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Im Skeptical of LOA


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Sorry, I just cant fully accept this. 


Ive seen videos on LOA and exposing the shadiness of Esther/Jerry Hicks. I did this in order to keep an open mind, I couldnt just stay in denial for the possibility that im being scammed here.


I didnt want to let it go because id have to face the reality that im just a guy with some problems to resolve.


Ive watched many of abrahams videos and while some are nice, most of them arent really helpful. For example I spend most of my days doing nothing, by nothing I mean not even brushing my teeth. I watched a video from Abraham and how to overcome laziness and they said that you should be lazy and wait to get into the vortex, they also say not to do anything unless youre in the vortex. But isnt this the same thing that everyone is already doing? 


There doesnt seem to be a difference between a guy saying "Ill start doing that thing once I feel motivated to do it." and "I will wait until im in the vortex to do this.".


Most lazy guys like me have already been doing this from the start "Once I get motivated/In the Vortex, then ill do that thing.".


Im also naturally skeptical when someone is charging THOUSANDS of dollars to go on a cruise and listen to her message. If I discovered this power, id be charging people like 5-20 bucks at the most to listen to it.


For those of you who are into LOA, are you aware of the "dark side" of Esther and Jerry? Have you actually researched into the origins of the abraham business?


Like gee, very convenient that some rich lady who married an MLM marketer suddenly became a channeler and making money off of it. 


How come we never see people who started from NOTHING and then use LOA and succeed?


I have yet to see someone who came from absolutely nothing to living in riches from using LOA, for some reason all these LOA teachers are always people whove always been rich. 


Theyve even tried to copyright the word Law of Attraction, like what the fuck.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Have you given any money to Esther Hicks? Have you other teachers? I recognized LOA in stories of rags to riches and in my own life before I even discovered the original teaching. It's not about the teacher, which is exactly why she doesn't present it as coming from Esther in the first place. 


You are just a guy with problems to resolve, so is every other guy or girl on the planet. We are also unconditional love and infinite intelligence. What a beautiful mess. So what? 

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8 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Have you given any money to Esther Hicks? Have you other teachers?

@Mandy Yes, Ive bought two of her books, I also pay a youtube subscription which gives her money through the views she gets on her videos. And she charges 1000s of dollars to attend her workshops, this is insane. Why not charge less? I mean if you wanna help people why charge so much money?


8 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I recognized LOA in stories of rags to riches and in my own life before I even discovered the original teaching. It's not about the teacher, which is exactly why she doesn't present it as coming from Esther in the first place. 


I dont know, just seems too convenient, I dont like it. We see what we look for, if youre looking for LOA to be proven in other peoples stories, then it seems you can easily be convinced its because of LOA. 


8 minutes ago, Mandy said:

You are just a guy with problems to resolve, so is every other guy or girl on the planet. We are also unconditional love and infinite intelligence. What a beautiful mess. So what? 


I dont actually have any certainty that im love/intelligence, I really cannot know.


Im desperate for success and living better, im young and confused, and ive been exploited by people due to this. How do I know im not being exploited now?


I want concrete results, if this LOA stuff works why dont people just use it and move on, how come people keep asking questions? If youve had the answer/solution, the impulse to ask more questions should go away imo.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Why and how exactly do you feel exploited? I see it very differently. If you want to pay for sessions, books, subscriptions, you are free to do so just like with Netflix or anything else. Esther's seminars were $100 something back in the day for a whole day seminar.  Now only after covid she only offers cruises. Her youtube videos are free online. Myself and others here are very giving of our time to you and others. I've never asked you for anything . Phil pays $140 a month for this forum software for everyone to use for free. So what exactly is this fear of exploitation? 

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13 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Why and how exactly do you feel exploited?

@Mandy I feel exploited because im a young guy confused by the world, none of this makes any sense, and then tons of people who are older than me claim to know what this is or that there is an answer for all this. Like im freaking out here, life is tough and crazy and none of it makes sense!


