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Adeptus Psychonautica

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Everything posted by Adeptus Psychonautica

  1. @Jonas Long I would agree thst transgenderism itself is not an ideology, but there is a ideological movement around this topic. Again lets not equate one with the other. I did not state that trans people should not have rights, nor have I even stated my position on this topic, simply that I find the conflation of criticism to genocide nonsensical.
  2. @Jonas Long you don’t need me to repeat the opposing concerns around this debate. They are all over the news/internet so go find them yourself. You don’t even have to go too far into the right, the Contrapoints video posted earlier lists several concerns, so maybe start there if you are genuinely looking to understand the debate. Again though this is somewhat missing the point, which is the somewhat hysterical leap from criticism of an ideology to genocide.
  3. @Jonas Long granted its not a 1:1 comparison, between these conditions, nor was it intended to be. The purpose was to highlight that the leap from having concerns about the condition does not equate to wishing death upon those that have the condition.
  4. I think there is logical misfire here between the condition, the people with that condition, and the ideology that has sprung up around the topic. As an example to give the conversation a bit of breathing room lets use another form of body dysphoria - anorexia. It is entirely reasonable to say that anorexia is not a good thing, to wish that no-one had to suffer from anorexia, without jumping to the conclusion that such thoughts equate to anorexia genocide. Anorexia is a condition that is generally perceived as something to be avoided and treated rather than affirmed, but the anorexics themselves strongly identify with their condition - it is THEM, and to get them to see otherwise takes years of therapy (you might call it conversion therapy). Of course people with anorexia should absolutely be treated with respect and compassion, and while I see no problem with wishing that anorexia did not exist, that does not mean I want the people affected by anorexia to literally die. Now if there was an ideology out there attempting to affirm people with anorexia, and creating legislature that prevented criticism of that ideology then I would find that very concerning. No doubt there are extreme people out there who do wish harm on trans people, but its dishonest to paint that level of extremism as the face of any possible debate around the trans topic - and that is exactly what has happened in this thread.
  5. By your reply I can see that you are sensitive to this discussion and there may be underlying trauma there, hence the "trigger". There is always a teaching/lesson being played out. I trust you will realize it.
  6. @Pluto When I scratch my skin I do not justify my actions by claiming that rainbow aliens told me it was what my skin wanted - that part would be the spiritual bypassing that is being discussed. Whether right or wrongs exist has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Thanks for the perfect illustration of spiritual bypassing.
  7. This is probably my favourite post on this entire forum.
  8. LOL, the desperation for affirmation is strong with this one 🙂 Hypothetically even if I wanted to talk exclusively about Actualized, then that doesn’t require you to represent Actualized, and as you have said - you also publicly disagree with Leo on certain topics, so why not discuss them? Realistically though any conversation with you is going to refer to Actualized in some shape or form, thats the only gimmick you have. You have my email address if you ever want to take up the offer.
  9. Cool. I’d also like to correct you on the below, because you also seem to be pulling a few details out of your arse to massage the narrative. On each occasion I have offered you a conversation, then it has ONLY EVER been as you, and this has been quite clear. The context has always been that YOU have been arguing something and so I say something to the tune of “Dave, you are welcome to come and have a real time chat about it” Never once have I asked you to represent Actualized, and we can look through previous comments on this forum to verify that. So please don’t hide behind this lame excuse as though I was trying to make you speak on Leo’s behalf, thats complete bullshit and you know it. The truth is somewhere between that you are too scared to step up, and that Leo has forbidden you from doing it - the master has spoken 🫡
  10. Its only different in your mind because you desperately need to perform mental gymnastics and dig yourself out of this ridiculous corner you have backed yourself into. Just be a big boy and admit you got caught talking bollocks. Its not that hard, especially for someone like you who has humility 🤣🤣🤣
  11. It’s entirely accurate based upon the standard definition posted below. ”behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrisy You clearly stated multiple times that you believe it is cowardly to redirect someone to another source for context, but then you do exactly that. That is hypocritical, you are being a hypocrite - period.
  12. Just to be clear - of course you don’t need to paste it all here, that would be ABSURD, and someone who seriously expected someone to to that would be ABSURD… I was joking to highlight your hypocrisy. I would have thought that was obvious, but oh well… Dude, I doubt you could even break wind, let alone break me 🤣 I actually think conversation is like rocket science for you, it certainly seems too complex for you to grasp the basics 😜
  13. Its no deflection, rather its a perfect example of your inconsistency, argumentative incompetence, and hypocrisy. 😀 1. No you didn’t anticipate it. 2. Yes by your own rules you MUST paste in all the different conversations HERE. 3. Sounds like someone is having a tantrum 🤣
  14. So let me get this straight - you want me, to go reference another source of information on the Actualized website, in order to provide context for THIS conversation? Let that sink in for a moment… 😀 😆 🤣 #ChickenShit #RunningAway #MassiveHypocrite PS: Leo is your master.
