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Adeptus Psychonautica

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Everything posted by Adeptus Psychonautica

  1. That does seem to be what he is saying in his original blog post though. ”His love (the pedophiles) for me was insane” ”OF COURSE pedophilia is Love” On the topic of him being intelligent, then in terms of data processing then I would agree. In regard to emotional intelligence, or understanding the psychology of the human experience, then not so much.
  2. Its worth considering the possibility that the guy who has a well established history of spouting delusional fantasy bullshit to suit his narrative agenda, might also in this instance be spouting delusional fantasy bullshit to suit his narrative agenda.
  3. Realistically its almost impossible to do it solo with a glass pipe, you either need a friend to help you by urging you on and physically holding the pipe for you, or you need a more specialized vaping setup which can vaporize the entire dose in one hit. Watch the two videos below for further detailed guides on both approaches.
  4. It depends on how you are defining "your sense of something of the world", but as a short answer in the practical context I would say no, I'm not. If I take a stinky shit, and I comment that I did a stinky shit, in a conversation about stinky shits then all that conveys is my thoughts about that particular shit. Now if you want to go and amalgamate all my comments about stinky shit into the stinky shit wall of text and declare that it provides some kind of amazing insight - you go for it dude, but I honestly don't think its quite the mic drop you are imagining 🤷‍♂️
  5. No, I'm more of a thread commentator than a starter, so maybe you get the ball rolling and if I have something I feel is worth adding then I will chime in.
  6. I see it as a state of being within our human experience, which is just as useful and interesting as any other, but is not the be all and end all. Again thats quite a short answer to a very big question, because we could be talking about philosophy or the nondual experience from something like psychedelics. It’s probably worth its own thread rather than de-railing this one.
  7. Realistically I am talking about A LOT of stuff, across A LOT of posts, and I tend to use blunt and humorous language. Its not meant to convey a sense of the world, its meant to address the topic at hand - that's how conversation works. The example I made of you also tells me nothing about your mother, or your sister, and nor would I expect it to - because stitching together a wall of text taken out of context really will not achieve that in any circumstance. I actually see this as more of a Rorschach test for you and Phil, because you are looking at some random ink, seeing something that isn't really anything, and projecting your own idea onto what it is. I get you think its insightful, but realistically the insight is more for how you feel about me - and sure its no doubt ticking some boxes for you because of the language I use (reflection of the author), but try not to get too carried away with it. You guys use the word "projection" A LOT... you might want to have a bit of a think about that one... Regardless you are welcome to believe what you want, but reality will always trump new-age bullshit, and hey if you are ever in Switzerland then feel free to drop me a message and you can witness for yourself see the ugly dark brooding hell in which I suffer due to my lack of belief in LoA 🙂
  8. OK lets explore that, because we already covered that there is indeed a reflection of the author in the words -so lets put that observation to one side, but you seem to think there is something deeper revealed - ALL of that text is me. Can you explain what you mean by that? I often see this among the new age crowd that they hear some abstract theory and take it literally. Not to flog a dead horse but its very common on Actualized with people taking Leo absolutely literally, or thinking Spiral Dynamics is an all encapsulating theory of human development, and I see that mindset has migrated over here. I'm hoping the obvious doesn't need to be stated, but like I said I just picked some random quotes from your profile, so no I don't think this text mashing technique is profound or insightful - I was taking the piss. That's not to say your journal isn't insightful - I have no idea because I was literally just skimming and grabbing random quotes.
  9. I'm always open to having a conversation with anyone, even those I disagree with. The ball is in his court.
  10. If you aren't interested in having the discussion then stop asking "why?", seems a bit argumentative no? Here, lets use what you just wrote and do some ‘turn around’ aspect of Byron Katie’s The Work with you. Apparently it’s very insightful, healing and clarifying 🙂 "You seem to be more interested in arguing, being right, irrational, deluded, wishful thinking, dumb, religious and avoiding the harsh truths of life, You are not at all open to hear what is being said, it's obvious. Why? Why? Why?" Maybe that's something you need to work on mate? Clearly not, but honestly its a very useful thing to have, particularly when it comes to integrating experiences and making decisions that will have a positive effect on ones life. If you take everything on face value then you end up with the Leo Guras and Connor Murphys of the world.
