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Robed Mystic

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Posts posted by Robed Mystic

  1. 3 minutes ago, Phil said:

    Because there aren’t two; illness and the me which is told / I which suffers. The implied separate self (me, I) is what suffering is.  The discord or suffering felt is of the very thoughts. 


    That’s not what was said. OCD is a thought. A label which describes behaviors on behalf of a nonexistent separate self. OCD is not behaviors based as in a result of behaviors.  That would be essentially reversing what was said, or, twisting, contorting. The twisting & contorting is the behaviors. Introspection dispels the belief and therein the behaviors, and therein the believing of the label(s) of the behaviors. 


    If ocd is not a thought, and is seen… share a picture. 

    The separate self of thought is ‘the knower’. 


    That isn’t what was said. That’s twisting, changing what was said, and believing the twisted interpretation is what was said. 


    Introspection is the opposite of ‘wish them away’. When the inclination to twist, accuse, judge, deflect, project arise… take pause. Non-reaction. Non-projection. Being aware is always ample. 





    This has absoultely zero to do with suffering.  You injected suffering into the dialigue.  Because that is what your whole "idealogy" is...the escaping of suffering.   You projected suffering onto the conversation.

    But why do you have a bias against suffering?  Why even bring it up here?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Let me try to clarify how I think these terms are being used by some people.


    The I am which is consciousness is the only Self and any additional separate self is an illusion.  Thus the I am exists, but it's not Joseph.  Joseph is an illusion.

    Right, but we don't live our lives like that, that's my point.   You don't tell you mother that you only exist as the I am.


    Unless of course, she knows what the heck you are talking about.


    The enlightened one walks in secret.


    It must be this way - otherwise there would be no reality, because it wouldn't be a secret anymore.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Mandy said:



    I can tell you identify as "something".  Whether that name is Mandy or not is immaterial.  But you identify.


    I don't know - maybe you don't.  Maybe you just tell everyone else, all of your family and friends, that there is no real self to identify with, and then they think you are some type of freak.  Maybe that's how you live.  You're right, I don't know.  And maybe you even tell yourself that.  I'm not you, so I don't know.  I mean, I am you - if you want to go deep -  because you actually have no material existence outisde of my imagination, but thats another matter...and likewise, if you're out there, which you aren't, (you are in my imagination) then from your perspective I don't exist either outside of your imagination.

    Yes, it's solipsism - and yes, its actually the nature of reality.  I don't really like to use the term - i prefer Aloneness.


    But go ahead, tell me this is all just a thought.  I'm one step ahead and ready - but here's the thing, its not a thought.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mandy said:

    @Robed Mystic Wishing them away from an already believed to be separate self won't work because there already is no such self. The body and mind are concepts based upon the belief in a separate self. That belief is like the trunk of a tree and then branching out are all kinds of ideas about it. All beliefs and ideas are directly is a thought occurring now and that's where everyone as awareness is never subject to any dis-ease. How that thought feels is everything. If a thought that attributes a thought of suffering to a mental illness and takes the weight off the assumed separate self feels like an improvement and feels better, the only validity is in the relief felt now. If a thought that one is unworthy or can't do what they'd like because they have a mental illness feels bad, then perhaps it's because a mental illness possessed by a separate self can never describe what they really are.

    It won't work but not because there isn't a separate self.  There IS a separate self - its the one that you identify now as, which is Mandy.  Do you not identify as Mandy?  That is a separate self.   You haven't experienced true spirituaity.  True spirituality is the realization that there is no self - but it is the direct realization.  Afterwards which, one goes back to being the separate self it believed it was, and it identifies by that self.  It is the only way the separate self can maintain survival.  You, however, would choose to believe in a belief = that there isn't a separate self.  That is not the same as there actually not being a self.  Don't mistake belief for actuality.  So yes, I am not disagreeing with your premise, I am disagreeing with how you came about it.  Rather then actually realizing the separate self is an illusion through enlightnement, you have degraded yourself to believing in the concept.  And that is a very dangerous place to be.  Because that puts you no different than a religious fanatic.

