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Adeptus Psychonautica

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Everything posted by Adeptus Psychonautica

  1. @Robed Mystic oh hello, its been a while 😊 Nowhere did I state that rationality is the be all and end all, so please don't pull stuff out of your arse. I know this is hard for you, but just TRY. To engage with your point. Clearly I think rationality has value, you also agreed that it should be embraced, and the definition of transrational includes rationality, so there is really no point to this other than you being impulsively argumentative. But anyway here is the definition of transrational for you because I have a sneaking suspicion you don't actually fully grasp the concept. "(of thought, experience etc.) Beyond the rational; of a scope superseding yet including the rational." https://www.yourdictionary.com/transrational Nowhere did I state that Actualized "demonizes" rationalism, so please don't pull stuff out of your arse. I know this is hard for you, but just TRY. To engage with your point. Perhaps you are getting confused by my statement of "how corrosive the Actualized mindset is to reason and rationality". To say that a mindset or doctrine is corrosive to reason does not mean that it demonizes it, but rather that its presence erodes the structural integrity of the thing being corroded. You see words actually have different meanings, so you have to make the effort to learn and understand them if you want to be effective communicator - which you aren't. As I already demonstrated, the ACTUAL problem is that you lack the basic language comprehension to understand what is being discussed, so the arguments you think you are replying to don't exist, and so only have value as an example of your uncontrolled blustering. You should work on that. So... not very inflated then? Hot air balloons or zeppelins are far more inflated so its a pretty piss poor metaphor. Regardless, lets stick with the balloon theme and say that this comment is going down like The Hindenburg 😀 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindenburg_disaster As well as having a poor grasp on metaphor, I really don't think you actually know what "ego" means. You certainly don't seem to use it in a correct manner other than as a way to belch that you disagree with someone for no particular reason. You should work on that. Show some personal accountability and spare YOURSELF the sermons by not reading my comments if they trigger you this much. I also like the addition of "us" as if there is more than one of you, all sat around a table acting like grumps and calling each other bro 🤣 Anyway you post in a later comment that you "could" write a book or make YouTube videos. I actually think this is a really good idea because it will give you something else to do, and you might learn some basic literacy skills in the process, which lets face it - you are seriously lacking. To be completely honest though I don't think you are capable of achieving any success in such endeavours for all the reasons I have stated above, and I doubt you have the backbone and willpower to get off your arse and put your money where your mouth is. To quote George Bernard Shaw "‘Those who can, DO; those who can’t, become Actualized moderators.’
  2. @Devin I think there is a certain value for the wider community in engaging with certain narratives, particularly if they contain blatant lies. Granted as with all falsehoods, it takes more effort to disprove than it does to spurt it out, but I rather enjoy the dismantling which I hope comes across in my writing/videos. Its a fascinating topic to engage with, its fun to expose the bullshit, and lets be honest - I’m really fucking good at it 😀 I think you are a perfect snapshot of how corrosive the Actualized mindset is to reason and rationality. You are basically acting like a mini-Leo propaganda drone at this point, and I mean those words absolutely literally rather than as some kind of insult. If you want me to write you off personally, then thats fine - just take it as a given. I will however continue to engage with the content on the internet in whatever manner I choose to - and that includes here, YouTube, any other form of media, or even the forum of your beloved Leo, and I can only suggest you get your head around THAT reality, even if you can’t quite handle the full thing. PS: I think what you are mistaking for hate and rage, is what we Brits call “taking the piss”. Its somewhat of a national pass time, and I assure you its all in good spirits. @Lester Retsel I totally agree but like I said, he is useful as an example of “The Actualized Phenomenon” and I enjoy the process. I won’t deny that there is also a part of me that hopes others also enjoy reading my systematic dismantling of such tripe, so its a win win 🙂
  3. Oh dear... @Devin you really are working yourself into a lather. Look, I am genuinely trying to have a rational conversation with you, and I'm investing the effort to show you that the objective claims you make don't actually correlate with reality, and you have just done the EXACT SAME THING. Its sad to see you are so locked in with your own bullshit that you can't acknowledge this - even when the evidence supports a completely different set of events to those which you claim to be true. Lets try this again... There was no "book full of personal attacks". Debunking your claims around Leo's unparalleled status is in no way an attack on you, so please drop the victim narrative. At best you could say that I described your attitude as pissy (which it most certainly is), and I described the claims you were making as absurd, delusional, and bullshit - and given the thoroughness with which I debunked them using your own criteria, then I would say those words, while perhaps being a little blunt, are 100% accurate. There were no attacks on you personally, nothing that could even be remotely described