13 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I see it very differently. If you want to pay for sessions, books, subscriptions, you are free to do so just like with Netflix or anything else. Esther's seminars were $100 something back in the day for a whole day seminar.  Now only after covid she only offers cruises. 

Why does she only offer cruises now? 


And those subscriptions/books/sessions are all crafted ingeniously by society, we create a fucked up society then we create all of the medicines to make ourselves feel better, put a fee on it, and say you have a choice to pay for this. This creates the illusion of choice. Like making everyone sick then saying hey you have a choice to pay for the medicine. 


13 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I've never asked you for anything . Phil pays $140 a month for this forum software for everyone to use for free. So what exactly is this fear of exploitation? 

I appreciate that! ❤️So far you guys are the only ones im seeing who dont exploit others. I'd do the same thing if I was able to live by example, one day I will.


The fear of exploitation is there because ive been exploited before, ive nearly joined an amway MLM scheme when I was younger, I was sucked into the Actualized.org mind-hive, and im never letting that happen again. 


Im never blindly accepting anything again, im gonna question everything, not because im trying to prove im smart, but because im desperate to find something that makes sense or makes me feel better. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, Orb said:

Sorry, I just cant fully accept this. 

Conversationally wise, great thread. 


Just sharing what comes to mind, two cents, in the sentiment it might be clarifying and or helpful, cause loa certainly can be ‘tricky’ in precisely this way.

What comes to mind is… what is loa, and what is skepticism. 


Loa (Abe wise) is basically:

We are vibrational beings, of a source which you eternally are, and therein you are the creator of your reality. 


Skepticism (noun):

A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety. synonym: uncertainty.

The ancient school of Pyrrho of Elis that stressed the uncertainty of our beliefs in order to oppose dogmatism.

The doctrine that absolute knowledge is impossible, either in a particular domain or in general.


There’s some relevance that skepticism is said to be a noun, a thing, and a state, also as a noun, a thing. 

There’s more relevance in that skepticism is said to be synonymous with uncertainty. 

My sentiment & understanding is that it is good to question ‘things’. Doubt, which is felt, is going to far. It is enough to not believe what you hear. 

I don’t feel any inclination to ‘stress the uncertainty of our beliefs in order to oppose dogmatism’. It is enough not to believe what you hear. Opposing, opposition, is going to far. 


I agree that absolute knowledge is impossible, but feel more that the term “absolute knowledge” is in & of itself a misnomer, as what is absolute can not therein also be said to be, any thing. There are purports of this. Believers of thoughts, and claimer’s of this. What missed per se, is the purporter, the claimed, the knowledge, are the vibrational appearance of absolute. 


Knowledge is very interesting, but the relevance here, at least in what I’m expressing, is that knowledge is also definitely, a noun or ‘thing’. If there is an absolute, all ‘things’ are an appearance of, absolute. Very much so to speak, direct experience reveals this. Quantum mechanics also reveals this, and yet quantum mechanics also is This (vibrational appearance of absolute). Direct experience also is This.  


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Ive seen videos on LOA and exposing the shadiness of Esther/Jerry Hicks. I did this in order to keep an open mind, I couldnt just stay in denial for the possibility that im being scammed here.

I did that too. I hear ya. I have no vetted interest at all in convincing anyone of anything about loa. I did notice though, that there is denial for the possibility that loa is a scam, and there is also the possibility of denial of loa. Also, like @Mandy pointed out, there is the distinction of The Teachings of Abraham, and the ongoing’s of Jerry and or Esther. A teaching which derives from the teachings of Jesus (Ask & It Is Given), who said I & My Father are One. There might be some denial of Self, of Truth. Denial’s a bit too heavy of a word. An inquiry of, or questioning of might be more accurate. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


I didnt want to let it go because id have to face the reality that im just a guy with some problems to resolve.