  5. Just now, Mandy said:

    @Robed Mystic No one can tell you anything about yourself. That's the message, that's it, no one can tell you anything about yourself. 

    Fine.  Just don't say there are certain illnessess which are behavior based.  That's just foolishness.  There are illnesses of the mind, just like there are illnesses of the body.  Can they be overcome?  Sure.  Both can - but it isn't as easy as you make it seem to just wish them away.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    @Robed Mystic I did not belittle cancer, and I'm not sure how that makes sense, since chemo and radiation and doctors all try to physically belittle cancer, in killing and and slowing it's growth. It's like your comments are an attempt at layering on a whole lot of connotations and interpretations that aren't there at all. Are there things that are bigger or smaller than you if nothing defines you? There's no temptation to play a game of big balls when you don't have balls and can't be defined by them. 


    Kind of like how white people infuriate a KKK member? It's not that the problem in any case is the other people. 

    Then why would Phil, or  you for that matter, be able to tell me whether or not I suffer from a mental illness or not?  That its behavior based?  Come on...I mean guys, I think i know OCD when i see it.  So do you, because i know your history. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Agape said:

    The idea that things should not have been and should not be so is torture. Trying to hurt other people is torture. Trying to be someone is torture. How to be at the center and stay still while the winds lash and whip? How to be without pressing, pushing, tugging? When I intend to hurt other people God lashes me. He beats me until I stop doing that. The idea things ought not to be how they are is presuming to know something more than I am capable of knowing. What do I know? She is here. She can only be pointed at. She was always here. She is light in light and darkness in darkness. She is the sting of the whip. He is the one whipping. And I am here. But to understand that He will beat me into a corner or extract me from this world, although frightening, helps by seeing what is. To be kind to Her is to be kind to this body, other bodies. I guess these words don't matter. They're my ideas. But seeing that I am beneath the Father and that He is in control is reality is a point of entry into treating people better. I don't need to torture myself. He will do that as He sees fit, for Her. I love Her. Speaking of Her feels ugly, contrived, egoic and blasphemous. 

    The wind and the storm will come in phases.  Because God just gets pissed the heck off.   He can't just have calmness.  He needs chaos.  Don't you know that by now?  All of your posts are very chaotic, so you should know.

    If it weren't for chaos, you would not even exist..  Its chaos that stuff works when it works, and it's chaos when stuff doesn't work.


    Its all chaos.  So now that you know God's biggest secret, how will you behave?  Chaotic ? 🙂


  8. On 2/18/2024 at 2:10 AM, Agape said:

    I have no idea what this is. Are any of you real? No offence, I don't mean that in a psychological sense. I'm sure you're authentic and true. But what the hell is this? I question what I assume is true. I like this lady, but, I don't think she likes me. These thoughts occurred to me where I could just leave.  I could just go. I am tired of trying. I am tired of trying to be someone. I have so much love to give. And I can feel so much pain. I do struggle with cravings for using. What is God? I think I am the epitome of a Scorpio.  But that's me. I'm not trying to be that. I'm super intense. But if anyone hurts someone I care about I'll fucking go for them. I'm ridiculously loyal. To me it's not ridiculous though. It's just what you're supposed to do. Or what I'm supposed to do. I just want to be alright for her. I really like this lady. This gal.  But I don't think she likes me. I'm genuinely considering just leaving. I'm tired of feeling controlled. Like, I have all these rules. I couldn't be a banker or work in retail. I have a certain IQ but it's stupid because I'm pretty fucking retarded. I can't do anything. Fuck it, I tried. I told her I liked her. If she doesn't wan't me then I'm out. I've been in this room for months a d I feel like absolute shit with these damn emotions.  I'm tired of the world. I just hope some predatory psychopathic fuck doesn't rape me or fuck me up.  I suppose that's the risk.  Fuck, I hope she likes me. Then I can stay for a while. To be in love again.  I really want to feel that again. 