as "hate" against you or Leo, so please stop with this utter nonsense. That you would attempt to reframe this as "a book of personal attacks" along with the previous "jealousy and hate", is absolutely fucking mind blowing - and you have the balls to accuse anyone else of gas lighting and being delusional? Are you for real? Again this is completely inaccurate. Go and find the statement from me where I claim Leo is a "small fish". I can tell you now that you will not be able to because it doesn't exist except within the bullshit narrative you have fantasized. But hey, let me help you - here is a timestamped clip of me saying THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you stated. "...and it's clear that I'm a bit late to the party here because actualized channel has been going for years and it is HUGE! Almost a million subscribers, loads of views, it's own website with an online store. It's basically become a spiritual business which is absolutely fine and I have no problem with people making money from their content which they have clearly put a lot of effort into" So the raw, evidence based facts of the situation, clearly demonstrates that your “small fish” narrative is 100% WRONG. Lets dwell on this a moment longer because it seems you have trouble accepting things which are can be considered factual within this material reality. Pretty much everything you have said over the last few pages of this thread is absolute delusional bullshit, and in that I am including this latest victim narrative as well as your previous claims about Leo being some unique individual based on the criteria of his size/reach. That is not an attack against your person Devin, its simply a counter argument to the outright lies that you have said on this forum, and to be honest - shame on you for doing so. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of truth-seeker? Finally let me just address this silly idea that I have any sway with "the media", or the personal motivation, to convince them to write hit pieces against Leo. This is now veering into "they are out to get my sweet precious Leo" paranoia, but fine... since you obviously need me to clarify this then OK. No Devin… just no… no. I have never contacted any media organisation to "convince them" to write anything about Leo. They have certainly contacted me, and you can see that I have provided quotes within several of these articles, and you know what - I think they were actually pretty balanced quotes. Lets take a look, and keep in mind that this article came out just after one of the Actualized membership had killed themselves, so there was certainly a basis for an article like this to be written. https://www.inverse.com/input/culture/leo-gura-actualized-org-youtube-forum-death-suicide "Although Rob admits that, as a psychonaut, he has taken hallucinogenic drugs in much the same way that Gura has claimed to, he still thinks Gura’s presentation of the lifestyle is reckless. He worries that the promises Gura makes about psychedelics — that they will deliver powers of omniscience, enlightenment, healing, and even telekinesis — could drive people to take these substances in an irresponsible way. “I’d imagine if you're some 21-year-old kid suffering from depression, feeling completely alienated and vulnerable, it could be tempting to go overboard,” Rob says." Now given the Leo we see today, rambling on about "gassing the Jews is love" and "The only true spirituality is Alien Mouse God accessed by large doses of experimental psychedelic drugs" - what exactly is wrong or "hit piece" about what I said in that quote? I had actually completely forgotten about this article, but looking back on it right now - then fuck me I was absolutely spot on, so thanks for reminding me of that! 🙂 Journalists write about Leo because he a public facing whack job around which an interesting and somewhat tragic story can be written, they don't need any convincing from a small-time, part-time, foul-mouthed, hobby YouTuber like me - but I'm somewhat flattered that you think I have such power. So to wrap up - is any of this getting through Devin??? Can you acknowledge for one brief moment of lucidity then what you are saying has ZERO basis in reality and is factually incorrect??? Come on mate, work with me here - reality calling Devin....come in Devin... please respond Devin... over
  4. @Devin There is actually several big disconnects, and again I think its actually you who is the source of them. Allow me to highlight a few of them. 1. You claim you are not making objective claims directly after making objective claims 2. You define a metric for your claims then get pissy when that same metric is used to disprove them 3. You make strawman arguments with no basis in reality. Case in point - saying that Leo is not “the biggest” does not equate to him being “little”. I am firmly on the record as stating that I think what Leo has done with Actualized is very impressive. Go watch my first video on him where I praise what he has done operationally, and then feel free to come back and justify which arsehole you pulled this straw man out of. 4. Hate and jealousy. I can only assume you don’t know what these words mean, particularly in reference to these latest comments - because we are talking about YOU Devin. You are making claims, and people are challenging YOU on your (lack of) rationale for those claims. Are you suggesting that we are all filled with “hate and jealousy” of Leo just because you are talking bollocks? Does that mean you are filled with “hate and jealousy” towards Jordan Peterson and Ram Das since you dismiss them in a similar manner? Under what conditions does “hate and jealousy” become a valid response? There are some quite large cognitive gaps here Devin so my impression is that you are not quite as “high functioning” as you previously claimed, and if thats the “good things” that following Leo’s teachings has gotten you then you can keep it mate.