That would be a duality of reality, which is to say that would be the activity of thought… a guy & problems. The relevance is that that would be a believing of thoughts, or, a belief. What is said to be let go here, is largely that there isn’t per se a problem, that All is Well, that you can, that you are capable, that you are the creator of your reality. Also and perhaps most relevant, it is not said that one can attract in a past. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


Ive watched many of abrahams videos and while some are nice, most of them arent really helpful. For example I spend most of my days doing nothing, by nothing I mean not even brushing my teeth. I watched a video from Abraham and how to overcome laziness and they said that you should be lazy and wait to get into the vortex, they also say not to do anything unless youre in the vortex. But isnt this the same thing that everyone is already doing? 

The vortex is the fullness of all ‘the stuff’ desired from all you’ve experienced. Being in the vortex is allowing the manifestation of what is in your vortex, and this is a letting go of ‘a past’ and a letting go of a defining yourself by it. These are two different approaches, or so to speak, two different focuses. Letting go of discordant thoughts, is different that overcoming discordant thoughts. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

There doesnt seem to be a difference between a guy saying "Ill start doing that thing once I feel motivated to do it." and "I will wait until im in the vortex to do this.".

Being in the vortex is letting go of ‘a past’, which is imo loving thoughts, letting discordant thoughts go, and not resisting, opposing or ‘clinging to’ thoughts. Generally, letting go of discordant thoughts, which is different that overcoming. Getting in the vortex is a letting go of discord, which isn’t quite the same as waiting until (if that feels discordant), like motivation isn’t quite the same distinction wise, as inspiration. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


Most lazy guys like me have already been doing this from the start "Once I get motivated/In the Vortex, then ill do that thing.".

Going back to (above at the very top) what loa is / is stating… you are not a ‘lazy guy’. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


Im also naturally skeptical when someone is charging THOUSANDS of dollars to go on a cruise and listen to her message. If I discovered this power, id be charging people like 5-20 bucks at the most to listen to it.

That might afford a fishing boat. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


For those of you who are into LOA, are you aware of the "dark side" of Esther and Jerry? Have you actually researched into the origins of the abraham business?

As vibration, none of us are perfect beings. As that which is vibrationally appearing, there is only perfection. 

If that which is real, infinite unconditional love, appears as reality… because infinite can not know finite… the appearance will say… there is no ‘real’ magic. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


Like gee, very convenient that some rich lady who married an MLM marketer suddenly became a channeler and making money off of it. 

Channeling occurs of the quiet non-discordant, or, meditative mind, and is a non-activity listening more than an activity-thinking, and is a ‘matter’ of vibrational resonance, or, receiving. Aside, all are free to offer services and charge for them. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


How come we never see people who started from NOTHING and then use LOA and succeed?


I have yet to see someone who came from absolutely nothing to living in riches from using LOA, for some reason all these LOA teachers are always people whove always been rich. 


Theyve even tried to copyright the word Law of Attraction, like what the fuck.

Loa is said to applicable to all, a universal immutable law. And just for clarity’s sake, I’m only talking about Abe / the teachings of. 


If interested, she talks specifically about this & laziness in this clip. 



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55 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Mandy I feel exploited because im a young guy confused by the world, none of this makes any sense, and then tons of people who are older than me claim to know what this is or that there is an answer for all this. Like im freaking out here, life is tough and crazy and none of it makes sense!

You are experiencing doubt, express disappointment. You thought this was an out, a quick fix, you pinned hopes on "it". There is no "it". Disappointing. Freeing.  Forget I wrote that. Stick with disappointment. 


55 minutes ago, Orb said:

Why does she only offer cruises now? 

Not sure, my guess is that the hotels she used to host seminars might not allow events because of covid. Cruise ships are back online and have been for a long time. 

55 minutes ago, Orb said:

And those subscriptions/books/sessions are all crafted ingeniously by society, we create a fucked up society then we create all of the medicines to make ourselves feel better, put a fee on it, and say you have a choice to pay for this. This creates the illusion of choice. Like making everyone sick then saying hey you have a choice to pay for the medicine. 

