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Does money bring happiness?

Someone here

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In our society in this era ,so much attention been paid to the ways of how to earn money .We live in a world  that depends completely on money ,and so The language of money becomes the common language that everybody learns from an early age .Many hate each other just because of money , many love each other just because of money ,and many impose themselves just because of money . Money becomes the family whereby one feels security as well as the weapon whereby he or she feels existance .But does money bring happiness ?are all rich people  happy ?


Most people assume that “things” will lead to more happiness than “experiences.” Physical objects..such as the latest iPhone, handbag, or car etc last  longer than say going to a concert, taking a cooking class, or going on vacation. Buying things does make us happy, at least in the short term. In the long-term, however, we habituate to new things and even though they may have made us excited and happy at first, eventually the item becomes the new normal and fades into the background. 

What do you guys  think about this topic ? Is the magical key to happiness is simply more money ?or is the subject more nuanced than that ?

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@Someone here material stuff like the most expensive phone or the nicest car or a villa are not important no. What's important is the freedom to unfold as a person. When you work all day everyday and you don't even have enough to pay the bills as an example and you continue doing this until you are dead can you see then how important money is? There are different degrees of this of course. Maybe someone likes his job. That's fine. Most of the people do something they hate for 45 years and before they know it they are old and their life is pissed away. Anyone that says money is not important is full of shit or has enough already like Kim Cardasian saying just work hard. No showing off and basing your value on money is not important. Money is important to unfold to your full extend as a person and to not be a slave.

Of course it's a prerequisite to think like that about money. One one hand you can use it to help others and to develop or on the other hand you could become cocky and just addicted to buying new stuff that fail to complete you. It depends on the person.

Edited by MazE
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@MazE if not all the rich are happy nor all the poor are sad , why do people spend their time running after riches and who waste their lives and their chance of welfare and happiness in their lifetime ?

Likewise :It is said that money is the root of all devils ; many envy their neighbours , brothers , sisters or even thier parents , or feel frustrated only because they can't afford all that is displayed in shopwindows . Therefore , Are we free or obliged to be rich or poor by destiny since we open our eyes in this world ? and if the richness and poverty are two exams humankind involved in in this world , which one is the best to be rich or poor ? so why we don't have equal status since it is calculated by destiny as a symbole of the almighty unknown force

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

if not all the rich are happy nor all the poor are sad , why do people spend their time running after riches and who waste their lives and their chance of welfare and happiness in their lifetime ?

Their vasanas make them do it.


"Vāsanā is a behavioural tendency or karmic imprint which influences the present behaviour of a person."

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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Money doesn't exist, it's purely based on faith and belief, and that's why it seems powerful. 


Happiness is thought of as a shallow transitory, limited state of being. This state of being is one of the least clouded "states" of being, as all states of being are actually a clouding of being. The word "happiness" can also be used to describe being before conditions are believed about it. We often believe that things and circumstances can cause happiness, because when we get what we were wanting we feel a sense of relief of thoughts that assert that what we want is apart from us. When we get what we want we aren't thinking that what we want isn't there. However the condition of having the thing is not related to happiness, not does it cause happiness, it's simply the absence of thought asserting that something is missing or wrong hat unveils Being. 


You cannot actually possess anything, this is a belief. For thought, there is money, land, and separate holders of money and land. For perception and experience and NOW here is only what is here. I don't have to pay my neighbor's taxes to enjoy my neighbor's flower garden when I walk by it. The belief in possession automatically asserts that the opposite possibility is true. "There are things I possess and things I do not possess." Then that opens the door for discontent, and overlooks that in pure love or appreciation there is no "mine or your's".


Money can bring about freedom and ease in a sense, however the true freedom and ease is already yours so intimately it cannot NOT be yours. 

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@MazE if not all the rich are happy nor all the poor are sad , why do people spend their time running after riches and who waste their lives and their chance of welfare and happiness in their lifetime ?


Then it seems that money is not the cause of happiness. The lack of it can cause unhappiness though. 

For some people spending time running after riches is what makes them happy. This Gary Vee guy comes to mind. Who is really to say if they waste their lives and their chance of welfare and happiness. We all do or at least want to do what we believe is best. My best might be different than your best. Intuition can show what is best in every moment. Or conditioning can trap you in something which is thought as best. For example your parents from a young age could brainwash you to become one of the best brain surgeons. Maybe you hate this career but you walk this path of becoming one of the best brain surgeons because you are conditioned to believe that this is what you should be doing. Maybe the people that chase riches think that this is what they should be doing. They might not even like it.