    By the way my last response was not metaphysical, so lets talk metaphysics or spirituality.  What is this?  This is a dream.  Your mind is creating all of it.

    You are God fabricating everything, and you have made it so real because you incarnated into a phyiscal body - or i should say, you made it seem with Conscisouness that reality is physical - that you could incarnate into a body.  But in reality its just all Mind. You are fooled into thinking its physical because Consicousness is so powerful, powerful enough to literally imagine it is being a physical body - and then being infite enough to where you could feel it.

  9. On 2/18/2024 at 2:10 AM, Agape said:

    I have no idea what this is. Are any of you real? No offence, I don't mean that in a psychological sense. I'm sure you're authentic and true. But what the hell is this? I question what I assume is true. I like this lady, but, I don't think she likes me. These thoughts occurred to me where I could just leave.  I could just go. I am tired of trying. I am tired of trying to be someone. I have so much love to give. And I can feel so much pain. I do struggle with cravings for using. What is God? I think I am the epitome of a Scorpio.  But that's me. I'm not trying to be that. I'm super intense. But if anyone hurts someone I care about I'll fucking go for them. I'm ridiculously loyal. To me it's not ridiculous though. It's just what you're supposed to do. Or what I'm supposed to do. I just want to be alright for her. I really like this lady. This gal.  But I don't think she likes me. I'm genuinely considering just leaving. I'm tired of feeling controlled. Like, I have all these rules. I couldn't be a banker or work in retail. I have a certain IQ but it's stupid because I'm pretty fucking retarded. I can't do anything. Fuck it, I tried. I told her I liked her. If she doesn't wan't me then I'm out. I've been in this room for months a d I feel like absolute shit with these damn emotions.  I'm tired of the world. I just hope some predatory psychopathic fuck doesn't rape me or fuck me up.  I suppose that's the risk.  Fuck, I hope she likes me. Then I can stay for a while. To be in love again.  I really want to feel that again. 

    That's a lot of emotions all wrapped up in one.  You wear your soul on your sleeve.  That's you in a nutshell.


    And you know what?  Your awesome dude.  You are absolutely awesome.  All of you.  All of the pain, and all of the love.  Just channel it.

    Channel it into someting positive.  


    You can do anything in life you want, you have all of the ability and all of the intelligence  But its totally up to you.  You can waste it all too if thats what you want to do.  But i dont think that's what you want to do.   Get up off your ass and do something with your life - because you are worth it and you are capable.   So now all there is left is to do it.  And if you don't want to, that's OK too.  But that was your choice.

  10. 1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

    I'm talking about emotions.


    Lately I've been "experimenting" non-reaction in terms of emotion.


    Before when there was discordant emotions, the interpretation was that something was wrong, and that the emotion has to be dealt with in order to not experience it again.


    Like let's say ager arises. The interpretation is that the emotion anger is bad and that you're experiencing it means you're doing or being something wrong, and something about you or your thinking must be fixed, changed, let go. So that you won't experience it again.


    Then there's a reaction to it. You google how to get rid of anger, you watch a video about non-duality and anger, then you watch a video about how to be more mindful, then you try to meditate more, then you try to become enlightened, then you come to a spirituality forum to ask about how to change it and how to heal it.


    On the spirituality forum, they suggest you journal and utilize an emotional scale etc. and then you do that. The reaction goes on and on.


    And it's all cause there's the belief/thought that you could experience the emotion again. We all know that thoughts & emotions come and go, but there's still the assumption that they will come back if nothing is done about it. A feeler of emotions in time.


    But at some point I just had this idea of non-reaction. Not believing the interpretation, and not googling and watching youtube videos. Not even journaling per se, if you're not feeling like it.


    Yesterday as I was meditating, an uncomfortable emotion came up. Lately I've been telling those emotions "you belong". But this time I didn't even say that. It's hard to describe. There was no reaction to the emotion. There was just surrender I guess.



    I'm not talking about "feeling it fully" either. That's still a reaction, or at least interpreted as such.