  11. Yeah its a really insightful technique🙄 Here let me give it a whirl with you - and i'll just pull this randomly from your profile "She makes me feel guilty, how deeply insecure she is about herself, she doesn't understand me, she often says things in front of other people that portray me in ways that I dont like, frustrated/irritated, having status, hanging with the "right" people, toxic environment, being afraid, a lot of approval seeking, I am angry and irritated, I am jealous, I want new friends, Wanting to meet a girlfriend or some sex, I am jealous, I am perfect, What you say is closeminded, People wouldn't like that, he's so way out there now, I cant go to his site anymore because its so cringe I cant take it, His dating advice for the guys there is just next level cringe, the things he tells them is uncomfortable and ridiculous, out of ignorance about what she is actually saying, while having no chill due to her insecurities, my sister has sort of the same thing going with her" Wow, much profound... so insight Now if the point is that there is some reflection of the author within words written by that author, then sure... I thought that would be a given, and I stand by everything I write within the context it is written. If however the point is that by splicing together words taken from a forum reveals the totality of a person then... are you serious? Context mate... context 😉 I do actually think its a pretty good amalgamation of the levels of absurdity within this this thread.
  12. Is there some other way I could have ascertained its content? Drop me an email at AdeptusPsychonautica@gmail.com and we can work out the details.
  13. @Phil errrrrr… dude Thanks for the greatest hits compilation, totally not weird at all… no sirree! While I appreciate the effort I don’t want to waste any more of your time, so if I can fall back on my earlier comment that I find you tedious and obtuse, just use that as a general benchmark to gauge how much I would want to pursue an activity that might end up with me being more like you - my wife would never stand for it I'm afraid! i’ll tell you what though, if you fancy a proper chat about it then you could come be a guest on one of my YouTube talkshows. Im sure we could have a right chinwag, what say you?
  14. Ah, thanks for explaining what love is, I had wondered what was motivating me these last few decades 🙄 The grief and lust examples were not related to love so try not to mash everything together. If you actually follow the conversation we were talking more about parenting, and then you seemed to want to make the point that everyone should be treated the same You said "Do you belittle them (your kids) and question their intelligence when they disagree with you?" I said "No, I welcome our disagreements and find great joy in seeing how fully formed and reasoned their opinions are" You said "So you appreciate them and that feels good. So why does that end with your kids? Why not do so with everyone?" I said "Parents typically have a different relationship with their children and immediate family than they do with anyone outside that group" I mentioned grief and love as examples of how we do not take feelings from within the group, and universally apply them across the entire collective. Love is no different in my opinion. Even in specific example of love then I gather you disagree, but again I would doubt your real world actions reflect this. OK, now we are going into the territory of "Mandy, WTF are you talking about?" All I said was "Nowhere did I say that I am preparing my children for the same hardships that I grew up with, I am preparing them for the world as it is today, and giving them the tools to navigate it". How you get from that to this little rah rah wimmin iz oppressed, world unfair speech is beyond my comprehension. I mean I hear you, it sounds like the US sucks... erm... go fix it with your dreamboard or something - Why are you telling me this stuff? I live in Switzerland and its fucking amazing, and hey - I got here without any LoA! If your world sucks so bad then maybe this LoA thing isn't really working out for you? I mean we already covered this. I disagree that what you are describing is love, I think the love one feels for their immediate family is observably different and manifests entirely different behaviours, and while I understand you have a different perspective I doubt your actions back up your words. Mandy, WTF are you talking about? Do I need to specify the parameters of any given statement? Is this even relevant to the overall point that there are some people I would not want to be around? I mean FINE... sure maybe there are no 24/7 complete fucking arseholes, but if a persons dominant personality traits and behaviours manifest as them being an arsehole for the majority of the interactions, then I think its fair to label them a complete fucking arsehole. Granted this is done