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

Likewise :It is said that money is the root of all devils ; many envy their neighbours , brothers , sisters or even thier parents , or feel frustrated only because they can't afford all that is displayed in shopwindows . Therefore , Are we free or obliged to be rich or poor by destiny since we open our eyes in this world ? 


Money is not the root of all devils. There are no devils. There is just ego doing ego stuff. Rich and poor is relative. There was this American show i think it's called sweet 16. 16 year old girls throw very rich parties and they get a car from their parents. There was this spoiled girl that for example got a Ferrari instead of a Lamborghini and she was devastated and went crazy. I have no idea what car she wanted and what she got but both were very expensive. At that moment she felt very poor i'm sure. You are already filthy rich compared to some kids in Africa. Where you are born is luck. To perceive whether you are poor or rich is a choice. A matter of seeing the glass half full or half empty.


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@MazE  and if the richness and poverty are two exams humankind involved in in this world , which one is the best to be rich or poor ? 

There is no good or bad there just is what is.

But to answer this i would say that rich people don't appreciate things easily and poor people have many disadvantages and have a harder life. Maybe the poor can grow as a person because of that or maybe his lack of money becomes a game over for example children in Africa. Someone rich could be spoiled and remain that way and never find a deeper meaning. Maybe he loses all his money one day and then he commits suicide. Or maybe he uses the money he was lucky enough to have to grow and to help others less lucky. My preference would be someone poor that became rich just because he would have the whole range of experience.

6 hours ago, Someone here said:

@MazE  so why we don't have equal status since it is calculated by destiny as a symbole of the almighty unknown force


I don't understand what you mean.

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Thanks for the replies guys !

I think The challenge with “money can’t buy happiness” is that it’s only partly correct. When we think typically about spending money, we tend to think about spending money on stuff : a new car, a new TV, the latest headphones and so on.


However, as human beings with complex brains, we also adapt to new things in our environment remarkably well over time.

That “new” TV? At some point, you get used to the larger size, the high-quality definition, the excellent sound quality, and it’s just the TV now. That “new” car? At some point, you get used to the heated lush seats, the backup camera, the great satellite radio, and the other great features, and it’s just the car now.

Psychologists call this the “hedonic treadmill” .we get used to new things, and they become “old things” and we decide that we need even newer things to replace them.

I think Another reason that buying stuff won’t make us happy is that we tend to compare ourselves to those around us  our family, our neighbors, Hollywood stars, people in ads, and so on.

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4 hours ago, Mandy said:

Money doesn't exist, it's purely based on faith and belief, and that's why it seems powerful. 


Happiness is thought of as a shallow transitory, limited state of being. This state of being is one of the least clouded "states" of being, as all states of being are actually a clouding of being. The word "happiness" can also be used to describe being before conditions are believed about it. We often believe that things and circumstances can cause happiness, because when we get what we were wanting we feel a sense of relief of thoughts that assert that what we want is apart from us. When we get what we want we aren't thinking that what we want isn't there. However the condition of having the thing is not related to happiness, not does it cause happiness, it's simply the absence of thought asserting that something is missing or wrong hat unveils Being. 


You cannot actually possess anything, this is a belief. For thought, there is money, land, and separate holders of money and land. For perception and experience and NOW here is only what is here. I don't have to pay my neighbor's taxes to enjoy my neighbor's flower garden when I walk by it. The belief in possession automatically asserts that the opposite possibility is true. "There are things I possess and things I do not possess." Then that opens the door for discontent, and overlooks that in pure love or appreciation there is no "mine or your's".


Money can bring about freedom and ease in a sense, however the true freedom and ease is already yours so intimately it cannot NOT be yours. 

What really affects our happiness more than how much money we have or make is our attitude toward money and the way that we handle it. So it is very important to develop the right attitude toward money and keep in in a healthy place.

If you stick to the belief that money directly determines happiness, you can get stuck in a cycle of constantly wanting to accumulate more. More money, more stuff, but never feeling like it’s enough.

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I'm poor as 💩 and pretty happy, so I'd say "no".

And believe me, I know what poverty is, at least from the numerically financial perspective.

 Being rich has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you have. 

I have enough money to buy fresh food and pay my rent, occasionally go out with my friends and enjoy life.

What the hell is more money even supposed to do for you? A fast car? A big house? A swiss watch? Brand clothes? Well, some of that might be fun but it certainly ain't no happiness. In fact, it might only get you deeper into the rat race of materialism, consumerism and object fetishism, all driven by the unquenchable thirst for more, better, bigger.

