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From the mass amount of threads and posts on this forum from men wanting to meet and use women for sex it seems chivalry is dead! 


What happened to men being deceit and asking a women out on a date? Buy them a meal or go to a movie? Do a little work in courting them? Sure there will be the occasional women that'll "put out" without being treated deceit, but unless all they want is sex they will live and learn. Being used for sex doesn't feel good I'm sure.

Seems more and more men want women to come to their bedroom for their first date, offer them water and expect sex... or their disappointed. Wtf? 


I find this very disturbing. These threads feel more and more like younger men are now predators that women should beware of, some even are so desperate for sex it is worrisome that they may one day just "take" what they want and actually, some men do this. Scary!


Well, the women that want a man that treats them well. Will demand it and if you don't, you won't have a chance, unless they haven't learned this is something they can actually get in life.


If all you want is sex, then I'd make sure the women knows this is the intention, some may be okay with this, but otherwise you are just using them in my opinion. 



You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
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Young women nowadays are aware of this. 

They aren't far away from being like it themselves. 


Depends on what you mean by young.

But the online dating sites work well for a reason.


I don't think many men will raise their behavior like that as long as they don't see women asking for better.



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Trust the intelligence we all have. We're not monsters who're scary lol. 


The greatest influences in my life were the people who never told me what to do, but they lead by action/example and I absorbed as much of it as possible. 


The solution isn't people saying treat women better, but to simply feel good and listen to source, and then others will see you and absorb it as well AS LONG as you don't talk about it, or make it some big thing.


The less you impose, the less resistance others have to absorbing your vibe, that's the best way I could word It. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I think that the "no child left behind act" meant kids had to be up to par only in academics, but then kids aren't given enough time for socialization in schools and those who it doesn't come naturally to (more often boys) are not assisted in learning social skills early on, therefore they may not highly value relationships or know how to begin to build them, so we are partly seeing the effects of this. Just a theory. 

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19 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I think that the "no child left behind act" meant kids had to be up to par only in academics

Infuriating, since that would actually be a hinderence to academics.


I don't know if people need to learn socializing more than relating to.

Edited by Eothasian

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1 minute ago, Eothasian said:

Infuriating, since that would actually be a hinderence to academics.


I don't know if people need to learn socializing more than empathing.

Yes, I agree, empathy or emotional intelligence, etc, I'm seeing it being brought into schools much more now though. We aren't giving kids enough freedom to play and socialize, and foster their own interests IMO. But that's sorta of a whole nother subject. 

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As far as I can deduce, the mindset referred to in this thread which is commonly seen on this forum in the Friendship, Dating, Relationships & Sexuality section initially seems to pan out conceptually, yet socially or un-isolated, doesn’t pan out in practice. As far as I can tell, it does not originate from nor is indicative of this forum, in so far as the staff involved in this forum, nor of any of the content (comments on this forum, websites, videos, etc) of the staff of this forum, myself included. This mindset seems to be a uniquely traceable spillover which derives from a much deeper misunderstanding than just that of the symptomatic topical matters it arises as on this forum sub-section. 


It seems some members, though of course welcomed, are arriving here essentially quite innocently confused and are expressing the fallout & shortcomings this mindset has manifested as in their lives, relationships ongoings and dating endeavors, in an effort to heal from the psychological mis-leadership, damage & discord of this mindset, most often unbeknownst to the very listeners or followers of this information, resulting in seeking help dispelling & emptying of this, and therein realizing clarity and re-alignment from this. 


The mindset seems to originate from a targeted marketing of immature teachings which are essentially a self serving aggrandizing of the ego or separate self, via an unchecked & unregulated misappropriation & purporting of the nondual message as solipsistic panpsychism, or, the ignorance that objects are conscious, yet you are the only conscious object. This seems to create a confused message of humans as objects have varying degrees & levels of consciousness, combined with a portrayal that this mindset is indicative of higher-than-you (the listener) ‘separate-self-wisdom’, or more accurately, a purporting that the mindset & advice therein is coming from the highest of the highest of conscious humans to ever have existed. This mindset also seems to arise from a psychedelic induced spiritual ego, combined with aversion and an absence of inspection of thoughts in regard to the separate self referential beliefs. 


When delivered with a facade of substance through well practiced confidence, conviction & a false but highly convincing impression of sured-ness & authority, this message seems to have it’s greatest effect on youth in an unseen, unchecked, unnoticed manor, to the tune of the attempting to implement the underlying objectification of people inherent in panpsychism with a conviction in understanding what ‘being or becoming a man’ means, most unfortunately resulting in the objectification of women, via seeking happiness from a solipsistic objectifying panpsychist & deeply discordant and confused lens.




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So, I wasn't blaming this forum for these type of threads, so much as maybe saying that they really just are not appropriate, imo, on a spiritual form that has men AND women on it.  I personally don't want to read that crap. It was unfortunately acceptable on Actualized.org and so here we are again. 🙄


Anyways, I know a few women that were date raped, one with the date rape drug. She woke up in the middle of the act. 


So, no, I don't want to give you advice on this forum how you can just go fuck someone because you have low self esteem and want nothing but sex with complete disregard for the women you're objectifying...


As I said before though if all you want is sex and find another adult that only wants this too, then fantastic, but more often then not, we are talking about manipulating a woman that thinks she's going on some sorta "date" into having sex instead. 






You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
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51 minutes ago, Faith said:

we are talking about manipulating a woman that thinks she's going on some sorta "date" into having sex instead.

What do you mean, like a false bait for a sex tape shoot?

Edited by Eothasian

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12 minutes ago, Eothasian said:

What do you mean, like a false bait for a sex tape shoot?

No. Just what I said. She thinks they will have a date (talk and get to know each other, maybe kiss a bit)  and instead he's all over her trying to get her pants off! 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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5 minutes ago, Faith said:

No. Just what I said. She thinks they will have a date (talk and get to know each other, maybe kiss a bit)  and instead he's all over her trying to get her pants off! 

Disappointing indeed. But she can walk away.

It's fairly easy to spot this intention, but I guess hard to resist for some.

Edited by Eothasian

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15 minutes ago, Eothasian said:

But she can walk away.

Some men make this difficult. I won't get into "how" difficult, but use your imagination. Some don't recognize also that "no" means "no". 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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The answer to every problem is listening to source! Promise I'm not a dogmatic guy but this is the case! 


Can't you feel how shitty it feels to either oppose or heavily support something, just do you! 🤷‍♂️

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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4 minutes ago, Faith said:

Some men make this difficult. I won't get into "how" difficult, but use your imagination. Some don't recognize also that "no" means "no". 

I suppose so, yes.

It happened to a girl I was close with.


But anyway, what I wanted to say is, in my perception of a lot of women on dating sites and  irl they seem to be on a similar plane as the men.

Just as a generalization. Not that I encourage this behavior.

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11 minutes ago, Alexander said:

@Faith I think you are overreacting.


Again, for the third time, if it's completely consensual up front that that is what the woman also wants (just sex or friends with benefits), then I'm good with that, but If that's not the case....then it's scummy manipulation tactics and we all know what I mean. 





You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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