  5. @Devin You have claimed many times in this thread alone that Leo Gura is some kind of unique spiritual phenomenon that stands far above his peers. Here is the recent example to which Lester and I refer, but there are others. ”No one carries what he carries. No ones done as much good as him.” Its hard to interpret this in any other way than as an objective claim that NO ONE (as in no other person on planet earth) has done greater good for the spiritual community, than Leo Gura. Now I would absolutely agree that such claims are indeed empty, but it is you who is making them, and so you shouldnt be surprised when people dismiss them as the obvious dog toffee that they are. When asked for evidence of this claim YOU provided YouTube views as criteria for that validation. This is all coming from you Devin, so perhaps try putting a bit more effort into what you are trying to say, because its coming out as a contradictory mess. You put forth that particular yardstick, so thats what was used to debunk your nonsense. Now in regard to what other guru’s say vs what Leo says, and that they are only offering regurgitated misleading woo woo, thats fine and of course you are welcome to your opinion. The fact remains they are operating in the same space as Leo, they are the heavyweights of that space, the argument can easily be made that any one of them has done more good in that space, and by your own criteria they are bigger - by orders of magnitude. So to answer your fawning question of who can possibly match the lofty achievements of Leo Gura? Who else can carry what he carries? The answer is FUCKING LOADS OF PEOPLE, and they manage it without making a complete arse out of themselves every 3-6 months. Yes no doubt Leo’s experience comes with crazy and confusing times, and I certainly feel some compassion for how Actualized is running Leo rather than Leo running Actualized, but that doesn’t give him a free pass for any of his verbal diarrhea. If he can’t handle it (and he can’t in my opinion) then he should have the self awareness to stop and regroup, try something different, broaden his horizons etc. Honestly mate I think people like you who run defense for him are part of the problem which is contributing to his ongoing delusions of grandeur. If you and the other Actualized faithful would just remove your tongues from his shit pipe for a day or two, then maybe he would get some respite and chill out a bit.
  6. I see later in this thread you seem confused that people are interpreting your comments as you making objective claims, and I think its fairly obvious that you are whether you realize it or not. When you start trying to use empirical data like YouTube views to validate what you are saying that this is an appeal to an objective truth rather than opinion, and so can be countered with the same line of argument. So basically your case that Leo is the biggest and most far reaching guru, is confirmation bias bordering on delusional bullshit. So firstly I would absolutely agree that every human is flawed and will have stumbling blocks, that perfectly natural. I personally don’t expect perfection from anyone, but that doesn’t mean I am going to give them a free pass when they continually do something I disagree with. Leo continually promises perfection, transcendence, bigger than human, a solution to all problems, and to be blunt - he has completely missed the point. We know he has missed the point because he himself throws his entire ideology out of the fucking window every six months or so. How many times have you heard him say some variation of “THIS overrides EVERYTHING else! This is the new absolute truth!”? I think the simple fact is that he has done the same shtick too many times and so people are calling him out on it - and rightfully so. Now in regard to your absurd claims that “no-one has done what Leo has done” then you sound utterly delusional. If your metric is YouTube views then Jordan Peterson wipes the floor with him for practical advice (videos clock 11 million views), and thats not even counting the multi-million book sales and sold out global tours he does. Terence Mckenna and Alan Watts obliterate Leo in terms of reach (again 10 million views on some videos) and they are fucking dead. They don’t even have their own YouTube channels, but even decades after their demise they remain as spiritual juggernauts, constantly being reshared. Same could be said for many of the big spiritual figures - many of them didn’t even have any major presence in modern social media, but you think that gives Leo Gura greater reach and influence than Ram Das - are you insane? Joe Rogan is a leviathan, and I think it can easily be argued that he has been a huge inspiration to many to bring them to a spiritual path, he was certainly part of mine, and yes Joe Rogan gives out practical advice, and exposes his audience to a staggering amount of worldviews. You want to talk about radical open mindedness - this guy kicks Leo’s ass. Again when it comes to views Leo is not even in the same league. All of this you can look up for yourself, but if you need a hand just let me know. So there - you wanted numbers, you got numbers, and to be honest I think obsessing over view counts and subscibers as a means to validate an opinion is pretty ridiculous, but thats where your head seems to be at and I thought it might be useful to unpack why everyone is rolling their eyes at your comments. Its because they don’t correlate with reality, and because you (like Leo) are being too blinkered to look at the bigger picture. People are running live events, writing books, challenging their ideas in group discussions with their peers. Sam Harris has one of the biggest meditation platforms out there on mobile devices, and you think Leo is the front runner in any shape or form? Talk about drinking the koolade… holy shit. So lets put your silly ideas about Leo being the number one spiritual guru to bed. Consider that debunked.