  15. No mate you misunderstand, pay attention to the words. I didn't say that Leo was your guru, and whether or not he is "awakened" (ugh) is irrelevant to the point at hand. What I said is that he is your MASTER, as in he OWNS you. I thought this would be fairly clear from the specific example I gave you of having to ask his permission to be able to speak to me, but I know you aren't the best at understanding context so let me spell it out for you. You are subservient to him You do what he tells you to He dictates who you can speak to He has leverage over you You desperately desire his favor You get triggered if someone criticizes him He is your MASTER, you are his LAPDOG I would bet my ass that if he told you never to come to this forum again then that would be the last we would see of you (please Leo... make this happen 🙏). Again, context. The conversation referenced was specifically a proposed ACTUAL REAL CONVERSATION BETWEEN YOU AND I, which you agreed to but then backed out of, with the excuse given that "Leo said no"... cringe. This is hardly a "spiritual conversation". You asked one question about my thoughts on spirituality, and were pointed towards a video which contains those thoughts - this is a perfectly reasonable and common thing to do on any forum. Phil does it, Leo does it, fucking EVERYONE does it, but if you want to delude yourself that this equals me running away from you - even as I dismantle your never-ending fire hydrant of bullshit, then you go for it mate. Any normal person who was actually interested in a good faith conversation would just watch the video, and come back with whatever questions they had in order to start the dialogue. What a normal good faith person doesn't do, is act like an entitled manbaby and demand that someone retypes their work on an internet forum. Most normal people would consider that to be an unreasonable request. So no, I'm not running away from you - get real 🤣. As previously stated I am actually politely telling you (moderator edit) , but even having that bluntly pointed out in no uncertain terms wasnt enough for you to get the message. Perhaps if you can demonstrate at some later date that you can approach a conversation in good faith then I might engage with it, but until then I will simply continue to amuse myself by berating your buffoonery 😄 You are out of your mind if you think you demonstrate ANY of the character traits which you keep proclaiming you have. What you actually demonstrate is the EXACT OPPOSITE, to the point of comedy. Here are some classics... "I am a defender of truth!" - sandwiched between a torrent of complete bullshit "I have humility!" - proudly boasted in order to win an argument "I am enlightened/awakened" - usually the preface to acting like a complete egotistical bell-end Hence the Trump comparison because he is notorious for similar obnoxious behaviour.
  16. Most of these aren’t actually examples of spiritual bypassing, but rather annoying things that “spiritual” people might do (usually more new-age types). The typical definition is… “Spiritual bypassing involves using spiritual explanations to dismiss or avoid complicated emotions or psychological issues.” An example would be a woman justifying an abortion because she believes that the baby didn’t actually want to be born, and the pregnancy was just a test from God to see if she had the fortitude to continue her spiritual work. Thats a real example from someone I know btw, and yes she is fucking nuts.
  17. You stated that something I said was “the lamest comment on any forum ever”, seemingly on the basis of its curtness, so it seemed perfectly relevant to draw your attention to the extreme behavior of your beloved master. I appreciate that you tend to need things spelling out for you so here we go… I think screeching that you will kill people who disagree with your spiritual ideology is FAR LAMER than any comment of mine - by orders of magnitude. That was my point, and ye gods it is tedious constantly having to explain basic conversational flow to you. You are simply not capable of following any thread. You say this like you don’t piss your knickers and run to Leo anytime there is a risk of an actual conversation 🤣 ”Sorry, Leo said I’m not allowed to talk to you” I cringed for you mate. That was truly pathetic. Errrrr… you serious??? No you don’t, or at least you demonstrate very little of it. You are like a spiritual Donald Trump 😀
  18. I doubt it, after all you are a mod on Actualized.org. I hear there is a guy there who threatens to KILL PEOPLE if they disagree with him 😀 Look dude, don’t get stroppy. I have never hidden my disdain for you, and I have fairly extensively detailed the reasons for that disdain. Its simply that I think you are stupid and incapable of good faith discussion, and we have pages of examples to validate that - possibly this is due to your genetics 🤣 Please don’t humble yourself on my account, please don’t @mention me in threads or send me emails because you are thirsty for my attention, please don’t try and exchange wits which you are sorely lacking. I hope this clears things up to prevent any future butthurt.
  19. Firstly because you are a big boy and you don’t need me to spoon feed you. Secondly because I have no inclination to repeat work I have already created just for your benefit. Thirdly because its a polite way of telling you to go fuck yourself 😀 Now if you have a genuine interest then get off your arse and go interact with what you yourself have stated you would like to hear from me.
  20. Ah… because just a few comments ago you were having a tantrum about how little you care about my opinions and ideas - but we both know thats not true don’t we 😀 Here is a radical thought - If you want to know my ideas on spirituality feel free to check out my YouTube channel! You know the place where I “take the time to share my own thoughts on such topics”… duh Again, try thinking these comments through before you blurt them out. None of them make any sense! 🤣
  21. Maybe but I really don’t think so. I doubt he even knows he is doing it, and you only need to read through a few of his comments to see how suggestible he is.
  22. Thats not much of a truth bomb mate, its fairly well established that I enjoy dismantling out irrational and delusional comments. I’ve said so myself many times on this forum, do try and keep up. PS: You are doing that suggestible thing again! I say “try this”, you immediately reply with “try this”. I say “under your skin”, you immediately reply with “under your skin”. Its so funny, you are like a mindless puppet 🤣
  23. Settle down captain overreaction… no one is saying you can’t be the judge of your own intuition. I gotta say though, the way you keep trying to get my attention sure looks like my opinion (or at least my attention) matters to you. I think it really gets under your skin how effortlessly I dominate you in these forums. Just my opinion! 😀
  24. I wouldn’t put too much stock in your intuition mate, I don’t think it serves you particularly well. Its my opinion that this thread is bonkers - thanks for asking 😀
  25. Gosh, you can tell all that just by my pointing out the factual inconsistency in your comment? OK 🤣
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