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How do I Focus?


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Really wondering how. 


Was pondering on the root of nicotine addiction, and as disappointed as I was (lol) the answer was focus.


How do I focus on other things and not nicotine?


Give me the steps and Ill follow them!


I think understanding focus is a gamechanger.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Been thinking about it also recently...

I think there's no such thing really is focus. Really, like in direct experience it has always just been perceptions and concepts that arise at the right time and resonate. Focus is clarity. If you are experiencing good thoughts then it is easy to focus on them per se, it just naturally attracts it.

It is good to express and then naturally you get closer to the truth of what you want to focus on, respecting how you feel along that journaling (could illuminate on whether you're trying to prove something/ to be right, or whether you prefer to move on/inwards to purely feeling)

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Forget about how, wonder about what is 🙂


Yeah, focus is everything, meditation and dreamboard really help in this regard. Meditation is for building the space between thinking, so you can see a choice to focus on deep breathing rather than engaging in thinking and reacting. What is focus?

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@Orbi also would really like to have a better understanding on how to focus. My idea is that you have to put your mind in the things you want to focus on for an extended period. 

@Philmy idea of equanimity is when i let go of trying or defending. What would you say that equanimity is? 

@Dimawhen you say wonder about is - do you mean like being mindfulness? Things are passing by and you are the observer. If this is it then i agree with you - it is very underestimated. 

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It can run a bit deeper as well, and has a lot to do with what we’ve learned from the experiences, relationships and events experienced. How we ‘filed things away’ can leave us clinging to some people & relationships while averting away from others without clearly seeing why and aligning with source instead. Exploring acceptance & forgiveness, and understanding therein results in equanimity which is the ‘clearing of the lens’ of focus. 


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4 hours ago, Phil said:


It can run a bit deeper as well, and has a lot to do with what we’ve learned from the experiences, relationships and events experienced. How we ‘filed things away’ can leave us clinging to some people & relationships while averting away from others without clearly seeing why and aligning with source instead. Exploring acceptance & forgiveness, and understanding therein results in equanimity which is the ‘clearing of the lens’ of focus. 


@PhilDo you know how i start disliking my people? I will tell you. So there are thoughts that make me hate myself or hate my people who are bigger than me. So i am in a conflict. To become big i know what i have to do but i cant do it because i am not made for those things. I cant handle it. So normally I should let it to the end but i interrupt it. So i lose equanimity. Does this make sense? 

This paragraph is a good case of what i am trying to explain. 

I should be able to start small and become big if i deserve it right? It doesnt have to be either or? 

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I realize I’m coming in bold here… but there is no such thing as a thought which could make you hate yourself. There is just how a thought feels to you, and or believing thoughts. You are yourself. There are not two of you; one to hate and one to be hated. There is the thought that there is. The thought feels as it does because of your true nature being immeasurable. 


Yes, it makes sense as in I understand, but no it doesn’t make sense, as in resonate or feel good. So, no. Unnecessary comparisons are kind of an equanimity zapper. There are only people bigger than you when the thoughts that you are a person are believed. Bring awareness to comparative thoughts, and let them go, and apply appreciation for all sizes. Also notice you are not in the thought, there is just a thought, about a you. You’re awareness, aware of, the thoughts. The comparison doesn’t actually amount to anything but discord. The appreciation changes the perspective and amounts to alignment, feeling more of the unconditionally appreciative true nature that you are. 


‘Should’ thoughts are like comparative thoughts. It seems like it’s either or, only in believing the thoughts, and appreciation of all is the end of the cycle or loop, or believing of thoughts in any specific regard or subject matter.  You are perfect how you are right now. You have always been. Comparing (in this way) is more or less judgmental thoughts, and the discord of the judgment in believing these thought is what’s felt. The discord is not because you’re too small. It is expressing, allowing, giving and also receiving the love that you are, which results in ‘bigger’, because you are actually being the whole universe. 



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On 7/6/2022 at 11:23 PM, nurthur11 said:

@Orbi also would really like to have a better understanding on how to focus. My idea is that you have to put your mind in the things you want to focus on for an extended period. 

@Philmy idea of equanimity is when i let go of trying or defending. What would you say that equanimity is? 

@Dimawhen you say wonder about is - do you mean like being mindfulness? Things are passing by and you are the observer. If this is it then i agree with you - it is very underestimated. 

Exactly, about observing observer 🙂 sorry for the late reply

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