You could also say that the Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Tolle, Jesus, and many many others were pioneers that paved the way for easier and more accessible teachings. The balls it took Esther to come out to the public with a "channeled message" especially at that time is incredible. Jane Roberts paved the way for her. The internet (let me remind you, it's a fairly new invention young-un) makes it possible and easy both to do this for free, OR to make big bucks if you want. Is that awesome, or is that awesome?  As a young person you are benefiting from the desires of millions who went before you. You are living the benefit many dreamed, lived and died and never saw. 

55 minutes ago, Orb said:

I appreciate that! ❤️So far you guys are the only ones im seeing who dont exploit others. I'd do the same thing if I was able to live by example, one day I will.


The fear of exploitation is there because ive been exploited before, ive nearly joined an amway MLM scheme when I was younger, I was sucked into the Actualized.org mind-hive, and im never letting that happen again. 

I don't buy this. You separated out thought camps to make us ok and others not ok, and then you cited past experience. I think there's a much deeper revelation here.


I think that you pin your hopes on money and unimaginative ideas of success. I think you haven't quite seen what you/LOA is capable of, I suspect that you haven't quite tapped into knowing what you reeeeallly want. It's easy to want the nice business and the nice house and the hot girlfriend, or to  get frustrated by those wants and disregard that and want the monk's life, but most of us have desires that are both completely unique and completely universal. 


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12 minutes ago, Phil said:

I did that too. I hear ya. I have no vetted interest at all in convincing anyone of anything about loa. I did notice though, that there is denial for the possibility that loa is a scam, and there is also the possibility of denial of loa. Also, like @Mandy pointed out, there is the distinction of The Teachings of Abraham, and the ongoing’s of Jerry and or Esther. A teaching which derives from the teachings of Jesus (Ask & It Is Given), who said I & My Father are One. There might be some denial of Self, of Truth. Denial’s a bit too heavy of a word. An inquiry of, or questioning of might be more accurate. 

@Phil  but what you teach should be reflected in how you live your life. If youre living a life thats incongruent with what you say, isnt that deluding oneself and others?


I dont want to hold anything as a belief, if I accept LOA then it will only be a belief system, I dont want to spend my life only thinking positively and believing in LOA. I want freedom from all the beliefs, I want silence.


Im pretty sure im denying Truth or I dont even know, what I do know is I cant blindly believe in something. 


16 minutes ago, Phil said:

That would be a duality of reality, which is to say that would be the activity of thought… a guy & problems. The relevance is that that would be a believing of thoughts, or, a belief. What is said to be let go here, is largely that there isn’t per se a problem, that All is Well, that you can, that you are capable, that you are the creator of your reality.


This is nice, but I can only hold that as a belief, I want to see that and not just believe it, its very frustrating. 


I dont know how to let go, when im meditating thoughts arise and leave on their own, Im not doing anything.


19 minutes ago, Phil said:

Also and perhaps most relevant, it is not said that one can attract in a past. 

The vortex is the fullness of all ‘the stuff’ desired from all you’ve experienced. Being in the vortex is allowing the manifestation of what is in your vortex, and this is a letting go of ‘a past’ and a letting go of a defining yourself by it. These are two different approaches, or so to speak, two different focuses. Letting go of discordant thoughts, is different that overcoming discordant thoughts. 

Once again I dont know how to let go. 


I dont know how to do this, if I could do it i'd do it right now. I want the relief now, I dont want to meditate for months/years, I want to get out of this rut now. 


Every spiritual practice is still something that takes months/years to see the fruits of. I dont want to do work, I also dont want to do the spiritual work, this is whats driving me crazy. 


I wake up every day not wanting to do anything, but everything must be done for a long time to see the fruits of it, I can barely brush me teeth in the morning. 


24 minutes ago, Phil said:

That might afford a fishing boat. 