You wann know what that is? 

That's a recipe for a miserable, highly conditional life.

And furthermore, once you have aquired all these things, you realize, perhaps a few months or even years later, depending on how well you manage to numb yourself to the truth you're about to find out,  that they didn't bring you the happiness you so desperately sought in them. And then what are you going to do?

Well, so many celebrities who have more money than they can spend fall into a hedonic lifestyle, filled with drug abuse and frustrated attempts of finding happiness and lasting fullfilment in consumerism. In what money was supposed to provide. 

But it's the wrong cure!!! 

A spiritual hole cannot be filled with material goods.

I wonder why the begging monk is happier than Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? 

Does money bring happiness? Does it? 

Can it?

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24 minutes ago, Indisguise said:

I'm poor as 💩 and pretty happy, so I'd say "no".

And believe me, I know what poverty is, at least from the numerically financial perspective.

 Being rich has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you have. 

I have enough money to buy fresh food and pay my rent, occasionally go out with my friends and enjoy life.

What the hell is more money even supposed to do for you? A fast car? A big house? A swiss watch? Brand clothes? Well, some of that might be fun but it certainly ain't no happiness. In fact, it might only get you deeper into the rat race of materialism, consumerism and object fetishism, all driven by the unquenchable thirst for more, better, bigger.

You wann know what that is? 

That's a recipe for a miserable, highly conditional life.

And furthermore, once you have aquired all these things, you realize, perhaps a few months or even years later, depending on how well you manage to numb yourself to the truth you're about to find out,  that they didn't bring you the happiness you so desperately sought in them. And then what are you going to do?

Well, so many celebrities who have more money than they can spend fall into a hedonic lifestyle, filled with drug abuse and frustrated attempts of finding happiness and lasting fullfilment in consumerism. In what money was supposed to provide. 

But it's the wrong cure!!! 

A spiritual hole cannot be filled with material goods.

I wonder why the begging monk is happier than Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? 

Does money bring happiness? Does it? 

Can it?

The sentiment that money can’t buy happiness has been around for decades. Often, those who are struggling with their finances will scoff at it, thinking that they would be happier with more money, less debt, etc.

Don’t get me wrong ,having money is helpful. Knowing that your bills will be paid each month, that you’re working towards paying down your debts, and that you have extra leftover to save and spend can certainly reduce stress.

I think You have to be happy in the first place, adding money certainly takes some issues out of the blender of life, but without being truly happy inside the money will not solve that issue.

In my practice, people tend to come to me and say if I could only get my debt resolved and have money I’d be happy.

We resolve the debt but that doesn’t mean it makes people happier, it sometimes just is another thing people want to get done like a project.

I think The reality is that happiness is internal and comes from a deep understanding of your true self and that takes time for many people to come to terms with understanding what they need and want.

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beyond material goods, i feel money is a powerful to raise collective understandings above what would be a bunch of selfish perspectives otherwise. this is specially apparent in web3, but also happens in legacy contracts structures, where game theory shapes systems that are stronger with interests alignment at all levels. stock markets is, despite all the flaws, humanity first attempt to algorithmic governance. all systems are incomplete so i feel like happiness might only come from money when upsides and drawbacks are understood

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Attention is a weird phenomenon. Attention can be cast upon thoughts, such that it can seem as if there is a plurality of attention’s. Yet in direct experience attention can never be placed upon, attention. Just as the tip of this finger can never point to the tip of this finger. But thought makes it seem so. As if it can be. As if attention could somehow take a break from intrinsically, effortlessly creating. 


Thought can even make it seem as if attention is coming from a world. Emotions which are directly experienced… via only the believing of thoughts - can even create a belief that hate is coming from a secondary source. A world, others, all kind of beliefs. Attention, with thoughts, can get so deluded, it can seem like happiness is a thing which can bring about, me, which is being, attention. 


Looking at the dreamboard, happiness is so readily abundant. The feeling of the possibilities, the potentiality, the knowing of consciously creating, as there wasn’t a dreamboard, and there wasn’t anything written on it, and it was said it will be so, and thus now it is. It’s such a joy to appreciate what is, and to witness how what shall be works, to witness and be the working, never knowing how it works. 


Even at tension can go, in the release of the claiming of. 

And awareness is simply, yet so magically, aware. 


The tip of this finger can not touch the tip of this finger.

But why would it need to while the magic Is, and is being, this finger. 

It used to point to others and world. 

Now it rejoices in it’s own being, 

pointing at a dreamboard in a dream. 





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