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What is wrong?


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What is wrong? What is wrong? 

Growing up I always been asked this, by my parents and grandparents constantly. I believe it got me to start framing things in that way. Took a bit to reframe. Last time my grandma said this to me I asked her “Why don’t you ask me what is right?” 😄

Chronic worrying runs in the family it seems, they always seem to be in the mindset of problems that need to be fixed, and if their isn’t one relatively then they make one up. Why can’t it be a joy to tidy the house, or tend to the garden? It is an art, all of it is the practice, every action. Not saying I am a fountain of joy all the time, but it is about what is focused upon, what is being moved towards. 

I feel as if they are constantly on a downward spiral, focused upon discordant things. It seemed like a constant struggle living with them, constantly attempting to maintain a stable state so I didn’t spiral down into the same mess. 

How does one maintain equanimity well going through the motions of life? 

The master is never balanced, they are constantly balancing with what is going on.


I’d like to hear about any shifts that anyone has gone through that brought them to a more equanimous state well in action.
Is there anything you like to remind yourself of to bring yourself back into Being? 
Any quick practices, or processes you go through when you notice yourself going into a downward spiral? 
And your thoughts on how to deal with people who tend towards pessimistic ways of thinking. 

Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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Now that you mention of it, a close friend randomly started answering to that a few years ago, so if you called her name, instead of answering "what?" she would ask "what's wrong?" It really stuck out to me. 


I wonder if at some point we only feel WORTHY of people's attention if something is wrong. So we create things that are wrong, or we look for things that are wrong to share with them just to get their love/attention. But then at some point we forget that nothing is in fact actually wrong and we believe for ourselves the sense that there is something wrong and we give our own attention only to what is wrong. And that ironically is itself what is "wrong". 


We want to return to knowing that we are inherently loved awareness/attention ITSELF and therefore worthy of love. Maybe also offering people and even objects in front of us love when there IS indeed nothing wrong and no reason to do so is a good direction to move in. For example if I only give attention to my houseplants when there is something wrong with them, but they are there to bring me joy and appreciation in the first place, aren't I missing the gift that they are? 

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48 minutes ago, Loop said:

How does one maintain equanimity well going through the motions of life? 

@Loop everything that arises is perfect and fine. When this is realized then theres always equanimity. 


When there is total okayness with all the activities of thought and arising sensation, there is equanimity. 


Equanimity is what you are already. 


There's nothing that has to be done to come in contact with this equanimity, arising thoughts are made of peace, everything is made of peace already. 


Counter intuitively, the acceptance of this leads to conditioning leaving. 



51 minutes ago, Loop said:

 Any quick practices, or processes you go through when you notice yourself going into a downward spiral? 


Focusing on the breath, seeing the magic that there's no one there, only arising thoughts about a self and sensations. 


God/Love/Peace is manifesting as thoughts about a self and all of reality, this is the point. 


God wants to be "you" so to speak, why? Well because it is appearing as that. 🙂


Awareness will "wake up" and begin to naturally remember itself. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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It is certainly fascinating to pay attention to the different ways people react when you call them by name, or just say hello to them. What kind of state are they in? What are they focused on? 

Framing things as being wrong is the wrong way to frame thing 😂 , more so, why would I frame something as wrong or right? Just focus on where you want to get to, put the horse in front of the cart. Quite ironic. 

Nothing is unworthy of love, nothing is unworthy of attention. Wonderful words 🙏

Digs straight through any worry. 

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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Looking for your mind,

All you’ll find,

Is what you create,

A lens looking at a lens,

Clean off the fingerprints,

You’ll unearth, 

The dirt under,

This turf is made of wonder. 

Nothing to do,

The Earth do-s you.





Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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15 minutes ago, Loop said:



You’ll unearth, 

The dirt under,

This turf is made of wonder. 
Nothing to do,

The Earth do-s you.


We are the salt of the earth 😉.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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6 hours ago, Loop said:


How does one maintain equanimity well going through the motions of life? 


Practice. This is one area where daily life provides practice. One of my favorite slogans is "Anything that can happen to a human being, can happen to me, and I accept the reality of this."


Stoicism has a lot of good writings on equanimity. Death meditation, if it's not triggering (I just listened to a Gizmodo podcast on Teal Swan and she's criticized for death teachings which people have pointed have lead to suicide). But Death meditation can be transformative. It doesn't have to be, and shouldn't, be morbid. Instead, see how precious daily life is, and let go of the little stuff that doesn't really matter in the end. 

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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16 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

"Anything that can happen to a human being, can happen to me, and I accept the reality of this."

Good one, growing up I used to visualize a lot about growing up as another person, eventually coming to realize that if I was born as someone else it isn’t like I would do anything different then they way they already are being, because I would be them. Made me much less reactive to social nonsense, let other people do their thing. 

It is another level entirely living with someone who is constantly moving towards stressed out states though. It is hard to see someone struggling and know that you can’t help them because they believe they already have it figured out, or that they believe they need to be teaching you. 

Death contemplation is powerful, nothing really empties yourself out more. Let the grass grow itself.

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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How do I deal with this desire to help them reframe what is going on then? Build yourself up and people will see you as an example I feel, but this desire to want to help them keeps arising, but seems so futile. 

frustrating kind of loop


I suppose it is me still in the framing of their suffering being wrong or a problem. Of there actually being a mind that needs to be cleared, but there isn’t. 

Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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45 minutes ago, Eothasian said:

I don't know how to recognize god to be able to listen effectively.

First recognize the thought of something is not the direct experience of it. The thought of a chocolate milkshake doesn’t have the taste, the creamy texture, or the tactile chill of holding it in your hand… like actually directly experiencing a milkshake does. Keep that in mind - and apply it here - don’t just read this and think about it - get up and do it. Go directly experience it, right now. 