    I'm not sure what I'm even saying or asking.


    Depression is just the belief that tomorrow can't be the best day of your life if you don't do, fix, or figure out something today.


    Yeah, its OK to feel emotions.  We all feel them.  Sometimes they want to break through my skin.  But there is no shame in it.

    It is what it is - and its OK to feel hurt, depressed, alone, and just flat out helpless.


    The bright side is that you can't go anywhere else, so yeah, you're stuck here. Because you took a vested interest into this dream in the first tplace.  And its going to be a pain in the ass to get out.   So these feelings have no choice but to subside.

  11. 30 minutes ago, MetaSage said:

    Thinking or considering the possibility of a negative future is fundamentally what depression is about.

    Which is why when certain things inspire hope, you look forward to the future with anticipation, for some sense of accomplishment.

    Well, as a mental illness i think its just feeling depressed.   Considering the possiblity of a negative future isn't depression per se, its more just negative thinking.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I think of it as similar theme but endless variations.  It depends on how close you want to zoom in on differences.  I find I only feel the need to correct people when I feel defensive.  When I no longer feel defensive and I know what people are doing, I just leave them alone.  I actually celebrate difference if I can.  That allows everyone a space to do their work.  The cool thing is I’ve gotten to a point on here where I don’t feel defensive when someone challenges me spiritually.  I think this is because I know where they’re coming from and I’m secure in my own spirituality and the reasons for it.  Cool to see you off Leo’s forum.  I still go on there but since I can’t post I don’t have any relations with anyone on there anymore.

    Yes it can have endless variations - but ultimately it is one awakening from this dream which we call reality.  There can only  be one awaekening from that.   I'm glad your here too - I've started to listen to your work and I appreciate it.   I haven't listened to the entire video on stage coral yet but I'm donig it - very interested and its totally cool that you went off the map and went beyond the traditional stages   For me, I stop at Turquose.  Because once you become a mystic honestly the rest is just childs play.  And I mean that sincerely.  There is a special appreciaition for Life that you get after that - because you understand that it is an illusion.   It will never be the same again.  But it will be far better.  There isn't anything that can really beat you after that - its just life hitting you with its punches.  But there isn't anything that can beat you.

  13. 8 hours ago, Phil said:

    Introspection is inward. It’s the examination of one’s own mental & emotional processes. What’s been said isn’t being heard through paradigms of teachers & students, separation, separate selves and purporting. Awakening is precisely not opinion, and awakening is that there is no “relative point of view” or authority. Oneness may seem to be, and contain hypocrisy, idk, but awakening, enlightenment, nonduality (this) however does not.  

    Intrsopection is indeed inward.  You seem to use the word materialist paradigm alot, yet you claim that what is being said is not being heard through paradigms.  If what is said is not being filtered through paradigims, then don't compare the Materialst Paradigm to the Idealist Paradigm..  And, No awkening does not contain hypocrsy but you do....

  14. 26 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

    A few years ago I quit for a month or so, and didn't experience insomnia cause I was taking quetiapine for sleeping. Wondering if I should try that this time. Haven't been taking those pills for a long time (quitting them was a hassle too, but nothing like quitting nicotine is) and I'd probably have to take it only for a week or so, to get through the worst sweaty nights. I know I could quit if I just got through the first couple of days. Then it would be easy peasy even if there were some cravings, just cause the joy of finally being free.


    I have a doctor's recipe for quetiapine ready and they're very cheap so I could just go and buy them. 🤔


    The only worry is that the sleeping trouble would move from nicotine to another substance, but even if that happened, quetiapine is different cause it's not a pleasure / addiction substance. So that could be done with by just cutting the dose bit by bit like I used to do when I stopped taking them 2 years ago. Also I doubt that it would happen in a week or two. I would probably have to take a very small dose.


    Another worry is that quetiapine is some fucking manmade antipsychotic which affects the brain who knows how. Not very spiritually ideal. 🤡


    OR maybe this is one of those cases when I could just shut the fuck up and allow the help in, take the easy road. Life doesn't need to be hard if it can be easy.