with the caveat that they are not doing arsehole stuff 24/7, just like rapists arent constantly raping 24/7 - but you know, if they do enough raping then its not controversial to call them a rapist. Mandy, WTF are you talking about? I'm not BLAMING anything on my kids...wuuuuut??? I'm sorry to say it mate but your reading comprehension is fucking awful. Yes people instinctively help each other, and yes womens tits lactate around crying babys, and what was the point here? Mandy, WTF are you talking about? As we previously covered I don't live in your mental country, so no we didn't have cops in our schools - I'm guessing DARE is some drug thing? You are aware though that the rest of the world ISN'T the USA? I get that some Americans struggle with that concept but i figured you were one of the more worldly ones - my bad. This doesnt even make sense. You were jabbering on about the translation for ayahuasca, and from that I am supposed to know that you were thinking of "don't do drugs" as social programming? Your mind is jumping all over the place. If you are genuinely interested in what psychedelics do for me then you are welcome to watch some of my videos where I talk about it - knock yourself out. That's quite a broad question, what is my take on ALL OF WHAT 3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE think on nonduality. Yeah I'll pass on that minor ask for tonight
  15. Exactly, glad you finally came around! So we finally agree then that LoA is a load of shit 👌
  16. Parents typically have a different relationship with their children and immediate family than they do with anyone outside that group, does that really need explaining? Are you sobbing in grief at everyone around the planet who died in the last 5 minutes, are you feeling lust for everyone you don't know right now? I think I get where you are going with this "love everyone" approach, but that's not realistically how human beings work. You are straw manning. Nowhere did I say that I am preparing my children for the same hardships that I grew up with, I am preparing them for the world as it is today, and giving them the tools to navigate it. I also believe real love is not given as a default outside of the family. Again we would have to get into how you define "love" because there is a clear gap between the love I have for my fellow human beings, and the love I have for my wife and children - and the difference is orders of magnitude. "do unto others" is not love in my book, its just being a decent human being, love is something much deeper. Well if your definition of "brilliant and loving" is anyone, and its a choice between being with them or being alone, then I guess I would take anyone, but that doesnt instantly make them brilliant and loving just because you say so. They might be complete fucking arseholes. I think your point here is falling flat. Everyone is not my kid. Again I get what you are reaching for but the answer is no. I will endure extreme pain, suffering, and hardship for my kids - I do not do that for other kids, and neither do you. Yes I am aware of the translation of ayahuasca, no it does not make your point any more coherent. If you are getting at some notion that psychedelics should somehow invoke an import of ideals like those which you claim to hold (I don't think you actually do) then that is just incorrect, and again highlights some cultish ghosts in the machine I am surrounded by brilliant loving people so I am not settling for anything. You keep straw manning farcical scenarios based on some notion that love or relationships is a blanket phenomenon. That isn't the case for me and I don't believe it is the case for you - prove me wrong by sheltering homeless people in your home as if they were your kin, whatever clothes your children are wearing go buy the same thing for 10 orphans as if they were your own right now, give passionate love to the next consenting stranger you happen across - why settle for a world with anything less! Ummm... Nissargadatta is kinda dead, and if i get the chance to talk to Adyashanti I will certainly ask him for you - should I put that on my dream board?
  17. Hang on, let me check... oh yeah I do! Aren't they those things which create a very noticeable change in a persons experience, the effects of which can be validated in multiple ways? Yeah that does ring a bell. You know one of the common bits of feedback I get regarding that channel is that people appreciate the no-bullshit approach, while still having reverence for the transcendent, and that its communicated in a down to earth and effective way... nudge nudge... wink wink 😉 I totally agree about this being bewildering though.
  18. Because I am curious what your process of divining truth is. If you refer back to @Mandy earlier post then you will see that curiosity is a fun thing to explore. If you don’t actually have a way of divining truth, thats fine. No worries!