I get it if you got multiple sources of income and you wanna charge a couple bucks for this stuff. But if youre charging 1000s of dollars (like in the 10,000s) for some seminar what the hell?!


25 minutes ago, Phil said:

As vibration, none of us are perfect beings. As that which is vibrationally appearing, there is only perfection. 

If that which is real, infinite unconditional love, appears as reality… because infinite can not know finite… the appearance will say… there is no ‘real’ magic. 


I dont understand this.


27 minutes ago, Phil said:

Channeling occurs of the quiet non-discordant, or, meditative mind, and is a non-activity listening more than an activity-thinking, and is a ‘matter’ of vibrational resonance, or, receiving. Aside, all are free to offer services and charge for them. 

Loa is said to applicable to all, a universal immutable law. And just for clarity’s sake, I’m only talking about Abe / the teachings of. 


Why couldnt she just word it like how you did, whyd she make it so vague?

Im being petty right now. 


28 minutes ago, Phil said:

There’s some relevance that skepticism is said to be a noun, a thing, and a state, also as a noun, a thing. 

There’s more relevance in that skepticism is said to be synonymous with uncertainty. 

My sentiment & understanding is that it is good to question ‘things’. Doubt, which is felt, is going to far. It is enough to not believe what you hear. 

I don’t feel any inclination to ‘stress the uncertainty of our beliefs in order to oppose dogmatism’. It is enough not to believe what you hear. Opposing, opposition, is going to far. 

I get that, but it just makes me mad. 


It seems unfair to me that someone who was already rich and had everything taken care of luckily came into contact with abraham. Like how come some homeless guy wasnt lucky enough to channel abraham. 


How can someone whos always been rich give people advice who are suicidal,lost,confused,etc.?





"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 minute ago, Orb said:

 Like how come some homeless guy wasnt lucky enough to channel abraham. 


They do. All the time. No one gives a fuck. No one comes to his seminars, no one gets mad and calls him a scammer (or maybe they do) but no one calls him a great teacher either. 

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23 minutes ago, Mandy said:

You are experiencing doubt, express disappointment. You thought this was an out, a quick fix, you pinned hopes on "it". There is no "it". Disappointing. Freeing.  Forget I wrote that. Stick with disappointment. 


@Mandy yea I am disappointed.


23 minutes ago, Mandy said:

You could also say that the Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Tolle, Jesus, and many many others were pioneers that paved the way for easier and more accessible teachings. The balls it took Esther to come out to the public with a "channeled message" especially at that time is incredible. Jane Roberts paved the way for her. The internet (let me remind you, it's a fairly new invention young-un) makes it possible and easy both to do this for free, OR to make big bucks if you want. Is that awesome, or is that awesome?  As a young person you are benefiting from the desires of millions who went before you. You are living the benefit many dreamed, lived and died and never saw. 


That is good, I wanna be mad about something but I must admit this is good.


23 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I don't buy this. You separated out thought camps to make us ok and others not ok, and then you cited past experience. I think there's a much deeper revelation here.


I think that you pin your hopes on money and unimaginative ideas of success. I think you haven't quite seen what you/LOA is capable of, I suspect that you haven't quite tapped into knowing what you reeeeallly want. It's easy to want the nice business and the nice house and the hot girlfriend, or to  get frustrated by those wants and disregard that and want the monk's life, but most of us have desires that are both completely unique and completely universal. 



Whats the deeper revelation?


Ive told everyone im doing this real estate stuff, im stuck with this, if my mom finds out I wanna do something else she'll freak out!

I need to do this, I need to make the money to get out of here, I want out!


Theres things that come up of what I really want, they are embarrassing and completely out of character for who I am now! Plus its too late for me, in my teen years I couldve experimented with these things, now I gotta pay for stuff and survive. 


Im too embarrassed to do the things I reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllly want, plus itll take too much time to develop the skills, so many people are already ahead of me. 


Ive never told ANYONE the deep desires within me, to bring em out is too embarrassing for me, I cant do it. 