  7. @Mandy Thanks for sharing that. Im sure that as with many such descents it happens so gradually that for those involved its hard to spot when you are “in it”, and then you eventually get to an “oh shit” moment once you realize how far its gone. Like with most of his experiences, or (ahem) “teachings” as he likes to call them - I don’t think there is anything wrong with the experience itself. Having an experience like being another species or lifeform is fascinating, and its also incredibly common. Usually on ayahuasca retreats then a few people will have some form of animal possession during their trip, I’ve certainly had it on a number of occasions including alien experiences. But of course Leo is Leo, so what happened is absolutely unique, and no one else can understand it, and he is special, and it changes everything… blah blah blah. Its practically a parody at this point, and it’s painfully predictable.
  8. The point at which I became aware of him was 2020 just prior to his “30 days of 5 MEO DMT”, and at that point he was following this playbook, which has repeated fairly regularly until the present day. I have seen similar stuff earlier than that on the forum when I was researching him for my video, but I was only really focused on the case at hand so I wasn’t documenting his entire history. I gather from talking to old school Actualized people that elements of this MO were in effect earlier. Perhaps @Phil or @Mandy could comment on such things.
  9. My two cents... Anyone who thinks this is some new radical thing that has changed in Leo simply hasn't been paying attention, or was so invested in the delusional nonsense that they overlooked it. This is nothing new, its just the latest iteration of his standard modus operandi. He takes psychedelics He cannot handle them particularly well He has the same kind of experiences that most psychedelic users have been having since the dawn of time. He takes the experience absolutely on face value and instantly incorporates it into his psyche He spends no time integrating the experience, I don't think he even knows what that word means He blurts out his latest "teachings" as objective fact He declares everything that is NOT his latest ideology is now bullshit He states that no one else in existence has achieved what he has achieved He gets stroppy with anyone who disagrees with him because he cannot handle being challenged 6 months later he acknowledges that he went a bit off the rails His community fawns over what a grounded and honest guy he is He repeats the entire process He did this with psychedelics, he did this with non-duality, he did this with God-awakening, and now he is doing this with Alien Mouse God. Its not new, its the same juvenile, unintegrated, surface level interpretation that he always does, and he will continue to do it because once you have entrenched yourself in the behaviour of being "the whacky guy" then you have to keep coming up with whackier and whackier things. I would expect future declarations about "Machine God Awakening", "Galaxy Messiah Awakening", and "Super Saiyan Awakening". I actually stated this in the first video I did on him, that he would continue to make sillier and sillier outbursts, and that in doing so he would filter his audience for an echo chamber of people who will swallow and validate his nonsense. Those that find this latest episode too much to take should probably take a good hard look at where it all actually started, and what their own part was in allowing this to escalate to such absurdity, and try to be more supportive for those who took the time and effort to offer a rational critique to Leo's behaviour. I appreciate that people do not like to see their guru framed in a way that makes them look ridiculous, but honestly there is no other way of framing it. The cake just bakes itself. In regard to the question of "is he OK" or "is this too far". As stated above I think he will just go through his usual process and it will be business as usual over at the circus of Actualized, with some sensible folks moving on, and the more batshit crazy ones joining and gaining a louder voice. Its basically moving into its David Icke Lizard People phase. Leo will be as fine as he ever was, which is to say that he will remain an interesting character who is a juvenile, delusional, narcissistic bell-cheese. He'll be fine, he is what he is, and he provides a useful example to the rest of the psychedelic/spiritual community as to what not to do.