    Let me know how it goes please.  

  15. 13 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

    A few years ago I quit for a month or so, and didn't experience insomnia cause I was taking quetiapine for sleeping. Wondering if I should try that this time. Haven't been taking those pills for a long time (quitting them was a hassle too, but nothing like quitting nicotine is) and I'd probably have to take it only for a week or so, to get through the worst sweaty nights. I know I could quit if I just got through the first couple of days. Then it would be easy peasy even if there were some cravings, just cause the joy of finally being free.


    I have a doctor's recipe for quetiapine ready and they're very cheap so I could just go and buy them. 🤔


    The only worry is that the sleeping trouble would move from nicotine to another substance, but even if that happened, quetiapine is different cause it's not a pleasure / addiction substance. So that could be done with by just cutting the dose bit by bit like I used to do when I stopped taking them 2 years ago. Also I doubt that it would happen in a week or two. I would probably have to take a very small dose.


    Another worry is that quetiapine is some fucking manmade antipsychotic which affects the brain who knows how. Not very spiritually ideal. 🤡


    OR maybe this is one of those cases when I could just shut the fuck up and allow the help in, take the easy road. Life doesn't need to be hard if it can be easy.


    No, its hard.  I'm trying to find a way out of nicotine myself..  I can't really afford to go into a treatment center becaue I have a job to keep and to suport myself.  So this presents a delicate issue.  Yeah,, try that again I think it will work for you.  You obviously want to stop so you will.  That's the main thing.  That you want to stop.  And i'm happy for you for even having the strength to want to do that.  

  16. 2 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

    It just seems so impossible. I tried to quit like a month ago and it was a total mess. I managed to get to the evening without using, but then when I had to go to sleep, it all just hit me when I couldn't fall asleep. I went fucking crazy. Felt so powerless that I experienced suicidal thoughts.


    The same thing would happen if I tried again. Pretty much every second would be a fight, and eventually I'd fail.


    I just can't do it. I literally do believe that a miracle is necessary. The desire to use just would have to disappear.


    But the desire just appears every five minutes and I have no control over it. I'm entirely helpless with it.


    Yes, these are thoughts and they feel like powerlessness and despair.


    But that I would not believe the thoughts is not in my control.


    Makes me so mad when again and again it's said to acknowledge the emotions etc etc. Cause I can't just choose to acknowledge the emotion and follos the guidance. It's not like a big red button you can just walk to and press and ta-da, emotional guidance acknowledged and thought un-believed.


    I'm experiencing the emotion despair and powerlessness.


    And I hate how journaling is recommended. Cause there's so much thoughts and beliefs that would have to be journaled. The belief is that by journaling those thoughts would be let go. So that I'd have to verbalize every discordant thought to be free from it. So the spirit of the expression just dies and it's like a to-do list. A list of discordant thoughts to express. But they come and go before I even get to a journal so I'd have to verbalize a thought that's already gone. like from a to-do list. So that the belief will not be activated again later at some point.


    The only way to do it is to completeley take away all access to the drug.  LIke a treament center or a rehab.    Because as long as you still have access to it and the ability to get it you will still do it..  So you have to strip yourself from it completely.  Until you actualy want to do this you wil remain a victim of your addiction.  I have alcohol and nicotine additction issues too - but like i said, until you completey strip yourself from the ability to have these things, it won't go away

  17. 23 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

    Something really interesting just happened.


    I woke up a couple hours ago and like every morning, the first thing I did was reach for my nicotine product.


    I've been using many years now. I'm basically a chain user.


    I'd like to be free from it. So I read a bit of Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Like always, that book does make sense, and makes me feel inspired to quit.


    Lots of thoughts that feel like despair and discouragement came up though. Can't quite believe that quitting could be easy, enjoyable, without cravings etc.


    Though I started feeling a bit disgusted of the nicotine.