If my mom found out I was dropping real estate for this, she'd be like wtf, Im living under her roof, I cant just switch careers because of this. 


Ive invested so much time in real estate, I cant just drop it, plus I think I really do want that. 


So my time invested in real estate is a waste? Am I gonna be miserable doing real estate as well?


Im freaking out now. 


17 minutes ago, Mandy said:

They do. All the time. No one gives a fuck. No one comes to his seminars, no one gets mad and calls him a scammer (or maybe they do) but no one calls him a great teacher either. 


I cant say much on this as I have no direct experience of a homeless guy being blessed by abraham. Usually theyre holding up signs for money/food in my neighborhood.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Orb I was active on another Abraham Hicks thread earlier this year. In fact, I think I started it. 


First, I'm with you Orb, I am skeptical of Law of Attraction and the Secret too. 


I wrote a lot in the previous thread. I won't rehash it. 


I'll just say that sometimes the dharma is like a cafeteria. You don't have to take everything. There's no reason to feel guilty for not

believing in anything. Even in Buddhism which emphasizes rebirth and karma -- you still don't have to believe in it according to the suttas. 

Just don't reject them outright. You're free to be agnostic about it. There's also "light" versions of views. I don't believe karma is everything, but I

do think that actions (karma) produce results. A drug dealer may end up dead at a young age because of their karma. Many people have become awakened and didn't believe or follow Law of Attraction. My path, evidently, does not include Law of Attraction. 




“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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8 minutes ago, Orb said:

Theres things that come up of what I really want, they are embarrassing and completely out of character for who I am now! 

"Out of character" outside the ego? This. Is. Where. It's. At. 

8 minutes ago, Orb said:

Im too embarrassed to do the things I reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllly want, plus itll take too much time to develop the skills, so many people are already ahead of me.

Which is it, are you old, or are you young? People who live the longest most fulfilling lives are always reinventing themselves. Who cares if someone is ahead of you? Way pavers are ahead of you. 

10 minutes ago, Orb said:

Ive never told ANYONE the deep desires within me, to bring em out is too embarrassing for me, I cant do it. 

Yes you can. Send me a PM then. OR if you can't, at least write it down in a notebook. 

11 minutes ago, Orb said:

So my time invested in real estate is a waste? Am I gonna be miserable doing real estate as well?

Nothing is a wasted. Everything is clarifying. Why do you think monks makes sand mandalas? Maybe real estate is your sand mandala. Your sand castle. Everything we build is. Everything turns to ruins and this is beautiful. This whole place is your etch a sketch. 


13 minutes ago, Orb said:

Im freaking out now. 

Deep breath. Belly breath. What problem do you have right freaking now? You have a job. You have a mom who loves you and wants you to be happy more she wants you to be do or have anything specific. You have plenty of others who feel the same. And YOU deserve to align with that. You are worthy of that. You know no embarrassment, only the unveiling of your own light. 

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3 hours ago, Orb said:

@Phil  but what you teach should be reflected in how you live your life. If youre living a life thats incongruent with what you say, isnt that deluding oneself and others?

The “teaching” is that you are the creator of your reality.

And the reply to that is what that someone else, a teacher, should do. 

“The teacher” is included in your reality, which you are the creator of. 

The expectation that vibrational beings be perfect can never be met, because all there is is perfection already. Perfection which is not per se found in thoughts, perfection which is being “thoughts”. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


I dont want to hold anything as a belief, if I accept LOA then it will only be a belief system,

That is a belief. Accepting loa is accepting you are creating via attracting. There’s no more shoulding on yourself, no more judging separate selves, no more blaming the world, etc. 

But you say & believe x, y & z… and it is so…  as in, that is your experience. 

The first of the four noble truths is that there is suffering. 


3 hours ago, Orb said:


I dont want to spend my life only thinking positively and believing in LOA. I want freedom from all the beliefs, I want silence.