  10. Just to be clear, nowhere did I mention “therapy” so you would need to clarify exactly which therapy you are referring to. That aside, AGAIN with the absurd sweeping statements, as if you have access to such knowledge - its impossible to take such comments seriously 😀 Feel free to share some of your background, it would be good to know where you are getting your information from outside of the leoverse. Just to be clear my advice was to do “some investigating FOR yourself” not “investigate yourself”. Its a small but significant distinction. I’m not sure that such a thing exists, but I think some of the Shipibo shamans I have met are in the ball park. It would basically be someone who straddles all aspects of their existence with grace, humility, authenticity. Acknowledging ones humanity would be a big part of it - basically not Leo Gura 🙂 Thats a completely delusional statement, like seriously that is batshit insane. Thanks for the laugh though 🤣
  11. For sure Leo doesn't seem to live much in the material plane. I think he is in a fairly unhealthy state of disconnection from his existence as a material being, which kind of calls into question some of his ideas about being a perfectly integrated and fully actualized human being - clearly this is not the case. Still that doesn't seem to prevent him claiming expertise about practically everything within the material domain, and making objective claims about it - he should probably stop doing that. I appreciate that its a perspective you are struggling with, but as counterintuitive as it might seem to you, there are other well documented modalities of healing with high success rates, and none that I am aware of require such a realization. Maybe you could divert some of your Actualized time into investigating for yourself?
  12. The point of something (as in reason behind it existing) is an entirely different question which has nothing to do with the practical applications of what works within this material plane. I have no idea what the point of any given thing is, perhaps there is no point at all? I could certainly conceive of a state of pure "something" without there having been a contrasting opposite, in fact I have had such an experience on many occasions in the form of the psychedelic non-dual experience that Leo keeps banging on about. Its an experience worth having so I can see why he is so enamoured with it. Partners would be more than one, that is a duality. Again if you want to use the word partners rather than duality then its fine, but you are still talking about more than one thing which is the antithesis of non-duality.
  13. James, this is really tedious and is adding nothing to the subject at hand. I'm out.
  14. Go look them up in the dictionary and let us know what you discover. While that might be the case for you, for most people I think the opposite is true
  15. I love the argument in favour of a duality although I am not sure Leo would approve. While you can certainly make the case that such a duality is self evident, you can't logically make the case that it applies to every other person in existence. Personally I tend to lean towards dualities and spectrums of experience, but I would disagree that healing requires such a specific belief and the evidence for this can be found by simply talking to people who have resolved such trauma. No that's not what I said. An expert could certainly state something as fact and it is actually a fact, but its not a fact just because they state it is. That said the more expertise a person has in a given field then the greater the likelihood of them making accurate statements about their field of expertise, although of course its as prone to error as any other human action. The less expertise then the greater the margin of error. No I don't think its adequate at all, and not to state the obvious but that was kinda the point. You asked me to describe a non verbal belief. Maybe you should try to see love as a pattern, not a given, then when someone describes it as "wiggly" you'll be less likely to dismiss it 😃
  16. Again your personal reasons for believing that are irrelevant, its not an axiomatic fact. I'm not even sure what you are saying offers any kind of rebuttal against my highlighting that Leo has no experience or knowledge in the field of healing trauma, or that he cannot speak as to the psychological needs of the entire human race. Maybe that is true for you and if so you have a promising career ahead of you writing emo songs, but again not to state the obvious - you do not speak for the entire species. I appreciate this is a tricky point for you to get your head around but just give it a whirl. All my beliefs are non-verbal. I can use language to try and communicate them, but its not like words are carved into my mind like stone tablets. I believe I love my wife, it feels wiggly - does that help? Pattern/given/whatever - the word itself is not important so call it pattern if it pleases you. In my choice of language there are indeed givens, and there are many of them. It is a given that you typed this on an electronic device which is connected to the internet, the notion that someone might have once dismissed the internet could ever exist has no relevance to anything. I can make many such givens about you, activities you are performing, and the environment you are in with a high degree of accuracy, hence there are givens. Of course some "givens" might be incorrect because I might overreach with something I cannot possibly know - which is pretty much what you and Leo are doing around this holocaust trauma topic.