    I went to the kitchen to drink some water, still feeling a bit disgusted of it all and felt like yeah maybe that was my last time using it. Hoped that it was. Would really have liked for it to be the last time, and would really have liked to suddenly, immediately be free from the addiction.


    Then I went to the bathroom, dreamed of being free from the addiction. It felt quite great, almost like I was already free from it. As if I almost had made the choice to quit.


    But suddenly when I walked out of the bathroom, a thought of using nicotine appeared, a craving hit, and I knew, was fully aware and decisive that I would not fight the craving. In ten seconds I was ingesting nicotine again.


    It was kind of funny. It made no sense and I knew it. It had taken maybe 3 minutes from the bed to the kitchen and to the bathroom and back to ingesting nicotine again. There was no actual craving. That does not happen in three minutes. There was plenty of nicotine left in the bloodstream.


    I felt this weird relief in that moment. It was as if I saw how helpless I am with it. I saw that fighting cravings could never actually make me free from the addiction. The only thing that could ever "work" would be that the desire to use nicotine would just disappear. Basically, what I need is a 'miracle'.


    It also reminds me of the first two steps of the twelve step program they use in AA:


    1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.


    2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.


    That's exactly what it was like.



    I am hopelessly believing thoughts. And even that is hopelessly believing thoughts.



    I want to be free from the addiction, but I'm not sure what to do.


    I guess if someone can do a miracle healing for me, that would be greatly appreciated.



    Man.  This is a true insight into addiction.  I'ts just the bodys physical addiction it is not the mind.   The mind feels powerless over it.  The body is part of the ego - you were made here to be a pure animal.  It is sick but it is for God's pleasure.  Tha'ts just the reality of it.  

  18. 1 minute ago, Someone here said:

    I stopped chasing awakening and stopped chasing sex both together.  You know why ? Because I realized its the seeking that veils happiness as it is commonly shared here by Phil and other woke folks.  Stop seeking anything at all for just one day and don't think far ahead of your nose and see the degree of peace or joy you will experience. 

    This doesn't mean I'm perfect ..sometimes I do try to awaken by thinking my way into awakening just like Leo and I do watch porn and have a wank every once in a while ..this is just human nature .but yeah I wish I was asexual or something  lol.

    I remember Arthur Schopenhauer say that only by old age you will naturally become disgusted by sex .


    Wise words.  The problem is we are so hooked on the dream.  It's like a drug.  Breathing this air.  Breathing life into us.  Incarnated as a human.  It's beautiful.  But its finite.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Every male on the planet think with their dicks. 

    It's kind of sad.  Sometimes I wish that i was gay.  At least then i could feel the feminie side as well.


    Of course, that is not necesary for awakening.  You just have to suffer enough.  The buddah didn't make this shit up.


    Suffer enough and you will become enlightened.  But for that, you need to self inquire after the sufffering.  Unless you get lucky enough to awaken on your own

  20. On 2/25/2024 at 5:46 AM, Someone here said:

    @Phil please answer me this question after reflecting on it slowly without dismissing it or rotating around it with loa and Abraham Hicks jargon lol..

    It is suggested that we should write whatever we want on the dreamboard..no matter how little or big it is ..


    So it seems impossible for me to land on the moon in this lifetime..

    it seems impossible that I'm gonna have sex with Lexi Belle (a pornstar that i like )..

    it seems impossible that I will become a multi billionaire in this lifetime..etc

    I did actually write these things on my board ..but I have erased them now because I know they are not possible.  I can't be in my full mind and believe that I can achieve literally anything.  There is just not enough time or resources to do that .

    reset your expectations.  Notice that you actually created these.  You created the ability of having sex ith Lexi Belle and you also created the impossibilty of it.  So realize that..  So in this lifetime you will be able to do a lot of things.  But you won't be able to do the thing that you already told yourseflf you cannot do.  I mean tthat metaphysically right now.  You have created boundaries for your own experience.  Afterall, if you removed all of the boundaries then what would there be?  What wout you be asking me right now?  You would be completely omnipotent.  Whats the fun in that.

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