  19. LoA would be a belief, that is an immutable fact If you can't comprehend that, its fine . No worries! I did, it said LoA was a belief. If you can't comprehend that, again its fine . No worries! Everyone is trying to communicate ideas here, that is literally what the internet is. If you can't understand even that basic foundation of what is occurring, its fine . No worries! Honestly this thread is fucking amazing. I would never have guessed you guys would dig in so deep over the law of attraction - mind blown! 😀
  20. I was looking for how you quantified something as "true", which is what you stated LoA is. I thought it might be useful you know... since this is a thread about LoA
  21. You might be assuming my kids are toddlers, they are actually teenagers. If they were writing something which required clarity of communication, and instead write something obtuse, then I would tell them that it was obtuse because I do not mollycoddle them. No, I don't belittle my children nor question their intelligence. I welcome our disagreements and find great joy in seeing how fully formed and reasoned their opinions are, and how well they articulate and communicate them regardless of the actual topic. Its certainly not one of my primary parenting objectives, but conflict is a fact of life so my parenting has involved preparing them to deal with such things. As the saying goes - "Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child". I think you are getting at here is that it was I who somehow started making personal attacks within this thread, that is incorrect. If anything it started with yourself comparing my comments against LoA ideology to bullying small children. This conflation of challenging ideas into personal attack is typical of religious or cult like thinking. This is a very strangely formed question. Usually the first part should logically set up the second... but that aside No, I teach my kids that respect is earned, not expected. If you mean do they act respectfully or carry themselves with respect, then of course, but that is not the same as respect as some kind of token entitlement. I don't get to decide what they deserve outside of my care - again, prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child. I think its better that THEY understand, and question, make good decisions based on their own reasoning, and that they would have the common sense to know truth from falsehood. So far so good. The second one please, but we would really need to define what you mean by "brilliant loving people", because in my book that would not be people like you and Phil. I don't say that to be mean, I am literally just being honest. Yeah... ummm... what if a unicorn... is just a donkey from the future? Seriously I have no idea where you are going with this If a person doesn't believe in what they want, then I would probably advise them to consider wanting something else. Well, that was certainly abstract! I hope you found something useful in all that, it was actually quite an interesting diversion to reply to, although I think you didn't quite hit the target you were aiming for, and I'm genuinely not sure what that target was.
  22. @Blessed2 well lets try this from another angle - how do you know it IS true? There are many things which are not rational, physical, scientifically measurable etc. The obvious example is the phenomenon of “love”, which I wholeheartedly believe in, so its not like the problem is the lack of physical. Even with “love” we can see the real word effect (couples, families, devotion), and real world effect is what is being claimed on some level for LoA - so where is it? Also you kind of skipped the part about why you might not believe flat earth, annunaki etc. Surely everything is of equal validity despite lack of impact in reality?
  23. Then there is no "immutable" law It can indeed. I just brought one of your own deflections to your attention in just such a recap, notice how you still have not managed to answer it in any useful manner. I use the language that I use to make the point I wish to make with sufficient clarity. Try it for yourself, notice that it is much more effective in terms of communicating ideas, perhaps consider this as a limiting factor within your own communication, or that your obtuse writing might be counterproductive. Anyway derogatory terminology is just an illusion, look for the moon, not the finger 😉
  24. A law is that which compels the behaviour of a thing, a real law requires some force to bring about that behaviour. If indeed the LoA is a REAL law then it must have a mechanism through which it exerts force of some kind. This literally avoids answering any of the points raised. You had stated previously that a material object (a bus) is an illusion, and that there would be no consequence with such an illusion interacting with an individual in what @Aware Wolf labelled "the brutal facts of your current reality", to which you further replied that there are no such brutal facts. The proof that such things are not illusory, and that you do not believe them to be illusory, lies not only within ones direct experience but also within the collective experience - you do not put your children in dangerous situations correct? You teach them to cross the road correctly so that they do not get smushed by oncoming traffic correct? You do realise the car you sit in to make your videos is not what most people consider an illusion correct? You know that its more productive to engage in dialogue like a human being rather than crowbar in every possible nugget of pseudo-philosophical bullshit right? OK OK, maybe that last one might be a bit of a stretch for you, but just a suggestion - give it a try 🙂
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