Go outside and look up at the sky.


Notice the difference between thoughts about this… and getting up and doing it…. and get up and do it. Read the rest outside.



Look up at the sky. Do you see an end? No. There seems to be a limitation to how far the eyes can see - but there is no direct experience of an ‘end’ of the sky. The empty sky is infinite. Look up again and see this directly.  This is analogous to clarity and feeling, which you are. This is also very literal, as what you are, infinite. 


Now look at a cloud. When there are clouds, does the empty sky go away? 

At first it seems like… yeah, the sky isn’t empty, as in clear, anymore. 

But then notice, the sky didn’t ‘move’, didn’t ‘go somewhere’. 

It never actually comes & goes, never leaves, and is always present no matter what appears in it. 


When a thought arises, and discord is felt… this is the experience of, a discordant thought. 

There are two way to go. The first is believing the thought is true and suffering. The second is listening to God. 



44 minutes ago, Loop said:


How do I deal with this desire to help them reframe what is going on then?

By reframing what’s going on with you, such that desire is no longer believed to be some thing to deal with. The more you appreciate and allow your desire, the more readily it is seen when another isn’t. The more you inspect discordant thoughts, beliefs, the more alignment with your desires is felt & experienced, and the more readily it seen when & how, another isn’t. 

44 minutes ago, Loop said:

Build yourself up and people will see you as an example I feel, but this desire to want to help them keeps arising, but seems so futile. 

frustrating kind of loop

Yourself is infinite and can not be built up, but attention need not be given to all clouds. 


The point of this thread is not focusing on ‘what is wrong’. The thread title is, “What Is Wrong”… you sneaky, sneaky devil. 😉 😂 People don’t typically with any consistency just walk up to happy lookin (vibrating) people and ask them what’s wrong. 

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11 minutes ago, Phil said:

First recognize the thought of something is not the direct experience of it. The thought of a chocolate milkshake doesn’t have the taste, the creamy texture, or the tactile chill of holding it in your hand… like actually directly experiencing a milkshake does. Keep that in mind - and apply it here - don’t just read this and think about it - get up and do it. Go directly experience it, right now. 


Go outside and look up at the sky.


Notice the difference between thoughts about this… and getting up and doing it…. and get up and do it. Read the rest outside.



Look up at the sky. Do you see an end? No. There seems to be a limitation to how far the eyes can see - but there is no direct experience of an ‘end’ of the sky. The empty sky is infinite. Look up again and see this directly.  This is analogous to clarity and feeling, which you are. This is also very literal, as what you are, infinite. 


Now look at a cloud. When there are clouds, does the empty sky go away? 

At first it seems like… yeah, the sky isn’t empty, as in clear, anymore. 

But then notice, the sky didn’t ‘move’, didn’t ‘go somewhere’. 

It never actually comes & goes, never leaves, and is always present no matter what appears in it. 


When a thought arises, and discord is felt… this is the experience of, a discordant thought. 

There are two way to go. The first is believing the thought is true and suffering. The second is listening to God. 


I did this and you mean the feeling of being immersed in it?

Like a supervision in which discors it happening?

Animals are good people

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44 minutes ago, Eothasian said:


I did this and you mean the feeling of being immersed in it?

Like a supervision in which discors it happening?

Just this….

When a thought arises, and discord is felt… this is the experience of, a discordant thought. 

There are two way to go. The first is believing the thought is true and suffering. The second is listening to God. 


Noticing that suffering is the believing of thoughts can take a minute to realize at first, because the discordant thoughts are believed. It will ‘click’ though. It’ll be noticed more now when the discordant thoughts arise. 

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34 minutes ago, Phil said:

Just this….

When a thought arises, and discord is felt… this is the experience of, a discordant thought. 

There are two way to go. The first is believing the thought is true and suffering. The second is listening to God. 


Noticing that suffering is the believing of thoughts can take a minute to realize at first, because the discordant thoughts are believed. It will ‘click’ though. It’ll be noticed more now when the discordant thoughts arise. 

Thank you

Animals are good people

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

By reframing what’s going on with you, such that desire is no longer believed to be some thing to deal with. The more you appreciate and allow your desire, the more readily it is seen when another isn’t. The more you inspect discordant thoughts, beliefs, the more alignment with your desires is felt & experienced, and the more readily it seen when & how, another isn’t. 

Yourself is infinite and can not be built up, but attention need not be given to all clouds. 


Just be what I am.


There seems to be a belief that I cannot express myself towards my family because I think they are lost, emotionally disturbed all the time. It is frustrating to deal with someone getting frustrated by every little thing, transference. 

It used to feel like I would have to build state all the time, clear the mind, the heart just wants to jump into it in a sense, enjoy it, whatever it is. 


It unravels itself. 

2 hours ago, Phil said:

The point of this thread is not focusing on ‘what is wrong’. The thread title is, “What Is Wrong”… you sneaky, sneaky devil. 😉 😂 



What is wrongness? 



It feel like I am looking through a foggy lens lately. Trying to clean it, my breath just fogs it up again. 

Basking in Light, trying to wrap your head around it just gives you a migraine. Just Basking. 


2 hours ago, Phil said:

People don’t typically with any consistency just walk up to happy lookin (vibrating) people and ask them what’s wrong. 



My mother once told me she was afraid of happy looking people, that they are faking it.

I don’t tend towards looking like a happy person, I find it hard it feel like I am making it up. 

 Framed in a wrongness paradigm 🙃

I can be happy, I create my own happiness. 
I don’t need others to be happy to create it for me. 

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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