Im pretty sure im denying Truth or I dont even know, what I do know is I cant blindly believe in something. 

That isn’t possible even if it was desired because awareness is aware of thought, perception & sensation… there is no ‘thinker’. That there is, is a belief. Evidently you can blindly believe in some thing. 🫢

3 hours ago, Orb said:

This is nice, but I can only hold that as a belief, I want to see that and not just believe it, its very frustrating. 

If letting go is desired, start with “it’s frustrating”. Recognize the first of the four noble truths.

Recognition frustration is emotional guidance, with respect to thoughts. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


I dont know how to let go, when im meditating thoughts arise and leave on their own, Im not doing anything.

More earnest expression / expressive journaling. Anger & blame etc because of something else or someone else is perfectly fine in my book. There’s a season for everything. Is guidance felt with respect to thoughts is better. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:

Once again I dont know how to let go. 

The four meditations / readings of the Mental & Emotional Equanimity section. Take note of the emotional scale & expressive journaling tools with that section. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


I dont know how to do this, if I could do it i'd do it right now. I want the relief now, I dont want to meditate for months/years, I want to get out of this rut now. 

Notice there… how… and then what. 

Similarly… notice focus upon what I do want, and then focus upon the absence of it. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


Every spiritual practice is still something that takes months/years to see the fruits of. I dont want to do work, I also dont want to do the spiritual work, this is whats driving me crazy. 

No it isn’t. No it doesn’t. Yes you do & yes you do. It isn’t work. It’s “work”. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


I wake up every day not wanting to do anything, but everything must be done for a long time to see the fruits of it, I can barely brush me teeth in the morning. 

There’s only one day, today. There is a thought about a separate self and days. This is the spiritual insight of Groundhog’s Day. That Bill Murray is in it is just a lux icing on the cake. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


I get it if you got multiple sources of income and you wanna charge a couple bucks for this stuff. But if youre charging 1000s of dollars (like in the 10,000s) for some seminar what the hell?!

More shoulds.

Jealousy, also emotional guidance… for a creator. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


As vibration, none of us are perfect beings. As that which is vibrationally appearing, there is only perfection. 

If that which is real, infinite unconditional love, appears as reality… because infinite can not know finite… the appearance will say… there is no ‘real’ magic. 


I dont understand this.

There aren’t separate selves. “It” is aaaalllllll vibration. There are no separate objects or things. 

There are vibrational appearances called “thoughts”, about there being, “things”. 


If infinite could know finite, that would mean there is finite, and that would mean there is not, infinite. 


If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? 


3 hours ago, Orb said:


Why couldnt she just word it like how you did, whyd she make it so vague?

Im being petty right now. 


I get that, but it just makes me mad. 


It seems unfair to me that someone who was already rich and had everything taken care of luckily came into contact with abraham. Like how come some homeless guy wasnt lucky enough to channel abraham. 

You believe in luck. 

3 hours ago, Orb said:


How can someone whos always been rich give people advice who are suicidal,lost,confused,etc.?

You prefer they didn’t? 

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@Phil I'm feeling better.


ive allowed what i reaaaallly want and thinking about it in a positive light is easy, it feels so good. 


feels like home.


thanks to all of you ❤️

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Aware Wolf Thanks for the post! 


I will say the biggest lessons im learning right now in my life are:


-Life/Source is the real teacher at the end of the day.

-Its all about taking pieces from what people are sharing, combining em, and adding a little unique spin to it all.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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8 hours ago, Mandy said:

@nurthur11 Not really a less or more thing, but a sinking into itself, coming home to itself. Desire desire, be aware of being aware. The eternal Now, the sense I Am, whatever pointer floats your boat. 🙂 Just as long as it's not a cruise ship because Orb doesn't like them. (kidding) 

So it is really about being aware of being aware. In your experience: do you have to be aware of the feeling of being aware or just the fact that you are aware? Is there pro's and con's in regards to pointers?

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