  17. @DMT Elf the only thing you can take for granted is that you are having an experience, but beyond that I see convincing evidence within that experience that the universe didnt begin with “me”, and that there are other conscious systems inhabiting this same plane of existence. Yes you could say that is unverified because all I can know is my own experience, and I wouldn’t disagree, but that also doesn’t make it incorrect. Sure, maybe truth does depend upon the observer, but I see no reason to believe that and many reason to not believe it. I think there is indeed an objective material reality. We are clearly interfacing with it right now as we press buttons and read screens, but I don’t believe that is the entirety of reality. Psychedelics, psychology, emotion, dream etc… there is a lot more to reality than just matter. I’m guessing stuck on materialism means to dismiss all the above, but I personally don’t hold that view so I can’t really comment.
  18. You agree with him because you BELIEVE it is true, but you have no basis for that belief. Unless you are an infallible expert in trauma healing, and can speak with authority on the psychological requirements of every individual on the planet, then it is nonsense to make such a sweeping claim. Seeing as Leo is not such an expert (and I’m guessing neither are you) then the claim is indeed nonsense. If we further factor in that Leo has a fairly limited understanding of human experience then it just gets sillier. The fact that you agree with him is irrelevant, and rather foolish. Beliefs are not words. Words indeed can be used to describe beliefs, but beliefs are not the words themselves. You seem confused by the distinction but its not particularly complicated if you just take a moment to think about it. Everything is debated in the scientific community, that is the very function of science. I wouldnt disagree that there is an element of faith in my understanding of gravity, but it performs in a consistent way which fits the model and serves whatever need I might have of its mechanics, so I take it as a given. I think the examples I gave were sufficient to make my point, so try not to be a pedant. Your helium balloon analogy itself proves my point because once it has risen above the denser gas, it does not continue rising. Gravity prevents it escaping, so gravity does indeed make everything fall down. Try harder 🙂
  19. Gravity has certainly been proven to my satisfaction, and to such a degree that its really not up for debate. The mechanism for helium balloons going up is not related to gravity but rather the weight of the gas. Notice how they dont just fly off into the outer universe? I think that some of your beliefs in belief are indeed fucking you up.
  20. This is a contradiction. I doubt you can fathom all possible beliefs and so cannot categorically state that they are all bollocks, although certainly the belief that you think you can is bollocks. Even your own claim contains a caveat so even by your own definition not all beliefs are bollocks, and logically your caveat itself doesn’t hold water. Just to use a recent example then he claimed that holocaust survivors must accept that gassing the jews was an act of love by god in order to heal - this was stated as an absolute fact with no alternative. He applied this to any survivor of any traumatic event - This is outright wrong
  21. I think that would be an incorrect definition of belief. A person can believe in something they haven’t verified (God, aliens, reincarnation), and they can believe in something they have verified (fire is hot, gravity pulls things down). Its not exclusive. Rather than invent new definitions its easier just to use the established one - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/belief Truth is simply the fact of how something is, so yes truth exists regardless of whether there is someone there to observe/discover it.
  22. @Devin I think the evidence for the contrary is on display in your actions on this forum, and no doubt in everyday reality, so there is some mismatch here. Every button press to respond to any post here shows belief in a number of outcomes, as well as belief in the validity of the content. Given that we are all acting as if certain things are true, then for all practical purposes there are indeed truths out there, and while we can engage in thought experiments to play with such concepts then this becomes impractical once we interact with the material reality. Bringing this back to the subject of the thread (Leo) then I have no problem with him having opinions or voicing his ideas, but when he makes objective claims about material reality that are objectively wrong, then it is appropriate to call him out on his nonsense. Such examples have no nuance to be factored in, and the belief that nuance is required (a point you have stated) is a contradiction to the idea that nothing is true.
  23. @Devin Can you be more specific here? Are you saying that literally anything that a person can believe is not true? If so then I would disagree with that statement.
  24. @Devin For the most part I would agree with you, but I think there is a major difference in "getting to the meat of what he teaches" and the reality that he sprays a fire hose of content, and while some of it is sound, some of it is blatantly ridiculous, and there is the spectrum of everything in between. As time goes on he definitely seems to be drifting more to the ridiculous side of things with increased frequency. I would agree its easy to take snippets of what he says and conflate them into "Shock Horror!", and I see that happening to some degree within this thread. That said it is also possible to take snippets which accurately capture his exact belief or opinion, and don't require any kind of deeper lore to process. Sometimes he just blurts out total bollocks and thats all there is to it.
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