the interesting thing about nothingness is that it can still exist.   

  12. 22 minutes ago, Jane said:

    Maybe, but then every thread in the Nondual sections of this site, are going to be paradoxical, so this might as well stay put, and save the pointless effort of migrating. 


    Wise words.  Yes - most discussions surrounding metaphysics will ultimately result in paradox.


  13. 17 minutes ago, Jane said:

    A nondualist has no choice but to play two roles in life: why, because there’s no such thing as a non dualist 🤣

    There is only a dualist which can never not be a dualist. 🫢😉

    Thats very true.  If you become non-dual you transcend all duality - which would have to include non-dual vs dual.  So if you actually became non-dual you wouldn't anymore.   Maybe this should be in the paradox thread 🤔

  14. 11 minutes ago, Phil said:

    Read this to her and said I’d reply whatever she says. She said ‘he’s just still asleep & bitter and so he projects that onto awakening’. 

    Yeah right. 😀  there's no way she said that.   

  15. 1 minute ago, Someone here said:

    OK.  Typical Phill response.  🙂


    I once awakened in a dream .it was very vivid  I was totally immersed in it ..but I became lucid and I woke up thinking there is no real difference between dreams and reality . Its all a dream. Ta-da !!

    It must be a very robotic life that he lives.   Kind of takes the life out of living in my opinion.  I dare not ask his wife how she feels.

  16. 1 hour ago, Someone here said:


    How is awakening singular when what you can awaken to is infinite ? An absolute truth in an infinite reality?! Do you see anything not adding up here ?

    You can become awake that you are God. But that's not the only awakening to be had .you can also become awake of why the sky appears blue or why worms exist. You can literally become awake about every single object in existence 😂

    That's a great question but it's precisely analogous to waking up from a dream you had at night.   You wake up as God.  Being God you will have many realizations, yes.  Not just one single realization.   But also if you realize omniscience you will understand everything about reality without even thinking a single thought


  17. 5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    I'm not downgrading neither Phil nor Leo . Both are "real mystics ". There is no question about it if you watch their videos and read them.

    I was merely pointing out that they both think they've got all finished and figured out .which is a paradigm-lock and delusion. 

    Since reality is infinite ..you can never figure it out completely. 

    Actually that's very interesting.   Has either of these sages claimed that?  I think not.  If anything - Leo believes that beyond awakening there is even deeper and deeper levels of consciousness that can reached.  Which by the way - although there are infinite states of consciousness, awakening is singular and absolute.   So when it happens, you will surely know - that is - if you're lucky enough to even come back.  Leo did not have a natural enlightenment because of his genetic make up it didn't allow for it.

  18. 34 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    @Robed Mystic


    You can't convince him otherwise .not in a sextilion years lol. He doesn't understand that you are both God and human simultaneously.

    That's not true...he does make the distinction    But that being said keep in mind some are actual sages.   Actual mystics.   So their words aren't a pradigm or a belief.  They are pointing to things that can be discovered for yourself.

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